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I suspect that could be the classic "men" question, too.


Our Chihuahua has the worst breath ever! Its ok for a month or two once she has her "dental cleaning",, then its horrible again. I think it is a small dog problem. Just hoping Chloe doesn't get it!! We have had some luck with "greenies" type chews.. if only DD would remember to use them!

I recommend dog toothpaste and brush, it is really weird that chicken flavored toothpaste can get rid of bad breathe but it works amazingly well and my white Shepard loves it, so easy to get her to let me brush, it's like a treat for her. So glad that you got a new family member, I feel like my third man is missing if I don't have a dog in the house.

Dorianne - this dog was already named when I got him from the shelter - and believe it or not, has the same name as my recently-passed dog. Barney. My grandson calls him Barney 2.0. LOL

Susan, decades ago I had a cat that use to do what Barney 2.0 is now doing under the blanket... that is if we are thinking about the same thing.

"Alex" would sit on the sofa like a human would, then his little paw would go where it shouldn't. He would sit there with this glassy eyed looked, and which finished would give out a big yawn. I had to laugh when my then hubby said "He didn't learn that from me !!"

FF, that is HILARIOUS!

B2.0 is doing that....but not with his paw. I only wish it was that tame. There's not only movement, there's....uh....sound effects. It's *not* nice.

What's worse is when he does it in the middle of the night and wakes me up. (He's not in my bed, but beside it, thank goodness.) Ewwww.

I expect to wake up one night and see him sitting there smoking a cigarette....

Forgive me for saying this, maybe I'm being dumb but I never thought that it was a sexually gratifying thing when animals did this but just a habit like when people crack their knuckles. Just an impulse, so to speak. Am I being dumb?

Oh my gosh, I never thought about it before, Gershun. But a quick search on Google just told me more than I ever needed to know! Lol.

I guess....why not? I recently learned that injection neutering doesn't totally get rid of an animal's testosterone off like castration does (Bruce was injected), so it makes sense they might still have some natural sex drive.

Is THAT why my "neutered" cat started spraying when he was about 5yrs old? He can no longer come upstairs, and my husband's stuff is what he sprays on.... good hubby; still loves him. So he lives down in the kennel, office, garage, spare room that has four windows to look out of, and we make sure he always has company, including us.  It's not a bad life for him, and not too bad for us, since he doesn't do it often now (was banished from the main floor when he sprayed the drapes TWICE). The good news is he's over 8 now, so I may outlive him....

A few times, my 2 y.o. female toy poodle humped and rubbed herself against my husband's arm. When she finished she fell back on the couch and panted. I firmly told her that he was mine and she couldn't have him. Since then, she hasn't done that again. I think she knows her place now.

So Mally, what you're saying is he has his own humping space..........LOL! So far, my cats don't seem to need that particular stimulation and they are both male and ten-years-old so that's one thing I don't need to worry about.

Can you see this going out in the e-mail?

"This week in the forum....the secret sex lives of spayed and neutered pets!"

Oh, I SO needed this laugh tonight! Thank you all so much for finding this somewhat embarrassing situation humorous enough to share your stories too! :-)

My little dog,Precious was too fat to be spayed,but all the cats are now.My dH said "No more kittens!"

Not within the same subject matter, but just sharing.
Went to the feed store today. I have been putting off getting more chicks because we usually incubate our own, but incubator went down. Couldn't resist today the little chicks. We need more layers, so got some pullets.
Brought them home, and as normal we keep them in an incubator in the house until they are bigger to go outside. Started doing this when my Dad was alive, so he could see the chicks, they are entertaining.
But what is sweet is that one of our dogs, he is pitbull, since he was a puppy has loved the chicks. He wants to see them as soon as he hears them. He smells each one as we hold them down to him, with his tail going. And he checks on them if they make an unusual sound.
So he was very happy today when we brought them home. He has never hurt a chicken.
As a matter of fact for a long time he had a hen as his buddy. She and he slept together and palled around. It was the neatest thing. Then we got a rooster and a female dog and they both forgot about each other.:)
Thanks for letting me share.

Hi smeshque - little chicks are SO adorable. My kids love them. Glad you got new chicks. I need some new layers too, since I lost a few to raccoons. I'm waiting for my big splash copper maran to go broody so I can get her some chicks to raise. She is now the flock leader as the 8 y.o. aging hen finally died a couple days ago.

