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We have a piece of cardboard from an old box that we throw around for the cats. They just love it! Who knew? We used to go out and buy toys and they just looked at us as if to say "Really?" If they could roll their eyes I think they would have.

They are both eleven now and it's a feat getting them to play. Hubs is really good at it. They just want to cuddle with me. I'll take it. :)

AliBoBali, a couple years ago when my 19 year old cat "Katie" [short hair tortie] could no longer reach certain places to wash herself, I tried using unscented baby wipes. I was surprised the cat really didn't mind it. The other cats thought Katie smelled strange, but she didn't care :)

In fact, any time she thought she needed a baby wipe, she could come into my bathroom and "ask" for me to clean her.

This was good, because when Katie had a stroke, she needed me to use a lot of wipes on her.

For years I use to get the cats to move about using a white rope and dragging it behind me as I walked through the house. That got the cats attention, and they would be busy attacking the rope. My 18 year old guy will play attacking the robe as long as the rope is on a dark surface because his eye sight has faded.

Our other cat, who is 13, can't wait for when the bed sheets are washed and dried. I have a clothes-line rope that I use to drag around the top of the bed. But first I put on the bottom sheet to which Rosie will dive underneath.....

Once I get her out from under that sheet, I throw the top sheet over her and drag the rope on top of it. It is so funny, you see feet kicking all over the place. She loves this. This only works if the sheets are light colored so the cat can see the shadow of the rope. Be careful, the cat may dive at you so you need to be quick.

In Winter of 2007 after Mother broke her neck,Odom,a Tabby appeared in our garage.The temperature dropped so low and one day,Odom darted in the house.I found out his owner lived down the street and tried to return him 2 different times,but he came right back and stayed from then on,He was with me as I took care of Mom and always brought me comfort.
Last night I lost this dear old boy,3 years after I lost Mom.He was there for me through my grief and now I hope he is with Mother in Heaven.I will miss Odom who brought me so much love.I was blessed he chose to be my cat.

Sorry you lost your sweet kitty Luckylu ((hugs))


Hugs Luckylu. Sorry for your loss of Odom.

Thanks you all,I knew you'd understand.I miss him so much already.The house feels strange without him here and my husband and I feel kinda lost.Bootsie isn't looking for Odom but knows he's gone and she's sad and clinging to me.Tomarrow,we will have his funeral in the backyard.
Thank you for all your kind support.I really appreciate it.

(HUG) Lu

Lu, that stinks. I'm so sorry. Was Odom old or sick and you saw it coming? I don't know if that really helps or not, if we know they're declining. It's always sad to have them pass, no matter if you were expecting it or not, I think.

FF, you're a cat whisperer genius imo. I just now saw your comment and thought I could try the baby wipes on Old Man. He's fine with it. Who knew....

This will help to keep the worst of his funk -- which really isn't all that terrible to begin with but he's just not a clean cat these days -- to a minimum.

Lucky, I am so sorry.

I need a cat whisperer. About five minutes ago I hear her running through the house with something stuck on her. Sounded like a grocery plastic bag, she is scared no doubt. But I cannot find her. Didn't know this house had somewhere that good to hide. Will look again in a bit.

Ali....Odom died of kidney failure and yeah,I saw it coming.He really started getting worse since Christmas.

Lucky, so sorry you lost Odom.  Our fur babies are family.  Glad he chose you when you needed him.  Big hugs.

Found Ming behind the washer and dryer. Poor baby, somehow she managed to get the handle of a shopping bag wrapped around her middle. She did finally escape from the bag when I started moving the dryer out. Keep bags out of the reach of cats! She is ok, but was a bit distressed.

That reminds me of the time my aunt called my mom all upset because she had lost her cat, she could hear him crying but couldn't find him. Turned out he had gotten into the cupboard above her fridge and had knocked something over so it wouldn't open from the inside🙄

Litter tracking drives me nuts! Cat food and litter box in the same room. Decided to move food dish to the kitchen. Guess what! Not nearly the litter tracking that there was. I had to vacuum daily to get the litter up. Maybe after using the box, she felt empty, saw the food and oh so hungry, that she would hurry out of the box?

