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Happy Birthday to Hokus and Pokus!

Are they tuxedo cats SharynMarie?

I think Luckylu has that kind, black and white?

So folks I have sad, sad news. I had to have my beloved Daniel euthanized today.

He was critical and his lungs were full of fluid, suffocating. It was peaceful and painless.

Now the grieving begins.

Gershun, I am so sorry.

So very sorry Gershun.
You will miss your beloved Daniel. 😿

Tweety and I, and my praying Dh send our condolences to you, Gershun.

Last photo ever taken of my beloved Daniel.

Puss in Boots!

That must be the best hat ever for the best cat ever!

Beautiful cat, Gershun. I'm so sorry.

Gershun, so sorry to read that your beautiful boy has gone. Try to console yourself by thinking of the love you gave him. Lucky boy.

((((((Gershun))))))) so so sorry. Know you did the right by Daniel. Be gentle on yourself the next while.

Gershun, I'm so sorry. It's such a difficult thing to do, even when you know it's right. Your cat pic reminded me of the Puss In Boots stories when I was a kid. :-) I'm happy you had him and he had such a great life with you. (((((hugs)))))

Thank-you all very much for your condolences. Daniel was such a special cat.

We knew almost from the very beginning that he was unique. When we saw him and his brother Henrick at the store where we got him he was a little rebel rouser.
I think he thought I was his mom cause when they were kittens he and Henrick would suck on my pajama top and knead as if they were nursing.

As he grew older we couldn't believe how communicative he was. He always had conversations with us. He'd make little chirping sounds. He sounded like a little duck.

He always wanted to be with us. He'd do that caressing thing with his eyes.

He was smart as hell too. If my DH was doing any kind of project around our place Daniel would watch. We used to say he was storing information to bring back to the cat brigade. We used to say he was President and Founder of the giant cat brigade. LOL

He always did that thing that cats do where they flop on their side to show his stomach which I've heard means they have total trust in you. He'd climb on my lap and flop down and push his head into my lap.

He loved his Dad too. When DH came home he'd walk over, DH would crouch down and Daniel would sit between his legs. He'd put his paw on DH's bare foot.

He could open doors like no other. For a time when they were young we'd have to keep them in the bathroom. But he found a way to get out. He would stick his paw under the door and pull and pull. One day we were laying in bed and next thing we knew he jumped on the bed and went over to us and starting licking our faces just like a dog.

If we were printing things he'd stand and watch, trying to see where the printer paper was coming from.

Every vet we ever took him to the people working there fell in love with him. They'd come out and say how sweet and cute he was. Even yesterday the vet said he was so cute and lovable.

I could say a lot more but needless to say we are heartbroken. There will never be another Daniel. He was the best! A real live Teddy Bear!

Daniel was a very special cat Gershun!
What a loving and moving tribute to him and his life with you!

I am so sorry Gershun,, he had a great life

Gershun I am so sorry for the loss of your Daniel.

Gershun, so sorry to read about Daniel's passing. I know what you are going through as we had the same lung issue with one of our cats. You did the right thing. I read your tribute, and it brought back memories of our orange/white cat, putting his paws under the closed door and rattle the door enough to open it. And other similar things. Only difference he was a terror at the Vet, always had to get the first appointment otherwise he would empty out the waiting room with his voice.

Write down those memories, otherwise as time passes we tend to forget the crazy things they use to do. Wish I did.

Thank-you FF. We are going to make a scrapbook for Daniel with pictures and memories written down.

Just a question for all you cat and dog people.

my daughter and sil will be going out of state for a few days for a family wedding. My daughter wants us to care for her dog (a golden retriever and the brother to our dog).

the problem is my daughters dog is not acclimated to cats. She brought him over tonight again. My cats do not like her dog. They are very scared of him. I went to the windowsill my cat was sitting on so I could put him in the bedroom, the cat panicked jumped on the table and my daughters dog went after the cat. I grabbed the cat off the table, he sticks his claws in my back. I got him in the bedroom and shut the door. My daughter felt if I had left the cat alone, the situation would have been fine. Then she proceeded to pull two claws out of her dogs fur….the claws were shredded in strips. Now keep n mind, my husband is no support or help and I’m not a dog person. I like dogs but cats are clearly my jam and always have been. I’m concerned one of my cats may get hurt.

I told my daughter I think it’s best she board her dog since I can’t depend on my husband to help.

Any suggestions from all you loving pet people?

Hi Sharyn, DD's dog will be fine being boarded. You. made the right decision. It would be too difficult to say nothing of STRESSFUL trying to keep the pets apart.

I don't blame you one bit. It would take days if not weeks for the pets to adjust. By then daughter will be back.

