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Well... after going through vet records, it's clear Divo is losing weight. He's lost more than 2 pounds since January. That's when I started adding Miralax to his food. It was recommended by the vet and seemed to help him. His weight history for the past 4 years shows weight loss with each visit, though, so I'm not sure if the Miralax caused this or if Divo's just on this trajectory due to aging. He has a good appetite and food is always available to him. I'm switching him off of any gravy wet food because he only consumes mostly the gravy. It's all pates for him from now on.

I know he may never come back from his weight loss. Aging goes only one direction but I can try what seems reasonable for him.

Just sounding off about my kitty. I am concerned about him. There have been a lot of changes with him recently.

Ali, elderly cat care is very time consuming and often worrying. I think male cats can be prone to more problems as they get older. One of my cats has had episodes of pancreatitis, which is very painful for him, and very messy for us. This started to become more frequent recently, so he is now on a special diet where the protein is hydrolysed - it seems he was unable to digest much of the protein in his previous diet. He needs to be on this for 6 weeks to assess the impact. So far so good. He wasn’t wildly keen on the new stuff to start with, but has settled into the change, his condition seems good and the vomiting has stopped.
Just a thought...but could Divo have diabetes? One of my MIL’s cats had this when he got older, and weight loss was a symptom.

Hyperthyroidism was mentioned in the vet report. I'd have to check the records to see if lab results gave measurements for this but the description fits Divo to a T.

>>>Clinical Signs
Cats afflicted with hyperthyroidism usually develop a variety of signs that may be subtle at first but that become more severe as the disease progresses. The most common clinical signs of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, increased appetite, and increased thirst and urination. Hyperthyroidism may also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperactivity. The coat of affected cats may appear unkempt, matted, or greasy. --

I had no idea this condition could explain Divo's fur issues, too. He has all of these symptoms. And this is why I've been unaware about his weight loss because he eats well and is always happy to get his food. I wouldn't think he was losing weight with how much he eats.

So sorry about OMC, Ali. 22?! Hard to imagine. Sounds like he is comfortable and happy.

Ali, some of what you describe sounds like stuff the vet found with Merlin. He was on thyroid meds for the last few months and prednisone.

I wondered sometimes if some of this is dementia related in very old animals, Mine never went outside the box but he seemed terribly confused, not seeing his food when it was right in front of him, licking up the gravy, wanting to wander the hallways of my apartment building.

Gold luck with Divo Ali and yes, this IS caregiving. :)

He's doing really poorly today and tonight. I made a bed for him next to food bowls and there he sits for now. He doesn't respond much to rubs. I think he could perk up in a few days if this diarrhea gets under control, but so far the meds I'm giving him 2x a day haven't stopped it. Is it his time? Maybe soon. The next couple of days will tell. He's very lethargic and will stand and stare off at something for minutes at a time, like he doesn't know what he wants or where he's going. So he's acting confused and very lethargic. I keep tempting him with new foods to eat and that works, he is eating though picky as ever. I'll have to see how he's doing tomorrow. I don't think he's coming back from this, though. I've never seen him this sick or for this long.

Ali, so sorry he's so poorly. Can you just spend time with him, and sit with him? I'm sure that will be comforting for him. You know you are doing all you can for him. He could be dehydrated with the symptoms you describe....

Old Man Cat is hanging in there. He seemed to turn a corner today on the extreme lethargy but I've noticed he won't get up on the sofa or ottoman anymore. I think it's too much for him, so he lays on the floor now. He still has bad diarrhea and I know that has to be draining on him. I have medicine from the vet but getting the oral dispenser into his mouth is a huge challenge. He squirms around and I end up squirting half the liquid on his face. lol I will hunt for some videos online to see there's a better technique.

I know it will be his time "soon." It'd be nice if he can recover from the pressure sore and his tummy sick, though. Aaaand... cleaning his mess off the floors and carpets every day won't be missed. Hope he gets well soon. 💐🐱

Ali, sorry about OMC. It sounds like he is suffering. Letting go is so hard.

Ali, I found that wrapping the cat up in a blanket or quilt before trying to "shoot" is helpful. Or a neighbor.

So sorry Ali.


OMC has been a trooper! So sorry that he has struggled so much in his senior years.

I'm sorry, ali. He has reached a great age. It's not surprising that he is on the decline. It's hard when that time approaches. You are a great mum to him! ((((((hugs)))))

I found wrapping a cat in a towel or blanket helps too.

