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First thunderstorm of the year. Ming absolutely frightened. Though snow is not done yet, I am sure. After all, I just received new sweaters I ordered. We really need more snow.

It was not just a fluke. Playing fetch with Ming has become a ritual. Before we go to sleep and as we wake up. She is a complete nut. Eventually she will learn not to sit on top of that waded up napkin if she wants me to toss it again. 🐈

Gershun, that's interesting about being present for your pet during euthanasia. Seems only fair to them, from my perspective, to stay with them. You're making the choice for them to end their life so then stay with them for comfort. I never knew that was an option, though. I've yet to take my pets personally. My mom has taken some of the family dogs when they were at the point where they can't walk without pain. I wonder if she stayed with them. I'll have to ask her because I'm curious. She loves her animals, so I think she would stay with them if given the choice.

Ali, if your mom did not stay it doesn’t mean she didn’t care or love them. We are all different and all have our threshold of pain. It may be too painful for some to endure. I stayed with my cat, my choice but I wouldn’t ever expect that of everyone. Not everyone can and that is fine. I believe just like people who do not want to die in front of someone who couldn’t bear the pain. Animals will go off and hide. Animals are extremely intuitive.

I have always held my pets when they had to be put down, and at 60 that's a lot of pets. Sitting there with tears running down my face, because I felt I should be the last thing they see, and I know they loved me and that I loved them. (Tearing up here now). Could my hubs do it.. probably if he had to, but bless his heart he is always the one who finds the ones who have passed on their own. Has to take the little bodies to vet alone to be cremated and call me with the news. That about kills him . Our wonderful vet has a candle in the waiting room, with a sign that says if the candle is lit someone is passing, so please be respectful. I truly appreciate this. Not everyone can handle the end, and that's ok too

Our vet has that candle too Pam. I think it's a sweet gesture.

The last time I had to put my last cat down they had a back exit you could leave at so that you didn't have to walk through a waiting room full of people.

Sorry for bringing this topic up. Didn't mean to bring this thread down a sad path.


Don't apologize. No one minds. It’s an important topic. We all love kitties. Cats are so special.

I sure don't know where I'd be now if Bootsie and the kittens hadn't have come.
They give me a purpose and a reason to get up in the mornings and their love keeps me going all day.

Cats and dogs are the best~

Maybe this will lighten the mood. I bought a fresh bag of puppy-size grain-free doggie biscuits for my Sheltie the other day. When I opened them, one of my cats begged piteously for one. I told her she wouldn't like it but she insisted, so I gave her one. She ate it, crunch crunch. Then I gave her three of her yummy soft cat treats, which she normally loves. She tried to cover them up with the blanket as if they were poop. Bloomin' cats, lol.


That is so cute. You have a smart kitty!

Our cat is so spoiled he wont eat his cat food any more unless there are treats on top.. but he does eat the dog food. Works out OK because the puppers eats the cat food if we don't put it up.. LOL

Tweety is not behaving badly, but he is molting and not feeling his best.
Feathers are everywhere. He flies to my headboard as I am napping, as if to show me, see mom, here is one of my feathers coming out. It drops down and he watches it land. Then flys off to another favorite perch.

Yesterday, he landed on my kindle as I was playing a youtube bird video. After trillng, cooing, chirping and sqwaking to the bird, he sits there and closes his eyes for 5 minutes. He was as close as 10 inches from my face.

Maybe walking all over the screen, causing it to reset, jump around on and off, it has corrupted the kindle. But seeing my little guy so up close and personal was so worth it. He still will not get on my finger though.

Spontaneous napping is his only symptom of not feeling his best.

Sending loving thoughts to Tweety.

Love you Tweety!


He won't come Send. Tell him I sent him love.

Ok Gershun.
He is still asleep, napping. His head is screwed on backwards, tucked over his back, into his feathers. He won't fly to me either when he gets this way.

I will tell him when he wakes up.

Our love to Daniel and Henrick the cat's.....meow!

That's because your kitty is scaring him away Gershun

I'll tell Daniel and Henrick to back off.

Back off Daniel and Henrick!


Did you bring any birds home from your birding walk today?
Birding I think/hope means bird watching, right?

Yes, birding = bird watching. We used to get so many birds at sister's feeder that I didn't recognize so I got interested in bird identification. I usually try to look for something interesting during spring migration because it's easier to see before the trees leaf out.

I'm afraid I may have given some of the birds I feed diarrhea today when I gave them a bag of prunes I cut up and put in their pan.They get greedy sometimes,so some may pay~

Wow! Those big rubberbands from asparagus make a great toy! Napkins still fun, swapping out a bit. I haven't shot a rubberband in forever. Great practice and exercise. 😊

I don't have pet birds any more, haven't in decades. But we do have feeders outside the window. We get goldfinches, now in brilliant yellow coats, house and purple finches (very dull beside their bright cousins!), indigo buntings, cardinals (we have those year-round), a red-breasted woodpecker who steals sunflower seeds by hanging upside-down from the feeder, and now a couple of brown-headed cowbirds, those lazy nest-thieving rascals. Hummingbirds have begun to show up, too. They all give me great joy.

OH NO! Lost all of the rubber bands! So went looking. What is it about this end table that they get stuck under the legs?! Two of them were there, still missing two. So went fishing under the couch, found two more, about 20 crumpled napkins! Then the bonus, a purple rubber band, that I am not sure where it came from! Ming will be one very happy kitty in the middle of the night when she wants to play! And I would like to sleep.

Needing a fur baby update, was wondering......what are all the pets up to?
How are they coping in the storms?

One of my dogs had a run in with a skunk. Tried all kinds of remedies and could not make him smell better after several baths. Bless DH heart that he took that task upon himself. But yet he still smelled bad, so he had to sleep in the garage. He so did not understand why he could not come back inside.
Then after we finally got rid of that smell, what did he do? He found a dead armadillo and rolled in it and then smelled like something dead. So a repeat of the above, still smells, and he is back in the garage.

But the storms do not bother my fur babies, just me.

It seems like my Dad poured tomato juice all over our dog when it got sprayed by a skunk smeshque...So sorry that happened~

And far as the storms,all my babies are scared. Precious and Lovee' hide under the same bed back in the Catroom and the other cat's roam and dart and they're so restless until the storm is over.

My brother’s cats like to play with the bands that come off milk jugs. They bat them around at night. Eventually Leo, the big cat gets them and shoves them under the refrigerator. When the housekeeper mops and rolls the refrigerator out, there’s a bunch of the bands on the floor. Jay rolls up little balls of aluminum foil. Cats love to play with those too.

Yes, it takes gallons of tomato juice to get rid of the odor, but why did dH have to spend the night in the garage?

Lol, Send.
I tried to think of a funny response, but I got nothing.😁

Any excuse you can come up with to get your husband to spend the night in the garage.

Honey, I stubbed my toe. Could you spend the night in the garage?

Oh damn, the dishwasher you think you could spend the night in the garage?

I am sooo constipated............Husband: yes, I know, I'll get my things.

Lol -Gershun
Too funny

My DH probably wouldn't even need a reason. The garage is one of his favorite places to be, I could just put a cot out there and I would probably never see him. hmmm, now that's an idea.......

J/K I truly love him.

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