Maybe, but a mystery to me. Whatever works!😽😽🐈

Glad, I've read that you should keep cat's food bowls far away from litter box.

I guess you can't really blame them. I wouldn't want to eat my meals next to where I just had a poop! :P

Now hunting for cat's tail. It must be here somewhere!

Have a 'rescue' dog. For 13 years (who has cancer now). He wouldn't let anyone into the house, as he was so protective of me. When this happened with my Mom? I plopped him right onto the bed. Had a conversation with him. Either he accepts the new situation, she'll be staying here, or he can spend his time in the bedroom, alone. He came around. And learned to love her too.

Well I've decided the only thing that will make my one cat Daniel happy is if I surgically implant him into my stomach. Seriously.................he wants to be so close that sometimes I think he wants to neck with me. I love him and I always wanted a cuddly cat but this guy takes the cake. Man!

But he is so darn cute. :)

Gershun, you need to buy one of those baby carriers that a person straps onto the front of themselves. He would be one happy cat being in that carrier :P

I got one of those glued-to-the-hip cats, he's old so he is probably feeling unsure of himself. Just wish he wouldn't tap my face in the middle of the night.... with his claws out !!!!

Yes, FF but would I? LOL


Happy Birthday to the kitties!

Thank you Send...I can't believe they're already 2 years old and how much they've grown~
They're so fun to be with and have brought me so much joy.
Today,to celebrate.We'll sing some songs and have some special cat treats and do the Beanie Baby Boogie they love so much along with some bubbles and catnip and make it a Birthday they'll never forget.

My glued to MY hip Chug Chloe decided to sleep with Mom last night.. first time ever! She has been gone on a visit a few days, and is not doing well right now( other posts) and she was so happy.. that puppers is a heat generator and was a peach with mom, who was SO happy! She is already asking Chloe if she will sleep with her again tonight! I guess she will as we are still babysitting our DDs chihuahua, who can be a mean girl and sleeps with us too!

I revoked Old Man cat's sleeping in my bed privileges ever since I came back from a short trip out of town and found he had poo'ed all over the bed. It makes no sense except as a behavior done out of protest, because it was so much above and beyond what he's done in the past at any time, even with his mild and occasional bowel incontinence.

Call me heartless, I don't care if he did it out of agitation and missing me. He poo'ed all over the bed!! ALL OVER IT, on the pillows, on everything. I changed the bed, took away the chair that allows him a middle-step access to the bed, and I'm hanging tough with my decision... though that inquisitive look he gives me daily does pull at my heart.

Am I a mean cat mom? Probably. I'm just mad at him still. What a punk.

No poo allowed in the bed, ever.
Old man cat knows, and knows why he cannot get in the bed.

You don't need to stay mad Ali. Give him lots of bedtime cuddles, a goodnight, and a special place for him, but not the bed.

Being strict is not mean.

Mom is going downhill these days, with the back pain and the new use of the walker. She puts her pills into a med cup for the evening, and puts it out with the nighttime eyedrops. today I caught the puppy with a "baked bean" in her mouth.. how the heck did she get that? Nope, not a baked bean.. mom had spilled her pills all over the floor, and I mean all of them and the pup had a AREDs eye vitamin!! I was able to get it from her.. then paniced and swept the floor.. found all but one pill. trying to figure out from mom what it could be.. blood pressure! Mom was crawling on the floor I just swept,, all upset ( so was I but trying not to show it) Never did find the pill, but it's been 3 hours now, and we are trying to be optimistic. They give this pill to dogs, and mom is on the lowest dose so we should be ok even if Chloe got it.. Can't tell hubs unless something happens,, he will lose his s&&t ! Mom is upset ( and this is 4 years to the day that dad passed, and she had PT and not feeling well) so we had a talk about her letting us help more with "pill delivery". Adding to the joy is that when Aunt visits she keeps her pills in her pocket!! I feel like the bad guy, and they feel bad enough as they both love the puppy like she was their child. Have to find a new method going forward.. for all our sakes. Hopefully the vet is right, and that maybe the pill fell into the floor vent? Or tastes horrible?

Scary, Pam, hope all is ok with Chloe.

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