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She isn't huge yet. Evidentally, they are slow growers and don't reach full size for four years. She is only half way there. Will be interesting to see.

Living in a rural area you would think that pet owners would be more watchful over their pets. But, then people here grow up with ferals and barn cats that live outside all the time and are not really pets, they are mousers. A neighbor has lost three pet cats in two weeks to the coyotes that are especially bad this year and owls about too. My cats have all been indoor cats since about 84 when the cat was hit by a car.

Wishing people would realize that terrible things can happen to our pets when allowed to roam. Ming is a wonderful indoor cat and never even tries to get out.🐱

The coyotes are an issue now even in cities. Yes, small pets need protection from them. People here can’t leave their small pets outside unsupervised.

The really horrible thing that is happening too is these insane people that are giving squirrels meth and think it’s funny watching them going crazy. Horrible!

This happened to my friend and she is a caregiver to her sister with Downs and dementia. Her sister is 51 and is in a wheelchair. She isn’t expected to live much longer. She’s starting to decline.

The crazy squirrel almost attacked my friend. Her sister’s hospice caregiver was awesome and was able to get the squirrel away from everyone. They were all enjoying a beautiful day in her backyard and this squirrel became like a character out of a horror film.

Reports have surfaced on our local news about the drugged squirrels that are attacking people. It’s so sad. What kind of idiot drugs a squirrel?

Very, true NHWM, when I was caring for mom, very metro area, all the Fox or coyote left of a cat was the tail and a paw that I found in the yard one morning. One neighbor lost a small dog.

There is a cat, moving into our yard. It looks calico with lots of white.
Somebody please save me, save my sappy heart.....

Sorry Send. You're doomed! 😻

Yes but...(negates everything said before)....I have not yet fed it.
Found it sleeping in the shelter that my hubs made inadvertently with a tarp covering our tools. Quite elaborate, leaves gather back there too. He draped the tarp just over the back block wall, really shady back there....

No, really, I am a dog person with a bird, absurd!

Need Help,, we live in a rural area,( with a "river) beside us( big creek really, but its name is river) and we have been hearing and seeing more coyotes in the past 5 years. We have 4 ferals at this point , 2 adults and 2 kittens,, so I am sure more are coming as I can't catch the mama and the kittens.. the big boy we got fixed. We feed and shelter them ( in the garage) but no way can I have that many cats in my house! It took us 5 years to catch the big boy, now he is a lover.. But he did get attacked by an eagle several years ago.. Just about skinned him. lots of vet bills.. He seems to have "told" the other 3 about the safe house in our garage.. LOL We do the best we can. But we never leave our small dogs out without a leash.. the birds worry me as much as the foxes and coyotes

Wow, Pam

Eagles are birds of prey. Geeeez, poor kitty. I love cats! I had them growing up. Had them after I moved away from home too.

Was allergic and didn’t know it. My mom thought it was an ongoing cold. It wasn’t until I married my husband and he saw the sneezing every single day with me, he said he thought I should go have allergy testing.

Oh my gosh, I found out that I was allergic to my cat and a ton of other things. So after she died I didn’t get another one but I adore cats.

I love dogs too. I love all animals. Pam, when I was a kid, my friend down the street was crazy about all animals. She would be calling a cat, “Here, kitty kitty” until it followed her home. Hahaha. Any extras she gave to me. I named one of my cats, Extra! Hahaha

When her hamster had babies she asked if I wanted one. I came home with three of them. My mother hated them and called them rats!

I was a quirky kid. I grew tired of seeing my hamsters spin on that wheel so I took my kite string and made a little leash and walked him around. Hey, I was 12 years old! My young and stupid days! Hahaha

Well, Charlie got off of his string. I got into big trouble with mom. He was missing for three days. I wanted Charlie back. She kept saying that she couldn’t sleep because my ‘rodent pet’ was going to crawl on her while she was sleeping. My mom wouldn’t touch them! She was afraid of them. I cleaned the cage, fed them. I didn’t mind. I loved them.

