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Kittens are so much fun to watch. Extremely playful!

I agree with you on the cuddling. All they want is to be loved.

They deserve our love and attention. They warm our hearts so much!

Nhwm, my kitties are almost 8 months old. Typical cat style, they roam the house at night since their natural tendency is to be nocturnal. They run and play throughout the house for about 5 hours in the morning. I do have to keep an eye on my house plants as they will knock them off furniture and play in the potting soil. Hokus especially is an escape artist sneaking out the back door. We are looking into screening in our patio so they have the extra outdoor space to watch birds, get sun/shade and fresh air. They are so much fun and give so much back in cuddles.

Yesterday we were at the animal shelter looking at the cats. Oh my gosh, there was this big ginger male cat who decided to flirt with me. Then when I had my back to his cage [he had an upper condo], I felt him swishing my hair back and forth with his paw. He was quite the goof-ball. I wanted to take him home, but he was only 4 years old and chances are our 10 year old male ginger wouldn't be happy with another male in the house.

Our ginger does better with a female cat. The last one we had, he use to call for her and the two of them would head out some place in the house. I could hear my sig-other saying around midnight to her "And where are you going at this hour, young lady?"



Otherwise said, ‘We live with a cat. They don’t live with us.’ 😊

I love a cat’s independent spirit!

They can be free spirits. I will always remember a beautiful gray Siamese cat that would visit me daily.

He arrived around the same time everyday, and left about the same time each evening.

He would rub in and out on my legs. (Why do cats do that?)

He meowed as if to say, ‘Hello! I am here.’

Then he would jump up on my tall chest of drawers and just stare at me for a bit, then he took a nap.

He was a sweet cat. I knew that he was someone’s pet so I didn’t want to start feeding him but I did love his visits in the evening.

It was cute how he showed up at my backdoor. I would let him in. When he wanted to go back home, he walked over to the door and I let him out.

Isn’t it interesting that even domestic animals still sometimes follow their instincts and roam around as if they were wild cats roaming in the jungle?

LOL!! That is so true! I always say, "Dogs have families. Cats has servants."

When you call a dog, they come.

When you call a cat, the cat will take a message and get back to you later.

Pets in general, similar to train there owners, parents. We learn to realize that especially as parents. As pet parents we may take longer. I can say this, my kitties know if I click my tongue, to come. I could probably scream till red faced and my children tended to ignore meLOL! I had to be much firmer with my children. I must admit, I’d rather be softer with my kitties now that I’m older. They are my babies

Send, Pokus, the more confident kitty jumped the gate immediately and his brother, Hokus, started jumping over yesterday! Thanks again, solved my concern very quickly!

Some will say that the cats train their humans.

You are welcome Sharyn.
The kittens I rescued (years ago) climbed up the pet fencing at 8 wks. If allowed, they would have climbed over and dropped to the floor 4 ft. But their mama-cat and I were there to pull them off the fencing.

Send , thank you so much! I didn’t think about that!! I will definitely do that. I did buy a c,icker but it is a bit different training cats than dogs. It can be done, but it’s very different, requires much more consistency and patience. Thank you again. ❤️💕

Hello Kitty!
This cat was staring into my sliding glass door this morning. Nah, this cannot be happening!
NOT my cat!

Add a small section of wire fencing material to the gate bars.
Secure with a Zip tie.

Wait a few weeks and the kittens will be jumping over the gate.

You could also get a small cat tree (might want one sooner than later), place it near the gate.

Or, raise the gate a bit higher so they can go under, but too low for dog?

It won't be too long before Hocus and Pocus learn to use the clicker themselves.

I haven’t listed here in a long time...I lost my Tiger Kitty in October 2020, he was 18, had cancer leukemia. I adopted two 9 week old kittens, brothers. I named them Hokus and Pokus. They are the best kitties, so loving, cuddly and playful.

all you kitty people may have some ideas for me.....we use our laundry room as the feeding space along with the litter box. We have a childproof gate to keep the dogs out, especially my little poodle who loves cat food and (gross) she will get into the litter box too. The kittens are barely squeezing through the bars on the gate. Tiger kitty would jump over the gate. How can I get the kittens to learn to jump over the gate? I have ordered a cat clicker to try to teach them with rewards. My fear is one of them will get stuck in the bars and we will have to use a saw to cut them out, lol!

in the meantime, these two kittens are so much fun, one loves to nibble on fingers and toes much to our golden retrievers mismay, he gentle brushes him away with his paw. The other kitten loves to rub against legs and toes, especially the toes of my slippers and he will literally just collapse onthe floor in front of your feet. Must watch where you step.

