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Hope tweety is okay

hoca residents also throw themselves on the floor when they want to escape

Tweety the budgie bird was having a rough nite. Even though he did go into his cage finally, he threw himself on the inside cage wall along about midnight.
Appearing desperate to get out, so I let him out. The EQ's are small, but we feel it when several occur within seconds of each other.

He found his tented perch, and slept up high all night. It was the first time he
did that. I guess swinging from the rafters is preferred to being caged.

Daniel likes his fruit. :)
My dogs like persimmons. When I go pick them each year they think they are the greatest treats. I am not a huge fan, but they like them.

My cat Daniel loves cantaloupe. We dice some into tiny pieces for her and he just loves it. Henrick not so much. Still looking for human food that appeals to him.

Sendhelp, I think down the road I will get Rosie a playmate. She is 14 years old [we got her 2 years ago from the shelter ], so I would look for another teenage cat. But not at the moment. Don't want to scare a new comer....

I need to do some major remodeling, bath and kitchen, which I had put aside for the past few years as "Charlie" didn't like strangers in the house, nor loud noises. Yet, thunder storms never phased him. He loved being out in the rain, less washing to do :)

Rosie loves tradesmen, the noisier the better. She and workmen get along great. She even lets them pet her. Heck, I can't even pet her :P

Do you think Rosie needs a playmate?
Sorry that Charlie died, and even Rosie must miss him.

Found out something interesting about cats and celery. I was cutting up some celery and noticed "Rosie" was acting like she would with catnip. Well, that's weird.

So I checked on the internet, and sure enough, celery leaves and catnip create the same reaction.

Woke up to two crumpled up napkins on my bed. Ming must have wanted to play fetch while I slept. I must bore her at times.😀

Sorry for your loss Diedre.

My mother recently passed in September. The day her pain was relieved, her cat of eight years laid claim to me. When I say this, I mean this cat refused everyone but her and would hiss at them to leave him alone or stay away from him. Here we are almost a year later, and the cat HOWLS at me as soon as he knows I am in the house. He sleeps on my chest. I am more of a dog person, but it was my mom's baby. He is a pure white munchkin. Cute, but very annoying at times.

Thank you all, I was telling a friend how hard it was to say good-bye to Charlie.... then she said "imagine if you never had a chance to say hello".

FF - Charlie was part of your family, and your grief shows how much you loved each other.  My condolences.  I love the Rainbow bridge story.  Charlie will be there for you.

FF, I am very sorry to read about Charlie. It is heartbreaking when they leave us. He knew he was loved and the 2 of you got to share a life together, how precious that is!?


Oh Freqflyer I am so sorry for you, it is hard when they leave us, but we are glad they are pain free and at peace.
Bootshop, Our newest tiny little feral, who had 2 kittens a few months ago ( they did not make it) is apparently preggers again. We were unable to catch her although she now comes right up to the food bowl to eat. Hopefully she will get tame enough after these come that we can catch her and get her "fixed"

My husband pays more attention to our cat than me! It is wonderful to see him so passionate about something though :)

Thank you everyone. I have visions of Charlie now doing his usual John Travolta sidewalk walk in "Saturday Night Fever" :)

Charlie must have been a very beautiful boy, FF. I'm so sorry to hear this.

So sorry for your loss FF. It’s like losing a family member. (We have 4 cats-my babies).
What a great life you gave him and a great life he gave you.
RIP Charlie.
One version of the Rainbow Bridge poem (inspired by a Norse legend)

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill, 
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. 
Where the friends of man and woman do run, 
When their time on earth is over and done. 
For here, between this world and the next, 
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest. 
On this golden land, they wait and they play, 
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day. 
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, 
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness. 
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed, 
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued. 
They romp through the grass, without even a care, 
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air. 
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back, 
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack. 
For just at that instant, their eyes have met; 
    Together again, both person and pet. 
So they run to each other, these friends from long past, 
The time of their parting is over at last. 
The sadness they felt while they were apart, 
Has turned into joy once more in each heart. 
They embrace with a love that will last forever, 
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

FF, I am so sorry. You had that kitty for a very long time. It was harder for me to lose Macy than I ever thought it would be.

