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I have been thinking about the upcoming winter season and my mental health. I started “comfort decorating”.... bringing out items that bring me joy. I love clear twinkle lights... I have put a few strands in unique places... on a bookshelf, across my desk, etc... they are very warm and cozy... I look forward to plugging them in each day! I also bought a few scented jar candles.

I started watching videos on YouTube from Little Poet. This lady is amazing. She is 65... had to completely start her life over 7 years ago with no money, no job. She has some great ideas about dealing with all kinds of issues. She is definitely into comfort decorating. I got the the clear twinkle lights idea from her. You might really enjoy watching her videos. They are sincere.

How large is your jewelry supply stash? LOL

I have quite a bit, even with selling pieces. I have tons!

We always see something else to buy! What are your favorite gemstones?

I would read the Bible everyday, keep close to God so my "happiness" is not dependent on external events or people. They are fickle and offer only temporary satisfaction. When you are grounded inGod's word, it's like having a reliable and constant companion forever who comforts, guides and sustains through all of life's ups and downs.

i purchased an Oculus Quest 2 and with it, I am traveling the world.
it is mind blowing. If you get one, go to AirPano on YouTube VR . You can go to Petra in Jordan. Ride a Gondola in Venice. Greenland! Paris! NYC! And then there are games, of course.But also social Venues where you can gather your friends or family. And no masks!

Sounds fun!

Ordering my Sparkling Apple Cider for 'the shot' in advance.

Another here who has never signed up for that and never will. Loved Betty White's take on it on SNL!

If it was able to stay as originally intended, great for others. Keep in touch with family and friends. Share pix, recipes, family news, etc. Now it's just a huge waste of time and the worst for spreading lies, conspiracies, hate, etc. Yes, other ways to spread all that but it seems like FB is the worst.
In addition to seeing no need for this 'tool' I watched a co-worker skimming through her feeds when she was supposed to be observing software test for QA. No interest in work at all!
Nope. No interest in any of those 'social media' tools... Guess that makes me anti-social!!!

Have never done FB. My kids do. I can’t keep up with all that stuff.

My daughter loves Instagram!

Many people find their mood improves when they lower their carbohydrates (sugars and starches). Be sure to get plenty of protein. Our protein needs go up as we age. (The recommended daily allowance for protein, which dates from WWII, is based on the minimum--not optimal--needed for survival.) Also be sure to consume healthy fats. The brain is about 60 % fat. Avoid seed oils (soybean, cottonseed, corn, etc.). Animal fat, butter, whole-fat yoghurt and cheese are great. Some people can tolerate raw nuts, seeds, and avocado.

First of all set some realistic goals, things you’d like to do, things you need to do, or a little from both.
Second try looking at YouTube, more fun on your TV if you have access, mine is through Amazon’s Firestick. There is so much to learn, entertain you, etc.
i paid $20 for an annual subscription to Curiosity TV, so much there, it takes you away for armchair travel.
Read books that are motivational or religious, both can motivate and comfort.
Learn how to do something new, craft or language.
Set up a bird feeder that you can easily refill.
Find a nursing home or assisted living facility where you can send cards, one’s you’ve bought or made. So many lonely people.
Enter the world of genealogy, especially gather stories from your loved one and put them in a new journal, plenty available on Amazon or ebay.
I think the two most important things for me are: 1. Step outside every day, even if only long enough to just take a breath of fresh air. 2. Set goals so one day doesn’t simply drift into the next.
May we all emerge better people with the arrival of spring.

Dear Sendhelp, Good for you to get off of FB. I never had an interest in joining that social media. My older sister and brother sent me invites years ago, but I never joined. I believe my 36 year old daughter is still involved with it. Too many crazies on there. If teenagers can bully a classmate into suicide on FB, something is very wrong with it. You were right to distance yourself from hurtful people if it was affecting your sanity and soul. My social media consists of reddit and this wonderful site. Sometimes reddit is a little nuts too, but there are better subs to read that are more normal for senior citizens. Enjoy your walks! ;>)

Making time to sit outside for green time even if its just 30 minutes. Start reading again preferably inspirational or prayer books to lift your spirits. Call friends you think of often but rarely call. I have a small herb garden that I love to piddle in.
I love to cook especially soups. Learn one craft , utube is great for easy directions on crocheting. Last but not least purge a little each day in your home. Most of us have piles of something that can use organizing and cleaning.

AMEN! Nothing is more important!!!!!

No need to go to New England for fall colors. The Blue Ridge Parkway in NC is exceptionally beautiful this year, from what I've seen. Keep it in mind for next year. 😊


Sounds lovely. I have been to the Smokies in the fall.

If you like animals, and it's safe for you to do so, maybe volunteer at a local animal shelter. Exercising at home through "Silver Sneakers" is a good option if that's available to you. We have it through our Medicare Advantage policy. I haven't yet done it, but one of my friends swears by it. she says there's a nice social aspect too, because there's a chat feature for the live classes. they also have vdeo on-demand classes. Getting outside daily, as others have suggested, is a must. One of the things that most bothers me in these covid days is feeling as though there is nothing to look forward to--no travel, no holiday get-togethers, no lunches with friends. It's pretty pitiful, but my husband and I even look forward to going to the Dr. or dentist just to have some additional in-person human contact!

I recall a photo of a sign asking "Can we reboot 2020? This year has a virus!"

