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Ali how are you and what about OMC?

What about a heating pad for comfort Ali?
That's what I did when I was loosing Odom and it seemed to help him.
I'm really sorry about your dear baby...
I know he's glad your'e near~

I found a better way to give the meds, thank you!

I gave him pain meds for first time today. I'll see how he does with it. I don't think he is suffering... not yet. His appetite is good and he wants rubs and follows me to the kitchen, like usual. But, he's getting weak and I expect that to continue.

I told his old mom that she should prepare herself for it being his time very soon. She was just here last Sunday, first time in more than a year, and will come back this Sunday.

He's got a cushy bed on the floor that he likes, a senior cat box he's using, and lots of yummy food he's enjoying.

It's a Day At A Time right now. Of course it's sad, I'm sad, and I hate to see him decline. I'll talk to D when she comes this Sunday and go from there.

Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate the support.

I'm sorry, ali. He has reached a great age. It's not surprising that he is on the decline. It's hard when that time approaches. You are a great mum to him! ((((((hugs)))))

I found wrapping a cat in a towel or blanket helps too.


OMC has been a trooper! So sorry that he has struggled so much in his senior years.

So sorry Ali.

Ali, I found that wrapping the cat up in a blanket or quilt before trying to "shoot" is helpful. Or a neighbor.

Ali, sorry about OMC. It sounds like he is suffering. Letting go is so hard.

Old Man Cat is hanging in there. He seemed to turn a corner today on the extreme lethargy but I've noticed he won't get up on the sofa or ottoman anymore. I think it's too much for him, so he lays on the floor now. He still has bad diarrhea and I know that has to be draining on him. I have medicine from the vet but getting the oral dispenser into his mouth is a huge challenge. He squirms around and I end up squirting half the liquid on his face. lol I will hunt for some videos online to see there's a better technique.

I know it will be his time "soon." It'd be nice if he can recover from the pressure sore and his tummy sick, though. Aaaand... cleaning his mess off the floors and carpets every day won't be missed. Hope he gets well soon. 💐🐱

Ali, so sorry he's so poorly. Can you just spend time with him, and sit with him? I'm sure that will be comforting for him. You know you are doing all you can for him. He could be dehydrated with the symptoms you describe....

He's doing really poorly today and tonight. I made a bed for him next to food bowls and there he sits for now. He doesn't respond much to rubs. I think he could perk up in a few days if this diarrhea gets under control, but so far the meds I'm giving him 2x a day haven't stopped it. Is it his time? Maybe soon. The next couple of days will tell. He's very lethargic and will stand and stare off at something for minutes at a time, like he doesn't know what he wants or where he's going. So he's acting confused and very lethargic. I keep tempting him with new foods to eat and that works, he is eating though picky as ever. I'll have to see how he's doing tomorrow. I don't think he's coming back from this, though. I've never seen him this sick or for this long.

Ali, some of what you describe sounds like stuff the vet found with Merlin. He was on thyroid meds for the last few months and prednisone.

I wondered sometimes if some of this is dementia related in very old animals, Mine never went outside the box but he seemed terribly confused, not seeing his food when it was right in front of him, licking up the gravy, wanting to wander the hallways of my apartment building.

Gold luck with Divo Ali and yes, this IS caregiving. :)

So sorry about OMC, Ali. 22?! Hard to imagine. Sounds like he is comfortable and happy.

Hyperthyroidism was mentioned in the vet report. I'd have to check the records to see if lab results gave measurements for this but the description fits Divo to a T.

>>>Clinical Signs
Cats afflicted with hyperthyroidism usually develop a variety of signs that may be subtle at first but that become more severe as the disease progresses. The most common clinical signs of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, increased appetite, and increased thirst and urination. Hyperthyroidism may also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperactivity. The coat of affected cats may appear unkempt, matted, or greasy. --

I had no idea this condition could explain Divo's fur issues, too. He has all of these symptoms. And this is why I've been unaware about his weight loss because he eats well and is always happy to get his food. I wouldn't think he was losing weight with how much he eats.

Ali, elderly cat care is very time consuming and often worrying. I think male cats can be prone to more problems as they get older. One of my cats has had episodes of pancreatitis, which is very painful for him, and very messy for us. This started to become more frequent recently, so he is now on a special diet where the protein is hydrolysed - it seems he was unable to digest much of the protein in his previous diet. He needs to be on this for 6 weeks to assess the impact. So far so good. He wasn’t wildly keen on the new stuff to start with, but has settled into the change, his condition seems good and the vomiting has stopped.
Just a thought...but could Divo have diabetes? One of my MIL’s cats had this when he got older, and weight loss was a symptom.