I found a better way to give the meds, thank you!

I gave him pain meds for first time today. I'll see how he does with it. I don't think he is suffering... not yet. His appetite is good and he wants rubs and follows me to the kitchen, like usual. But, he's getting weak and I expect that to continue.

I told his old mom that she should prepare herself for it being his time very soon. She was just here last Sunday, first time in more than a year, and will come back this Sunday.

He's got a cushy bed on the floor that he likes, a senior cat box he's using, and lots of yummy food he's enjoying.

It's a Day At A Time right now. Of course it's sad, I'm sad, and I hate to see him decline. I'll talk to D when she comes this Sunday and go from there.

Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate the support.

What about a heating pad for comfort Ali?
That's what I did when I was loosing Odom and it seemed to help him.
I'm really sorry about your dear baby...
I know he's glad your'e near~

Ali how are you and what about OMC?

Thank you for asking, Anche. He's actively declining but it's not to the critical stage just yet, I don't think. It will be very soon, though. I'm happy his old mom is coming Sunday and can share some input.

When I came home from work today, I wasn't sure he would get up from his bed. But he did, walking slow. He didn't seem bothered by getting up and I haven't put his food and water near his bed just yet but I will as soon as it seems like he doesn't want to get up. He gets up sometimes just when I come into the room, or sit down to pet him. It's hard to tell if he would rather rest, or what. At the point that he doesn't seem to want to get up, I think that's time to take him to the vet for a humane option. It's wait-and-see right now. He ate well. He's still running out, still has diarrhea, despite a week's worth of medicine. That's got to be so hard on him. He was already skinny and... it's just very sad.

I gave him pain meds just a bit ago after he ate. I'm anxious to have his old mom here and see what she wants to do. If she wants to take him to nurse him in her home like she's said a few times, I might do that. I didn't want that last week but now I think it could be good for someone to be home with him all day. I don't think he'd like the change of environment, though. She has two kids who aren't good with cats (I've seen this a couple times and again last Sunday), a dog, and a husband who doesn't want Divo there. Knowing what to do is so hard right now. I'm glad he doesn't seem to be in pain and still enjoying his food and rubs so much.

This is so hard. He's had a good, long kitty life. He'll be a scrappy-doo kitty until the end, it seems.

I thought my other kitty might want to comfort him or be stressed by his decline but she's in her own world, like usual, hah! They are both very independent.

Thanks for asking and for letting me ramble on. I'm just watching and waiting, taking it a day at a time, and it's so hard.

I'm hanging in there. With work and school, it helps to be busy and keeps my mind on other things for much of the day.

So sorry Ali. I know it's none of my business but if you can handle it I would try to hang in there with Divo and keep him with you. Uprooting him now even with someone he knows might cause him extra stress. But of course you know best.

I've been saying prayers for him and you.

This is such a hard time. I remember when Matt was on his last legs, I was just waiting for the right moment. It came when I took him outside to pee and he peed on the driveway and collapsed in it. He was so weak. I took him inside and cleaned him up and called the vet.

I think you will know when the time is has come.. As you describe his old mum's home situation, I wonder if that is a good place for him. He is happy with you and your surroundings are familiar to him. That is important to him now. Take care of you too.

Ali, it sounds like Divo is comforted by your presence, so I’m thinking like the other posters, that he might be better staying with you rather than being moved at this stage. I think it’s ok those times when you’re not there at home - he’d probably prefer the peace and quiet than be in an environment with children, the dog and the reluctant husband. I’m thinking lots of soothing and comforting is what he needs now, in a calm setting.

As many of you know we have a feral colony here,, and they are mainly on our back deck and in our garage.. well fed spoiled ferals.. LOL And while I can touch them if I have food in my hand,, we can;t catch them at all. today I called a feral society and they are going to help us catch them and get them fixed, YAY!! We have to agree to take them back ( No problem,, I just don;t want More! ) and hope to have all the adults done by the end of June. It did help move things along when I told them I was willing to foot the cost ( It will be less for 20 cats then it was for my puppy at our regular vet ) It will be so nice to not have to worry about more kittens .. and I do not have any mouse or rodent problems,, and we live in the country.. The latest batch of 12 kittens will be done when they are 12 weeks, and my daughter may have found homes for some of them,, and there are 2 I would like to make into my own house cats as my old man is ,,, old. wish me luck,, and spay and neuter!!

