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Yeah,My cats just got their second winds at 1:00 in the morning after sleeping all day.
One's on the mantle and one's running up and down the hall and the other one is in my john trying to get a mouse she thinks is there.
Some mornings when I get up,I find all the cabinet doors open and they've been going through everything in the night.
They have a good time while I'm crashed out every night~

luckylu, just another normal day living with cats :) Life would be so boring without them =^..^=

The cats are the only reason I get up every morning....
They're the light of my life and my little best friends.
I call them my "Girlsies" or "Darlin's" most the time.
I get the biggest kick watching them with their antics.
They're just SO dear.
Life would be super boring without them FF,you're right~


My cat would curl up in the small of my back in my bed. She was so warm and cozy.

When I married my husband he said that he didn’t want her sleeping with us.

She was the sweetest love bug.

I noticed one of the cats threw up overnight, I cleaned it up this morning as soon as I got up. It looked like mostly clear liquid, like an allergic reaction that happens when they eat plants or something else they shouldn’t. I checked cameras and see that my roommate fed them — she kept insisting they eat off her plate — even though I’ve told her they need a restricted diet because both of them, but especially the 21yo, have sensitive stomachs. She fed him before a month ago, I asked her not to and told her why. So she did it again, and kept putting her plate in front of him even though he wasn’t showing interest in the food. I’m just ticked. I don’t know what is wrong with this person and the cats seem ok now. Im so frustrated by her sense of entitlement and bad judgment.

Ali, she is a nutcase. Good riddance to her when she leaves.

I know that you will be happy when she goes off on her merry way!

Can anyone give me tips for puppy potty training? She is so used to going in the house she will hold it on our walk and wait till we are back inside 😕. I take her out first thing in the morning & she urinates. She then comes in and urinates immediately again in the house. I wonder if the smell is still there? (I use vinegar and baking soda on the floors). I’m thinking we may need to hire a professional dog trainer

Martz, the only tip I know of that I've used personally is treat training every single time for going outside. If you're doing that, then maybe it is time for professional training. If you catch the puppy in the act of going inside, you can reprimand ("NO") but it has to be immediate, in the act, to be a successful deterrent.

My 21-yo tabby is such a picky eater. I buy different varieties of pate or gravy wet cat foods, always tweaking his food based on availability and what he likes. There is a constant supply of sensitve-stomach/skin dry cat food, too, but he mostly refuses to eat the dry food.

Any time I am home during the day, he and I do this little dance where he comes and hangs out by his food bowl and just... waits. Or if I come in from being out, he goes right to the kitchen and his food bowl. I give him wet food at least 2x a day. He licks it dry or eats part of it, then ignores it. I stir the food again several times a day and try to get him to eat what's in the bowl instead of begging for new fresh food... which he would maybe then eat a few bites of and ignore again.

I've thought about getting cat-food gravy, as a topper to get him to eat more of the food. I think he'd just lick the gravy, though, then ignore it until I put more out.

He's keeping me entertained lately. I swear he's more finicky than ever. It's a nice distraction from problems with roommate and some mild-but-annoying vaccine reaction the past few days.

Anyone ever use gravy for every meal with their cat? I see recipes online. Doesn't seem hard to make I just need the time... and who knows if he'll eat it. lol

My 20 year old cat loves his canned friskies. Tried to get him on a kidney diet but he refuses. I guess he’s trying to tell me he wants to go out happy, can’t say I blame him

Ali, I have a gravy loving cat myself. I toss out so much canned cat food.I sometimes I add a tiny amount of water to make it seem like its gravy,but alas she isnt fooled very often

I've looked at buying some gravy a few times. This exchange today made me finally buy a 16oz container of beef broth for cats off Amazon. Divo likes beef flavors and hopefully the broth will get him to eat more of his wet food. It will be here in a few days and I can see how he likes it!

Currently I am feeding the cats canned cat food - pate, mashed up with a chunk of boiled Japanese sweet potato, and then mixed with a spoonful of water so it is pretty runny but they like it that way. I have had no more poop problems from Rocky with that diet and limiting the number of treats she gets to about 6.

Pumpkin is more into food than treats. They both eat the dry food I leave out, I use Japanese sweet potato because that is what the store that delivers has, and they like it. If I can't get that I'm not sure what I will use. Carrots might work and they are always available, or other sweet potatoes, or squash.

Thank for the suggestion to add water. I think it was ff who passed that tip on. I believe it is good for them.

Hope the gravy works!

I was surprised to learn that a lot of people give their cats pumpkin Golden, no prep necessary just use what comes in the can.

Ali is that your 21 year old in the picture? I tried to my 20 year olds picture up but it says it’s too large

I got it. I Had to use a different picture

Thx, cw I have heard that. I must try them on a few other veggies like pumpkin.

Martz, yes! That's him. I was just looking at that pic and realizing it was taken 2.5 years ago, when I first moved into current apartment and I kept a chair by the bed so he could crawl up with me. I adopted him and his bonded pair sis about 3.5 years ago. His old mom said he was 19 at the time... which would make him 22 now, I guess. He's doing great overall.

Your black kitty is very cute! I like his golden eyes.

I'm trying the new cat broth out mixed in with his wet food the past few feedings. I'm not sure he's a fan. lol Time will tell.

I'm going to try some plain canned pumpkin, too. That's easy enough.

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend. It’s very windy here in my part of Idaho.

