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All well, thank heavens. And tonight she left me pour her pills. I did tell hubs we need to start doing this. With out the whole story,,,

Both of my dogs fell in love with my mom. Only problem I had was she gave them too many treats and people food that they shouldn't have.

My dogs lived long lives and I adored them. Would love another pet but I can't go through having to put them down again. Plus my mother loves to find things to complain or worry about and it's just another thing to deal with and I don't need the additional stress.

I've had cats before too. Love them! I despise seeing birds in a cage or even fish in a tank. I love seeing birds fly in the open sky or fish in a large body of water. Never been fond of anything other than domestic animals for pets.

One day I went out to get the newspaper and a little dog ran in front of me and into the house and went right under Mother's bed.Mother fell in love with the little dog and the dog fell in love with her and stuck to Mom like glue,sleeping with her and everything for about a year,just after Mom broke her neck.Then the little dog died suddenly one day.
I believe that Taco was Heaven sent to give Mother comfort and help her heal and when Mother got better,Taco's job was finished.

Lu, that is a very sweet story about Taco. I'm glad your mom had a nice fur buddy during her time of recovery.

Pamz, I was upset for you when I read what happened with the pills and the puppy. It sounded like the pup was going to be ok but I imagine you were holding your breath for the first 8 hours or so.

Maybe your mom can make a change to a snap-shut pill box so that this can't happen again. But also, I was thinking about how as my dad's need for medication increased, and I couldn't trust him to be accountable for what he had or hadn't taken, then I started doing 3 weekly 7-compartment pill boxes. That way, at a glance I would know what he had taken, and if a dose had been forgotten. Sounds like there hasn't been a great need for this with mom before, but maybe now you could introduce a weekly snap box type dispenser, with the excuse that it will keep meds away from the puppy... if this seems like a good idea for your situation.

Ali that snap tops for 7 days is what she has,, actually 2 of them, She does her pills for 2 weeks. But she likes to dump the pills into a pill cup from the snap container. The past few days I have been keeping a closer eye one this, so far so good.. Now to figure out how to get my aunt to get hers out of her pocket!
Chloe is doing well.. thank goodness
Thank you so much!

Here is a picture of my Tweety bird!
Those owning dogs and cats know about the cone of shame?
Well, my hubs made a cone of shame for the overhead ceiling fan, to prevent Tweety from getting up there.

There is only o n e bird, he is hanging by the mirror on a purse strap. Very active during the time we are watching bird videos.

Wondering if the squirrels will be coming back this year. If they are not fed, they relocate. I should not feed them.

What a handsome fellow! .... or, er, pretty gal? Do you know?

Tweety is a male Budgerigar (Parakeet) that appeared on the block wall hehind my home last July.
After studying bird videos on Youtube (his favorite is "mango, blueberry, and rainbow" on teardropface), found out he is male due to the color of his "Cere".

His nose is blue.

Thanks for asking, Cwillie!

Oh how I wish I would have thought of these blankets for the cats years ago. I was using those large flannel throws to help catch the cat fur. Now I found something I just love, never been so happy over a product :)

28"x30" light weight flannel baby blankets made by Cloud Island. I have them on my desk chair because Charlie likes to sit/sleep behind me. One is on Rosie's sleeping bench. Got two on the living room sofa. I change them twice a week. So much easier to wash compared to dealing with those larger throws.

Found these in Target. A box of 4 for around $10. Different patterns. Bought 4 boxes using up my gift cards :)

Ok, I know, I am sounding like an info-commercial :P

Thanks FF, I may have to check that out. Vacuumed cat fur off couch today. It would be much easier to change out a baby blanket! Maybe some old towels would work too.

That's a good mention, FF, I'll check it out, too.

This couch I have now has a corduroy type fabric, and a baby wipe over the surface in the direction of the pattern comes away with a lot of invisible cat hair. That's a neat trick and glad I figured it out. I also bought a $20 (they have much more expensive, if you're interested) lint brushes on Amazon. I always wondered why those types of brushes were kept around in every household, ever. I ordered a boar bristle lint brush and that works very well but you still have to get after the surfaces at least once a week to keep it clean from cat hair.

A blanket covering would be helpful. Every time I put a towel or blanket down where the cats are used to sitting/sleeping, they move next to it. Must be a smell thing for them.

Calling all dog owners, ( no offence to cat owners)
If you can find it in your heart, there is this little 7 year old girl suffering from a brain tumor. She only request cards and pictures of peoples dogs. She LOVES dogs.
Please send her a card and a picture of your dog. Thank you. Please make a little girl struggling, smile. And pray for her.
Emma M
Hartland, WI

Aging Care admins will delete your post, and mine.
I feel your heart is in the right place.
1) Do not post anyone's address, no matter how well intended you are. That is done on FB, and this is not fb.
2) Do not give out names, or addresses, especially of children.