Well... after going through vet records, it's clear Divo is losing weight. He's lost more than 2 pounds since January. That's when I started adding Miralax to his food. It was recommended by the vet and seemed to help him. His weight history for the past 4 years shows weight loss with each visit, though, so I'm not sure if the Miralax caused this or if Divo's just on this trajectory due to aging. He has a good appetite and food is always available to him. I'm switching him off of any gravy wet food because he only consumes mostly the gravy. It's all pates for him from now on.

I know he may never come back from his weight loss. Aging goes only one direction but I can try what seems reasonable for him.

Just sounding off about my kitty. I am concerned about him. There have been a lot of changes with him recently.

Oh boy, Chriscat. I admit I was laughing by time you got to the meds. What a mess! lol I think I would have had the drink, then the laugh, then cleaned it all up. 😸

Divo peeing outside the box has been a bigger mess than the poop. That's a new habit for him. It runs everywhere and I clean and disinfect every time. He's drinks a lot of water and pees a ton. I'm anxious to see how a new bigger box works for him but it seems like it can only help.

Thankfully he's the only one of my two who does anything like this. The other one rarely has issues, only when she's been eating my plants. lol

Ali, my elderly cats have started going outside of but near to the box sometimes. I got extra long boxes and they have been better. My two cats surpassed themselves this morning though. We had visitors for lunch so were hoping to spruce the house up before they arrived. We woke up to find both cats had pooped outside their boxes, then while we were cleaning that up, one was sick in the kitchen. Then when he went out and the other one returned, he pooped outside the box again. We gave up on trying to have breakfast. Eventually when we’d restored some kind of order, my husband went to get a mop and bucket and only when he’d filled the bucket up did he realise there was a hole in it. While that was leaking all over the floor, I was getting some meds out for the cats (a gloopy syrup liquid), but the top flew off and the stuff went all over me, a cat and the floor. At this point I could have just gone back to bed, or had a stiff drink, but thankfully we were able to have a good laugh about it whilst the cats, who were both feeling much better, settled down for a nice sleep. Thankfully the rest of the day passed without any more cat trouble and we had a nice lunch with our friends. Dreading what I might wake up to tomorrow morning though....

Divo has some new needs, I've noticed. He's been going potty outside the litter box. Not anywhere else in the house, just right outside the box. I watched him today as he would get his first two paws in the box and he just sat there... like he's waiting on something. I watched him do this several times. I put him in the litter box and he would climb out. I'm not sure exactly what's going on but he's having trouble getting in and out. I ordered an oversized senior cat box with a low front entry. I hope it helps! It's been a lot to clean up every day the past week. I think his sore spot may be what's bothering him and he can't turn himself around in the box without pain.

I just have to say again... this feels like elder care in some ways. I have to adapt his environment to his changing needs. I don't mind. I hope the new box helps, though.

ali - divo is a very old cat. Not many live to that age. Sounds like he is overall doing very well and it is great that he is happy. I am sorry the vet didn't contact you about extra expenses. I know the bills can mount up.

Pumpkin was in a foul mood the other day - really having badly. They were out and I hadn't slept well so I went upstairs to rest and came down a couple of hours later. Pumpkin wanted in and then gave me looks that could kill, raced upstairs, then downstairs so I followed her to see how she was and tried to pet her and got hissed at. Talk about role reversals with the two cats. Rocky was the hisser. Now she is mild and cuddly as can be and Pumpkin is the touchy one. I think she was mad at me as I wasn't there to let her in and out exactly when she wanted it. Also, she gets jealous of Rocky. The next morning she didn't go out but slept in Rocky's spot near to me. I have been giving her lots of attention and things have settled down. Sibling rivalry!

Ali, you are in your late forties right? Is there a chance you could be entering menopause? That could explain your up and down mood swings and the crying jags.

I had no idea your kitty was that old. Average age for most indoor cats is 15 so your little guy is doing well to be that old. I hope he perks up for you Ali.

Welp. Divo's ER vet bill was crazy. They were supposed to call me before any additional procedures/charges but they didn't. It is what it is. 🤷 Vet said she thinks the wound is mainly a pressure sore, caused by his spine putting pressure on his skin and exacerbated by him being so skinny (he always has been but I'm going to check exact weight in his records to see if he is losing weight recently) and sedentary. Without a biopsy she couldn't be sure, and at his age that might mean more discomfort than it's worth.

Vet said Divo, at 22, is the oldest cat she's ever seen. I was really surprised by that. People online have reported cats who reach 25+.

