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No more moaning at night. He still seems a little sad but nothing like the other night.

I just have to make sure I spend more time with him since he has no doggie buddies.

Not real sure I am up for adopting him a pal. But if I was it would definitely be an older dog.

The cats and I are being LA-ZY today. I seem to be using the new place as an excuse to do nothing for a bit. :-) I have a bed, a shower, a kitchen... I'm good for the moment and it's nice to see how well the cats are doing in the new spot. They were weirded out on the day of the move this past Tuesday but they got over it pretty quickly. Right now they're both in the bed with me and we're chilling out, relaxin' to the maxin.

The ringworm spot was never officially Dx'd but I can't imagine what else it is and I started treatment with anti fungal cream. It's looking much better. Old Man Cat is still getting sick every other day, despite my taking out all the fish I could see in their food. He's doing better than before I took out all the things that included fish, or fish meal, but he still has mystery sick moments. :-(

I think they've accepted me fully as Fearless Cat Leader Mom, since they didn't mind being in a new place as long as I was here to reassure them. :-) They're the best. We're having the laziest Sunday right meow. I wish all of you the same with your pets.

I had been finding things in my backyard that didn't belong to us. A empty soda can, a coffee cup, an old rag, a kitchen towel, a pair of old sock, I was so puzzled and somewhat alarmed that perhaps we had a squatter that stayed in the backyard at night.

Then my husband saw our feral cat Amber dragging another towel to our yard and playing with it.

So all this time, she was bringing us gifts.... Hahaha.

Oh. One more thing. The kitchen towel that our cat Amber brought to the yard is a very nice one with pictures of beautiful birds on it. My MIL wanted it. DH said we couldn't give her because that would be passing along stolen merchandise. Haha.

Wonder if we could train the cat to bring over $$$. Hehe.

A woman enters an airplane with her support animal today. It was a squirrel! The airline said rodents cannot fly.
I am sure that I saw Ratatouille fly from the tree to the block wall when I was feeding it. The news reported the woman said she will sue, and that she is going to own a large part of the airline.
I swear, it was not me on the plane. Haven't seen Ratatouille all summer once it got hot. Wishing that I had thought of running away with my pet squirrel....

Oh come on Send, admit it, it was you on the plane. Were you flying to Canada to see me? We have lots of squirrels here. Raccoons, coyotes, etc. etc.

Gershun...You know it~It was Send and Ratatoullie alright heading to Canada along with Tweety.Tweety is in Send's carry-on....shhhhhh~

Yeh, we have Send's number Lucky. :)

Send is a rebel

So I have this one hen. Her name is Zipporah, but I call her Zippy. Since she was a chick I have given her treats.We have French doors in the back and she can see inside and when she sees movement, she flies over the fence and comes and sits at the backdoor wanting a treat. If I go outside she follows me everywhere, so now I have to have treats in hand. If not she hollars at me. None of the others do it just her. It's funny how animals can make you feel guilty. But she is my favorite chicken. Just sharing, thanks.

Got a postcard notice from the Vet that it was time to bring old Charlie in for his "senior wellness exam". Poor guy is starting to show his age [18] big time. Seemed like only yesterday he was 17 going on 3. Those days are now history.

Charlie has become a grumpy old man, very demanding, wants things NOW, not happy if the room is cold, want cat soup instead of canned food, and will only stay outside 2 minutes instead of his usual half hour.

Now, if only I could get his housemate, Rosie, to stop sticking her feet in Charlies water bowl... she does this to get cat litter off her feet !! Of course, she won't do this in her water bowl.

FF, I *really* like the cat water fountain I got from Amazon. I never worry about fixing the water bowl, only have to remember to fill the fountain with a glass now and then.

I need to take 18 yo Divo for senior wellness exam, too... but I'm busy. It will happen eventually, but also he seems mostly fine now that I've learned his quirks. Sometimes I think he's showing his age, then he bounces back. He's the fussy, demanding one of the two I adopted last summer, though.

So...I got home late last night and there was a small dark something in the entrance to our second bedroom, which houses the cats' litter and husband's guitar practice space. To tired to see if it was a turd or what.....

Woke up this AM; it looked like a dead bird. Asked DH to check it out. He initially said "oh, that's a cat toy, or's a dead bird". (very small, clearly a hatchling).

So, we live on the second floor; all our windows are closed and our ACs are sealed. My three cats don't look guilty, nor were they playing with....the body.

Any ideas?

Barb, I came home from an evening out and found a dead bird laying on the floor of my bedroom. I lived on the third floor of a apartment bldg at the time. It was actually the night my Hubs proposed to me if you can believe that. I've often wondered if that was some kind of sign.

Mind you, my cats used to swipe at the birds on the balcony all the time so I understand how it got there. But in your case that is odd.

Frequent Flyer, you mean you don't hand wash your cats feet? What's wrong with you? Your kitties don't have thrones and tiara's? You don't curtsy when you approach them? Hmmm,........................maybe I better rethink the way I've been doing things. Maybe my cats are taking advantage of me.

Barb....I bet the little bird just flew in past you and you just didn't see it fly in,but once it was in and trapped,maybe the cats mauled it to death or it was just so scared or too far from it's Mother and still needed her and it just died.It is a freaky deal to find a dead bird in your house and not know how it got there alright.....As you know,a Cardinal flew in at our home and spent the night,but it wasn't dead and we let it out safely,but I'll never get over it.It's just not something that you see everyday.

Y'all are brats even when I am no where near the internet. But I am back on tonight.
I don't think of myself as a rebel, as I am trying to be more like Gershun.....I call it defiant. It is a good thing needed when one has to stand up for oneself.