My daughter suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which sounds like your situation. She does better by eating healthy, getting outside more often, exercising, using an OTT light (available at craft stores and has same wavelength as daylight) and using essential oils. She is a social person but at those times of the year, she chooses her social situations carefully to keep stress in check.

I hear you, newbie, I am looking forward to a 3 - 4 hour cleaning at the dental school today.

I can understand and appreciate that doctor/dental visits can be enjoyable, assuming you have no serious issues or concerns in either case.


Both my husband and I feel the same way when you said with the pandemic, there's nothing to look forward to - I've always been a firm believer that in order to avoid depression other than exercising, it's to have something to look forward to and sometimes the planning of it is just as much fun as the actual event!

It's pretty sad when we look forward to going to the dentist. I hadn't been to any doctors or the dentist this year as I wanted to keep myself safe but after the dental office called me a couple times, I finally succumbed. Now, I've made appointments with all my doctors so I guess I now have lots to look forward too!

I can be counted among those who don't like winter, which is quite dreary and depressing where I'm living (and I plan to move to across the country, hopedly in 2021). I don't even care for autumn leaves--my favorite leaf color is GREEN. I like the late summer (such as late July to mid-September, depending on the location)--nature is reaching, or has reached, its "peak" for the year, with everything green and fruitful.

One thing that helps make any time of year less endless is keeping a brief diary. I make a note of where I went each day. Sometimes being able to refer back to this proves directly useful, other times I can "reminisce", and through it all I can see evidence that I DID get to do some interesting things during this time, even winter.


Thanks for my first laugh of the morning - "my favorite leaf color is GREEN" - LOL!

The brief diary is a good idea - I used to do some journaling years ago, (probably more like decades) until my caregiving days began to take over.
It's especially great as both memories as well as our own ability to remember starts to fade. When we'd go on vacations and enjoy dinner at a nice restaurant, I would always write down what we ordered/ate - my husband would make fun of it. Now, especially since we aren't traveling or dining out, he appreciates it!

Hi in regard to keeping a diary. You know all those little calender books we use to write down all our appointments well I have saved mine for the past 40 years! NO i am not a hoarder! But since this is the one year anniversary of my husband's death I looked back to remember all the good happy times we spent together. I also saved all the letters from 1945 and 1946 that he wrote me during WW11. I am reading them now it is helping me while I am all alone during this pandemic. I am going to be 92 next month we were together for 75 years and married for 72.


I've done the same thing with keeping those calendars and look through them to see what we've done - both good things and sad things.

I'm so sorry about you losing your husband of 72 (75) years and that today is the one year anniversary of his passing away. I hope you will do something nice for yourself in memory of him.

I just turned 58 last week but, my parent's were depression/WWII era. My mom is going to be 96 on Valentine's Day and if my dad were still alive, he'd be 98.

God bless you my dear lady and a pre-happy 92nd birthday to you! :)

There is really no such thing as "seasonal depression". this is a myth arising from the depression often caused in winter by vitamin D deficiencies.Severe deficiciencies of any kind can cause nervous system and or brain disorders including depression, panic attacks,anxiety, etc.Eat at least one or more whole eggs every day. Drink a lot of whole milk every day. eat a lot of organic berries, fruits, and veggies every wild caught salmon at least once a week and wild caught cod or shrimp at least once a week.If panic attacks and or other disorders ever do happen, take sublingual methyl B12.That will provide immediate rellief. however, a truly clean pure healthy daily diet is necessary for a healthy body, brain, and nervous system.Also, be aware that so called meds such as statins and or diuretics cause nervous system problems by interfering with the processing of nutrients in the body.Eat only real food, take no meds nor supplements other than B12.Be happy and healthy!I doubt there are any activities that prevent depression. however, i do tremendously enjoy reading really good books and then discussing them with friends.i have ordered David Jeremiah's new book Forward and Robert Jeffress' Courageous and others. also, I am reveling in Candace owen's book Blackout.I have fun talking on the phone with my son and my grandson.Also, a lot of alone time gives opportunity for increased prayer and Bible study. Life is challenging but beautiful.Love to all

Yes, it is true ; color is very important especially green. i am very blessed to live at the high end of a very long shallow canyon filld with flourishing live oaks and junipers.Beautiful lush lovely green all year round.What a blessing!Those of us so blessed should never forget to thank God every day for abundant seasonal rainsandverdant greenery. We should never take these wonderful things for granted.They are very precious.They are so invigorating and uplifting.


Need, a true naturally NOLA “seasons” story..... new boy came in late to early childhood K program; the teacher is trying to include the newbie in circle time and asks him a lowball question to answer. (NOTE: room is fully done in autumn decor)
Teacher: “Trey, can you tell me a name of 1 of the 4 seasons?”
Trey: gives teacher a hard look, remains silent
Teacher in big upbeat voice: “Theres 4 seasons, they all have names, which is your favorite, Trey?”
Trey, another hard look and says firmly: “there’s 5 seasons”
Teacher again in big upbeat voice: “Right now we’re in 1 season, do you know which one we’re in?” (gestures to room decor)
Trey leans back on his sit-upon, looks directly at her and says in big voice: “Teal & there's 5 seasons, teal, deer, quail, duck and geese.”
She flat lost it in laughter. Class dissolved into chaos.

& for those who don’t hunt, Trey was right, Teal season is early September. On retrospect his Cabelas little kid size camo backpack should have been a clue.

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