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I got it. I Had to use a different picture

Ali is that your 21 year old in the picture? I tried to my 20 year olds picture up but it says it’s too large

I was surprised to learn that a lot of people give their cats pumpkin Golden, no prep necessary just use what comes in the can.

Currently I am feeding the cats canned cat food - pate, mashed up with a chunk of boiled Japanese sweet potato, and then mixed with a spoonful of water so it is pretty runny but they like it that way. I have had no more poop problems from Rocky with that diet and limiting the number of treats she gets to about 6.

Pumpkin is more into food than treats. They both eat the dry food I leave out, I use Japanese sweet potato because that is what the store that delivers has, and they like it. If I can't get that I'm not sure what I will use. Carrots might work and they are always available, or other sweet potatoes, or squash.

Thank for the suggestion to add water. I think it was ff who passed that tip on. I believe it is good for them.

Hope the gravy works!

I've looked at buying some gravy a few times. This exchange today made me finally buy a 16oz container of beef broth for cats off Amazon. Divo likes beef flavors and hopefully the broth will get him to eat more of his wet food. It will be here in a few days and I can see how he likes it!

Ali, I have a gravy loving cat myself. I toss out so much canned cat food.I sometimes I add a tiny amount of water to make it seem like its gravy,but alas she isnt fooled very often

My 20 year old cat loves his canned friskies. Tried to get him on a kidney diet but he refuses. I guess he’s trying to tell me he wants to go out happy, can’t say I blame him

My 21-yo tabby is such a picky eater. I buy different varieties of pate or gravy wet cat foods, always tweaking his food based on availability and what he likes. There is a constant supply of sensitve-stomach/skin dry cat food, too, but he mostly refuses to eat the dry food.

Any time I am home during the day, he and I do this little dance where he comes and hangs out by his food bowl and just... waits. Or if I come in from being out, he goes right to the kitchen and his food bowl. I give him wet food at least 2x a day. He licks it dry or eats part of it, then ignores it. I stir the food again several times a day and try to get him to eat what's in the bowl instead of begging for new fresh food... which he would maybe then eat a few bites of and ignore again.

I've thought about getting cat-food gravy, as a topper to get him to eat more of the food. I think he'd just lick the gravy, though, then ignore it until I put more out.

He's keeping me entertained lately. I swear he's more finicky than ever. It's a nice distraction from problems with roommate and some mild-but-annoying vaccine reaction the past few days.

Anyone ever use gravy for every meal with their cat? I see recipes online. Doesn't seem hard to make I just need the time... and who knows if he'll eat it. lol

Martz, the only tip I know of that I've used personally is treat training every single time for going outside. If you're doing that, then maybe it is time for professional training. If you catch the puppy in the act of going inside, you can reprimand ("NO") but it has to be immediate, in the act, to be a successful deterrent.

Can anyone give me tips for puppy potty training? She is so used to going in the house she will hold it on our walk and wait till we are back inside 😕. I take her out first thing in the morning & she urinates. She then comes in and urinates immediately again in the house. I wonder if the smell is still there? (I use vinegar and baking soda on the floors). I’m thinking we may need to hire a professional dog trainer

Ali, she is a nutcase. Good riddance to her when she leaves.

I know that you will be happy when she goes off on her merry way!

I noticed one of the cats threw up overnight, I cleaned it up this morning as soon as I got up. It looked like mostly clear liquid, like an allergic reaction that happens when they eat plants or something else they shouldn’t. I checked cameras and see that my roommate fed them — she kept insisting they eat off her plate — even though I’ve told her they need a restricted diet because both of them, but especially the 21yo, have sensitive stomachs. She fed him before a month ago, I asked her not to and told her why. So she did it again, and kept putting her plate in front of him even though he wasn’t showing interest in the food. I’m just ticked. I don’t know what is wrong with this person and the cats seem ok now. Im so frustrated by her sense of entitlement and bad judgment.


My cat would curl up in the small of my back in my bed. She was so warm and cozy.

When I married my husband he said that he didn’t want her sleeping with us.

She was the sweetest love bug.

