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Thank you everyone. I have visions of Charlie now doing his usual John Travolta sidewalk walk in "Saturday Night Fever" :)

My husband pays more attention to our cat than me! It is wonderful to see him so passionate about something though :)

Oh Freqflyer I am so sorry for you, it is hard when they leave us, but we are glad they are pain free and at peace.
Bootshop, Our newest tiny little feral, who had 2 kittens a few months ago ( they did not make it) is apparently preggers again. We were unable to catch her although she now comes right up to the food bowl to eat. Hopefully she will get tame enough after these come that we can catch her and get her "fixed"

FF, I am very sorry to read about Charlie. It is heartbreaking when they leave us. He knew he was loved and the 2 of you got to share a life together, how precious that is!?


FF - Charlie was part of your family, and your grief shows how much you loved each other.  My condolences.  I love the Rainbow bridge story.  Charlie will be there for you.

Thank you all, I was telling a friend how hard it was to say good-bye to Charlie.... then she said "imagine if you never had a chance to say hello".

My mother recently passed in September. The day her pain was relieved, her cat of eight years laid claim to me. When I say this, I mean this cat refused everyone but her and would hiss at them to leave him alone or stay away from him. Here we are almost a year later, and the cat HOWLS at me as soon as he knows I am in the house. He sleeps on my chest. I am more of a dog person, but it was my mom's baby. He is a pure white munchkin. Cute, but very annoying at times.

Sorry for your loss Diedre.

Woke up to two crumpled up napkins on my bed. Ming must have wanted to play fetch while I slept. I must bore her at times.😀

Found out something interesting about cats and celery. I was cutting up some celery and noticed "Rosie" was acting like she would with catnip. Well, that's weird.

So I checked on the internet, and sure enough, celery leaves and catnip create the same reaction.

Do you think Rosie needs a playmate?
Sorry that Charlie died, and even Rosie must miss him.

Sendhelp, I think down the road I will get Rosie a playmate. She is 14 years old [we got her 2 years ago from the shelter ], so I would look for another teenage cat. But not at the moment. Don't want to scare a new comer....

I need to do some major remodeling, bath and kitchen, which I had put aside for the past few years as "Charlie" didn't like strangers in the house, nor loud noises. Yet, thunder storms never phased him. He loved being out in the rain, less washing to do :)

Rosie loves tradesmen, the noisier the better. She and workmen get along great. She even lets them pet her. Heck, I can't even pet her :P

My cat Daniel loves cantaloupe. We dice some into tiny pieces for her and he just loves it. Henrick not so much. Still looking for human food that appeals to him.

Daniel likes his fruit. :)
My dogs like persimmons. When I go pick them each year they think they are the greatest treats. I am not a huge fan, but they like them.

Tweety the budgie bird was having a rough nite. Even though he did go into his cage finally, he threw himself on the inside cage wall along about midnight.
Appearing desperate to get out, so I let him out. The EQ's are small, but we feel it when several occur within seconds of each other.

He found his tented perch, and slept up high all night. It was the first time he
did that. I guess swinging from the rafters is preferred to being caged.

Hope tweety is okay

hoca residents also throw themselves on the floor when they want to escape

Gershun. I have never heard of a cat eating cantaloupe, but than my sig other's ate corn yesterday when I drop some on the floor. Crazy cats!

Send, I hope you and Tweety are okay over there. I don't know how you do it with all those EQ!

: )

My puppy loves watermelon! And just about any people food she can get ! except peaches,, she just shoves them around. Our DD dog also loves about anything she can get, except seafood. ( Must not be a Maryland Chihuahua?) Mom comes home Thursday, and Chloe has been missing her.. And we will have Bella for several visits this month.. so Mom will be in heaven

Has anyone ever had a visiting cat from a neighbor? I did. He was a beautiful Siamese cat. I lived with a roommate at the time. He never went in her room though.

I had a tall chest in my room and he would climb up there and just stare at me. Then I suppose his internal clock would speak to him to go home for dinner and he would leave.

I believe they do have internal clocks.

My roomie and I referred to him as our visiting friend. He would cry at our back doorstep until I let him in. He would rub on my legs. I’d pet him. He’d hang out in my room with me. Then he would take off until the next day. Wonder what happened when I moved from that apartment.

