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I'll be in trouble if Rocky ever gets kidney issues. She doesn't like wet food and waits till her canned pate dries out somewhat before she eats it. I used to add water but it was pointless. She does drink water separately. Now Pumpkin noisily slurped up the wet cat food with extra water. She loved it. .

I sent an e-mail to the SPCA in our area asking where we could possibly donate our unused cat food. Hopefully, we can help someone.

Gershun, at the vet's office today, there was a donation bin with different supplies, opened bags of dry food (taped shut), and some labeled Ziplocs of dry food. I have some opened-but-full bags that I'll take to a shelter. I think they'll use them.

Gershun, call, I know that many of our rescues and the humane society are accepting any food donations right now.

Putting your name and contact info on the bag may be required.

Lol, worthy cat owners I meant to say.

I think the cats need it more😀😀😉😉!

Pam, I thought about donating the food but most places will not take food that has been opened. The cans maybe but we have mostly dry food going to waste here.

It's too bad cause I would love to donate it to worthy people who need it.

Chicken broth? Hmmm, I wonder.

Cats react to change. Depending on the cat, some tolerate it better than others. If they are getting less attention, they might act up.

We have been successful in being second owners of pets who have transferred loyalty. Some pets do better than others. They might mourn their first parent.

My MIL has the best companion cat. We have made sure that the cat loves us too so if something happens, we will be familiar. This cat really helps my MIL, sticks close to her and reminds her to feed her. Peta are good for the mental health of the elderly as well as for caregivers!

Gershun if you have extra cat food that will go to waste please search out your nearest Tip and Neuter people,, they are always looking for donations and are so thankful! Or a food bank,, lots of underserved folks have pets they love and are struggling to feed. It will go to a good and needed cause

Golden, I agree cats need to play! Lilah's always liked hiding away, but I'm going to make more effort to engage her, and it can only be good for her at this point. She's been hiding away all the time lately, slinks under the sofa in 5 inches of space or the back of closets, and stays put all day. I will try some fun tricks to get her up and moving again. 🧡

None of Lilah's tests, including urinalysis, showed any issue. My tentative conclusion is that she became very dehydrated, making her confused and uncomfortable.

From now on, she will get watered down wet cat food daily, and I'll keep monitoring her. She loves it, so that's fantastic. All the posts here about your own experiences with cats not drinking enough water made me realize this is a common thing! Lightbulb moment.

The way she acts the past month makes me think she has some kitty senility, too, and that is a contributing factor in the confusion, avoiding social interactions, and loss of learned behaviors.

FF, I put a couple more water dishes around the house for Lilah. It remains to be seen if she'll use them as intended. Cute story about giving subcutaneous water. 😸

Gershun, I get it about Henrick and being finicky. You're good to do everything reasonable that you can. It is what it is. You and others have really clued me in on what could be happening with Lilah and hydration/urinary issues. I hope daily "soup" helps for now. Thank you. 😽

Gershun, I remember when one of our cats had kidney issues, and would also refuse any special foods. But, much to my surprise, he let me needle water under his skin. He would sit quietly during the procedure, but once he got bored, off he would go, the needling coming out and it was like a loose garden hose whipping every which way until I could turn it off.

I also put extra water bowls around the house which got his curiosity, and would move them on a regular basis.

gladimhere, I have a ginger cat who has "pica", his strange chew of choice is cellophane. Thus whenever I change out an ink cartridge, the new one has to be unwrapped and it's that type of wrapping that he will hunt out. Same with any thing in the kitchen that comes in such type of wrapping.

I tried keeping growing grass in the house, but he and the other cat would mow it down in a matter of minutes, and drag the grass out by the roots. Now I am trying lettuce, but they aren't interested.

Ali, I feel you about your kitty worries. My cat Henrick who is almost 15 yrs. old was recently diagnosed with early kidney disease. We were prescribed a kidney friendly cat food, a kidney powder supplement and are administering subcutaneous fluids weekly.

Henrick has always been finicky as hell when it comes to his food and we have tried several of the kidney friendly foods and he refuses all of them. The powder supplement is a bust too. Even just a tiny bit added to his food and he detects it and won't eat. We can't even mix it with water and give it to him in a syringe cause this powder just doesn't mix well with anything. The only thing we are having some success with is the subcutaneous fluids.