Note: I am not the forum police, but a community member who cares. In the absence of good people like Garden Artist, and others who were first defenders of the site, someone has got to step up until the admins get here. Imo.

It is a lovely idea, Smeshque, but Send is absolutely right.

I wonder if the little girl's family could set up an online page for her instead? People love dog-related sites and I'm sure she would hear from canine friends all over the world.

Maybe the cat is grieving in his/her own way.

Animals have their own way of dealings with such things.

Get a Scratchpad, Catnip, Toys and let the cat come to you. They are very finicky creatures. If you have Netflix, there is a beautiful piece, "The Lion in your Living Room."

Maybe, buying treats and place it in your [clean] hand and have the cat come to you might work?

Her address is all over the news. You can also Facebook her if you do that.
Was just passing it on. Sorry all.

I wanted to take the beautiful old cat home with me today from the petstore ,but with all the cats I already have ,I just couldn't.I know the younger cats that were there will easily find homes,but this one is old and nobody will probably want her because of it.
There's so many animals that need homes out there and it makes me so sad.
Then when I got home,I read on the neighborhood website we have here that someone is shooting animals in the middle of the day,even one's that are fenced in their backyard.,,,and that just makes me sick~who could ever shoot an innocent animal and for no reason.......
I'll be holding my babies alittle tighter tonight.

😠 What wrong with people, Lucky! Hopefully they will catch the a$$!

Ming is wacky, nutty, probably nutty. I sometimes get up during the night for a little snack of 1/2 a peanut butter Sammy, cookie and milk. Ming knows and has started coming and sitting right next to my bed, patiently waiting for me to finish. What is she waiting for? Finally figured it out. She waits for me to crumple up the napkin very tightly and toss it to her. She then will play with that crumpled up napkin until she wears herself out completely. But, the playing is so rambunctious that it keeps me awake until she wears herself out. It is so funny and better that chewing on my kindle or my hands or my arms or my legs under the covers.😄

My 3 younger cats play "rug" downstairs in their room (Yes, I said "their" room). I lay out several woven rugs to keep their feet warm on the lino floor, and they fling them to the winds - or something like that... Anyway, it's great fun for them, and they need something to do, since they never go outside. They also love a box or two to hide in, paper bags, too, and play with wood chips from the logs for the woodstove. I never have to buy cat toys, and they are endlessly entertained. BTW, I DO bring them up for several hours a day; it would be more if only the 2 boys wouldn't jump on my 14 yr old little female cat and scare her witless!

I know what you mean glad,the cats are so funny and just fun to watch sometimes.
The other night,everyone was asleep except for Lovee',my all black cat and she was having the best time,playing with a foam curler,tossing it in the air,hiding it and attacking it till she wore herself out and I just laid on the couch and kept watching her because she was so funny.

The difference between cats and dogs

A dog thinks: ‘Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me … THEY MUST BE GODS!’

A cat thinks: ‘Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me … I MUST BE A GOD!’

The Dog’s Diary
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
The Cat’s Diary
Day 983 of My Captivity
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies.” I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

Tweety-bird has a swing installed up high now, and he loves to do his calisthenics up there on a perch, a swing, and his favorite is a zip tie with the leftover hanging out-he uses this as another flexible perch. A sort of play station high up.

Problem is, we need a poop catcher. Maybe we are no longer allowed to talk about elderly poop matters for fear of offending caregivers who are dealing with it and are tired of hearing about poop. But Tweety is not elderly. But he does poop. Every 15 minutes, common for a parakeet.

We have thought about getting an embroidery hoop, add fabric, and hang it just below the new swing/perch apparatus. Changing it often, like one does with a diaper. It is close to the wall, not hanging down from the ceiling. Or maybe, just hang a Depends from the swing?

So, has anyone heard of the elder peeping or pooping in the cat litter box?

Auto correct wrote peeping, I wrote peeing.

My aunt used to let her birds out a lot, we always thought they should invent a bird diaper. At least tweety is a little bird, aunt (and cousin) had a macaw 😲

Lol, yes, bird diapers do exist! One is a little flight suit diaper, so cute!

Not happening because I was never able to handle Tweety, he will not get on my finger yet. He does come nearby to visit and talk, as close as 5 inches from my face. He looked me in the eye......he is friendly and wants to socialize, but wants to be free also.

Also, not happening, who is going to change a bird's diaper?
Guess he will continue to fling poo!

Monkeys fling poo too~

Yeah, I think I heard that Luckylu. But I have never seen it happen.

Go to the zoo and go see the monkeys and make faces at them and they'll fling it~

Tonight, Tweety was perching high up. He throws himself at the ceiling like the other night.
C r a z y. B I r d...?
No, smart bird! This time I saw him following a gnat with his eyes, and then jumped to get it!
He is my hero. That gnat has been dancing on my kindle screen for 3 days!
The gnat-mate was swimming in my grapefruit juice. Hope that is all of

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