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FF. I know you like to turn the page and make it 100.

That was a fun game.  But it was a coincidence.

Happy one year anniversary to the very fine posters on the Caregiver's Cats Behaving Badly.!

I use a beetle kill pine litter, just a slight pine scent. Works well.

My friend came by and said that my kittens had turned into full grown cats.They will always be kittens in my eyes,even though they are bigger than the Mother now and a lot fatter too.

Beetle kill pine litter? I will look it up.

I don't know what to think about these kitty monsters that live in my house right now! ("Monsters" said with great love.) One of them, and I don't know which one, regularly poops outside litter box. The box is clean, the kitties have shared a home for 10+ years, why does one suddenly fancy to poop outside the box? I worry that I have an incontinent cat, the older one. This is fine with me... I don't care - much - about cleaning up the incidents that are happening all the time. It's easy enough to pick up after him (them?).



It doesn't even matter because they've both won me over, the little brats. We've established some precious routines that I wouldn't do without, like how Divo comes in to the bathroom to get his pets, how Delilah jumps onto the bed to get hers, how Divo will tell me there needs to be more wet food put down NOW, how Delilah is hidden somewhere, off in her independence all day, but when she's ready for cuddles then she doesn't stop with her insistence for them and she grabs my hand between her front paws to get her pets . 

Do I sound like a gal in love with my cats? I think I am. They're such brats but such good company. They're great. I think we're right around the 6 week mark...? Not sure. They're so messy and big PITA but... I'm their human slave now. Hahah. :-)

Whatever did I do without them to look after?????????? They're huge brats but I like them so much.

I think I just posted a Love Letter to my cats, lol. They're such boogers and I'm so glad to have them.

Maybe, that's a new thread waiting to happen? Love letters to our pets.

Send, keep raisins and mushrooms away from your cat too. In fact, there is a whole list of flowers online that should be avoided too. I know poinsettias are one of the plants on the list. Not sure of the others.

My kitties have their sweet unique ways too. My one cat is so happy to see me in the morning that when I'm sitting on the toilet he puts his front paws on my lap and rubs my cheek with his. Such a darling.

Lilies are the main suspects, I believe, Gershun? Bouquets always arrive with a little warning label saying "Pollen may stain. Toxic to cats."

I have to say, though. In fifty years of almost continuous cat ownership, and God knows some of our darlings were a bit intellectually challenged to put it politely, I have never yet met a cat who was thick enough to go and stick its face into a bunch of lilies. Or chomp down any mushrooms, come to that.

Cats are pretty good at knowing what's good for them. Rest easy.

Kitty got my middle finger, deep, blood is leaking out.

Send, thank you for proving that I am not really turning into my mother.

My mother would have clutched "poor" Kitty to her, glared at you, and demanded to know what you had done to upset her.

Me? Naughty Kitty! Look sorry!

Worried that I will n e v e r. be able to use my middle finger again.

Very funny, CM!  We were playing, and she won.
You are not your mother!  Someone even wrote a book about it, so it must be true, Lol?, plants....No problem. He don't send me flowers a n y m o r e .

That is why I now have k I t t y .

Ha! So the Evil Villain Finger is dead, dead, dead! Victory! All Hail Kitty the Conqueror!

Don't suppose you've got any pompoms for her to kill instead..?

My old boy cat,Odom is laying in his litter box and doesn't want to come out and has done this now 3 days in a row.I wonder why,what he's trying to tell me.I take him out of the box,but he just gets right back in.It's SO gross!

Lucky, is Odom having problems pooping maybe. Can you see if he's pooped or peed when he goes in there? Do you keep the litter boxes really clean cause cats are picky about that.

Odom, come here Odom............get out of the poop box..............ODOM! COME HERE!

Did he hear me you think?

Odom came out Gershun,so I guess he heard you but I'm sure NOT sleeping with him or letting him sleep with me tonight! He stinks. But yeah,his litter box is certainly clean.
For a while Iv'e thought Odom was getting Cat Dementia.He just hasn't been himself.
He's gonna have to go to the vet and be checked out.
Thanks for gettn' him out Gershun~

Poor old Odom. He should have his thyroid checked?

The search for just the right amount of food is still on for my 8 lb. 11 mo. old cat.
This is more complicated than I thought. Wanted to feed her kibbies, plus canned food.
She acts hungry. Very talkative. Has taken over the house, and now the bed too. We need her permission to walk down the hallway as she gets in and around our feet.
This is only day 4! She thinks she can use her claws on me! No! No! No!
CM, I can hear you laughing!

Is he too hot, Lucky? At the risk of making yourself unpopular, you could try wetting a sponge, squeezing it out very firmly, then damping him down all over. (You might want to pop a good stout pair of gloves on first)

Daniel & Henrick,
Go to sleep.

Kitty loves the tiny rubber ducky toy.
Well, last night, all night, she did.

I've been rereading Countrymouse's post from page one (Mar 2017), it may give you some insight into your kitty's thoughts Send 🤣

Yes, when I first read it back then, I thought it was so funny.

