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My feral cat became someone's pet after having her kittens on my back porch.
I fed her Friskies treats until she took them from my hand, and demanded to come inside the day before her kittens were born. It took help and advice from more than a few cat mamas to get through that time, and Luckylu was one, way back when.

I still miss that special kitty, years later.

I had cats that were indoor cats and outdoor cats. Some were a mixture of both. I fed them cat food.

Do you think pets that aren’t strays just have that instinct of eating things in nature? I remember seeing them taunt lizards in the yard, eating little birds and so on.

Once in awhile I would give my cats cooked chicken or fish leftovers but I never tried anything raw.

None of my cats left home except for one. It’s in a cat’s nature to roam. She went around the corner and decided to live with a family there.

When I told the little girl she was my cat she kept arguing with me and said it was her cat. Her mom came outside and told me they would not return the cat to me because her daughter loved the cat.

When I went home to tell my mom, she just said, “Well, let the cat stay there if she is happy. They will love her too. You have another cat.” It broke my heart as a kid.

My indoor cat family that I love so much ,is in a real mess and I'm so heartbroken about it.
Last Thursday on Halloween,Bootsie,the MaMa cat saw a cat outside and couldn't get to it to attack it,so she took her anger out on one of her kittens,Toots and my husband.
Iv'e kept the 3 kittens apart from Bootsie ever since,6 days now,and thought I'd try to get them all back together tonight,but it didn't work and Bootsie attacked all 3 of her babies,so now,my husband says she has to go.
We've had the best 3 and a half years together filled with alot of love,but suddenly it's all over.

luckylu- before you give up on Bootsie, I recommend you ask your vet for recommendation, or google, or search on youtube for videos on how to get cats to get along.

Thanks polarbear,
Iv'e done all of that.
The vet was downright rude,offered no help and told me to rehome Bootsie and hung up.
The ASPCA had the best advice I found on the internet and that's what I tried to do.It just didn't work though and my husband has had enough.
I just hate all this and I'm so sad about it,but thanks polarbear for caring and suggesting what you did.
Take care~

That's a rotten shame, Lu

is this typical feline behavior, or could it be something else is wrong with her - kinda like mean when sick

Wait and prioritize.
Take care of yourself first this morning.

It is not "all over".
That is "all or nothing thinking", and it is an error in your thinking.
Because it is so understandable that you are emotional and scared
for your kitties.

Wait until you feel better.

It is more important that you are able to make wise decisions once you feel better. That can be obtained by seeing a doctor.

The voice of reason, MsMadge.
Typical feline behavior.

I know that Lu will find a solution, being stronger than she realizes.


luckylu, can Bootsie be distracted if and when she should attack her adult kittens? This sounds like a "lead cat" situation as Bootsie is trying to remain the lead cat of the group.

My cat Jesse [just 2 months living in our house] will go into attack mode on our other cat. The other cat doesn't mind as she can stand her ground, and she lets him know she is still the lead cat.

Whenever they get into a fight, I cannot touch Jesse, otherwise he will swing at me and try to nip. I did find distracting him helped. He has this toy mouse that when you shake it it has a beads inside. I will toss that toy mouse down the stairs and gang-way, Jesse is down those stairs after that mouse. A few minutes later he is back to being user-friendly.

Decades ago I had two sibling feral cats that I trapped when they were kittens. As adults, any time the female was looking out the window and saw a cat outside, she would attack her brother. She just had to pounce on something, and he was available. Usually she would calm down in a half hour.

Thank you so much for telling me about your aggressive cats that you have dealt with freqflyer.I really appreciate that.
Bootsie is still separated from her "kittens" in the old catroom by herself and she's very unhappy about it.
I just call the babies "kittens",but they are full grown at almost 3 years old now.Bootsie had them Feb.20th,2017 about 3 months after she came to live with us.Before that,Bootsie had lived free,outside on some rental property our neighbor had and one day,he just showed up with her and asked me to take her because Winter was coming and he was selling his property,so she was a feral cat I guess.She has never played with toys,so I don't have that trick you had,but I bet I could think of something to distract her maybe.It's just that now,the "kittens" are scared of her and as soon as they see her,2 of them hiss at her and that seems to be what's starting the fights now.
I really wish we could work through this because I hate to see my Bootsie go.My dH has lost his patience though and wants her gone.
We called the Humane Society yesterday,but they haven't returned the call yet.
Everything was fine till she saw that cat outside a week ago.
If I could work them back together,I sure would.
Again,Thank you.I need all the ideas I can get~

Lu, have you ever tried Rescue Remedy. It's a natural thing that helps mellow cats out. You just add a couple drops to the cats water bowl. You can look online to see where to buy. It's not expensive.


I took my neutered male cat to the Vet because he started doing strange and unusual things and attacking my 15yr old spayed female cat.

The Vet checked out the male that was acting Crazy. His health was fine. The Vet sold me a thing you plug into the wall that had a replaceable canister that screwed into the bottom. This gadget disperses cat pheromones into the air and REALLY calmed things down.

The product is Feliway. I have found it at Petsmart cheaper than the Vets office and even cheaper at a Feed Store. Even at the Feed Store it is a pricey product.

I am going to look for the item Gershun mentioned.

