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And FF,, that is a smart cat!

My cats are scary smart. I'm just waiting for the day they split the atom. It's coming.......😼

I haven’t listed here in a long time...I lost my Tiger Kitty in October 2020, he was 18, had cancer leukemia. I adopted two 9 week old kittens, brothers. I named them Hokus and Pokus. They are the best kitties, so loving, cuddly and playful.

all you kitty people may have some ideas for me.....we use our laundry room as the feeding space along with the litter box. We have a childproof gate to keep the dogs out, especially my little poodle who loves cat food and (gross) she will get into the litter box too. The kittens are barely squeezing through the bars on the gate. Tiger kitty would jump over the gate. How can I get the kittens to learn to jump over the gate? I have ordered a cat clicker to try to teach them with rewards. My fear is one of them will get stuck in the bars and we will have to use a saw to cut them out, lol!

in the meantime, these two kittens are so much fun, one loves to nibble on fingers and toes much to our golden retrievers mismay, he gentle brushes him away with his paw. The other kitten loves to rub against legs and toes, especially the toes of my slippers and he will literally just collapse onthe floor in front of your feet. Must watch where you step.

I hope everyone is getting along well with Covid and loving your crazy kitties.

Add a small section of wire fencing material to the gate bars.
Secure with a Zip tie.

Wait a few weeks and the kittens will be jumping over the gate.

You could also get a small cat tree (might want one sooner than later), place it near the gate.

Or, raise the gate a bit higher so they can go under, but too low for dog?

It won't be too long before Hocus and Pocus learn to use the clicker themselves.

Hello Kitty!
This cat was staring into my sliding glass door this morning. Nah, this cannot be happening!
NOT my cat!

Send , thank you so much! I didn’t think about that!! I will definitely do that. I did buy a c,icker but it is a bit different training cats than dogs. It can be done, but it’s very different, requires much more consistency and patience. Thank you again. ❤️💕

You are welcome Sharyn.
The kittens I rescued (years ago) climbed up the pet fencing at 8 wks. If allowed, they would have climbed over and dropped to the floor 4 ft. But their mama-cat and I were there to pull them off the fencing.

Some will say that the cats train their humans.

Send, Pokus, the more confident kitty jumped the gate immediately and his brother, Hokus, started jumping over yesterday! Thanks again, solved my concern very quickly!

Pets in general, similar to train there owners, parents. We learn to realize that especially as parents. As pet parents we may take longer. I can say this, my kitties know if I click my tongue, to come. I could probably scream till red faced and my children tended to ignore meLOL! I had to be much firmer with my children. I must admit, I’d rather be softer with my kitties now that I’m older. They are my babies

When you call a dog, they come.

When you call a cat, the cat will take a message and get back to you later.

LOL!! That is so true! I always say, "Dogs have families. Cats has servants."



Otherwise said, ‘We live with a cat. They don’t live with us.’ 😊

I love a cat’s independent spirit!

They can be free spirits. I will always remember a beautiful gray Siamese cat that would visit me daily.

He arrived around the same time everyday, and left about the same time each evening.

He would rub in and out on my legs. (Why do cats do that?)

He meowed as if to say, ‘Hello! I am here.’

Then he would jump up on my tall chest of drawers and just stare at me for a bit, then he took a nap.

He was a sweet cat. I knew that he was someone’s pet so I didn’t want to start feeding him but I did love his visits in the evening.

It was cute how he showed up at my backdoor. I would let him in. When he wanted to go back home, he walked over to the door and I let him out.

Isn’t it interesting that even domestic animals still sometimes follow their instincts and roam around as if they were wild cats roaming in the jungle?

Yesterday we were at the animal shelter looking at the cats. Oh my gosh, there was this big ginger male cat who decided to flirt with me. Then when I had my back to his cage [he had an upper condo], I felt him swishing my hair back and forth with his paw. He was quite the goof-ball. I wanted to take him home, but he was only 4 years old and chances are our 10 year old male ginger wouldn't be happy with another male in the house.

Our ginger does better with a female cat. The last one we had, he use to call for her and the two of them would head out some place in the house. I could hear my sig-other saying around midnight to her "And where are you going at this hour, young lady?"

Nhwm, my kitties are almost 8 months old. Typical cat style, they roam the house at night since their natural tendency is to be nocturnal. They run and play throughout the house for about 5 hours in the morning. I do have to keep an eye on my house plants as they will knock them off furniture and play in the potting soil. Hokus especially is an escape artist sneaking out the back door. We are looking into screening in our patio so they have the extra outdoor space to watch birds, get sun/shade and fresh air. They are so much fun and give so much back in cuddles.


