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DD is off to a carolina beach vacay with 14 of her friends,, and we have 4lb Bella for the week, visiting with our 18 lb chug Chloe. At least this time ( so far) Bella is eating like normal,, but we have stocked up on chicken strips! DD laughs that she "cons" us into this,, but hey,, she is our only grand child!

I enjoyed that Glad!

This is the coolest cat story! I cannot imagine this man's patience!

LOL! Miller season, army cut worm variety. They somehow get in the chimney and find their way down to the fireplace. Sure entertains Ming to see those things fluttering around in there. Thank goodness for gas fireplaces with glass window! They are disgusting!

Playing fetch this morning.😸😸

LOL! I have been looking for a missing pair of readers for two weeks. When I am at home I know where I keep them. The problem with spending two nights a week in a hotel is that when I pack for the next overnight, I am not sure where I put things.

That poor cat, she loves the cases that these cheap readers are in and I have caught her stealing them before. Found one pair under the couch once.

Now this missing pair I was sure that darn cat has absconded with them. Down on the floor looking under all furniture for them. Where do I find them? On the passenger seat in the car. I am sure it was the cat that put them there!

Maybe put a pair of readers in the cat carrier the next time I need to move her.

freqflyer, have you considered the back-pack style vacuums that are used by hotel cleaning crews? I don't have one -- yet -- but with 2 full flights of stairs in my home, I'm thinking more seriously about it.

I'll have to check out those other brands of carpet sweepers. After carrying my sweeper up and down the stairs to the basement, I decided it was safer to just purchase another sweeper, hopefully less expensive.

Golden, my male cat wouldn't go for the covered litter box [which sounds great] as he likes to place his front paws on the edge of the box when he is using it. Plus the other cat may park herself in front of the litter box and not let him out :P

I have a bissel carpet sweeper, I like it but have no way to know whether it's as good as the other.

I really recommend the automatic self cleaning litter box. The trays are expensive but last me a month with Rocky - she is a small cat and goes out sometimes. It means changing trays once a month and that's it!!!

The covered one helps so there is very little spill over of the crystal litter. A mat in front of the box catches most of it.

Carpet sweepers were great. With hardwood floors a broom works fine.

The fuller brush carpet sweeper is nice, and nostalgic, pretty in red.
But online has bissell and Yocada, even commercial carpet sweepers just as good for less than 1/2 of the $79.00 hefty price. imo.
Even though, i am a buy brand name snob.

FF, I have just been thinking about getting the red fuller brush carpet sweeper myself. Mom had one when I was just a kid. Thank you for the recommendation! Funny, you must have been reading my mind! I remember the fuller brush man coming to the house. The old time door to door salesman.😊😊

I was tired of lugging out the big old Shark, or it's child, Rocket to clean kicked out cat litter. I tried a whisk broom and dust pan, but trying to stand up afterwards was a challenge. Explaining the issue to a cat who is good at arguing back didn't work. Then one day while on Facebook came an ad for a carpet sweeper. I remember my Mom having one. So I said to myself "why not".

Happy as a clam. My old fashion carpet sweeper came the other day from the Fuller Brush Company. I was amazed at how well it cleaned up cat litter.

I plan to see how well this works on the basement floor as I have litter boxes down there, too [no waiting].

I better end this, before I sound like an info-commercial :P

My male cat who died last year was a ginger. He wasn't afraid of seemingly anything, at least not for long. He got used to the vacuum and didn't care if I went right next to him with it. My other one still runs to hide the moment it comes on even if I'm 3 rooms away. I've speculated that her shy, scared-y personality comes from her months as a feral kitten.

FF when we had a new roof put on years ago our Daniel did the same thing. He was a big ginger. I didn't know he could slink so low. His tummy was dragging on the floor. Then he got really scared of the skylight for weeks afterward. I guess he saw one of the guys there and never got over it. LOL

He was a sweetie!

We had a new roof put on today so it was interesting to see how the cats would react to this.

Our male ginger cat was slinking as low as he could go and went into the basement, parked on one of the stairs, and stayed there all day. In the far past I also had a ginger cat who did the same thing, but he wouldn't emerge from hiding for 24 hours.

Anyone else with a ginger have that type of personality? Wondering if it is the breed?

Our female roughneck, a mix of tuxedo and Main Coon, was as calm as could be. She spent time upstairs looking at the ceilings and looking out the windows. She didn't mind all that hammering.

FF, maybe a set of cat steps would help with the bed?

The newest member to our household, who we have had for 6 months now, I think I named her wrong. She should be called Edwardnette Scissor Hands.

The cat, Miss Molly, we are still trying to figure her out. She's about 3 or 5 years old, looks like a panda bear mixed with a skunk, and quite over-weight.