Thank you so much Gershun and lizzywho,
I appreciate the good ideas from you.I had read on Cats International website on Redirecting Cat Aggression about Pheromones and that was one of the suggestions too,so it's good to know someone tried it and it works.I also read that you can use tuna juice and slobber and put it on the cats bodies and that might help too.I just haven't tried any of those ideas yet.
Again,THANKS,I really appreciate it~

My husband and I were always Dog people and never had any cats,so we think cats act strange and weird.All this is new to us~

We spray felliway on our couches to deter the cats from scratching them. Not convinced it's working but the rescue remedy works and you only need a tad.

Gershun have you tried the natures miracle no scratch spray? Can’t say it works as I haven’t used it. I’m convinced feliway is just a gimmick. I tried the diffusers for behavior issues and it didn’t work with my cats-my daughters cat kept going after my cat and I thought it was why my car was peeing on the carpets. It didn’t work, the cats still acted the same way. My mom tried it because she got a kitten and her other cat has never gotten used to her and attacks her every chance she gets. The feliway did absolutely nothing, despite its claims to calm cats!

Ah, I used to use Bach's Rescue Remedy for panic attacks.
It must be great for cats too!
Sprouts Market sells them. Also, Whole Foods. Any place where herbs, supplements are sold may have them.

I wonder if it is the same formula for pets as people?

Thanks for mentioning the Rescue remedy Gershun and Send.Sounds good~

Has anyone heard of withdrawal symptoms in cats. My cat had to have a small mass removed two weeks ago. They gave him a morphine like drug which he was on for 6 days. He's been off of it now for 9 days but started vomiting four days ago. I'm wondering if it could be a kind of withdrawal symptom.

Just wondering if any pet owners out there have experienced anything like this or think this could be what is causing the vomiting. The name of the drug is Buprenorphine.

Poor baby. It’s been so long since I had my cat. She lived until she was 16.

Do you have an emergency vet in your area, Gershun? I wonder if you told the receptionist your question if she could relay it to the vet on call and he/she or the receptionist could call you back.

Otherwise, just wait until the morning to check back.

My daughter is visiting tonight. She is spending the night. She uses a vet near our home. The same vet we had for our last dog. My grandpuppy goes in for his vet appointment tomorrow morning.

Her little pooch was just diagnosed with Cushing disease. The meds caused bloody diarrhea for a day. They had to adjust the dosage. So Yeah, meds can cause issues. Guess they may have similar issues as humans with drugs.

Our pets are so sweet. They have their own personalities. They talk to us in their own way.

Well my neighbors in my first apartment after I married my husband, they had a pet that really did speak! Was the most adorable thing that you ever heard! I was in my early 20’s.

Gosh, these two elderly sisters had to be in their 70’s at least. I loved them! They baked the most delicious treats and invited me over to share a cookie or piece of cake, whatever they made. I think they felt sorry for me because I wasn’t a very good cook yet. Hahaha. They made sure I had a treat now and then.

They were kind of mischievous old ladies with a wicked sense of humor!

The first time I went into their apartment I heard what sounded like a male voice asking if I wanted coffee.

I looked at my neighbor with a puzzled look and told them I heard a man ask me if I wanted coffee. They were giggling at me. Then Sally said, “Oh honey, that’s just Fred.”

I knew they were widows! So, I just said, “Oh, okay,”. I didn’t want to pry. Then I kept hearing, “Do you want coffee?” Over and over again. They started giggling again.

Finally they showed me Fred in the other room. They owned a beautiful parrot that always asked guests about coffee because Nan and Sally always offered coffee with their cookies. Smart bird! Hahaha

Thx NHWM, I've got a appt. tomorrow morning to get his sutures taken out so I'll ask then. I'm starting to think it's time for a new vet though. These guys aren't very proactive and they seem to charge a lot. I thought it was the same across the board with veterinary costs but have done my research and turns out that's not the case

The drug can cause constipation.
Constipation can cause vomiting.
A worry would be an intestinal blockage, oh no, now you have to check if he is pooping correctly. Is he straining?
And watch him, make sure he is not confused and eating cat litter or poop after the surgery.
Used to be, a person could not go home after surgery unless they had pooped.
You can google foods like pears to help with constipation, but your cat eats cantaloupe? No wonder he likes cantaloupe.

I do hope this is a simple solution to the vomiting. Do call the vet.

Thx Send, I have been monitoring his pooping and if anything his logs are bigger and stinkier than ever before. Sorry for the graphic description. He doesn't cover them either. I always tell him he is very rude.

I'm going to mention all this at the vet tomorrow. Maybe they can prescribe something for the nausea. I'm pissed off though cause I had made arrangements for someone to come to my home to take the sutures out and it was to be today but she cancelled at the last minute so I'm going to have to cab it out there tomorrow.

Reminder to Luckylu...
Follow up to work on Bootsie's-cat problem.
Try the Rescue Remedy by Bach (flower essences).

Thanks Send....I haven't bought or tried that yet.Bootsie is still separated from her "kittens".After the 4th catfight, my dH and I don't think she'll ever be able to be with her babies again.She only wants to attack them and they are scared to death of her now.

Santa phoned and asked Tweety if he would like to guide his sleigh on "The night".
I have never seen Tweety fly around so much, and tweet/chirp so much as today! ALL DAY, he has not stopped except for his nap.

Well I took out Rudolph a few years ago with my truck,, so tell Tweety to be careful out there,,,

Online there are cat behaviorists that might give you some ideas for Bootsie.
Here is one ( ).

I have seen others that may have the answer for Bootsie.

Not sure if Tweety will be allowed to go out that night. He has a strict curfew of 9:00 p.m.

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