Kittens are so much fun to watch. Extremely playful!

I agree with you on the cuddling. All they want is to be loved.

They deserve our love and attention. They warm our hearts so much!

I just wish mine would STOP trying to chew on my shirt buttons whenever she wants to sit on my lap!

I couldn’t believe it! My 20 year old cat was running around chasing a laser beam like a kitten! I didn’t even know he still played. I bought this automatic rotating laser cat toy for the 7 year old but my 20 year old was having all the fun 🤩

This "Not my cat" came by to eat for 6 days. Then, found it's owner.
Sat. and Sunday, she came by and stayed awhile.
Guess I will feed anyone or anything that comes to my door.
How could I say, "No"? 🐱

Oh boy Send.. just say NO!! I am the current caregiver of a feral "colony" that my hubs feels the need to feed! 5 are living in my garage where he put up several cat houses, and about 7 more live on our back deck and in the shed.. and we live in the country! He is a softy when it comes to cats.. and let me tell you that they are all (females ) preggers again.. We go through about 2 large bags of cat food every 3 weeks. I reached out for help from all the tip me places.. I don;t mind getting them "fixed" but they need you to trap them... and I simply cant. And during mating season the smell is terrible in the garage

"Not my Cat" has breached the door threshold and came inside from the cold, wind, and for some food. It was really hungry, and was left outside by it's owner, a neighbor. Cat is said to have cancer, and on it's last legs.

Dh is very kind about it, but leaves the room.

I will need to reach out to the owner, see if it needs help with medical care, or will let it live with someone else if they cannot care for it inside. Needs hospice for cats. 😢😥

I have 3 cats, a male ginger, a female black and white, and a female rag doll cat. Male ginger is 4, black and white 5 and my ragdoll is 6. My rag doll is the “kitten” out of all of them. She loves to play. Also if she hears me crying (over my mother) she runs over to me to get my attention to get in my face to give me kisses. She loves to headbutt me too. She will headbutt my forehead. She’s the sweetest thing ever. I call her my “therapy cat “.

Can fenbendazole cure cancer in humans?
Researchers at the National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research (NCHGSR), Panjab university, have reported that fenbendazole has a good potential for development as an effective anti-cancer agent. Aug 27, 2018

What about cats?

Playing fetch this morning Ming is a riot! Flying through the air with the greatest of ease.

I don’t have a bad cat story but I do have a bad dog story.

My daughter’s dog destroyed her remote control! He chewed it to pieces. He has plenty of toys but for some reason he decided to chew on the remote.

My daughter found a dog park to take her Husky to. So, he will burn off some of his energy there now instead of in her apartment!

"Not My Cat" was taken to vet on Thursday.
RIP, another precious animal, God's creature. 🐈

We named her Samy before we knew who the owner was.
She was welcome here, to rest and to eat.
It becomes obvious to me now when they are ready, and someone needs to make the sad decision.

I have been very sad.

And sad too, for Midget.
SharynMarie's dog who just passed. Midget was her mother's dog.

I lived in a mobile home park for a while a few years ago. There was a big yellow cat that apparently belonged to no one, but made the rounds visiting just about everyone. Someone had given him the name "George". He loved, as some cats do, to drink running water. He would stop by and meow at someone's door. The folks that knew him would let him in and he would make a bee-line for their kitchen sink. They would turn on the tap, then he would perch on the edge of their sink and drink from the stream of running water. When he was done, he'd meow at the door to go out. He didn't want to stay, he'd accept a pat or two, and rub up against his "host" as if to say thanks...and then he'd be gone. He brought a lot of neighbors together, comparing notes about "George" and his visits.

I never realized how active my cats were until I put up some home security cameras recently. It's an all night party for them every night, back and forth from living room to kitchen where their food and water is. I need to find the motion setting on the cameras "doesn't include cats."

It's sweet, really, to learn they're much more active than I thought. I usually see them lazing around.


Cats are nocturnal by nature. My cat was active at night but would snooze during the day.

She would tear up my Christmas tree after we went to bed!

Those were the days when satin ornaments were in vogue and I would walk downstairs in the morning to find tons of satin strings all over the living room.

I saw how she did it. She was on her back and clawed the ornament with all four paws until she stripped away all of the satin.

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