Thank you Glad. We will also have the boys during this time as well. I think it’s too much for me to handle since the cats are fast and can sneak out through the bedroom door before I shut it. Thank you, I agree.

Sharyn, I'm dealing with a situation in my apartment right now where I should have trusted my instincts and not let a new roommate with a cat move in after I saw how it behaved with my cat. I figured I could handle a couple weeks of adjusting but nothing's changed or calmed down, the other cat still hisses, lunges, and acts aggressive and wild, and my cat resorts to hiding away most of the time now.

What happened when your DD brought the dog over is what's going to happen if he's left there for a few days. You were good to try but it's better to have the dog go to boarding and spare you and your cats the stress.

Sharon, especially with the boys! If they were in the wrong place at the wrong time they could easily be hurt badly. Dd has to find a kennel or another friend to take the dog. That is one of the things that always concerned me with living too close to my kids. Always calling mom for help when there were other options. Just easier and much cheaper for mom to do it. I was a convenience with DD1 and her two. I think me caring for mom that four years impacted our relationship because I was not as available as I had been before.😕

The dog is misbehaving. Board it, in my opinion. Protect your own pets first.

Carry a spray bottle of water or keep it nearby (Ali-when the new cat is aggressive). This may help, but I am sure watching a few cat whisperer videos
will help both you, and your roommate to be on the same page.

When there was a cat who passed recently, the new cat is going to be wondering, and looking for that missing cat smell. Let alone the existence of a real cat. Replace all the bedding (including the new cat's) with new.

Ali - some people I follow on a different forum have mentioned using synthetic pheromones to help their cats be less aggressive

Tweety-bird became very friendly, looking down at me from his high up perch.
Then he flies to the bed, walks around. This was fun, said me, thinking we are bonding. He flew over when I called him (a new behavior!) He ate spinach from my hand. He started spending more time sleeping on the computer.
He nibbled on my toes just as I was waking from a nap. So cute!

Then he bites my toe! Then he is holding on, it hurt! He is hormonal, thinking now that I am his mate, not his mom. The solution found on the internet is to distract him with a toy. To make sure he gets more sleep, undisturbed.

The idea to get him a bird companion is just not feasible. But he could be lonely, hormonal, and jealous. I have asked dH to spend more time talking to him, and taken away the mirrors, decreased the bird videos and added parental controls to the ones he watches.

Hoping this will pass and he will be okay.

Thanks for some tips about my cat situation. This new cat is really only a kitten of about 8-10 months, and since she hasn't been spayed, she goes into heat every 2-3 weeks. So that's part of why she gets all riled up and I can work with that for right now. New roommie isn't staying long so it's only a couple more weeks and she'll be moved out again. Nova the new cat is just a wild one, anyway, but when she's in heat, she cries constantly and wants butt rubs from everyone. All of Divo's bedding was washed and now Nova uses it on the sofa. I wonder if there is any scent left of him, I wouldn't think so.

The spray bottle idea is easy enough and I can use if needed.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts about my daughters dog staying with us. We decided my hubs will go to our daughters house and feed, water him and let him out to run around the backyard for a while twice a day.

Ali, that’s the thing with my cats was I didn’t want to put them in a bedroom for hours a day. It takes a long time to acclimate pets to each other and sometimes it never works. Our dog has had a cat around him since we got him at 9-10 weeks old. He plays very well with my 2 cats. DD’s dog has never been exposed. We have to be careful with our fur babies and other pets.

yes, Glad, I’m concerned he may go after the cats and the boys will try to stop him, then they get bit/hurt. I’d feel really bad if something happened to them as well.

I was working on homework late into the night tonight in my bedroom and thought no one else was at home. I hear what I think is my cat Lilah screaming, yowling, clearly distressed and fighting with something in the other room. I run out panicked to see what's going on. The other roommate's cat had been let out and was being aggressive to Lilah. Roommate had just come home, just let her out, and says "they're just screaming at each other." I watched the cameras and see that it's not "them screaming at each other." Her cat consistently goes after mine, and mine tries to run away. Lilah is a very shy, timid cat, and now she's hiding away more than usual because of this other cat. And I started finding cat poo in the empty front bedroom, so either the new cat is being put in there without proper litter access or Lilah has new behavioral problems because she's never gone outside the box in the 4 years I've had her. Either way, this is a problem. Roommate is aware of my dislike about the situation. I said in her lease if the cats didn't adjust she would need to re-home hers... but roommate has already given notice and I won't say anything more since she's moving out. It's just annoying me and I'm mad at myself for not being able to enforce stricter boundaries with this issue. The new cat is a friggin menace, it's mean, it scares me much less my timid cat. And how the heck it's my roommate's "support animal" I will never understand. It's a little demon. lol

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