I hope everyone is getting along well with Covid and loving your crazy kitties.

My cats are scary smart. I'm just waiting for the day they split the atom. It's coming.......😼

And FF,, that is a smart cat!

We are dogsitting our DDs 4 lb chihuahua.. and neither she or our 17 lb Chug are "dog socialized" as they say.. both used to being the only baby in the house even thought our Chug chloe has been around Bella since 8 weeks. They have been "socially distancing " since Bella got here.. but at least no big issues. Laying on opposite ends of the couch, letting each other eat ( with some help) But I am sleeping in Moms old room with Bella.. Have to say its a break from Hubs snoring!

Oh good grief, my boy Jesse [cat] has figured out how to re-open the plastic Deer Park water bottles. I usually take a swig of water and put the cap back on. One day I caught Jesse with his mouth around the cap and then I heard the sounds of plastic dropping on the table... he got the cap off :P

Maybe he was thirsty.

I had to give fluids to one of my old cats I used to have. She got used to it after a while. I never did. I felt like the poor old thing must have felt like a pin cushion.
She did look funny with that big lump of fluid before it distributed throughout her body.

I found a solution for those cats that like to kick the litter out of the ends of the litter box or shoves the litter to one side where it goes up and over the litter box..... I put boxes [Banker size] on both ends of the litter box. It works for Jesse as he can dig and scrape to his heart's content while standing on the box.

Once I tried very high sides on the litter box but that was a failure, as Jesse wasn't able to get his tail in the right position. I wasn't using a litter box, instead was using those clear plastic storage boxes [that come with a plastic snap cover] that come in all sizes.

The other sizes clear plastic storage boxes were great. Had one that was meant to store rolled wrapping paper. It was like have two regular size litter boxes... lot of room to move around. But lately not easy to empty because at my age it's a lot of weight of litter to dump. If the cat doesn't like the storage box, wash it out and use it for storage :)

Martz06, with one of my cats I did the IV fluids, thankfully he was a Mama's boy and liked the attention and he kept still long enough to get his required dosage. Once in a while he would decide he had enough and would pull away from me, needle coming out, and fluid flying everywhere :P

I am trying to remember how long he was on the fluids, either 6 months to a year. it did help him. I remembered he wouldn't eat any of the specialty kidney diet wet or dry food.

Wantmylifeback, cats do know when you love them though even if you can't spend as much time.

If I'm ever preoccupied or busy I always stop, even if it's just for a minute or two and hug my kitties and tell them that I love them. That's better than nothing until you can spend more time with them.

I like that your topic centers around caretaker's pets because this is a subject I can really relate to. While we pay a steep price for being a caretaker in assorted ways, our pets do, too. When I got my pets, I didn't have the burden of being caretaker to my father and was an excellent pet parent. Now it is a struggle, with so much of my time now taken up with my dad. All the time spent doing things for my dad just takes time away from things I need to do in my own home & time I would much rather, and should, spend with my pets. While my cats are always fed & litter boxes cleaned, grooming & basic housekeeping has fallen way behind. Cat medication schedules are always getting off track. My yard is a disaster. My dad gets to all his doctor's appointments but vet care only now only comes when there is an emergency. Quality time with my kitties is extremely limited and that is time that my cats & I used to greatly enjoy. I've lost a couple of my cats in the 4 years I have been caring for my dad and as they have been dying, I was apologizing for not having been there enough.

My dad has some cats, too. He has a favorite who gets all sorts of attention. The others get food & water but no affection at all. I keep trying to take those cats but my dad refuses. I don't think he cares about them but uses them as an excuse as to why he can't go into assisted living. Whenever I see those cats, I apologize to them that their lives aren't better & tell them that someday I'll bring them with me & they'll be loved.