My kittens are 9 months old now. They are so much fun. Hokus and Pokus love to play with cat springs I get from Amazon. We have a cat tent they love playing as well. The tent was originally to be used as a secure place to put the kittens outside in the shade. They literally shredded one corner of the mesh windows and got out in 45 minutes. So use it only in the house now. We live in an area where birds of prey fly over from spring to fall so we don’t let them outside.

we also have a female mallard duck that decided to make a nest in our front flower bed. She has 11 eggs. The kittens will get in the window and watch the duck. Hopefully the eggs will hatch in another couple weeks. From what I understand, this mama duck or her ducklings will come back year after year to nest. I’m undecided at this time if I want this to be a yearly thing. I may have to rearrange my flower bed. It’s not her nesting that has me undecided, it’s once the ducklings hatch, she will be leading them back and forth all summer from the nest to water daily. It makes it hard to garden with them here. I need to decide what to do.

Have the ducklings hatched yet?
Interested to find out about them.

Kittens are the best!

Old Man Cat didn't like the cat beef broth. If I put it in with food he otherwise likes, he turned up his nose. Ok, I got the hint and threw the rest out after trying several times. (Will he like it if I warm it up? No. Will he like it if I mix some in with pate? No. He didn't like it at all, wanted nothing to do with it.)

I still want to come up with a gravy topper that encourages him to eat more of his food. He's a really picky eater more and more. I wondered about using regular gravy mixes from grocery stores and whether that would be ok for his cat systems. I could thin them out. I could try one and see how he reacts. Seems that onion is something you want to avoid feeding cats, so I would check the ingredients first. Is this a crazy idea or a "hm, you could try it and see" idea..? I'm not sure.

He really likes gravy so if I can find some he likes and put it with his wet food, I'm hoping he'll eat more than his usual few bites.

He's getting a bath at home very soon, too. I have a lavender dandruff cat shampoo that I ordered for him and it will take at least two baths to get him cleaned up. I've been planning it out: use a plastic basin that he can stand in and hopefully I can contain him in, too. If all else fails I'll use several towels to wash him with, swaddle style. His fur is just too matted, despite brushing. Baby wipes don't make a dent in the grime.

Personally I wouldn't use the human gravy mix for a cat. Is he losing weight on his current diet? I would try some of the various wet cat foods.

Poor old man cat. I think mats are uncomfortable for them. I have never bathed a cat. When we got Rocky she was covered in mats. She was essentially a feral cat on the farm. We cut the mats out and she really appreciated it. Both Pumpkin and Rocky got a few mats in the fall and more this spring. Rocky has a very thick undercoat and she gets more mats. She seems to have learned that I need her to be quiet when I am cutting mats out and is very good about it. Pumpkin, on the other hand, I have to "trick" by playing with that part of her coat a few times to get her comfortable and after a few aborted tries I have been successful i snipping the mats out. I use blunt ended scissors.

Had to laugh. The last grocery order brought purple potatoes instead of Japanese sweet potatoes, I boiled some and mixed some mashed in their food as usual. Pumpkin ate the lot. Rocky managed to eat the cat food and leave the mashed purple potato behind. She is particular!!!

Good luck with the bath!

This morning we had to put Merlin, our 13 year old Maine Coon down. He was down to 6 pounds (his normal weight was 16-18 pounds) and he could no longer stand up.

I have a very compassionate vet who has always given me the best advice about when to treat, when to watch and when an animal's quality of life is no longer sustainable. I am always grateful for his guidance.

(((((Barb))))) I am so sorry about the loss of your precious Merlin. Ending the life of a pet is a hard decision. The guidance of a trusted vet at these times is invaluable. I am sure your M C had a wonderful quality of life for the years he was with you and his passing will leave a big hole in your daily existence.


I am so sorry for the loss of your kitty. They become a part of our family and are missed when they die.

I love my vet too. He handed me the entire box of tissue when I started to cry. My cat was 16. I loved her so much.

I told my vet, “She’s such a wonderful cat and loved us as much as we loved her. I will miss her curling up next to me.”

My vet replied, “She has been a great cat. I know how much you love her and how she loved you. You are showing her your love now by not allowing her to suffer.”

I am so sorry Barb!
A long long time ago our vet suggested the same for our German Shepherd. It was so hard! She was my best friend... But vet said trying to cure her at that stage was just make her agony longer. Our pets absolutely become members of our family.

Barb, that must be so hard to watch happening, and have to make a humane decision. x

Old man cat seems fine most days but he struggles with his footing sometimes. I just try to care for him best I know how. Sometimes I feel under-informed of how to take of such an elderly cat but he seems happy enough from day to day.

Golden, I am concerned about weight loss, especially since I've added laxatives to his daily meals. It's a very small amount and vet recommended it and I can see it makes him more comfortable. He will always lick up any gravy even if he doesn't each much food, so finding a way to get more food into him seems important. He likes the different wet food; he just doesn't eat more than a couple bites at a time. I bought the cat broth because it was inexpensive to try, but I'll get him some cat gravy and see how that goes.

Old man cat has always been very skinny and his previous mom said he's always been like this, not to worry. But... I still do. lol He looks skinnier past few months to me. I may have to get a digital scale so I can see what's happening.

Thank you all for your love and condolences.

Just now reading this.

So very sorry for the loss of your precious Merlin, Barb.


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