Frequentflyer, so, so sorry. I know how your are feeling having gone through my scare with Daniel recently.

A Pet's Peace

I have left you now but please don't be sad
You gave me all the love you had
You did so much for me in my time here
And I'll always hold those precious times near
I know some day you'll find love again
and into your life will come a new friend
Your heart will heal, but you'll never forget,
memories like the first time we met
Memories are wonderful, so keep them close
and remember all the good times the most
Up in the Heaven for animals is where I'll be
and some day in the future, each other we will see
I am at PEACE now so please don't be sad
You gave me all the love you had.

By: Tracey M. Johnson

I'm so,so sorry for your loss.
He was so blessed to have you and your good care for so long.

So very sorry you will be missing your Charlie-cat FF.
That huge thunderstorm must have represented all the tears you could have cried for him and his long life.
Sorry for your loss.

Earlier I had mentioned my cat "Charlie" [black Bombay] who was approaching 19 years old. We had blood tests taken on Monday, and one of the Vets called today, news was pretty much what I had expected, and the Vet recommended it was time to say goodbye.... so we took Charlie in, he now is at peace.

As my sig other and I were leaving the clinic, a huge thunderstorm started as as we got into the car. It was all most like the weather God was crying. I know it was all coincidental, but I still had to wonder as the storm came in fast.

Now Charlie is with his litter mate Sara who had passed a year or so earlier.

I heard howling outside. Big traveling Tom cat was on top of Teenage girl barn cat. She was last seen escaping to the South 40 wheatfield with Tom hot on her tail. Looks like we will have some new barn kitties coming up. Big Bad Tom and Miss B. Haven teenager!

I'll have to look that up Glad. Chloe loves ropes,, but we have to make sure we get them when they start to shred.. Or she eats the shreds.. doggie dental floss!

Macy loved a snake that I got for her at pet smart or petco. They came in different lengths, depending on dog size. It was not stuffed with much poly stuff. It had squeakers inside the sections of snake body. Florescent green or orange and black. They lasted forever. The poly stuffed toys she would go through in a day or two.

Thor (our lab) destroyed a PetSmart stuffed toy quickly.  We took it away, and gave him the head (a squeaky ball).  We bought the smaller size tennis balls (squeaky) which he loves.  The first one he pulled out the squeaker thing.  The next 2 he stripped down to the inner rubber ball. After a few weeks of no ball, he's been ok with chasing and catching the new ones.  And he gets occasional soup bones to chew on.  He gets no more soft toys, so he'll once in awhile manage to grab a pair of dirty underpants.  They get torn, and he sleeps with them!  Less expensive to replace than toys.

Does she like that tug on a rope game? Any dog I've ever encountered will play that for hours. Not necessarily a rope but you know what I'm talking about.

My brothers lab pulled me around for an hour once. He would have kept playing if I hadn't collapsed in exhaustion.

Well we bought Chloe some "indestructible "toys at PetSmart ( nope,, no gaurentee which I understand, I could have a Pitbull) They are ripstop tuff fabric and she loves them. I thought whoopee!! something she wont destroy.. yeah,, no,,
they lasted about 3 weeks.. she has managed to rip them and pull out white stuffing already! This is a 15 lb chug,, not a 50 lb pit bull! I swear we need "toy of the month club", and I feel bad because we have to take them from her and toss them, don't want her pooping cotton balls! She is heartbroken and looks at the table where we keep her toys ( to switch them out) and just whines. We do have some Kongs, and they are great, but she loves the softer toys. Some of her older stuffed toys have held up.. I am at a loss here. Any suggestions? Her older toys are from when our DD"s 5 lb chihuahua was still playing with toys. So they are old..

Caring for Tweety is keeping me calm, but No, I cannot hug or hold Tweety.
Playing calming bird videos help him, and putting his cage on the floor, covering it at times helps. But allowing him to fly around free on his own schedule allows him the freedom to do what birds in the outdoors do, and that is to take flight just before the earthquakes. An early warning system to be sure, plus the dogs barking is a good warning, and all true in my experience.

You do have some EQ experience!
Guess I want to know if you adopted a puppy or guard dog when at the Humane Society????

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