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Thanks Golden, yes birds are picky. He could sort through the seeds himself, if I did not feel so bad about not ordering on time.

I just saw him over there, foraging. That is a good activity for a bird.

send - I had a bird once. As I was the one who fed her she danced around in her cage when I came in the door from work.. She had favourite seeds and busily tossed out the ones she didn't like to get at the ones she liked. There was bird seed scattered everywhere.

My kitties have touchy stomachs. Pumpkin will eat nearly anything but she gets the runs and is a mess to clean up so I restrict her. Even a different type of dry cat food can do it. Rocky OTOH restricts herself and only eats kittie treats and dry cat food. She turns her nose up at wet cat food and human food. I think they both can tolerate a little cooked white fish but its not worth the trouble.

Tweety is in the window, waiting for his birdseed to arrive from Chewy.
Don't worry, Tweety, it has shipped, and is only 50 miles away.

He has food, running out, but he is tapping his dish because it is not what he is used to, and changing his food abruptly causes stomach upset. I messed up!
Poor Tweety!

It is not like giving a dog chicken and rice if you run out.
Or chicken livers for a cat.

However, he has some spinach and lettuce to tide him over. Or, I could sort through seed by seed from the used seed I saved for the outside birds to forage. My bad.

Tweety can tell time, too. It does not matter if he can see the sun come up and his cage is covered. Or at night, when the sun goes down, he knows.


Our animals can tell time. My dog would wait in the foyer for my kids to come home from school.

He absolutely knew that was the time that the school bus would drop them off.

My current cat, Jesse [orange and white] would make a good Nanny. Around 9:30 pm he will start demanding everyone to get ready for bed. He will nag you until you turn off the lights. How he knows it is 9:30 is beyond me.

In the mornings, if we aren't up by 7:30 a.m. and he come into our rooms and demand we get up. Couple times after I get up to use the bathroom, I will climb back into bed..... during my climb back into bed, Jesse will grab my foot trying to keep me from getting back into that bed !!

Today I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't catch my breath. You know those desks that are used with computers, they have this round hole on the top where one can place through telephone and computer wires? Well, I have one of those desk but no wires going though that hole.... I didn't know it but Jesse was under the desk, next thing I saw was his paw reaching up through that hole which startled me, and he was trying to reach for whatever was on the desk.

I heard never leave a cat alone for over 24 hours.... those who have a cat will understand why =^..^=


Allergies are so weird. I know that they are hereditary. My dad had a cat allergy too.

But you are onto something because I do get severe reactions to some cats more than others.

One of my friends had a cat that as soon as I walked in her house I started sneezing!

Other cats weren’t as bad.

It’s strange. They say it is the dander that we are allergic to, not the fur.

I tried the shots but I got a systemic reaction to the injections and landed in the emergency room.

I nearly died. I had a rash all over. The inside is my ears started itching like crazy. My throat started closing up and I struggled to breathe. They kept me overnight in the hospital and gave me an IV with steroids.

My allergist would not let me to continue to do the shots to achieve becoming desensitized to the allergens.

Actually there are no non allergenic cats - I used the wrong term. There are hypoallergenic cats. If your allergist didn't mention them I suspect they are not an option for you. My bad.😕


What kind of cats would I not be allergic to? My allergist didn’t mention these. That’s interesting!

cw - you would have enjoyed seeing my previous cat Toonie. I had blinds made of vinyl were flexible. He poked his head and paw through the slats till the ends broke off of 3 or 4 slats and he had a nice square opening to see out, From the outside you could see his whole head surrounded with white blind slats.

I have since replaced those blinds with wooden ones with wider slats so the cats can't break them. I keep them open all the time.

need - there are non allergenic cats but that doesn't take care of the pain of losing them eventually.


Your cats sound so sweet!

Now I want a cat again. I can’t. I am highly allergic. I promised my allergist not to get another one after my last one died.

Plus, after putting my last dog down, I felt like I can’t ever go through that pain again.

My heart wants another cat or dog though. My head tells me, ‘Don’t do it!’

I have thought about fostering but I know that I would bond with them and end up adopting them.

I get a kick out of the kitties I see in windows when I'm out for my walks, just chillin' and watching the world go by.

Pumpkin prefers the back of the love seat where she can look out the bay window onto the front garden, see the birds and play with the blind cords. I have lots of hanging plants there so it's like a little jungle.

Rocky likes the opposite end of the sofa to me or the back of the sofa. They both come for cuddles but aren't lap cats. Recently Rocky has taken Pumpkin's spot sometimes, and sometimes they share it. If sun shines through from the dining room Rocky settles in that spot, They are so different.

My kitties fav place to sit is on my lap but when that's not available they sit on the couch cushions or their cat beds. 😊

There is a cute little cat that crawls on my fence but as soon as he hears the door open he runs. He isn’t a stray. He looks well fed and healthy.

Some cats will let others pet them and others won’t.

I don’t want to feed him because he is someone’s pet.


He sounds so cute! Your cat has an adorable personality.


A real tree? My cat jumped in our real tree! Hahaha

I recently heard a news story of a baby koala being in a tree! They had to call a rescue group to get him out. Crazy, huh?

You and your cats are something else Freqflyer~
You all must share ALOT of love and great times.
My 3 cats change their favorite spots all the time.Last,they were all on the bathroom counter,but now their favorite spot is under the Christmas tree.They just love it.

NeedHelpWithMom, you asked what are our cat's favorite spots. With "Jesse James" it is pretty much where he darn pleases. He likes closets and find a good spot, but that means all the clothes hanging down upon him all have orange and white cat hair.

