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I don’t think Sendhelp meant it that way at all. Maybe she didn’t even realize it would offend others when she typed the joke.

Be forgiving it if offended you. 💓 Duly noted but it’s over. Just let it go. No point in chastising her. It’s been addressed.

Making fun of someone's religion is not funny. Knowing that it offends people of faith and doing it again on purpose is what trolls do.

The trend now a day is that it's ok to attack Christianity, but if it was some other religion, like Islam, oh boy, that would not go down well.

Just left Walmart where a lady with a basket full of TP asked me what kind of dog I had. I said a service dog. Very rudely she yells what type of service? I said he is a BLD. What's a BLD? She asked as she is allowing my dog to lick her face. With a straight face I said "He is my butt licking dog ( BLD ). I can't find any toilet paper anywhere because of people like you hoarding the TP so he licks my @ss clean...... The cashier lost it and walked away from the register.

Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.
The pharmacist at the counter asked the older boy, 'Son, how old are you?'
'Eight', the boy replied.
The man continued, 'Do you know what these are used for?'
The boy replied, 'Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him. He's my brother. He's four."
"Oh, really?" the pharmacist replied with a grin.
"Yes." the boy said. "We saw on TV that if you use these, you would be able to swim, play tennis and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do none of those."


Very true! It takes a great actress to play a ‘dumb’ blonde!

How many brunettes went blonde? I know Loni Anderson did. Was Marilyn Monroe a brunette as well? When they went blonde their careers skyrocketed!

I have silver hair now but was auburn when younger. A lot of my dad’s family had red hair. Irish ☘️. Mom was a brunette when young.

Gershun, have you ever died your hair another color? I know a few blondes that went red or strawberry blonde and looked great!

I'm blonde. But still laugh at blonde jokes.

Apparently blondes don't get offended by blonde jokes cause they usually don't get them.😁😂😃

Hey, I just made that one up.

Maybe cause blondes are really smarter and just pretend to be dumb so others don't get jealous.

Alva, funny joke and perfect timing too!

I would love to be a stand up comic! Joan Rivers did it until her senior years! George Burns did too, along with many others.

I have tons of material that I could use! Hahaha, Some even from this forum! LOL

Some of it is starting to remind me of a ridiculous reality television show! Hahaha Oh well...takes all kinds to make the world go around. 😊

Oh, Goodie. Now I can tell my BLONDE joke.

Three dumb blondes are walking on the beach when they find a genie bottle. One picks it up, rubs it, and out pops a Genie.
"Well," says the Genie, I usually give three wishes to the person who finds me, but seeing that there are THREE of you, I can only give you one wish each.
The first dumb blonde says "I am so sick of being called a dumb blonde, and I want to be smarter".
And the first dumb blonde is now a redhead, and she is quite a lot smarter.
The second dumb blonde pops right up with "Well, I want to be SMARTER than the redhead" and there is a loud poof. And the second blonde is a lovely brunette. And she is smarter than the blonde left, and the redhead as well. With this the third dumb blonde says "Well! I am perfect HAPPY being a dumb blonde and I would like to be even dumber. I would like to be the dumbest thing ever."
There is another loud and smokey poof.
And the Redhead and Brunette look through the smoke at the third dumb blonde.......................................
who is now a man.
There! I fancy I have got myself in trouble with EVERYONE of every gender and shall put myself out for JUDGEMENT!


Amen! Jesus has his work cut out for him. Most people believe all are sinners.

Let the one who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone, right? I feel sorry for people who constantly feel the need to judge others, wagging their fingers at everyone...very sad.

Loved your joke! It was funny!

“I have not come to call the righteous,” Jesus concluded, “but sinners” (Luke 5:31-32 NIV).

Love it, ALVA! It’s a joke page!!! It’s not about being a believer or not.

Hey, good rule of thumb! Stop reading. Always knew that you were a smart woman with tons of wisdom!

Love your sense of humor! 😊


It is the joke site. Lots of laughs! Some good, some not to everyone else’s taste.

Of course this infamous atheist absolutely ADORES SendHelp's joke!
I always stop reading as soon as the self-righteous say "You SHOULD................"


This is the joke thread right?

Just checking.🤔

Needhelp you should learn to practice what you preach.

Apparently I am not allowed to have my opinion.

When someone posts scriptures and then post something like that, I think it is a shame.

Death does make you closer to God,
because now you don't exist either.

This is the twilight zone?


Totally second your comment! No harm done and Send should certainly feel no shame.

It’s great to share humor. Everyone is allowed have their own taste. Less judgement on little things is needed.

Your remark was refreshing to read, Gershun 😊.

A man walks into a library and asks for a book on different levels of noise.
The librarian says, "Sure, what Volume would you like?"

My neighbour knocked on my door at 2.30 this morning.
Can you believe that - 2.30 in the morning?!!!

Luckily for him I was still up playing my bagpipes

Yes! Gershun.
And this too:







I know you were just being "Ironic" Send. No harm done!

Dealing with an Elderly Parent's Bad Behavior -

Yeah, I should be. Just passing on published jokes from online.

Shame sendhelp

Death does make you closer to God
because now you don't exist either.

"I Run A Tight Shipwreck"

What did the cop say to his belly button?

You're under a vest.

Where did all the blonde jokes come from?

Brunettes sitting at home on Saturday night with nothing better to do.

How can you tell that a blonde has been using your computer?

There is white out on the screen.

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