Back then.

My kitty is trying to kill me? Lol.

luckylu, a friend of mine has 3 very young cats... one will sleep in the litter box so the others can't use that box.

Have the Vet check to see if he is dehydrated due to this constant hot weather plus due to his age. My old boy [18] I have to now hydrate him, and it has made quite a difference, a very positive one :)

Sendme, ah the $16,000 question... what will this cat eat. And continue to eat the next day !!

Go to PetSmart and buy one small can of different varieties, same with the dry food. It's a lot of trial and error. I've always had good luck with Purina brand, and the cats all lived into their late teens and early 20's. I kept several bowls of different dry food out 24 hours a day as cats like to graze. If the cat wasn't a stray, she should stay slim if she isn't waiting for food to be put out each day.

There is also cat soup on the market now a days. Each packet is one serving. It looks really good and smells good, too. Check to see where it is made.

Keep several bowls of water out. That's another trial and error. Will she drink tap water, well water, or bottled water.

Good luck :)

Cat soup?? Sounds like something my old fella would like.

I woke up to a wee bit of poop on my white faux fur carpet next to my bed. It’s not a great sight to wake up to... I was not pleased but figured I would do a quick swipe-it-up clean up and that would be that. But not this time!! This time it was embedded in the fur fibers. NOT. OK. I was mad. Then I got over it and got my revenge by running the scary vacuum cleaner for a little bit to tidy up.

So how do I get this to stop..? It’s not the end of the world, I cut out a little section of the fur carpet, you can’t even notice it, but... there’s just a LOT of incidents of puke and poop, seems to me. ☹️ Eventually, no matter how much I clean up after them, I’m concerned that my apartment may smell funky. I bought some rug cleaner/freshener for pets today. And it’s really not THAT bad, just... I don’t know why it’s happening. It doesn’t happen every day, but every other-other day. I’m thinking to add another litter box but I keep the one clean and it’s a very small apartment, maybe 700 sq ft.

I heard the older one wheezing and coughing under my bed the other day. Sounded like a typical hairball moment but I’m keeping an eye on him. He seems fine, except for the occasional pukeys.

This happened to me last time I posted how much I like them on here, it’s as if they sense that they’ve been a little too pleasant and now it’s time to muck around, find some ways to gross me out. Haha. Well, the poo on the white carpet successfully got to me this morning. But I didn’t even think about hanging a “Free to Good Home” sign on their necks, and instead I thought about what’s going on in their lil Pea brains that causes them to do this wacky stuff.

Chloe is a chewer,, big time.. so I got her Kong brand chew toy,, everyone says they are indestructible... everyone is wrong. She loves that toy, carried it everywhere for the 2 days we have had it. Today I had to wrestle a piece of the rubber out of her mouth. So now she is peeved at me, and I am at a loss as to what to try next. Steel,, a brick? LOL

Pamz, my rescue mix breed a few years ago was a big chewer, Kong’s are not indestructible, I agree! There was one black, very hard rubber one (Kong brand) that you could put peanut butter etc inside of, and this worked as a toy the entire 6-7 months I had her. Also what worked for her was thick tug-of-war rope toys. That little girl could chew through a fence or a chain, lol, some dogs are really something that way! As long as Chloe doesn’t start on furniture or clothes...

She does love her thick rope toys,, and luckily they are inexpensive! She loves blankets and only goes for slippers if they are on your feet..LOL. I just worried about all her stuffed toys because she rips them up! I am sure she has very clean intestines at this point...

Ali, once upon a time I had a cat that kept going beneath the dining room table. Took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with a UTI! Antibiotics seemed to have taken care of the problem.

Maybe Odom has a UTI freqflyer...I'm glad you said that and also what you said about the water and being hydrated.Odom is VERY thirsty and he does come out of his litter box for drinks of water often.He's also itching ALOT and I remember that last summer,we had to take him in for an itching shot.I'm just scared to take him to the vet at all because I'm afraid the Vet will say "It's time" and I don't want to loose my boy.I know he's old and the Vet was concerned at his last visit about the bad Gingivitis in Odom's mouth and I bet he'll be surprised he's still with us now,when I take him in.
It's too bad that the babies can't talk and tell us how they're feeling.I wish they could.

Oh CountryMouse...Thanks a lot for the suggestion,idea to wash Odom's face and head.Iv'e done it a few times now.He does seem hot on his forehead,like he might have a fever.I know he was checked for Diabetes last year but was thankfully alright.If it's anything,I think it's kidney or Cat dementia,old age getting him.
Anyway,Thanks to all~

Zuppa di gatto...

Wasn't sure what to make of 'cat soup.' Politically incorrect thoughts about Chinese restaurants came to mind; like the old joke about the graffito:

The sign on the door says "No Dogs." Someone has scribbled underneath "not many cats left, either."

We have recently had a TV ad. campaign for soup-for-cats.

Have you all gone completely bonkers? They are selling you cat food with extra water, at God knows how much per pound. Get a grip, people!

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