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I want to thank everyone with their kind words regarding the passing of my cat "Sara". She will be missed.

I still have my wild child "Charlie" who was a good little caregiver for his sister, I believe he understood what was happening to her. He is 17 years old going on 2. Hopefully he will be around for awhile.


Last night I accidentally whacked wee Bruce on the head, and I was soooo freaked out! He became subdued and I started to panic that I caused him a brain injury. I actually don't think the whack was hard enough for that, and he seems fine today. But I was in tears! And holding him so close and apologizing, wetting his fur with tears. And then he was pawing at my face (clawless) because he's 3 months old and he's never seen tears before. It would have been adorable if I hadn't been so freaked out.

Man, have I gotten so attached to this little guy already! I'm like a child sometimes.  I think I was attached before I even brought him home (picked him out when he was 2 weeks, but had to wait till he was old enough). He has kind of become my little fluffball of happiness since I started staying with mom, the thing that brings me joy and makes not being in my own home a little bearable.  Right now I am sitting on the bed with my laptop, and he is laying beside me with his head on corner of the keyboard.  Hope I don't need any F keys.

Dorianne, if you watch footage of tigresses with their cubs you will notice that the tigress indulges them despite bitten ears, pulled whiskers, pounced-on tail and general scrambling about all over her - until she has had enough. Then she splats the little devils, gets up and walks off.

Bruce was subdued because he thought you'd had enough. No harm done!

Ha ha! He thought I "splatted" him! ;-)

CountryMouse...That's exactly what my Mother cat of tte kittens does.She licks 'em and bite's them and they bite her and lick her and Bootsie will take so much and then she splats 'em and walks off.

What's awesome about kittens....everything new is this HUGE experience. Mom has this box room, and I really need some personal space besides my tiny little bedroom. So I started cleaning it out yesterday.  I want to set it up as a kind of private den. I think it's supposed to BE a den! Anyway, I had been forbidding wee Bruce from going in there, but now all of a sudden he's allowed....and IT'S THE MOST EXCITING THING ON EARTH! Boxes! Bits of paper and string! More boxes!! Lol. Kittens are hilarious.

Boxes boxes string boxes AND...

The Forbidden Room.


Boundaries, Dorianne. That's all I'm saying. Boundaries.

I was visiting a friend and her 5 month old kitten yesterday, it was fun to see him pouncing on things and grabbing for the fringe of my scarf, stopping for a little pat and then off again to play.

Bwahahaha! I needed that laugh, Countrymouse!

Boundaries, shmoundaries though. Little guy comes to me with massage therapy. He curls up between my shoulder blades and falls asleep while the therapist is working on my lower back and hip flexors. It's extra relaxing.  :-P

I got my cat when I realised my ex husband and I would never reconcile. He hated cats - I had two when I met him and was planning a third so go figure? Anyway, there was no one to stop me so I got her. She was a lifesaver, the smallest ugliest little white kitten that squeezed herself under my chin every night. She's not as ugly now and still squishes herself into any little space she can find that includes a part of me. She loves me so passionately I sometimes get surprised by her intensity. And she yells at me loudly all the time, only I know she can't help having a big voice, but other people think she sounds cranky. Sorry it's off topic a bit. I'm a bit lonely tonight and this topic took my attention.

@Lonelysolonely - is she deaf by any chance? My elder tabby (13) started meowing really loudly at me a couple of years ago. Gradually I came to realize she cannot hear very well anymore! I can call her and call her and she won't come, but if she sees me and I wave at her, she is right there with me. Her voice is super loud since losing her hearing!

So.....wee Bruce turned into full-on attack mode on my forearm this morning! He was relentless, no matter how much I pushed him away, put him on the floor, put him out of the room. He has learned the "NO" command when it comes to biting and scratching, but he was NOT obeying it this morning. All because I hadn't played with him yet! The little poop. HOW do young ones have so much ENERGY!? Sheesh!

And I mean....really, it's my fault because I should have brought out the toys after the first "attack," lol. He's just a kitten!

We have four cats. They all on occasion ride on his wallet
seat. We trade that it's their uber ride. My his wasn't really
a cat person but he enjoys them. A couple sit on his lap
for pats and scratches. One sleeps half the night on his bed. Our last two dogs were Jack Russell terriers. So hyper!
But for right now the cats are less in your face and quicker
to get out from underfoot. Someday I'd love to get another
dog. Maybe another cocker spaniel. 🐕 🐈

Walker....not wallet! Lol

It's so wonderful that so many on Agingcare have animals and many have new babies.
Pamzimmrrt has a new Chug puppy named Karma,Gladimhere has Ming anew Siamese kitten,
SharonMarie has Buster-a boy puppy,Dorianne has a new all black kitten named Bruce,along with her older Carmella,and Send has a new squirrel named Ratatoulle along with her Nutjob and then there's cwillie who has beautiful Willis,while Gershun has Daniel,and doodlinmama1 has Spike and Zelda has 4 cats,and I have the 3 kittens along with the MaMa-Bootsie and old Odom and Precious,my little chiweenie...They bring us all so much joy and comfort and Love.We are all so blessed!