So sweet that your dog loves the chicks. My little toy poodle would chase the hens all over the yard when we first adopted her.

polar- sorry those racoons can be trouble for chickens and gardens. We have a copper maran, they are neat chickens and shes a good layer. I hope yours gets broody soon. We were waiting for one of our hens to want to set, but none commit at this time and I ccouldn't wait. They are too cute.
We have a rooster, he is a good rooster, however I am thinking of getting rid of him, the hens are getting tired of him. Someone had given him to us so we took him. So we have been talking about keeping him or not. Hope you get chicks soon.Especially, for the kids.

New-ish pic of Bruce in my avi. 8 months old. I can't decide if he just has resting b**** face or if that's his personality.  (Edit:  I need to get a good pic with his tail.  It's ridiculously fluffy and long, and he holds it up so high it curls forward!  My proud little Leo kitten.) 

Bruce did his first leash "walk" last week. I took him to massage therapy, like I do, only without the carrier (but with harness). I was early for the appt., so I let him hang out on the side lawn for a bit (on leash, with me). Then we came back to mom's. After we got off the elevator on mom's floor, he actually walked with me, on his leash! He sort of paused at every door (it's a looooong hallway, like half a block) and looked at me, to see if it was ours, but he was actually quite happy to walk on the leash!

I need to get him out more. I bet he would eventually walk on leash - a set route to somewhere and back - if it became a routine. Maybe I'll start taking him to the mailbox, lol.

Thats great Dorianne, Bruce would love the routine walks. If people can walk chickens on leashes, I think cats would do much better.

Wait, you can walk a chicken on a leash?

Yeah, not me personally. But I seen something on chickens becoming popular pets. And some of the owners took them walking, with a little harness leash thing. I dunno, different pets for different folks.

There is absolutely no need to subject a chicken to the indignity of a leash. Pop her on your shoulder and she will come with you perfectly happily. (Best not to wear earrings. Or glasses. Or have a mole on your face or neck.)

The only real danger is that she might migrate to your head to use your hair for a better grip. In which case it isn't the chicken's dignity you need to worry about.

So.....the garden centre is selling packets of cat grass seed. As opposed to the tiny, overpriced "kits" you get from the pet store. Which is basically a cheap plastic container that you'd normally buy sour cream in, plus a couple of tablespoons of dirt and a few seeds. Four packets of cat grass seeds cost less than one "kit" at the pet store.

I picked up some already sprouted stuff (yay, garden centre!) to keep them away from the baby seedlings while I grow them fresh. I'm going to plant a "grass patch" in a proper, heavy planter that Big Burly Bruce can't knock over. Because he's good knocking stuff over!

He's really huge. How can I even explain how huge he is at 8 months? He is a full size cat already. With a big, wide chest and a giant, fluffy, curly tail. His head is twice the size of my 13-year old girlcat's. He's going to be a monster.  A monster with a giant, fluffy, curly tail.

Hm, cat grass kits. You know that a farmer sells a whole bushel of oats for only $3...

Dorianne, I tried some of those grass kits, but the cat would pull the grass out by the roots.

My male cat Charlie is now smitten with the recent adopted cat Rosey. He's 17 and she is 12. At 3 in the morning we can hear him calling for her.... with the sounds he is making I would be running the opposite direction, but she comes out of her room.

One night I heard my sig other say to Rosey at 2 in the morning "where are you going young lady at this time of the night?"

One night I told Charlie that Rosey is busy, she is washing her hair [I remember back in high school that was an excuse a lot of girls used not to date a boy].

Countrymouse- is that speaking from experience?

cwillie - Lol! I was trying to think about where to just buy the durned seeds, without having to buy an acre's worth....

FF - I've actually had better luck with regular old grass seed in a pot, but it's not working here. I don't think there is enough sun at Mom's.   I think the stuff in the kits....they just don't give you enough dirt! That's awesome that Charlie is swooning over Rosey, but......does she feel the same? Or is she humouring him? Lol!

Brucifer (that's what I call him when he's bad) is enjoying his oat grass, but he keeps leaving bits of it all over the place....he really is an all or nothing kinda guy. And mostly all.

Guard llama - Wikipedia
"Most research on the effectiveness of guard llamas has been done with sheep. A 1990 study reported that 80% of sheep producers with guard llamas rated them as effective or very effective. The study found average rates of loss to predators fell from 21% to 7% after the introduction of a guard llama. In other studies, over half of guard llamas completely eliminated losses due to predators. Dogs and coyotes have been injured and even killed by llamas"

"Well-known cheeses made from sheep milk include the Feta of Greece, Roquefort of France, Manchego from Spain, the Pecorino Romano and Ricotta of Italy" (Wikipedia)

Oops, I meant to post those over on the gardening thread... too many tabs open at once!

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