Anyway, I knew Charlie showed up three days later when I heard my mom scream in her room. She went to put her shoes on and he was hiding in her shoe. I was so happy to see Charlie! She was scared to death! I was told to never walk him on my homemade kite string leash again. Now they sell those balls that they run in.

A feral and her three kittens were in the backyard this morning

she gave me the evil eye so don’t think she wants help

a few years back a feral had her litter in the driveway garden bed - she wouldn’t leave my side and I spent two weeks finding a foster for her and her babies while feeding her and trying to protect her as she was attacked at night

My Tweety bird loved riding in the car after evacuating today. We are staying in a hotel, he likes that too!

I bet that hotel has never had a bird spend the night there before Send.He's a lucky duck!

Hope you're safe and sound, Send

crazy hot weather - 98 degrees

Let go and let god Send - what else can you do? 🤗

Stay safe send and all those in fire evacuation zones.

Thank you all for your kind wishes.
I had to leave all my neighbors behind.
Please include them in your prayers.
Did I say hotel? It is called a motel, near the beach.

Sorry to hear the fire spread overnight, Send


Can cats eat raw fish ?

had sashimi tonight but couldn't finish the tuna

will the feral mama in my yard eat it ?

Madge I believe the answer to that is no but I could be mistaken.

Wow, Gershun gets that one. When uncertain always Google.

From webmd (never would have guessed):
Raw meat and raw fish, like raw eggs, can contain bacteria that cause food poisoning. In addition, an enzyme in raw fish destroys thiamine, which is an essential B vitamin for your cat. A lack of thiamine can cause serious neurological problems and lead to convulsions and coma.

Ignore Below I don't mind being wrong, that is how we learn.
Madge I would think that the cats could and would eat the raw fish. But I would cut it up in smaller pieces so they don't choke on it or fight over it

The fish of sushi is the best of raw fish and freshest. I don't think it would harm them.

I recently fed my husband some canned Tuna from Costco.
Could that be what is wrong with him?
He is still mad at me for discarding food from the fridge after the power outages. I had to drive 3 bags to a further away dumpster to prevent him from taking them out of the trash. :(

Tweety wants another vacation. So do I.

When feeding feral cat populations, please feed responsibly.
In my own opinion, dry kibble is best.
Attracting more critters to your home requires more care, more money, more responsibility, including spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and flea treatment, as well as vet care expenses if there is an injury, yes, even for outdoor cats if they are seeking shelter at your home and you are feeding them.

Others will disagree, and even hate me. Please don't attack. It sucks to be me.
That is what is on my mind, as well as a whole lot of things. I think that I am nearing burnout.

However, I was enjoying feeding a feral at one time. It was fun, I felt compassionate towards it, loving it. There was a huge downside.
There came a time when I had to choose between feeling good and what was best for the cat and her babies.


What do they eat if people don’t feed them? Do they dig through trash or eat mice? I guess their lifespan is shorter than cats that are pets.

Feral cats are carnivores and can survive with limited access to water, as they use moisture from their prey. They generally eat small mammals, but also catch birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects - taking prey up to the size of a brush-tail possum.

NHWM- Most likely feral cats eat mice, rats, birds, etc. The feral cat that I fed LOVED raw meat of any kind. He could smell the raw meat when I prepared food in the kitchen. He'd come to the kitchen door and waited outside. I gave him chicken, pork, beef, organ meat, etc. He devoured every piece.

Feral cats eat whatever they can get their little paws on. They aren't waiting on chef Ramsay to present them with a three course gourmet meal. Plus they probably depend on the kindness of strangers to some extent.

Gershun.....I think my stray cats outside think I'm Chef Ramsay because I feed them a feast twice a day.I give them a little cooked chicken,some shredded sharp cheddar or colby, a little wet cat food and a few crunchies on a paper plate for each of them.
Their names are Dewey,Fluffy,Orangey,Cookie#1,Gray-Gray,and Cookie #2.
Our garage door won't go down,so they all have their spots in there and there's boxes and blankets for warmth.
I Love them.I can't help it.

I love my kitties too Lu. They get whatever they want as long as it's good for them.

Your'e a great cat MaMa Gershun~

So are you Lu.

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