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You know this was a great thread until a few people decided to start fighting and now all the good naturedness of it has been lost somehow.

Why don't you all call a truce, live and let live and stop this ridiculous arguing over JOKES! And before any of you decide to call me a religious zealot or some such thing let me say. Yes, I believe in God. I love God. I don't push my faith or beliefs on anyone on this thread or any other thread on this forum. So don't go there.

This world is rough enough with shootings and hate of all kinds without a joke thread becoming a place of hostility.

Come on people. Grow up!

Unsinkable just sunk her own ship!

Michae, you reak of intolerance for us meanies and the religious folks. Hypocrite much Mikk?

I just think everybody has a right to post what they want. For the most part.

Aren't we suppose to tell a joke here?

Well color me confused.
Mikk is unsinkable and Michea.

Some of the celebrities' eyebrows these days look like they're sponsored by Nike.

Some of the jokes poke fun at certain group and are inappropriate, those are the ones worth reporting IMO. Others are just a little too vulgar for some of us.

Eh you are entitled to your own opinion bellator but I like to think I’m blunt not harsh. I’ve got no patience for trolls who won’t go away!

You are right polarbear. And here I am giving them the attention they crave. Silly me!

worriedinCA - these are all aliases of one person trying to bait you. Same old trick and filthy jokes. Yawn...

Then why do you post them Mikk? You are the one posting dirty jokes all the time.....Michae ;)

Mikk has multiple accounts ;)

I was in OH and I was on a side road that had a big sign on a fence that said "Dead end" the other side of the fence was a cemetery.

Buzzy - come back. You're missed!

I saw a funny picture of the sign outside of a store that sells vacuums. It said, "Everything we sell sucks."

I feel bad for the homeless guy, but I feel especially bad for the homeless guy's dog. He must be thinking, "Man, this is the longest walk ever!"

I miss Buzzy! Buzzy could always make me laugh. Although, most of you are doing a good job:)

mikkimball0664 doesn't like my screen name, calling it a poor choice of words nor did the individual respond to my pm in reference to my mother being the church lady at SNL. The individual needn't have responded with so many exclamation points.

My Tweety-bird was pwaying on my computer this morning.
For the wongest time, I can't type, because he pooped on the keys.

It was the letter "L".

heres my do u know when your old well you don't know whether u need 2 pass wind or poop lol but 4 me who is much younger same applies as i have crohn's disease lol ...ohwell

dads1caregiver - funny jokes. I love them.

Smeshque: That phrase you used - "nigh unto death" is one I'd never heard before. That is so poetic and I'll have to remember it.

I was wondering why the Frisbee was getting bigger.....then, it hit me.

The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.

Did you hear about the two silk worms in a race? It ended in a tie!

John, a farmer, was returning to his house when he noticed a lot of people gathered around his neighbor's house. When he stopped to ask what was going on, another neighbor said, "Joe's donkey kicked his mother-in-law & she died."
"Wow, she must have had a lot of friends." said John. "Nope" the neighbor replied. "We all just want to buy HIS donkey."

Teacher: Jimmy, what is the chemical formula for water?
Jimmy: H I J K L M N O
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Jimmy: Yesterday, you said water was H to O.

Got this from a FB friend.  John Wayne's 5 Rules to Life . . .

1. Money cannot buy happiness, but its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.

2. Forgive your enemy but remember the b@#$*'s name.

3.Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again.

4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.

5. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then again, neither does milk.

Research has shown that laughing for 2 minutes is as healthy for you as a 20 minute jog.

So now I sit in the park and laugh at all the joggers!

A cross eyed teacher got fired because he couldn't control his pupils.

Maybe only humorous to me,
Mom was telling a story of when she was a kid, and she was sick nigh unto death, her Daddy rode a mule to death going to town to get a Dr.
When she was done telling her story I said Oh he must of rode that mule hard and fast as possible to get help, was the mule ok?
She said No I told you he rode him to death.
I thought she was just using figure of speech, but nope she was being very literal.

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