Pamz, I'm so glad you're able to do the trap-neuter-release for these cats. My other cat was feral as a kitten, is very shy, sweet, and affectionate, and is a great house cat.

I'm taking Divo to the local vet tomorrow morning, they were able to get me in. He is very old, yes, but he is also in good spirits and eats well. I'm hoping the vet can recommend how to go forward. If the diarrhea can be stopped --e.g., if it's a bacterial infection that can be treated -- then Divo has a chance of getting better. The medication from ER vet didn't work at all. I think it was just like some cat Imodium.

I am concerned that he can't recover at his age but his old mom is not nearly ready to let go. Emotionally, my hands are tied until she is ready to cease treatments for him. I won't put him to sleep without her consent. It doesn't really matter what I think is best for Divo anymore, I need to give her a chance to take him to his previous vet in her city for testing and treatment. I've had waves of sadness and anxiety in the past couple weeks but I'm at peace right now, knowing I'm doing the very best I can for D's care.

I put him in his own room because I couldn't contain the mess anymore, but it was a good decision. The room is much warmer, I can monitor his food intake better (without his chunky sis eating everything when I'm not looking 😊), and it's just a better environment for a critically sick kitty.

His spirit is so much stronger than his frail body, that's for sure.

Vet said Divo has intestinal tumor/cancer. That makes sense but it's strange how the diarrhea set in about 2.5 weeks ago so quickly. Vet sent him home with steroid medication but prognosis is very poor, of course. I told previous owner. I hope in a week she is ready to talk end of life choices... even if we don't proceed for a couple weeks, all depending on how D does with his eating and strength. Managing Divo's care in the room is much easier, so I'm ok with trying the meds for now and giving him every chance to improve. Honestly, he seems ok, despite it all. He looks like he is very ill, so emaciated😞, but he is interested in food and wants rubs and generally doesn't act like anything is wrong.

Small blessings: this vet visit and medication was a very reasonable cost. The ER vet was so expensive and didn't give the correct Dx. Local vet said the tumor is easy to feel through Divo's skinny body. It's good to have a Dx.

Poor old guy, I'm glad you now know what you are dealing with. Hopefully with a diagnosis previous owner will see the sense in "kitty hospice" - just like hospice for people I think, letting them live as well as possible but willing to let go when the time comes.

I am so sorry for Divo,, but I am glad he has your love and care at this time. It is never easy

So sorry, ali. but glad you finally know. Poor Divo. I am glad he still is in good spirits. Hopefully previous owner will see it is now a matter of comfort. ((((hugs)))) to your and pats to Divo.

Pamz - wow - good for you and dh. What a great plan.

Oh, Ali, this sounds SO much like Merlin's trajectory (except no diarrhea). Merlin was pretty chipper right up until the end, so I'm hopeful you'll get a couple of good weeks with him.

Our vet tried immunosupressant chemotherapy to see if it would shrink Merlin's tumor (and no, it wasn't expensive) but it didn't have the desired effect. Keep up the belly rubs! ((((Hugs)))))).

I washed off Divo's backside with the handheld in the shower last night and noticed he was having trouble standing. I dried him off and put him in bed and I don't think he moved all night... because he couldn't. Around 8am, I realized he could no longer walk. He's been wobbly for weeks but now he can't go more than a few steps at most without crashing down.

Talked with previous mom about the situation. After sending all vet reports and some videos to previous owner's vet, they thought that putting to sleep is the right choice for care. Old mom came and got him for an appointment tonight with them and I sent him off with lots of love. His remains mean more to her and I feel like this was all done the right way, with respect for her wishes as best I could.

He is and was a heck of a cat, with more character and spunk than most. His old mom tells me stories of him chasing dogs down the street when he was younger and I get it, that's totally who he is. 💛


Your cat sounds so special. I once had a fur baby like yours. I giggled as I read about your cat chasing dogs. My cat did that. She developed a reputation for being an ‘attack cat.’

She was sweet as could be, but let a dog step foot into the courtyard of my apartment and I felt sorry that dog! LOL 😆

I had her for 16 years, She moved into six residences with me and believe me when I say that she owned every one of them! You know what they say, “A cat doesn’t live with us. We live with them!” I loved that cat!

((((((ali))))) - right decision made, although it will be sad to lose Divo. What a character - chasing dogs. He sure is a spunky cat! I understand about the remains. It's the memories that count most of all.

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