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Dorianne....I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a rough week with your Mom.The babies,the cats,kittens,dog,birds,strays,and squirrels are my comfort too and I'd rather be with animals ANYday than people.It's so nice that Bruce licks away your tears.That's so dear.......They know when Mommy is sad and it upsets them and they just want us to be ok and show us their wonderful unconditional Love.Thank God for the babies!

Dorianne, Chloe is a sweetheart, and we have found that Chugs puppies don't walk,, she bounces everywhere! She is pad trained, but a few accidents if the pad was not close. However, she did go outside 2x today when I took her out! She is not at all shy..she plays hard then sort of passes out, and she is in love with hubs shoes!

@pamzimmrrt. That bouncing around sounds ADORABLE! Baby animals are awesome, aren't they? They're the best anti-depressant there is. :-D

@luckylu - You are right, the babies do give us unconditional love and it's soooo amazing. And I am so lucky I got such a well-rounded little guy. Playful, friendly, AND lovey-dovey...just what the doctor ordered. ;-)

Bruce and I went to BFF's for a few hours today. One of BFF's 3 cats died this weekend. They found her under the bed Saturday morning, and had to pretend they hadn't, because granddaughter was staying over. No idea what happened, but kitty was in her teens and her brain has been weird for a couple of years now. Such a sad thing. That cat was my favourite animal in the household. She always came running when she heard me come in. :-(

Anyway. BFF and I laid on the floor for awhile trying to persuade Bruce and the dog to play with each other. Or at least to get them mellow around each other. The dog is part whippet and REALLY wants a cat to be her friend. Bruce is not convinced this is a good deal.

Wayyyy up here on the 6th floor at Mom's.....wee Bruce just saw a pigeon up close and personal for the first time - RIGHT on the bedroom window ledge. His eyes were big as saucers and he didn't even move!

I bet Bruce thought it was a vulture come to get him. Keep still and it won't see me!!!!!

The wild, but tamed squirrel, named Ratatoullie, came by yesterday. He took a peanut out of the hand of one of my neighbors.Later, he came onto the front porch. I thought to teach him to remove a peanut from a small box with a lid.

He tore the box up, threw it a ways on the porch, even though he had enough peanuts!
Bad squirrel, AND he is getting fat! Mean, fat, and possibly violent!

He is due for rations now, at least at my house. I don't know who else has fed him and trained him. Only one peanut per day for you, Rat!

Well, today Ratatouille received 5 peanuts.
He splayed himself out on the porch, while purviewing his kingdom from the top of the ramp. Relaxing, his back legs shot out from under him, and he plops himself down, waiting, waiting......for his next peanut, amazingly taken from my fingers, just at the front door.
He cleans himself, scratching for possible fleas....or something.
I sprayed the Cedarcide after he left.

I love my new pet.  Should I put a bowl of water out?
What do ya think, Luckylu?

Sendhelp, maybe he's been fattening up for the winter? Wait, are you sure it's a he? And not a pregnant she???

Well, there are no ribbons or bows, his name is Ratatouille-that is masculine, and just prior to fattening up, he was really muscular and buff.  Then, I am not looking to find out.
California winters are not that harsh, wondering if there will be any hibernating at all.

Growing up, we had a cat, named Sam.
A beautiful Calico cat, whose name was later changed to Samantha when the kittens arrived.
Cannot imagine what you would do if that happened to Bruce! Lol.

I guess I'd call her Caitlyn! Bwahahaha!

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Anyway, I've seen his dangly bits. But I'd probably still call him/her Bruce, because he actually comes when you call him, and you don't wanna mess with that. :-P

Ah, this time of the year squirrels are going nuts [no pun intended]. I have a feeding station on my front porch with bird seed, a bowl of water, in the shell peanuts, and a squirrel picnic table where I can secure a non-waxed apple.

The female squirrels are through building their winter nest up in the trees and they are ready for fattening up for winter to keep warm. Oh my gosh, they are getting very possessive over the food items. Chasing each other to a point that they aren't getting much to eat they are so busy running each other off. It's like I want to yell at them "settle down guys there's a enough to go around". Nope, over goes the water dish, the bird seed bowl is now on the porch floor, and one is frantically eating the apple down small enough so he/she can carry it off :P

Squirrels normally don't have babies this time of the year. And some males don't build nests as the female squirrels will allow them to spend the night in their nests, thus more squirrels in the nest, more heat on very cold nights. The males are usually chased out at sunrise.

Now THIS is reality TV :)

FF much better than what passes for reality TV especially right now
What a good idea chasing the males out at dawn!

Yes, in reality, a very good idea. Lol.

Baby Chloe is improving after her first week with us! She is so adorable, and used her pads most of the day. We take her outside for play at least twice a day.. hoping the "lets go outside" will kick in.. but she is only 9 weeks old, and they say both pugs and Chihuahuas are hard to potty train. Wish me luck! And the teething!! OMG,, she now has two chew bones.. but our shoes and pant legs are still her faves!

Those lady squirrels sure know what they're doing!!!!

Good luck Pam! Hey I wonder what would happen if you took a pad outside when you take her out? Maybe she would associate "outside" with "bathroom"?

Well, Bruce had his rabies vax today, and I booked him for The Big Snip at the start of the New Year. He also has belly button hernia that has to get fixed at the same time. I worry about the hernia so much - it's about an inch in diameter - but the vet says it's fine as long as you can still push it back in.

He "disappeared" his harness, so I couldn't find it before going to the vet. But when we got home, I discovered it beside mom's walker. Maybe he is giving her a hint??? He would probably look adorable riding around in the basket....

