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Of course we want to know.

What DID MSM decide to do in 87?


Of course now we all want to know what MsM decided to do back in '87.

Dogs are barking up and down the street
do they sense something
what's that rumble?

oh, it's the street sweeper - 😂


send, I come from a long line of quake survivors

Paternal grandma was in a building that collapsed in the 1906 SF earthquake

the Viking was roller skating and got hit by a brick in the 1933 Long Beach quake and was in the driveway that became like a wave machine and the garden wall came down in the 1987 Whittier one

cousins lived near the epicenter of the 1971 Sylmar and 1994 Northridge earthquakes

and, I had to decide whether to ride out Whittier in the shower or run outside naked

years ago, I remember being at the humane society and one of the cal tech lady seismologists was sitting with a pound puppy - she was helping keep it calm -
can you hug Tweety ?

Shout out to Staceyb!
Did you feel that?

Hey MsMadge,
Do the hoca residents notice?
Have you got your bottled water in good supply?
One gallon minimum per day for each person.
And we have some to share.

I feel the earth move
under my feet

I had a relative who live on the west coast of Canada for a while, she said that she just couldn't get used to all the little tremors that we never hear about and most of the natives didn't seem to notice at all. ((Hugs)) to Send and all the people living with a dragon under their feet.

Tweety is not behaving badly, but he goes into his cage when the earth starts swaying gently. He and I agree that there were a lot of EQ from 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m., and continuing. So I put his cage on the floor in time for the:
4.1 @ 4:45 p.m.
3.0 @ 4:47 p.m.
3.3 @ 4:51 p.m.
3.6 @ 4:52 p.m.

Prior to that, I went to the computer to see if this swaying/shaking was my imagination or just dizziness, or was it all in my mind?
2.6 @ 12:50 p.m.
2.7 @ 2:42 p.m., only seconds apart.
2.5 @ 2:42 p.m.
Not a complete list, but feeling things above 2.5., even though it is 150 miles from the epicenter. Anything lower is unknown, because the download crashed my kindle.
Aw, felt that last one @ 5:50 PST. An empty water bottle crackles, and Tweety stopped chirping, churling, or chirling-a sound parakeets use to calm themselves.
Anything lower is unknown, because the overload crashed my kindle.

Hoping everyone is okay, and in Louisiana hurricanes too.

3.2 @ 4:57 p.m.
3.1 @ 5.08 p.m.

The local fireworks,, OMG. We were at the river house with Chloe, and the neighbors set off lots of noisy things. LOL And I must admit Hub and I were both stressed with both my mom and his dad.. poor Chloe was under any bed she could find!

Daniel says thx Nala!

Nala the cat is stopping by to support Daniel in his recovery.
She is all grown up now.

Well Chloe and hubs and I had a great and busy day. Went to the river house to mow,, boat time, swimming.. ( she is not so happy about the swimming but we are trying to ease her into it ) then a milkshake on the way home an detour to get her nails trimmed. Then she had her only 2nd bath in her life! She really seemed to like it better than the swimming.. LOL. Luckily she is not a "smelly "dog... Mom comes home on Fri, so we needed to get her nails done

FF, All I can say is wow! That is one old kitty. My BF's cat Sam is 18 yrs old. We have him on "Cat Sure," which to my surprise Sam loves it and it seems to help him get around the house and he even started to play with his favorite mouse again.

However, I have to agree it is very hard to watch them age. I have no idea what I am going to do when Sam passes away. My BF and Sam are the best buddies. My BF acts as though when Sam goes he will be ok with it...I don't believe that! Maybe I will get him a dog this time. Although at times I had wonder if Sam was a dog in a pass life. LOL Because Sam gets in bed with us and goes around in a circle 3 times before he lays down; he loves to get into the garbage can, in fact, we had to buy different ones to figure out which one can Sam not over take and make his daily mess. Ugh! And Sam loves to drink out of the toilet. We try to keep the seats down but my mother forgets.

Love your kitty they are only with us for a very short time.

I wish you and Charlie the best! 🐱

FF that is quite old for a cat. Especially a male one. My two boys are only 11 years old and you give me hope that maybe they'll live longer than the average.

