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Cats are odd little critters, and I love them too! We got our pup Chloe hoping for company for Mom when our DDs Chihuahua Bella was not here. Hoped they would be friends.. nope,, not happening. Bella hates Chloe, who wants to play with her. But our older cat Merlin LOVES her! She is so kind to the puppy, and we find them sleeping together! I would have never guessed that would happen!

Odd little critters..?!?!!?

We are Inscrutable. Is what we think you must mean, Pam.

We may choose to be magnanimous and indulgent towards the amusing dog infant, or we may wither our enemies with a glance. It is not for The Staff to question.

Took our cat Charlie [17] to the Vets to have his bi-monthly eyelashes pulled out [eyelashes are turning into the eye]... I know, ouch, but Charlie doesn't mind as his Vet and the techs are all young girls :))

The Vet asked how is the new cat Rosie [13] adjusting. Sig other and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes, and Vet said ok what's going on. I said "let's just say that everyday is a full Moon with her !!"

I wish my phone would vibrate just as Ming snuggles down on it!😈

To calm the dog's during fireworks or thunderstorms, has anyone used
T h u n d e r s h I r t s??

I've used a Thundershirt for my brother's dog during a thunderstorm. He's a big ol' baby about 150 pounds. Also, they give melatonin treats for calming.

There are hemp treats that used to work quite well for Macy. And she was terrified of storms! Zen treats by Colorado Dog Company.

Ali,glad & Send...Thank you SO much for giving me some ideas on what to do to help my Precious.She gets SO scared and shakes SO bad with her tongue hanging out like she's really hot with all these fireworks going off here in the city illegally & they make me nervous too,so both of us will just be glad when the fourth is over.

Our neighbor used the thundershirt on his dog, it worked great. Good luck

I'm in shock.
I just learned that one of the kittens I had to give away to go live on a farm with his sister too,is now a ......FATHER!.....Apparently ,he misbehaved very badly and got an all white cat that lived there pregnant because all the kittens are black and white Tuxedo's just like him. I just can't believe it.The lady and I discussed getting them spayed and neutered as soon as possible and she said she was going to and she didn't.I have the other 3 kittens..They are only a year and 4 months old and if they had any now,it'd be like a baby having babies.My SIL told me the lady was going to send pictures....I just can't believe one of my kittens had kittens,Already.

Lucky, are you too young to be a grandma? 😬

glad! Your'e right....I'm a Cat Grandma!...and no glad,I'm not too young,but my boy kitten was~

See my cat, it appears to be in jail, but I am going to bust her out on Friday, after her surgery (spaying) :(
She has not done anything at all bad yet, because she has not come home from the shelter yet.
She is about a year old, is lively, a great personality, loves to be petted. And, calls out to me, meow!
Making the house pet safe now, and already shopped for everything on the list except a cat tree with a scratching post.
Wondering how long she will take to recover from being spayed.

Funny, all this time I am looking up how to care for cats for friends online, and now, I have so many unanswered questions. Fun!

Lu will give you a crash course

Do any of your pets have "weird" tastebuds?

Now that summer is here, I've discovered my "kitten," Bruce, has a passion for watermelon!

("Kitten" in quotations because he is a GIANT now, and still shy of 11 months old!)

I will help Send in any way that I can....My babies have taught me a thing or two in the past 15 months,for sure,all but the feeding.I'm still having trouble with that.
And yes Dorianne,my Bootsie eats potato chips,Cheeze it's,and Oreo's and ofcourse all the cats Love their butter.

No people food allowed for my kitty, one year old. But cat treats, and maybe watermelons and cat grass.
Having some trouble getting the house "pet-safe".
Sheesh, it is not even safe for me to walk down the hallway, as dH puts stuff there the minute I turn around. I thought I could do it, but he is resisting helping for some reason, and has scheduled two appointments for tomorrow, plus work.

The coolest place is in the bathroom, less than 70 degrees F.  Ok then.

Cat is not allowed on the table or kitchen counters, right?

I said no, she did not do it, but will she forgive me for saying no?

This morning she is following dH around, they have already become fast friends.  She doesn't know that he will never feed her, and wants me to take her kibble away.

Setting out the kibble, measured, seems ok to me.  She is thin.

Oh Send. She saw you coming, didn't she?

Forgive you doesn't come into it. Cat is confident that you will learn.

She seems to be focused on training DH first. You are satisfactory (for a beginner) and Advanced Cat Care can wait. All in good time.

Is there any deterrent to keep feral cats from using the patio as their potty?

My mother swore by geraniums, said cats don’t like smell.

Maybe a dab or two of coyote urine? (yes, you really can buy this from amazon). And treat the areas they use with nature's miracle or bleach so they don't get drawn back by the scent.

Are you sure it is cats MsM, don't they usually bury their waste? It sounds like something raccoons would do though... do you have those there?

Cats would not do that. However, I have known some nasty neighbors to put animal waste on my driveway.

Speaking of waste.  Very happy with the "sifter" cat litter tray, and it was the budget minded choice.  Had I known, maybe I would have had many more cats, like Luckylu!

I have placed dog poop in a paper bag and left it on the front porch of a neighbor. Why? Each time they walked their dog they would cross the street, chose my rural mailbox as the dumping ground and never cleaned it up! How did I know? Snow made it perfectly obvious and seeming it. This cured the problem. 😈

My boy also like potato chips [its the salt], and anything that smells good on our plate. Right now he isn't all that interested in having wet food. He use to eat together with his sister until she passed a few months ago at 17yrs. I think he liked that food because she did. Now it is just dry food.

Oh, never give a cat chocolate, it will make them quite sick. And no milk. Milk is only for kittens and it would need to be Lactaid milk or milk one can buy at a pet food store.

I keep dry food out all day as cats like to graze. Lot of water around the house. I never use plastic bowls (plastic chemicals can ooze into the food), I use the Corelle type of bowls, so easy to clean.

My two cat use to drink water from the tap, but with all the rain we have had, the water service has added more chlorine to the water and the cats don't like that. Yep, we are now using bottled water. Not the jugs, as the jugs tend to have a plastic taste. The 16 oz bottles, instead.

My newest cat, Rosie [adopted her at 12 yrs old, still adjusting], like to have her bedding changed daily, but that isn't happening. Every other day I will refold her blanket to a clean side. She sheds a lot due to her breed.

Glad....When we were kids,as a prank,we'd put poop in a brown paper bag.light it on fire and ring the doorbell hoping the person would come out and stomp on it getting poop all over their foot,but it never worked that way.The fire would go out and just a bag of poop would be there.
Send.....We have 1 of the cat litter "sifter trays".They are the best,but expensive to buy when you need 3or 4.We'll get 3 or 4 in time though.They say you're supposed to have 1 litter box per cat,,so really I'd need 5 though.

Regarding litter boxes, one for each cat plus a spare..... no waiting :))

Most cats don't like the scented litter. Mine would think outside of the box any time I tried to switch over.

Wish I could find a clumping cat litter that doesn't stick and hardens on the cat's nails.

The light weight litter is a novelty.
But dH and I both never wear perfumes, undocumented is our choice.

Will need to look up when the stitches come out, and if we return to the county animal control for that, or use the free vet visit certificate. Timing would be everything, or it is not free. Spaying surgery was Friday.

Lol, Lol....UNSCENTED is our choice.

Auto-correction has gone blooey!

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