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I *love* the idea of getting a dog from a rescue, but many of them have so many restrictions on the adopters. Completely fenced yard. No young children in the house that might inadvertently hurt the dog (causing dog to bite them and be put down). They need to see vet records for all animals you have owned in the last 5 years.
I get being thorough and their concern for the animals and all, but geeeeez.

And getting a dog from a rescue is more expensive than a shelter - and just like a pet from a shelter, there's no health guarantee. I paid $250 for my Corgi from a rescue - and lost her 18 months later to leukemia. I paid $65 for my dog from a shelter and had him for 12 years. Just no way to know.

I keep looking at dogs, but none are really speaking to me at this point, so while I'll probably still look at them, I don't know that I'll get one for a while. I'm going to start volunteering for the local animal shelter this weekend - taking a load of cats/kittens about 3 hours north to meet up with another volunteer, who will transport them the rest of the way to another shelter to help relieve the overflow as kitten season comes in. It only costs me gas money and I'll enjoy the ride. If I had a dog now, this would be difficult to do - he'd have to go with me or someone would have to come let him out and check on him. Now I can go and not be too worried about rushing back, because this is a rather long trip.

FF, strange what you said about the rescue not letting you have one; a nice couple we know told us the same thing about the shelter here.... how odd! They tried for several cats that were advertised, only to be told various stories why they couldn't have them. Two weeks later they were still being advertised.... the couple finally went to the big city and got one from their shelter; at least someone got a home.... but, very odd.

It is odd how picky they are! One of the shelters here even adopts out working cats. What is the difference between a working and feral? Wonder if they are still as picky then. 😼

glad - I believe a working cat is there for the main purpose of controlling rodents and other pests, but is still people-friendly. Like a bodega cat/shop cat. A feral cat wouldn't be people-friendly and wouldn't do well in a shop.  (Apologies if your question was rhetorical!)

What surprised me most about NYC when I visited was how many shops had cats!  Even the hostel I stayed in had one. 

Bodega Cats of Instagram:

I'm pretty sure I'd have a hard time shopping at a place that had cats lying on the produce, I'm not sure I'm too keen on them nesting among the chips and chocolate bars either. Hm, I guess this probably marks me as a non cat person but it's not true, I had lots of kitties in my youth. Of course they were all outdoor/barn cats. (I guess that means they were working cats lol)

cwillie - hmm, trying to imagine which is worse. A cat lolling on the produce or a mouse gnawing at it and pooping on it? Or a rat! Eek!

I tend to think being a bodega cat is a natural extension of the cat's historical relationship with humans. We came to live together because they kept the rodents out of the granaries and such.

My cats are indoor cats, and the only thing they protect my food stores from are moths and spiders!

Apparently,there is a mouse infestation at our local grocery store.A worker there found chewed through spice packets with rodent droppings around them.If Mother was still here,there's no way she'd have shopped there with ANY mice,anything.Maybe if they had a few cats,they'd get the mice.

Cats or rats....what a choice. Cat wins.

Around here lots of people don't care for cats, because they only have barn cats to control rodents. Several people I know, including my husband, finally got an indoor cat (or 2) and fell in love with them! It's much easier to discover and appreciate cat personalities if you actually live with them; we have 6 indoors, and while that's really too many, we love them dearly and it goes both ways.

Trip to take the kitties to their new shelter went well yesterday - only one got carsick and vomited in her carrier and one other had a bout of nervous diarrhea, which forced me to make half the trip with windows down - up - down - up, because it was cold and I didn't want the cats to get cold. Got to the destination and traded the cats off to the person taking them the rest of the way to the shelter, got the 2 carriers cleaned up so the kitties wouldn't be uncomfortable for the rest of the trip and then enjoyed some time taking photos, etc. Got some pictures of the blue ice going on near the bridge and enjoyed a nice whitefish dinner (YUM) before heading back home. I was *tired* when I got home!

Good of you to do that, Susan; some of us can take in rescues, but couldn't do any long distance driving for them now.

Now that we have more home support....I have to train ALL of them not to hang the toilet paper rolls! I just got back from dropping mom at dialysis and found an entire roll "dispensed" by young Bruce onto the floor.

Sigh. Heck with it, I just put post-its in the bathrooms.

I don't hang toilet paper in the holder any more. I leave a roll on the sink. Put a post-in on the roller that says DON'T PUT TOILET PAPER HERE: CAT WILL DESTROY.

Dorianne, my black cat use to bite chucks out of the toilet paper. Interesting designs. Guess he was expressing his artist side of himself :P

There were also major teeth marks on the telephone books [back when we actually had telephone books].... and he would run off with the paper coming out of the printer.

I remember once when he decided to sleep on the unlit gas logs in the fireplace. We searched and searched for him not knowing he was there. Eventually we saw charcoal paw prints on the light beige rugs coming from the fireplace. That's my boy :)

He's now 17, and finally has outgrown these traits a couple of years ago.

Lol FF - Bruce bites chunks out of the paper towel rolls, but he outright murders the TP if he gets ahold of a loose roll. Luckily he can't jump up on the bathroom counter yet.

