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So very sorry for your loss Ali. 😿

Divo is memorialized in the stories of him here on our forum.

He is a darn good old cat!

Bye Divo.

((((((Hugs)))))))) Ali. So sorry for your loss, but you did so right by him from beginning to end.

Ali, so sorry to hear about Divo. What a lovely old boy. Wonderful to think of him in his prime, chasing dogs. You gave him so much soothing and kindness in his final days, and I hope that gives you some comfort now.


Divo loved you very much. You loved him enough to let him go. He lived a beautiful life with you. You will miss him terribly.

I am so sorry for your loss. He was a unique kitty that was blessed to have such a loving mom. Our fur babies are part of our families.

Ali, so sorry for your loss. I was pulling for him and you.

You did right by him and carry that with you when you feel sad.

God Bless Divo!

Ali, I am so sorry to read about OMC. He sure had a long life, and you took such good care of him for the last few years. Thinking of you and Divo. Hugs.

Well folks unfortunately I have more distressing cat news. My cat Daniel is ill with a number of things right now. About three weeks ago we noticed him coughing. We took him to the vet last Monday and they did blood work and x-rays. The x-ray shows what looks like a mass on his lower right lung lobe. We haven't received a definite diagnoses because until we get a CT scan or fine needle aspiration done we don't know for sure what we are dealing with. Our vet said it could also be pneumonia so we have him on a course of antibiotics to rule this out then we will proceed from here.

In addition to all this they found a large stone in his bladder which she says may require surgery but she doesn't want to even think of surgery while he has this lung thing going on. Daniel is a senior cat.

So, Daniel is feeling pretty rotten. He's been on these antibiotics for four days so far and he is still coughing. I'm very worried.

Please add Daniel to your prayers.

Will absolutely pray for Daniel. Hugs, Getshun!

Oh Gershun I am so sorry,, prayers for you both.

Prayers for Daniel's health, and for your dear heart. 💞☔️💞

Gershun, I certainly hope your cat improves and conquers these health challenges.    It's so, so difficult to see animal become ill.

Gershun, best to you and Daniel.

Gershun - poor Daniel. Hope the antibiotics are working and he is feeling better. Prayers for both of you. Senior cats can be quite fragile.

Had both kitties on my lap the the day That was a first! It was a bit crowded. Rocky now expects me to drop everything when she wants lap time. Pumpkin has been tentative, but sees Rocky and wants the same. Jealous siblings! Pumpkin was here first and she is alpha cat!

Thank-you all for your well wishes for Daniel. It's so easy to let these little creatures get into your heart and so, so difficult when they get ill and you have to watch them start to decline.

We are doing what we can for him (and what we can afford). It's hard.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Well, it looks like I have lost Pumpkin. She and Rocky went out yesterday evening as usual - they have been out all night for a while now doing their kitty thing and coming in in the morning to sleep most of the day. The latest they have come home is about 10 am. Pumpkin is ravenous when she comes in. About 10 pm last night I saw them both crouched on the front step, I think not liking the weather as it seemed a thunderstorm was imminent so I opened the door, but neither got up to come in so I left them out, Rocky came in around 9 a.m. as usual, but there has been no sign of Pumpkin all day. I walked around the neighbourhood calling her this afternoon but that was fruitless.

About a week ago notices about a missing cat were out up in our street so I am concerned about a predator in the area..

I know cats can wander and get lost but I don't have a good feeling about this and am very sad. I miss her. Prayers please.

Golden, so sorry. Hoping she will turn up.

Oh Golden I'm sorry. I'm definitely going to send out prayers for Pumpkin.

Keep the faith though. When I was young I had a cat go missing for a month, then she suddenly appeared again. Are there any neighbors who have garages she could have gotten locked in?

Wishing Pumpkin and you well!

Thx Glad and Gershun

There are, of course, garages around but most are leave their cars in the driveway.

Oh, Golden! Hoping hard for Pumpkin's safe return!


My cousin’s cat got out in the dead of winter, snow on the ground. He lives in D.C.
He truly felt that he would never see him again. The cat was gone for weeks. Then one day, his cat returned home. He was a bit thinner and was meowing all night long! My cousin said it was like he was trying to tell him the whole story of his adventure.

His cat lived to be 23 years old! He got him when he was living in New York. He was a very friendly cat. When I went to NY to visit my cousin, I met his cat.

I hope that Pumpkin will return home. I will say a special prayer for both of you. Hugs!

I had a cat as a child that used to roam around. She went missing. I was riding my bike when I noticed a little girl playing with my cat in her yard. I parked my bike and ran up to her, and told her, “That is my cat!” The kid said, “Nope, we found her and my mom said that we could keep her.”

I went home and cried to my mom that I wanted my cat back. Mom told me to let her have the cat. She said that the little girl loved her like I did and the cat was happy there, and I had another cat at home to love. I was very upset with my mom for not going to get my cat back for me, but I had no choice but to let it go.

Thanks Barb and Need, Any cat I have had here that disappeared for a couple of days never came back. I put a litter box with used litter in it outside. Apparently the smell travels for about a mile and helps them find their way home. The problem here with bush across the street is predators. This may be the exception. We will see. Meanwhile I am not letting Rocky out at night and may slowly change her into an indoor cat. It's much safer for her.