Fully in Elder Cat Care territory at this point. Just have to go forward and see how Divo does in next few weeks and months. His mood is good and that makes me happy. He protested tons at the vet, they remarked on it. He's always like that when he doesn't appreciate humans' b.s. lol

As for me, I cried out of frustration/fatigue several times today. There was a long period in the past where I thought something could be off with me because I hadn't cried in years, couldn't cry even if I wanted to and the situation warranted it. I'm making up for lost time lately. lol I really appreciate the support. x

Aw, Ali, sorry that you are feeling so down and defeated right now. (((((Hugs)))) for you and Divo!

Hang in there Ali. I have days/mths./years like that. LOL Where stress on top of stress on top of stress just bogs me down. But it will work out. I know when my kitties are unwell I stress big time.

I've got jealousies happening right now with my two boys. I have one (Daniel) who is a big, chunky, sucky tabby. He is an attention hog so lately I've been trying to show more love to Henrick cause he isn't as demanding so sometimes gets overshadowed. So now Daniel is feeling jealous. LOL

But getting back to you Ali. I hope you can get Divo in somewhere tomorrow.

My heart hurts. I'm just feeling so weary... could be partly due to covid vax reactions. It's still relatively recent I had my 2nd shot. I'm extra emotional lately, up and down.

Divo needs to go to vet. He's had diarrhea the past few days... and that could be related to the infected spot I found on Saturday but maybe not. Either way, I need pro input. I called my vet again; they are too busy, no appointments. I understand that but now I need a new vet. I called a couple 24 hour places... I'm not sure emergency vet trip is needed after hours of more research and speaking to staff on the phone, and it would be pricey.

Researched several other local regular vets. Everyone's closed now and only open during my working hours. I'll call a couple tomorrow and see if I can get appt. If not, Divo will have to go to ER vet.

This is just one of several concerns I need to address ASAP. But of course, Divo's health is very important, so this one is a priority.

I'm just tired. And feeling defeated. And feeling sorry for myself and my cat.

I know it will be ok. I'm just tired and whiny and worried. Seems like ever since I started school I'm tapped. I work less so less income, and calling off a day when I'm only working a couple days a week plus vet expenses isn't helpful...

Lately Life has been rough, problems keep coming up at work and home, and poor kitty... it's been difficult to figure out his care needs at times.

I'm trying to count my blessings. Divo's issues are most likely due to an infection and hopefully easy to treat.

Ok, whine over. Tomorrow, one way or another, Divo goes to a vet. And I'll be ok because I'm a tough cookie. I shed some tears from tiredness/frustration but I won't stay down for long.

*Thanks* *Just venting/sharing*

Ali, not sure if anyone has mentioned omega oil supplements for your cat. My cats have dandruff too. I brush them quite regularly, (every other day) but recently started them on a hairball remedy which is a salmon based gel. I've noticed a small improvement already with the dandruff. I only give it to them every three days or so though cause I don't want them shi**ing a storm. If you get my drift. LOL

Thank you, Pamz. D's oily skin is all over, with bad dandruff. I think he has a skin condition but no vet or groomer has ever said anything about it. The dry food I feed him is for sensitive skin/stomach but it's not enough to prevent problems. He doesn't eat much dry food anyway. I can increase the number of baths and brushing and think this will be enough to prevent other infections. I was shocked when I saw how bad his skin was underneath his fur, with several infected spots and one several inches in diameter. It was really scary. I think it's all fungal related, and happens because of the oil + skin flakes.

If the bad oily skin is near his tail he may a condition called "stud Tail" I have no idea why but one of my male cats had it.

Merlin and Divo sound similar, Barb. :-) Divo never grooms himself while my other one, Delilah, is always grooming. Divo's been shaved short before and I think after a few days, he was much more comfortable due to the shorter hair. He's a short hair tabby so a lion cut doesn't have the same aesthetics on him but whatever works! It's sort of funny looking on Divo because he's so long and skinny. :-)

I think Divo's problem isn't just because he never grooms himself. I think he has skin issues. His fur gets extremely oily and full of skin flakes. Brushing only gets the top layers of fur while the matting and clumps are happening underneath. He's been to the vet multiple times though, and there's never been any recommendation to adjust anything related to skin and fur care. I'm going to take him in and discuss those things and see what input I can get. I need a cat dermatologist for this one!

Ali, glad he's healing. Does he groom himself? My recently deceased Maine Coon (Merlin) NEVER groomed himself. We got him a "lion cut" once or twice a year and called it a day. Hope Divo is feeling better!

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