The worst though was when I was a little girl we had a cat that went to live around the corner. I was devastated. I couldn’t find my kitty. Then I saw her at a neighbors house and told the kid in the front yard playing with my cat that she was playing with my cat. She told me it was hers. She asked me to prove it. I couldn’t so I just left. I told my mom where my cat was but she didn’t go and speak to them. I had other pets at home and maybe mom was glad to get rid of the cat. Mom loved animals but she didn’t confront the family about my kitty. I remember crying but eventually getting over it.

I also want to thank everyone that gave me toy advice for Chloe. We finally found one at the grocery , of all places! Its an "unstuffed" stuffed animal with squeakers.. sort of like a flat stuffed animal. I just ordered 3 more from Amazon, hope they hold up as well! Now to get rid of all the ones on the table she has destroyed, but I feel bad tossing...


I have seen those. Hope Chloe enjoys it playing with her new toy.


They pick us. I believe that. You are special to that cat.

Well, my cat "Rosie" has a new house mate, got him at the Shelter and re-named him Jesse, he is 8 years old. He is white/ginger shorthair.

After living 2 days under the furniture he has taken over the house after two weeks. No wonder the Shelter was so happy we adopted him. The workers came out with a large climbing tree, blankets, toys, etc. All the employees and volunteers where so happy to see him leave. And no adoption fee. I was waiting for the confetti and balloons to fall from the ceiling. Then one employee announced "by the way, he is on Prozac".

Well this boy is none stop. Run, run, run. Playing with the toys. Exploring every inch of the house. More run, run, run, play, play, play. He's a climber. At least the top of my china cabinet is finally getting dusted by him. He explored my bedroom last night, was on the highboy cabinet and was trying to reach over to the top of the dresser mirror. Yikes, I didn't need that at 3 in the morning. He also likes to reach into wastebaskets and remove tissues :P

He and Rosie have met a few times. No love lost here. But she can outrun him very easily and at 14 can take care of herself, thank you. Jesse is afraid of her, his tail gets all fluffed out and he growls. She just glares at him. We think she is a Norwegian Forest Cat so she is all fur, so to him she looks HUGE. She is very graceful when leaping up on high places. Can't say that about Jesse.

Oh, Jesse now has a middle name.... James.

FF, I really enjoyed the story about your new high energy cat and his interaction with the queen of the house.  

Have you ever seen Bradley Trevor Greive's series of books for different situations, ranging from depression to just playful topics?

They're light hearted but serious, illustrated on each page by animals whose expressions fit the book topics.   The Blue Day Book was the first one I've read. 

I was thinking how appropriately your cats would be in photos and Greive style books.    Something like owning the house, or meeting new acquaintances might fit the meeting of the minds of your two lovely fur balls.

Ff, Well I guess you have your hands full. Love hearing about Jesse and the middle name James sounds like a good fit!

My sig other's cat name Sam was the same way, he did slow down some after a few years😵

But they are fun! 😺

Congratulations FF on getting Jesse James.
Sounds like he needs two names!

Get a second opinion about the Prozac, and keep ALL catnip toys away from him, completely and forever. Poor kitty. What a cutie!

I’ve 2 strange occurrences with cats,
the first one, appeared the morning of my mother’s death. It was a very friendly black cat that would cock it’s head on one side as if listening. Every one of us, sister, dad and I would spend time chatting to this cat and stroking it. After 7 days had passed it never appeared again and I could find no one nearby who owned such a cat,
The second one, was black with white paws and bib, and completely deaf. Since my father was hard of hearing and I’m deaf - the cat learnt to read sign language very quickly. He came everyday to the patio doors and on gaining entry would jump into the recliner next to dad and have a sleep. He would never sit in my lap though would on my fathers. It was as though he recognised a fellow lone spirit and wanted to spend time with him. I don’t think he had ever been played with - I bought a cat nip toy and he wasn’t interested. As he left that day I threw it and he bit it. The cat nip must have penetrated but he didn’t react as normal. He reacted as if he’d caught some small rodent. Ears went back eyes widened and he scarpered off with the toy. Never did find it again!

Relaxing in bed playing fetch with Ming. She must be a rag doll, no long hair Siamese. And ragdolls are known to fetch. A dog cat.

Glad, Ragdolls are so awesome,, and so HUGE !! Many years ago I wanted one, but we ended up rescuing a Himalayan instead, and he was pretty awesome too.Now I have "Heinz 57s" and even the ferals are entertaining,, but I am still trying to catch Mama and her 2 babies to get them fixed.. I don't need 50 cats!!

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