We are ready to adopt another cat, a senior, to give my 17 year old cat a buddy, and a rescue cat to give a loving home. I fell in love with the most adorable sweetie on this one local rescue website and filled out the application. Also checked out the County Animal Shelter but there weren't any good matches.

Today I got an email saying the cat wants to be an only cat in the household, plus since our other cat goes out, it wouldn't be easy to kept one in and the other one out. Serious??? Really??? I never had any problem with that in the past 40 years of having multi-cats in the household.

I wrote back the reason I had interest in the cat was that her bio said she was good with other cats, and there was no mention of her being just an indoor cat. I had to count to 10 to keep from saying anything more.

Now I wonder if this is a switch and bait theme. Hope not because the website looks like they are doing wonderful work for abandoned cast. Or maybe the foster parents want to adopt the cat.

Oh well, I always believe that if I loose something that means something better is coming along. Tomorrow is a cat adoption at our local PetSmart, so maybe we will find our special someone :)

You are probably correct-the explanation for why the cat is not available doesn't fit.
So they are probably not on the up and up. Hate it when they play games.
Another poster went through this looking for a dog, and just the right dog came along.

Hope you find a kitty soon. When my 12 y.o. dog was declining, I got a 9 mo. old puppy.
The companionship and exercise kept her going for 17 years and reversed the decline!

Sendhelp, i am seeing the same thing with my wild child "Charlie", he's quickly becoming an old man cat as he misses his two housemates so much. I hope new pals will reverse his decline.

Oh, that cat rescue place I posted about on the prior page, I checked internet reviews and found the reviews were all pretty much negative. Now I wonder how many of these cat rescue places that foster cats, and asking for donations, are using said donations to pay for food and vet... and the cats don't get adopted.

Many of the reviews the future fur parents were turned down for one reason or another that didn't make any sense. Plus their application asked questions that are way too over board, like if you get pregnant will you give away the cat? Really??? And if you don't follow the procedures, like letting the cat outside, the agency has a right to take back the cat. Get real, all my cats were indoor/outdoor and lived to be old enough to go to college.

Breeders can also be difficult. My dd and sil were turned down for a basset hound puppy because they did not show enough enthusiasm for the breed??

Basset hound... You mean the dog that the cartoon Droopy is based on, where the dog talks very slowly and is very lazy? And they were supposed to show more enthusiasm for that breed?
lol Just struck me funny, Sharyn. I'm picturing this super calm basset hound dog (no puppies are calm, I don't think lol) and your dd is supposed to be overly enthusiastic about it. :-D

FF, that is very odd about the cat adoption place.  Consider adding your own negative review if you feel they warrant it.  Something doesn't seem at all right that you were denied to adopt a cat that needs a home.  Most adoption places can't find enough willing people, so to tell you that no, you can't adopt, seems really strange.  

I want to go get a kitty.  There are several great open adoption places here that I can go to and have a cat pick me out, but it's just not time yet, I have so many other things going on, but... there is no blessing quite like a fun pet for positive company. :-)  I like all your stories.  

Yes Ali, Lol!! My sil thinks it was because of having 2 toddlers. Crazy stuff and they are much better off with the golden retriever puppy. They are much better family pets.

Sendhelp, today we went to the county animal shelter and adopted a beautiful 12 year old cat, Maine Coon Mix. I was amazed at the difference in my wild child "Charlie" once I brought her home. He woke up from his old man sleep and was like a kid again, and kept looking at me like he was saying "thanks, Mom".

Freq Maine Coons are awesome! Our one feral is part Maine coon, and she is lover! I am on a Chihuahua adoption site, and we were going to apply once. They had rules such as "you must have someone home all day".. What?? How do I pay the dang vet bills?? On the plus side, Chloe found her bark today! She is so adorable and what a loud bark from such a tiny dog! She was playing with hubs and it just came out..she was so excited! None since, but it's starting

FF and Pammzi,
Congrats, so many happiness wishes for you and your pets.

My hubs has weighed in about the squirrel, a few weeks too late!


It is funny watch wild child Charlie trying to impress his new house mate [our newest cat member to the household], we named her Rosey.

Well tonight he was trying to get her attention while lying on his side in a desk chair. Then he hissed at her, then he started coughing.... well, that's impressive, son. Lesson learned, don't hiss while lying on your side.

It's been awhile since Charlie needed to impress a young lady, so he's a bit out of practice. Couple days ago he tried a Halloween stance with Rosey, but it didn't work out very well.

Aww, welcome to the family, Rosey!! That's awesome that Charlie is excited about her! My old girl Carmella is still a little POed that I brought kitten Bruce home....

Pam, that is cute, ha ha! The best part of little ones is watching their excitement when they figure out new things!

Bruce is just about 4 months now and he is going through a "fighty-bitey" stage. He is being real stubborn about it too! I try to play with him with fishing pole toys, but they seem to be just boring him now. He will attack my elbow if I'm sitting on the bed, attack my fingers any old time, and the worst is (I KNOW he is just trying to be lovey) he loves to try to gnaw my chin or nose. I can avoid the chin/nose bites most times, but his favourite time to try this is in the morning, when I'm sleeping. He gets all purry and snuggly, and then makes a lunge for my face!

I'm not sure how to break him of this, he's really resisting when I tell him NO. Hissing at him hasn't worked. I've pushed him on the floor, evicted him from my room....but it doesn't stop him from wanting to "love bite" me and play wrestle. Too much testosterone maybe? Looking forward to The Big Snip come the beginning of January, if that's the case!!!

Miss Midget doesn’t want to sleep, Mr. Tiger doesn’t want to sleep so I don’t get to sleep. Misbehaving pets are not cute at 4:30 in the morning! Tiger needs bootsie and the kitty crew at Luckylu’s house to play with.

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