The cats are the only reason I get up every morning....
They're the light of my life and my little best friends.
I call them my "Girlsies" or "Darlin's" most the time.
I get the biggest kick watching them with their antics.
They're just SO dear.
Life would be super boring without them FF,you're right~

luckylu, just another normal day living with cats :) Life would be so boring without them =^..^=

Yeah,My cats just got their second winds at 1:00 in the morning after sleeping all day.
One's on the mantle and one's running up and down the hall and the other one is in my john trying to get a mouse she thinks is there.
Some mornings when I get up,I find all the cabinet doors open and they've been going through everything in the night.
They have a good time while I'm crashed out every night~


Cats are nocturnal by nature. My cat was active at night but would snooze during the day.

She would tear up my Christmas tree after we went to bed!

Those were the days when satin ornaments were in vogue and I would walk downstairs in the morning to find tons of satin strings all over the living room.

I saw how she did it. She was on her back and clawed the ornament with all four paws until she stripped away all of the satin.

I never realized how active my cats were until I put up some home security cameras recently. It's an all night party for them every night, back and forth from living room to kitchen where their food and water is. I need to find the motion setting on the cameras "doesn't include cats."

It's sweet, really, to learn they're much more active than I thought. I usually see them lazing around.

I lived in a mobile home park for a while a few years ago. There was a big yellow cat that apparently belonged to no one, but made the rounds visiting just about everyone. Someone had given him the name "George". He loved, as some cats do, to drink running water. He would stop by and meow at someone's door. The folks that knew him would let him in and he would make a bee-line for their kitchen sink. They would turn on the tap, then he would perch on the edge of their sink and drink from the stream of running water. When he was done, he'd meow at the door to go out. He didn't want to stay, he'd accept a pat or two, and rub up against his "host" as if to say thanks...and then he'd be gone. He brought a lot of neighbors together, comparing notes about "George" and his visits.

"Not My Cat" was taken to vet on Thursday.
RIP, another precious animal, God's creature. 🐈

We named her Samy before we knew who the owner was.
She was welcome here, to rest and to eat.
It becomes obvious to me now when they are ready, and someone needs to make the sad decision.

I have been very sad.

And sad too, for Midget.
SharynMarie's dog who just passed. Midget was her mother's dog.

My daughter found a dog park to take her Husky to. So, he will burn off some of his energy there now instead of in her apartment!

I don’t have a bad cat story but I do have a bad dog story.

My daughter’s dog destroyed her remote control! He chewed it to pieces. He has plenty of toys but for some reason he decided to chew on the remote.

Playing fetch this morning Ming is a riot! Flying through the air with the greatest of ease.

Can fenbendazole cure cancer in humans?
Researchers at the National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research (NCHGSR), Panjab university, have reported that fenbendazole has a good potential for development as an effective anti-cancer agent. Aug 27, 2018

What about cats?

I have 3 cats, a male ginger, a female black and white, and a female rag doll cat. Male ginger is 4, black and white 5 and my ragdoll is 6. My rag doll is the “kitten” out of all of them. She loves to play. Also if she hears me crying (over my mother) she runs over to me to get my attention to get in my face to give me kisses. She loves to headbutt me too. She will headbutt my forehead. She’s the sweetest thing ever. I call her my “therapy cat “.

"Not my Cat" has breached the door threshold and came inside from the cold, wind, and for some food. It was really hungry, and was left outside by it's owner, a neighbor. Cat is said to have cancer, and on it's last legs.

Dh is very kind about it, but leaves the room.

I will need to reach out to the owner, see if it needs help with medical care, or will let it live with someone else if they cannot care for it inside. Needs hospice for cats. 😢😥

Oh boy Send.. just say NO!! I am the current caregiver of a feral "colony" that my hubs feels the need to feed! 5 are living in my garage where he put up several cat houses, and about 7 more live on our back deck and in the shed.. and we live in the country! He is a softy when it comes to cats.. and let me tell you that they are all (females ) preggers again.. We go through about 2 large bags of cat food every 3 weeks. I reached out for help from all the tip me places.. I don;t mind getting them "fixed" but they need you to trap them... and I simply cant. And during mating season the smell is terrible in the garage

This "Not my cat" came by to eat for 6 days. Then, found it's owner.
Sat. and Sunday, she came by and stayed awhile.
Guess I will feed anyone or anything that comes to my door.
How could I say, "No"? 🐱

I couldn’t believe it! My 20 year old cat was running around chasing a laser beam like a kitten! I didn’t even know he still played. I bought this automatic rotating laser cat toy for the 7 year old but my 20 year old was having all the fun 🤩

I just wish mine would STOP trying to chew on my shirt buttons whenever she wants to sit on my lap!

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