Is Pumpkin still gone, Golden? I fear you're right, and she's been snatched by a predator. My bro and SIL have a cat that loves to go out but they have coyotes and other animals in the area that have presumably gotten other pets of theirs. It's always somewhat a risk in any area that has small prey predators. I hope she surprises you and comes back soon, though. <3


There are sections of our city that have coyotes. It’s awful! People have to keep a close eye on their small pets. I hope Pumpkin is okay, but I can’t blame Golden for being anxious thinking about a predator snatching Pumpkin. I hope it didn’t happen 😞.

Need, we have coyotes in Chicago even. There are quite a few local wild animals I wouldn't think would want to be in the city, but lord knows there are enough rats for them to catch, and some open spaces to nest in.

Bro/SIL have a cat now that loves to go out at night to hunt birds and mice and whatever else she does. So far, so good. But I know they've had another one disappear and they figured she'd been attacked by a coyote.

Keeping fingers crossed for Pumpkin.

Today,when I was thinking about Pumpkin,I googled Where to check if your cat is missing and several sites came up and there were some good tips.
It said to check Lost and Found pets,The Pet FBI,Craigslist and Facebook and that you could make flyers to hang on posts nearby.
It said that you could sprinkle flour on the ground to check for pawprints or to set a trap.
Maybe even set up a video camera.Visit local shelters and the Humane Society.
A whole bunch of stuff.
I know you love Pumpkin so much Golden.
I hope he returns soon~

Good advice Luckylu!
I am on a lost & found pet site and when one goes missing, the admins immediately post how to find your pet.

Hope that was helpful to Golden, we all want the best for her and Pumpkin.
Poor Rocky will be missing her sister. 😿

Golden, sorry that Pumpkin is missing. Maybe a neighbor has taken her inside during the storm. Don't give up.

Was wanting to post about my Tweety-bird, parakeet. But I delayed.
He has started molting again, and does not feel very good, so I added the usual molting vitamins to his food, after his behavior changed.

On July 22, the night before the full moon, he would not go into his cage. Then the night of the full moon, same. It always takes me awhile to find a correlation to different behaviors.

It could have been the full moon, or the start of molting.

Watching our pet's behaviors will help us care for them when there is a change in their behavior.

Tweety has perked up since yesterday, and went into his cage as usual last night. 🐦

Just wrote a long post and lost it.

Thanks to all for suggestions and prayers. I have done some of the suggested things to no avail. This city is in the bush. I have seen coyotes, foxes, deer bear and once a wolf within yards of the house. The local wisdom is that she has been taken by a predator. Rocky and I are adapting and changing our routine a bit. I am letting her upstairs at night and out in the mornings only now and maybe not at all later. She doesn't stay out long and sleeps more than any cat I have had so it doesn't affect her too much. I could not have kept Pumpkin in. What she wanted she insisted on and moved like quick-silver to get out sometimes such that you didn't see her and wondered when you saw her wanting in how she got out. Not just me - my dd too when she was here.

I am grieving more for Pumpkin than I expected. I think because she was a young cat and this was so sudden. I have put down many pets after illness, and you have time to prepare. I didn't have that with Pumpkin. She wasn't the smartest cat but she was lovable. She had just started cuddling on my lap and the other day I had both of them on my lap. We miss her. (((((😽)))))

gershun - how is Daniel? Hope he is resounding to the antibiotics..

send - glad that Tweety is doing better.

Golden, I'm so sorry about Pumpkin. I guess it's been a few days now and you are losing hope but you never know. She may come bounding in the house again. I pray for that for you.

As for Daniel, I can't honestly say how he's doing. Today will be day 12 of the antibiotics. He still coughs. Mostly during the afternoon, then he seems like himself in the evening. We are taking him in for another x-ray on Tuesday to see if what appeared as possibly a mass has changed at all. Then we can say it was pneumonia that is getting better. If the mass is still there, on to a CT scan, then treatment for whatever that shows it to be. I'm always the one who administers the medicine so Daniel and I are having a bit of a standoff right now. I think he knows I'm just trying to help but he sure isn't happy with me about it.

I hate to talk about money when it comes to my beloved pet but this is all expensive. We've already spent thousands on Daniel in the past. So far this time we've spent a thousand and it is going to keep going up. When do you decide to not treat and just keep him comfortable? We've not reached that point yet but one has to be realistic. I've heard that if we had pet insurance it probably would not have covered any of this so either way it's costly.

Please keep him in your prayers!

Golden,keep your hope alive,, I have had cats (feral) disappear for weeks,, then just show back up, and we are very rural with foxes and eagles,, you name it.

Tomorrow we get 6 more traps from the feral rescue and will try to trap more cats, that have not already been fixed. If we catch the ones already done we release them and hope to catch ones that are not,, but these stinkers are smart! I am thinking we will catch the fixed ones first.. my luck! I am over all these kittens!After they fix them they return them to us, and we agree to feed them and not remove them. I am OK with that,, just don;t want they to keep multiplying!

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