Fortunately, cats are not really complainers and I hope that none of mine or my dad's feel as bad as I do with all the changes that have taken place over the past 4 years. I do know that I feel guilty that I am no longer as attentive as a pet parent as I used to be & look forward to the day when I can go back to being so.

Tweety will be 3 y. o. (by estimates) this month. Feb. 14th will be his birthday.

When he arrived, he had lines across the top of his head, closer to his beak, indicating he was younger, but not a baby.
Today, his head has more white, further back on his head.

And he is a healthy bird!

Such a sweet and sad story. So sorry for your loss.
Thank you for sharing with us.

haha! what a topic - When my DH and I were first together i had 7 cats he had 2 cats a dog and 2 birds. by the time he began to decline seriously these last few years we were down to 3 cats . At some point a friend called needing someone to take in a rescued chihuahua. I said no right away as chihuahua's are difficult animals but Dan wanted another dog so bad and I figured it would be good for him to have something that needed him and his attention during the day while i worked.
It was the best thing I ever did. That dog needed him and he needed that dog. They were inseperable.
Of course the dog never liked me much . His first day in our home he went and hid behind the toilet and it was my job to fetch him out ( Dan's no pets in the bathroom rule)He came out after a bit and I got bit in the process so the stage was set that the dog did not care much for me.
When Dan started going to the hospital all the time I often worried as the dog moped the whole time. This last time when Dan went to hospital for 2 months then rehab for 2 months before I finally brought him home on home hospice I was sure the dog was going to expire he was a wreck. When Dan finally did come home it broke my heart as he did not concern himself with the creature much hell he did not know who I was by that time. But the dog kept close to him anyways regardless and when he passed away at the end of October the dog kept waiting for him to return home again. Only recently did he finally seem resigned to being stuck with me.
all my animals grew to love my husband he was a very kind gentle soul and animals always recognize that. I had fractous cats that would lay all over him and one of them used to call him and get him out of bed in the morning to takr her to the box and get her early meal when in her last years arthritis made it painful to jump down. He always knew what they wanted when they talked to him even when i did not it was really amazing his ability to understand them and talk to them. They always loved me i was mom but their love of him was different and so sweet to see.

Nothing had gone right since my husband passed away I lost both of my sole surviving kitties and my depression is such I did not adopt another yet. The only thing left to me is the dog and we hang out together depressed and resigned to our new empty lives.
I worry lately as the dog is incredibly old and I have no idea how much longer he will be with me.
Just seems god or what ever has decided that I am going to be completely alone everything in my care is dying all around me. Up to an including 2 or 3 of our close friends. I mean jeez we are not that old I really wonder if i am jinxed. I am almost afraid to get anothe pet.

Need - glad your daughter found a vet.

Martz - hope all goes well with your 20 yr old cat. That's quite an age for a cat. Kidney issues are serious.

The sweet potato and a little extra water with the wet cat food went down very well. I will set up their new litter boxes, but leave the old ones beside them, and we will see what happens. I think they will like them.

Took our 20 year old cat to the vet today. He’s had kidney disease for a while now and I guess it’s time to start giving iv fluid at home. I wonder how long they can live on fluids? I hope he will let me administer


Good to know that pumpkin trick for fur babies. I don’t currently have a fur baby. I miss mine terribly.

My daughter just called me. She found a veterinarian for her rescue pooch.

As you know, we are in Louisiana. She currently lives in Colorado.

Well the vet is on a street named, Louisiana and is next door to a Cane’s chicken!

Cane’s is a Louisiana fast food restaurant that was founded by an LSU dropout. He did a school assignment on starting a restaurant, dropped out and now has a successful franchise! By the way, Cane is the name of his dog.

My daughter graduated from LSU.

Crazy coincidence, huh?

She said her dog is doing well. The flea and tick program is treated differently in Colorado because it isn’t humid there. Apparently, they don’t have the same issues as in the humid Louisiana weather. He got his heart worm meds.

I have to brag on my daughter. She is a great mom to her fur babies.

When her dog that she rescued while attending college died, she cried for weeks! He was about six years old when she rescued him. He died with Cushing’s disease.

Her new dog was 11 months when she got him.

She said due to COVID, she couldn’t go inside the vet’s office. They take the dog from your car and speak to you over the phone while examining them.

She went from a poodle to a Siberian Husky!

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