I have Henrick too.........mustn't forget about him. I'll post a pic of him so he doesn't get jealous.

I'm sure there are MANY I didn't list with all the great people on Agingcare.
I sure don't want any of the other's to be jealous! Thanks Gershun for reminding me about Henrick.Sorry if I upset him.

Feeling like a bad squirrel parent-feeding Ratatouille rice crispy treats. It makes him hyper from the sugar. As if he could get anymore hyper. His chest and underside is not beige, nor tan, but a pure camel/caramel color.
Luckyku, do you think I should put out a bowl of water, maybe with liquid pet vitamins in it? And I must treat for fleas, already, on the porch. Getting itchy already.

If I die of the bubonic plague, lol, I have asked hubs to login to tell you all g o o d b y e !

It will be okay Henrick, I have not forgotten you!  Daniel too!

I think Cwillie has to go to the town square to see Willus, the town mascot.  Best kind of pet to have---from a distance. (joking).

Diary of a Caregiver's Kitten, Day 44. Lol.

Mom pooped herself and threw the dirty clothes (AND the incontinence pad) straight into the washer. I didn't realize it and ran the machine. I am still up - I've been so busy, I have no clean underwear for tomorrow. But I couldn't run the washer, because first I had to re-rinse mom's clothes, run a "clean wash," and then re-wash mom's clothes! Then it was safe to wash mine, lol. I still can't go to bed till I get my dang underpants in the dryer, at least.

So basically I'm awake on "cat time." "Crazy hour," as my dad used to call it. I used it to teach Bruce how to play fetch! And he actually figured it out pretty well....once he realized I'd keep throwing the toy, he came scampering back like a dog with a stick! Now he's busy killing the mouse over and over again, at my feet.

He should sleep well and not at all try to gnaw on my nose tonight. 

And I just heard the wash finish! Yay! Good night everyone!

@Dorian my cat is Siamese and not even remotely deaf. She can hear the difference in the sound of the fridge door opening to get steak out versus the fridge opening to get a bag of carrots out from the top storey of the house.

She's snuggled into the back of my knees being her usual lovely little self. Wish I could put her photo up.

There was a lovely Garfield strip, holding his paw behind his ear and saying "do I hear the unmistakeable sound of a strip of lasagne being delicately laid on a bed of bechemal sauce?" and then high-tailing it to the kitchen.

I'm not sure it is acute hearing, Lonely. I think it might be mind control?

I often put tin foil hats on my head to escape her mind control hahaha

We have two pet rats as well. They were my son's birthday present this year. I couldn't wait for him to wake up on the day, so I woke him and dragged him out of bed, and when he saw what they were his sleepy eyes lit up and he said 'my children!'

World domination mind control cat doesn't kill them even though they run around on the lounge. She never tried to kill the guineapigs either. They lived in an open enclosure on the lounge floor and it didn't occur to me that cats might like to hunt them. It didn't occur to her either!

@Lonelysolonely: yup, definitely not deaf then!

Carmella used to appear out of nowhere anytime any food source made noise....WHY do they make the Temptations bags look and sound the same as snacks-for-people bags???? WHY?

Dorianne, you are so right about the food bags. I would open up a bag of popcorn and out of the corner of my eye would be a cat :)

When I wanted to find one of my cats I would just run the can opener and he would come running. He always fell for it but then he was not that bright.

The puppy shenanigans has begun! We have our dd’s puppy staying with us for a week. This morning, along with our puppy, they broke open a large bags of top soil and it is spread all over the patio, Lol!

Very funny that. The puppies must have thought it was a bag of their kibbies.

Wondering if the squirrel will mess with the bag of potting soil still on my front porch?
This morning I looked out and was gone! The whole bag!
dH had moved it.

Lol! Send, at least the squirrel didn’t make a nest in it. We have red squirrels out in the country/farm areas of town. I haven’t seen them in the residential areas.

I started getting a cold on Friday. Today I've spent most of the day in bed, so far, but Bruce actually LET me sleep! Which is so not like him! He's never seen me sick before, but I guess he figured it out?

Kitten snuggles are the most awesome thing when you're not feeling well. :-D

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