I guess we'll just have to monitor him and let nature take it's course. I mean he has to eat and if he won't eat the food that's good for him, ah well.........We have tried and tried. We have several bags and cans of food that will go unused unfortunately.

So I hope your kitty is doing fine and doesn't have a kidney problem or anything serious like that.

Thanks, guys. Yesterday I could tell she was thirsty, but she won't go get the water readily available to her. I put a little water dish under her head, and she slurped it up. I put another litter box next to her, and she used it multiple times. But she isn't going to the usual place for these things, which is only another 20 feet away. The vet said maybe it's arthritis, but I wouldn't think it'd affect her so quickly. Lilah had blood work a couple of months ago, and everything came back fine.

She goes back to the vet tomorrow to get a urine sample. The vet agreed it could be a UTI, but they couldn't get any urine today and said she's dehydrated. I made "soup" out of wet cat food, and she's eating some.

Ali, my thoughts are with you an Lilah today. Hope it's something easy!

((((hugs))))) ali. She is a good age, for sure. Hope the vet can help.

glad - can you distract her with a lazer light or other toy when she chews on something she shouldn't? They need to play!!!

Yesterday I saw a canine of some sort loping through the neighbourhood - and through my front garden. It did not look like a lost dog. but rather a predator tracking something. Thankfully Rocky was inside and I kept her for a while. but didn't see it again.

Hope.okay will be ok, ALI.

Chew toys for cats?! Never heard of such a thing! The plastic tips on shoelaces are one of her favorite things!

Ali I hope Lilah is okay. I'll be thinking of you. (and Lilah of course)

Lilah has a vet appt tomorrow. It will be a relief to get her seen. I think she has a UTI or some other acute infection. I feel terrible for not realizing she was sick, but I was sick, too, and she's always been a "hider" -- she likes to be under things and in closets, and it's common for her to hide away for days. I didn't see how bad she was getting. 😞

That's interesting about the copy/paste of URLs, Glad. Will Ming get her biting out harmlessly if you buy her more small chewy toys? Probably not. 😁 I'd try it, though, if you haven't already.

My cat Lilah is acting strange. It's been a couple of weeks now. She's been going potty outside her litter box and does not eat or drink as much. She is still eating; I'm giving her different wet food to tempt her, and she will eat it all if I put it next to her, but she won't go get it in the usual area. I'm scheduling a vet visit tomorrow.

She's 15yo, give or take a year. I hope the vet finds something to indicate what's going on and it's treatable. Otherwise, I suppose it could be her hitting some decline due to age, and I hate to think so.

This cat drives me nuts! If it is plastic or rubber she wants to chew it! Puncture wounds on my kindle cover, cords, the rubber cap on spring door stop! Sometimes even wood. She must think she is a puppy.

Turns out I can copy and paste YouTube, but nothing else?😅😅

Google Dexter ouray, coolest Britney spaniel ever!

Tried to copy and paste, but again lately, everything is truncated. Maybe intentional by admin? Sure is irritating!

Just FYI for a friend...
Tobacco is poisonous for pets.
Do not give it to cure bloating in a cat, especially if pregnancy is suspected.

Beautiful dog!

Found a harness that fits Rocky. I have put it on her 2x now. I am amazed at how compliant she is as I fumble with it, getting her all "clicked" in. She is comfortable enough to walk around the house in it but didn't want to go outside. Good progress so far.

I am LOVING Trumpet the bloodhound!

Glad you are lucky if all you have is cat hair,, when hubs used to travel 2 weeks out of the month one of our cats used to pee in his suitcase if he left it on the floor! Revenge served cold indeed! Bella is eating chicken,, and cheese,, LOL no dog food for her once she figured out she was not going home.. DD got home today but is working remotely trying to resell a house that mortgage fell through on, so I decided to keep Bella until tomorrow. Hey, we still have some chicken...

Well, Ming has decided my suitcase is a great napping spot or she wants to come with me on the next two night jaunt. Will have to put suitcase in closet I don't want kitty fur all over everything I pack in there. Bad kitty!😾😾

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