He recently learned to open the bottom dresser drawer which isn't easy. Let's lay on those clothes.

If I am sitting in my office chair, he will jump onto my lap and get around behind me. That means I need to scoot to the edge of the chair. But I do like his hind feet pressing on my back, it feels good :)

He loves the brown kraft paper that comes in the Chewy box. Makes a lot of noise when he plows into it. Then he will take a nap on it.

Bed sheets fresh from the dryer. Makes you want to curl up with him :)

Jesse works from 6pm to 9:30 pm every night looking for mice in our unfinished basement. His favorite spot is at the top of the metal rack.

Bedtime, he likes to spoon me. Except it's his hind feet in my face.


Nacho sounds adorable!

I would have been one of your neighbors that loved having him visit.

Don’t you love a cat’s curiosity and independent nature? I do!

Yes, Need Help with Mom, I had a cat named Nacho (mentioned him in a prior post) who used to make rounds, daily, of the various apartments in my retirement community. They all opened to the outdoors and had windows facing a private courtyard. He would stop and look into every neighbor's window (some called him the "peeping Tom"). A couple of cat lovers would invite him in. He would check out every room in their apartment and, when satisfied that everything was in order, sit or lie next to them for a while. Then he would ask to go out so he could continue his "rounds". When I moved to another place, some former neighbors would still ask about him. Said they missed having him check on them.

My little cats like butter,so sometimes I let them have a few licks and
my old cat,Savvy,ate potato chips and would lick the cream inside Oreos.
Cats are funny~

gershun - my last cat Toonie, would rip holes in the plastic bread bag and chew the corners off several slices of bread, Go figure.

One time I had put a piece of bread in the toaster and then went to do something else. When I turned around there was a bite taken out of the toast. LOL

My one cat just loves bread. Now I let him eat my crumbs after I've had a sandwich etc.

My Humane Society rescue, (a Maine Coon cat, I am told, named "Shadow"), immediately located any ballpoint pen I had anywhere and appropriated it as a toy. To save my pens, I cut some plastic drinking straws in half and fortunately she just loves them.

Only problem is, now she chases them under the living room carpet, pushes them so far under she cannot reach them. And unfortunately, neither can I! I'm not too steady (at 80 yrs. old), but managed to get them out with a broom stick. Then...major and exhausting project for me, secured the carpet with double-sided tape all around the edges.

Felt really proud of myself, until I walked across the newly taped- down carpet and found underneath, beyond either cat or human reach, I swear, a mouse-sized lump! (not really a mouse, I'm sure). Don't know what it is, but I'll bet I know who put it there...and it wasn't me! (only 2 residents in this apartment, cat and me. Cat looks at me with a typical not-my-problem look). Now am waiting for the maintenance man here to come help.


One time I was putting my groceries away. The empty paper bag was sitting on the floor on its side.

My cat crawled inside, turned around and it was like her own little tent.

It was the cutest thing. After that, I saved bags for her to hang out in.

Aren’t they funny?

Favorite places for my cat:

Paper bags

Window Sill

My sofa

The bed

The patio

The staircase

Standing at my feet while cooking hoping that I would drop something!

My lap!

What about your cat? Favorite spots?

ff and shell - cats are truly funny. Pumpkin tends to overeat so I can't give her more treats. Her tummy is round enough as it is. Rocky, of course, is very svelte.

They both looove boxes 💓💓📦📦📦 💓💓. I made them a cat condo out of cardboard bxes,

My last dog Matt once fast dialed my dd in another city. I picked the phone up off the floor and heard her say "Hello". 🐶

Maybe Pumpkin had to make a call. My mother's old cat Bumper was always knocking the phone down to play with it. My dad who had a great sense of humor, told Bumper that he could use the phone just not any long distance calls. LOL!😸

Isn't it just like a cat to make us put a toy together just for them to want to play with the box. Aren't you glad you did all that work?!

My sig-other's old cat Sam was always bored. I found a ball that you fill with treats and as Sam rolls the ball a treat would fall out and man did that ball kept Sam busy for hours. He would roll that ball around until he got every last treat out of it, and he never let any of the other cats play with it until he was done, by then there was no point for the other cats to play with it!! Sam wasn't much for sharing!😾

Today I got from Chewy a cat box toy which has numerous holes in it on several levels, one places cat treats into the box and the cat tries to figure out how to get the treats, the treats drop from one level to the next.

Oh dear, I thought the box would come already assembled. No "some assembly required". Everything needed assembly. I had always pride myself on figuring out how to put together a box, such as banker boxes. This box was so complex, I wanted to scream. Instructions were haphazard. I could tell a process-writer wasn't part of writing the instruction.

Finally got the box together, dropped in some treats. The cat investigated but decided the Chewy box was more interesting =^..^=

Naughty Pumpkin has once more knocked the house phone down and the receiver skittered under furniture so I had to do some major bending and heaving to get it and nearly caught her under the sofa, I have moved that phone to a new location as I rarely answer it anyway. and hope she won't knock it down from there.

Rocky is so well behaved. She wouldn't think of knocking things down. 🐱🐱

Shadow does like water! Oop! Darn smartphones!!!

That is so funny the we have the same kind of cat. I named mine Shadow because she kind of moves through the house like a one minute and gone the next. My Shadow doesn't seem to like water as well. I wonder if it's a Main-coon thing?! Does your cat bit? Mine does if you try to pet her and she doesn't know you.

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