I swear he just needs to kill something. Cat = psychopath. He's not going to be content till he murders.

Barb - post-its now in place, check. ;-)

Oh gosh - cats! My own has completely changed his personality since the dog passed away several weeks ago.

He's never been a "talkative" cat (except at night when he yowls as he prowls the house) - now he chatters at me like you see cats do when they see a bird outside. I chatter back. We have a regular little conversation going most days.

He used to bite out of spite - literally just walk up and bite you for no reason - and God forbid you should scold him or forget to feed him when he expects it - you'd wear his teethmarks for the rest of the day. And he didn't care *where* he bit you, either - he's been resting on the back of the recliner and bitten me right on the boob when I stood there petting him. (And while I stood there exclaiming my dismay over that act, he reached out and bit the other one for good measure.)
Now he rarely bites me at all.

He liked the laser pointer before, but the dog was obsessed with it and would chase it all over the place - so the cat would just perch somewhere and watch him. Now that the dog is gone, the cat bugs me every morning and every night to get the laser pointer out and play with him - even to the point of jumping on my desk to make me get it out if I don't do it when he wants me to. He *loves* to play with it at night especially, when he's more energetic. He races all over the house chasing it.

He's always been a loner. He'd initiate playfights with the dog - until the dog got older and just didn't want to play anymore - he'd bite the dog to get him to play with him, and the dog would just go to his bed and lay down, not wanting to be bothered. He even snapped at the cat a couple of times - just didn't feel like dealing with him.
Now the cat stays in whatever room I'm in at all times. If I'm working at my desk in the living room, he's there. If I walk into the kitchen to make food, he follows me. If I go back to my room to do laundry, he jumps on the bed to "help" by batting at the clothes with his paws as I pick them up and shake them out.

I miss my dog, but I'm sure glad I have the cat. He's become really good company in the absence of the dog. I'm sure he senses there's an emptiness in my home now, and he needed to fill it.

Poor Chloe had her first lyme vaccination today, and she all sleepy and goofy. The vet called to let me know she can still have Bellas heartworm pill this month, but to get her weighed again before the next one as she will likely be over 10 lbs. (9 pb 3 oz today) . She is a bit concerned Chloe is all goofy.. so we are keeping an eye on her , and the vet will call again tomorrow. Maybe need to give her a steroid before the next one in 2 weeks. Poor baby.. this is the first reaction she has had. They are splitting all her shots up due to her size... they also do this with Bella.  And she lost her first tooth!  (That we have found)

My two Siamese cats, Bonnie and Beau, got shut into a bedroom one morning while I was at work. I came home in the evening to hear loud music blasting from the bedroom. When I opened the door I saw the cats asleep on the bed and the entire room and integrated bathroom draped with toilet paper --- over the furniture, around the lamp, across the floor. It reminded me of the musical "Cats." Evidently they had chased each other around the room, stepped on the "on" button of the stereo, and pulled the toilet paper behind them as they ran. It was the music that cracked me up --- as if they had had a party while I was gone.

What a sight to behold realtime,you'll never forget that~
My old boy cat,Odom chews up the toilet paper and eats it.

Good news about my Henrick. His bloodwork had been abnormal around Christmas time but we took him in yesterday and got the call today that everything is back to normal. I'm so relieved. :) He looks just like the orange cat in the Hugs photos :)

That's downright Wonderful news Gershun!
Henrick is beautiful,too pretty to be sick.I'm so glad he's ok~

Thank-you Lu!

Gershun, so happy that your Henrick is doing well.

What do we think about treating suspected dementia in companion animals?

Is it a) completely idiotic First World self-indulgence or b) worth further investigation?

Dog has been a bit "off" for a few months but now it is getting... tricky. Eating non-food items - soil, toilet paper, soap. Going into his pre-supper routine twenty minutes after he's just had supper. Forgetting which door he came through and getting lost. Roaming from room to room instead of settling in his basket.

He's thirteen this year, eyesight and hearing deteriorating, back legs weakening.


Aw, CM...I'm so sorry.

I don't know what can be done - definitely a vet question. At some point, there's probably little they can do to help improve that - just like for humans. :-(

Your post really struck my heart this morning. Sending you hugs - I wish I could do or say something more to help.

Treat the pain.
Even though this may be his last days, his life could continue waxing and waning for some time, even a year or more. Vets say we will know when the time comes, if they do not die of natural causes, we will know when it is time to have the vet intervene.  No guilt, no regrets, you will just do what needs to be done for your dog.

There are great supplements to brighten his day, ask the vet.

Bless you and your dog.

Our vet told me this when my cat, Begonia, started to fail: Think about the things that make Begonia, Begonia. As long as she's still doing three of them, it's probably not her time.

Realtime, that's a very good thought to keep in mind. Countrymouse, sorry about your dog.

Oh CM poor Dog, he's certainly earned his keep keeping you sane the last few years. Things tend to do downhill very fast with animals so prepare for the worst and enjoy what ever time you have left with him. The Vet may have some ideas. Sorry dr herrick is no longer around. Hugs for you and dog. I do look forward to news of him.

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