However, I will drive to wherever to visit a friend, but not fly.
Squirrels can fly, birds can fly, I cannot. duh.

Oh Send, be careful modelling yourself after may get yourself in trouble. :P

Already in trouble.......always.
Being good can even get one in trouble.

But Tweety bird is so very happy these days. Very entertaining.

Got to hurry now, picking up dH off work now, dinner will be late, after 10mp.m.

The Old Man Cat is mildly concerning these days, nothing new, really, but...

He pooped on his chair today. It's his favorite chair that he loves to sleep on, and he pooped all over it. Not sick tummy poop, just regular. He is definitely incontinent at times then, but not always as he's still using litter box mostly, and likely it's just do to age. Otherwise he seems fine enough. I don't see his symptoms progressing and he is still enjoying his life.

Just wish I knew what to do but I don't want to get caught up in taking an old cat to the vet and treating him for symptoms that are due to him being old. So I guess for now I'll keep muttering at him when he poops in odd places.


And I'll be doing well enough to drag myself to some doctor's appointments, and I have one tomorrow, because I'm hitting a flare up of major fatigue issues. I'm not going to do anything else about Old Man Cat's issues right now unless they progress.

You would think I was made of catnip lately. Both the cats have been generally friendly towards me after the first month of get-to-know-you time passed. Ever since this move, though, it's a different level of things.

When I come in the door from work, they're usually both in the bedroom, sometimes both on the bed. They were never like this before. They want to lay right next to me, or very close by. They definitely want to sleep with me in the bed now, and they didn't do that before the move.

I don't know if they're being affectionate because we've bonded now, or if their behavior has much more to do with it being Fall here, and cooling temps, and they're just trying to find the warm spots.

I've ordered them little fluffy cat bed mats with metal foil inside so they can have warm spots somewhere else besides right next to me. :-)

I've accidentally whacked them several times lately as I'm turning over at night, and there they are. I think the best situation is that I get them off and sleeping in their own cat beds. But... it's kind of cute for the short term.

Ali....Maybe your cats are feeling insecure since the move and they feel their safest when they're close to you.
The move might've caused the Old Man cat you have to poop in his favorite chair too
Maybe they're upset because everything has changed.I know they must love you so much.I don't know how you'll ever get 'em off your bed..

Old Man was pooping in random places before the move. It's not every time but just maybe 1-2x a week.

I keep whacking them in the heads or squashing them when I shift during the night. I don't know why they're not wanting more calm sleeping space for themselves. We'll see if they take to the warming mats or not.

Today was the worst mental health day I've had in some time. The cats are very, very good for me to have around on a day like today. I'm glad they're here.

I love cats. I really love them. I feel only half alive with no cat in the house and am having to be very strict with myself about not running out to get one.

But let's be clear about how cats feel about us. Affection and indulgence may grow over time. We may even become a landmark in their territory that, in their way, they are sincerely attached to.

Do not imagine that they are snuggling up to you because you are their mummy and their protector and their nurturer. What you are in this context is a few dozen pounds of agreeable squashiness at a steady 37º Celsius, is what you are. Admittedly with an irritating tendency to move around without authorisation or warning, but they expect to train that out of you in due course.

Know your place, is all I'm saying.

All that is left at old house is vacuum, mop, broom, etc and fridge and freezer food. Got last of other little stuff this morning, including Ming and all things cat. She was freaked out with all the activity yesterday and found an empty lamp box to hide in once her favorite hiding places were moved out.

Got her in her travel crate, no problem, she liked the closeness and security of it. Got to new house and placed her litter box, food, and a couple toys in Master bath, and the lamp box too. Opened crate door, shut the bathroom door she is now in there. After awhile I will open the door to see if she feels like exploring at all.

It is almost 1 here. Laying down, I am beat. DD1 coming to help me get some boxes dealt with anyway. A birthday present, I imagine. Tomorrow,yes.

Ali I was looking at those mats for the puppers.. let me know how they work please


"Cockatoos cleverer than a child of four."

[thinks: big deal. But tell me more]

"Scientists have discovered [thinks: oh-oh] that cockatoos rival apes and human four-year-olds in their ability to invent and fashion complex tools. Austrian scientists spent years testing the ability of Goffin's cockatoos at a laboratory in Vienna. Now they have demonstrated the birds are capable of sizing up the length of a poking device needed to reach seeds through a hole in a perspex box, and then make it from a piece of cardboard."

Well! If cockatoos can make an accurate estimate and produce an artefact to specification they are doing considerably better than many adult humans of my acquaintance.

There are some very interesting articles and videos showing how smart ravens and crows are.

CM, I just read your comment about "mummy nurturer." lol The old cat insists on being in my space nearly all the time. If I'm in the apartment, he wants to be right there with me. I think it is a source of comfort to him, in some weird cat way, that he's around me. He won't leave me alone. I've tried shutting the bedroom/bathroom door and keeping him out but he doesn't like that. Could be worse. He's stretched out right here as I'm typing this, looking content. I'm ok with being their human servant - slash - warm body to sleep next to. I've started being harsher with how I get them out of my space when they're too close, and I've even said to myself that if I keep doing that (being harsh and moving them out of the way when they're too much underfoot) then perhaps they will learn to act differently. Thanks for the reminder that they are the ones training me, not the other way around.

Pamz, I think the cats like the mats well enough. They have been lying on them, but I put them in spaces where they usually lie down, so not sure if they're lying where they usually lie, or lying on the mats. Maybe both. If the mats keeps them any bit warmer this winter, I think it's worth the $10 I paid for them.

Thanks Ali, I just ordered two.. Christmas gifts for the puppers! And to cover the furniture where they like to lay.

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