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Quite the Bird Whisperer aren’t you?

I have had parakeets that got out of their cage and flew around the house. It sounds like you are much better at coaxing a parakeet than I was.

Good job, Send
what are you feeding little tweety ?

i had a parakeet as a kid - her cage was on a stand and I remember it swinging to and fro in the sylmar quake

she was a bit of a beast, she would lift her cage door and fly into the living room and sit on mom's favorite lamp shade - then she would dive bomb mom's puffy hairdo

Tweety (answers to this name), ate some premiun wild bird food, the small bits.
Tweety is sleeping now, but on the edge of a metal rack. Going to the dollar store soon, oh no.
I turned a wooden stool upside down near where it is perching, it has rungs..It is either the tiny metal rack, or larger rungs on the stool. Birdie's choice. No way to cover it....there is no cage. Had lots of birds growing up, and my brother had an outdoor avery and kept cockatiels.

Hope it's owner is found soon.

I think tweety has found its owner, Send

don't forget a mirror for the cage when you get one - they love to fall in love with themselves

Abba sings.......Money money money.......

Always sunny in the rich man's world.

...Something like those lyrics.

I was just thinking of ABBA's Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe me that I love you, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do :)

Edit: no particular personal target for this romantic pop tune, just catchy stuff that comes up in my brain from time to time

Cannot take all the credit. Went to get my neighbor, animals are drawn to her, and asked her to just keep talking. She closed the door after the tweety bird and I went inside. Then, I was temporarily locked out of the house because the sliding glass door was locked.

Sheesh, that outing must have tired Tweety out. Fluffed all it's feathers, tucked it's head in backwards. When it took the trip to the front tree of my neighbor, then came back, it's head was dirty, one tail feather was slightly damaged, and a squirrel was approaching the food where the bird was sitting, so I screamed, get away! Not exactly a whisperer here.

Glad it survived but as the hot afternoon got later, I had to do something.

Abba songs were playing earlier this morning. As background music, it makes me nervous. The bird, however, appeared to the tunes of Richard Ortega, Worship songs.

There is a new movie....anybody seen it?

It's nice you talk to cat's and possums MsMadge ~

Send...Is Tweety a boy or a girl and if no one claims it,will you keep it?

I cannot answer that, how would I even tell. You know me, I would keep it as long as it needed me. Where is that owner anyway?

Strange though, in the heat, here comes the long absent squirrel for the food.
It may never come back now.

Since Tweety escaped it's cage, does it really need need a cage right away?

So nice to see you posting on the open forum. It has been awhile, people might have thought one of their favorite posters had left.

Thank you Send...
Can Tweety talk? Or could you teach it to say a few words? And how is the owner going to prove it's the owner IF they ever come or call?

Yes, Tweety talks. It says tweet, tweet.
The place I posted the missing bird blew up while I was gone to get bird food.

Rude comments like:
"What the hell, why no response?"
"Any update on this bird?"
"Post a picture"
"It could be my Gambo"
"Oh yes, it sounds just like him"
Then, a huge crying emoji.

In what way is a parakeet just like a gambo? I cannot believe this. All of those posters were there for one hour only. Sheesh. We were out buying PARAKEET food, NOT GAMBO FOOD. I have been updating on and off all day. These people live in my city....and I am really scared now.

Send, take your post down, and look for any announcing a lost bird


You mentioned that the parakeet was banded. I am assuming this band is on its leg? I have never seen a banded parakeet. I am imagining how tiny this band must be. Is there any owner info on this band. If you have a Veterinarian that you use they might be helpful if the band is stamped but too tiny to read.

Isn't the "band" part of the bird's plumage? The only parakeets I know well, for example, are ring-necked parakeets which have a flash of red and otherwise are brilliant green.

Btw, if it *is* a ring-necked parakeet then for God's sake don't let it get away - your city's poor crows will be outpopulated before you can say "what on earth is that racket in the treetops?" See Richmond Park for their inglorious history as an invasive species.

Bands are placed by the breeder on the baby bird's leg so probably wouldn't have any owner information just year of birth and breeder info, which I think is for license purposes

Sorry, but I'm still laughing trying to picture a parakeet having its way with a crow

Thanks MsMadge for the advice to have admins on the pet site take down the post. They then reposted it as themselves as the contact. I was asked to give my phone number.
In an effort to find it's owner, dH helped make a flyer. But to hand it out is a problem for me.

The tiny band is on it's leg, I cannot read it, and catching Tweety would scare him.
It was suggested to take him to the shelter.

All my organizing efforts have been put on hold, and if I die early, no one will know where to find the 29 cents left in my checking account, lol.

Further research informs me that parakeets are fond of apples. Try sitting in a chair with a bitten one in your hand, minding your own business and paying no obvious attention to him, and see if he takes the bait. Remember not to squeal if he lands on your head.

I love, love, love cats and even more than that, DOGS!

Ok CM. An attempt at bonding with a pet I cannot keep, ok I will do it, and also read that tiny carrots and some other veges and fruits are needed. I wouldn't mind if the bird sat on my head, or prefer shoulder.

This morning, Tweety sat on the rungs of the clothes dryer rack, looking outside.
It heard a crow, and tweeted. Should I be concerned?


Can you whistle? I think it’s called the “Cat Call Whistle”? The one the guys do as the girls are walking by? In the old movies. I’ve known parakeets that could mimic the whistle.

Is that Tweety in your avatar? If so he his beautiful!

I keep thinking about Sylvester and Tweety - how does kitty like your new birdie?

With two separate living spaces, (out the back door is the screened in porch), the kitty and bird will never meet. This worked well before when my dog never met the feral cat who had kittens on the porch, and after a time, the cats were adopted out to the best of homes.

I expect he musical doors to end when the bird's owner is found. The cat has a new toy, an expensive gift, see "one fast cat" dot com. that calms it by exercising, a treadmill in a circle!

Barely, but I remember that whistle. Trying...

tweety’s owner has been found - it’s you ! 🐦

Ha ha ha MsMadge! I'm just not allowing myself to feel it. I'm not feelin' it, ya hear? Nope, Not me!

There is a pressing obligation to have Tweety's owner take him home.

Bought a white tall cage today. He's in there tonight, placed up high. Going to let him out every day....until the irresponsible person finds his bird! Lol.


One of my chickens, Dolly, was bowled over by a very handsome pheasant who visited our garden one day. She followed him round for hours looking hopeful but sad to say he did not return the admiration. Unrequited love, sigh...💔

See also Jake Thackray's song about the bantam cock.

Wondering how your pets are today, Luckylu???

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