She had come to county shelter via a court order, so she had been taken from her owner. I believe maybe because she is short-legged [not a munchkin according to the vet] that maybe the owner was trying to breed her to eventually have munchkin short legged cats.

With her short legs, she cannot jump up on so many things like regular legged cats. We know how cats love heights. It took her awhile to finally be able to just jump onto the bed. With her weight, she tends to roll off the bed when washing. When she runs down the stairs, she usually can't stop at the bottom and rolls into the wall. Oops.

There are so many things I haven't been able to teach her.... like if a door isn't open wide enough for her, how to open it herself. She will just sit there. Our other cat [he's 11] is always opening up doors through-out the house.

But she is one cat who is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, she will sit and watch us vacuum. While the other cat is hiding under the bed or in the basement.

Ali I just saw your post! My little ferals have all made it through the winter! We still have an issue sometimes with Furby, but foil around the bases of the larger plants have helped! And once in awhile hubs forgets to chase the others out so I come down to find a random cat in the house!! But luckily its the same "extra" big boy,, so at least I can watch for him. And I am having to change the litter box ALOT more!

My Miss Bobbie Sox is holding her own. Her kidneys are functioning as best they can. The prednisone did help bring her white count down but it is still too high. She most likely has an intestinal cancer or IBS. I’m continuing giving her the prednisone every other day. The vet suggest I feed her kitten food since it has more calories. She is an eating machine. This indicates she is not getting enough nutrients common with an intestinal disease. The only way they can be sure if it’s cancer or IBS is to do a biopsy on her intestines which I feel at her age is very invasive and not necessarily in her best interest. She is the best kitty, so affectionate, she has a loud cranky sounding meow which throws off my other two kittys thinking she is angry

Hi Ali, there is progress with the cats, the boys don’t hiss at me when they smell Bobbies scent on me , Lol! It’s going to take time. They are very curious about Bobbie so that is good.

I hope school is going well for you.

Messes up the exercise and my focus especially when she starts playing with my hair, or cuddling it. I am not sure what she is trying to do sometimes.😹😹😹😹

My old springer Matt used to do that. He thought it was a game and he had ro join in, It sure messes up your exercising. 😊

Ming, so funny! I am participating in a rural cancer survivor exercise research study through the medical school. There are exercises that I need to be on the floor to do. Ming does them too, in her way just rolling all over! She is a riot!

Pamz, Lilah has a bad plant habit, too. I've moved all plants out of her reach except the ones on the kitchen table, and thankfully she doesn't seem to prefer those. I put an aloe and succulent closest to the floor and she doesn't like those. RIP every fern she can get a hold of. If only I could get her to stop chewing plastic bags. If she swallows too much, she'll have to cough it up.

How are the cats doing with the winter? Sounds like they are safe with their cat houses outside. You're doing a great job with them.

Sharyn, how are Bobbie and your other 2 getting along?

Anche, I love your rabbit! He definitely seems like a handful, a very active bunny.

Gershun, luckily I can do most of it myself. The injections I can give myself with a prescription with I already checked the price and it less than $10 for a 3-4 month supply. Right now the injections are all she needs later I may have to add a powder to her food and it also is low in price. Yes the bloodwork twice a year will cost the most. Once a cat is 10 years old, they should have bloodwork twice a year anyway since they age faster. I will find out and it may be something I never do again. It is hard letting them go when the time comes.

Good for you Sharyn. You know I'd do the same but I can't afford the vet bills. Plus I get so attached and I lost a pet almost 6 mths ago now and I still cry missing him.

I'm happy that there are kind people like you out there. It's too bad vets don't offer to help pay vet bills for their old pet shelter animals then maybe more people would adopt the older ones.

Hey everyone, I haven’t post in a while. My two cats are my avatar. They are now 1-1/2 year olds. I am also in the process of adopting a 15 year old female kitty. No one wants her, she is in very early stages of kidney failure. She will need B12 injections every other week which I can do myself with a prescription. She may only live 3-4 years, but I would rather provide a loving home for her during these years than to have her die alone her name is Bobbie, I will not change her name do to her age. My husband and I had a meet and greet with her yesterday. She is so loving and accepting. I hopefully can bring her home no later than next Thursday.

Tonight we cleaned out the fridge, and the ferals got thier dry food mixed with chicken, hard boiled eggs and ham and green beans! They ate every bite! It is snowing and I figured they could use the extra treats and fat. We have 3 cat houses ( no jokes please) on the deck stuffed with straw, and 3 in the garage so they should all be nice and warm as they cudddle up in them. The two teenagers who are litter trained are in, and we are deciding about Furby as he has a bad plant habit!

My DDs puppers eats dog food at her house, but when we have her she goes on strike. Its Costco chicken or starve! Luckily she only weighs 4 LBS Our dog eats anything in front of her face! Green beans are a favorite

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