But yeah, it's sad when they get older and start to slow down. I hear ya!

That has been some really good care you have given to your elderly cat!
You will miss him when it is time.

It is really tough watching an elderly pet age so quickly in less than a year. My old cat "Charlie" [black Bombay] is going on 19 years. It seemed like yesterday he was running around the house, climbing the fence out back, calling for our other cat "Rosie", etc. Time does fly.

He's been under regular Vet care for the past couple of years. Last year we started him on fluid transfusions which was started to help his kidneys. He is also taking pain meds for his arthritis, and meds for high blood pressure.

Then I need to keep telling myself that he is equal to 90 in human years. He's has had a beautiful life, crazy as all get out, silly, comical, lot of entertainment, and had a human speaking vocabulary of a dozen words.

Still searching for the kitty's tail! But a bushier plant would hide that it isn't even missing.

Lol -Gershun
Too funny

My DH probably wouldn't even need a reason. The garage is one of his favorite places to be, I could just put a cot out there and I would probably never see him. hmmm, now that's an idea.......

J/K I truly love him.

Any excuse you can come up with to get your husband to spend the night in the garage.

Honey, I stubbed my toe. Could you spend the night in the garage?

Oh damn, the dishwasher you think you could spend the night in the garage?

I am sooo constipated............Husband: yes, I know, I'll get my things.

Lol, Send.
I tried to think of a funny response, but I got nothing.😁

Yes, it takes gallons of tomato juice to get rid of the odor, but why did dH have to spend the night in the garage?

My brother’s cats like to play with the bands that come off milk jugs. They bat them around at night. Eventually Leo, the big cat gets them and shoves them under the refrigerator. When the housekeeper mops and rolls the refrigerator out, there’s a bunch of the bands on the floor. Jay rolls up little balls of aluminum foil. Cats love to play with those too.

It seems like my Dad poured tomato juice all over our dog when it got sprayed by a skunk smeshque...So sorry that happened~

And far as the storms,all my babies are scared. Precious and Lovee' hide under the same bed back in the Catroom and the other cat's roam and dart and they're so restless until the storm is over.

One of my dogs had a run in with a skunk. Tried all kinds of remedies and could not make him smell better after several baths. Bless DH heart that he took that task upon himself. But yet he still smelled bad, so he had to sleep in the garage. He so did not understand why he could not come back inside.
Then after we finally got rid of that smell, what did he do? He found a dead armadillo and rolled in it and then smelled like something dead. So a repeat of the above, still smells, and he is back in the garage.

But the storms do not bother my fur babies, just me.

Needing a fur baby update, was wondering......what are all the pets up to?
How are they coping in the storms?

OH NO! Lost all of the rubber bands! So went looking. What is it about this end table that they get stuck under the legs?! Two of them were there, still missing two. So went fishing under the couch, found two more, about 20 crumpled napkins! Then the bonus, a purple rubber band, that I am not sure where it came from! Ming will be one very happy kitty in the middle of the night when she wants to play! And I would like to sleep.

I don't have pet birds any more, haven't in decades. But we do have feeders outside the window. We get goldfinches, now in brilliant yellow coats, house and purple finches (very dull beside their bright cousins!), indigo buntings, cardinals (we have those year-round), a red-breasted woodpecker who steals sunflower seeds by hanging upside-down from the feeder, and now a couple of brown-headed cowbirds, those lazy nest-thieving rascals. Hummingbirds have begun to show up, too. They all give me great joy.

Wow! Those big rubberbands from asparagus make a great toy! Napkins still fun, swapping out a bit. I haven't shot a rubberband in forever. Great practice and exercise. 😊

I'm afraid I may have given some of the birds I feed diarrhea today when I gave them a bag of prunes I cut up and put in their pan.They get greedy sometimes,so some may pay~

Yes, birding = bird watching. We used to get so many birds at sister's feeder that I didn't recognize so I got interested in bird identification. I usually try to look for something interesting during spring migration because it's easier to see before the trees leaf out.

Did you bring any birds home from your birding walk today?
Birding I think/hope means bird watching, right?

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