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I'll tell Daniel and Henrick to back off.

Back off Daniel and Henrick!


That's because your kitty is scaring him away Gershun

Ok Gershun.
He is still asleep, napping. His head is screwed on backwards, tucked over his back, into his feathers. He won't fly to me either when he gets this way.

I will tell him when he wakes up.

Our love to Daniel and Henrick the cat's.....meow!

Sending loving thoughts to Tweety.

Love you Tweety!


He won't come Send. Tell him I sent him love.

Tweety is not behaving badly, but he is molting and not feeling his best.
Feathers are everywhere. He flies to my headboard as I am napping, as if to show me, see mom, here is one of my feathers coming out. It drops down and he watches it land. Then flys off to another favorite perch.

Yesterday, he landed on my kindle as I was playing a youtube bird video. After trillng, cooing, chirping and sqwaking to the bird, he sits there and closes his eyes for 5 minutes. He was as close as 10 inches from my face.

Maybe walking all over the screen, causing it to reset, jump around on and off, it has corrupted the kindle. But seeing my little guy so up close and personal was so worth it. He still will not get on my finger though.

Spontaneous napping is his only symptom of not feeling his best.

Our cat is so spoiled he wont eat his cat food any more unless there are treats on top.. but he does eat the dog food. Works out OK because the puppers eats the cat food if we don't put it up.. LOL


That is so cute. You have a smart kitty!

Maybe this will lighten the mood. I bought a fresh bag of puppy-size grain-free doggie biscuits for my Sheltie the other day. When I opened them, one of my cats begged piteously for one. I told her she wouldn't like it but she insisted, so I gave her one. She ate it, crunch crunch. Then I gave her three of her yummy soft cat treats, which she normally loves. She tried to cover them up with the blanket as if they were poop. Bloomin' cats, lol.

I sure don't know where I'd be now if Bootsie and the kittens hadn't have come.
They give me a purpose and a reason to get up in the mornings and their love keeps me going all day.

Cats and dogs are the best~


Don't apologize. No one minds. It’s an important topic. We all love kitties. Cats are so special.

Our vet has that candle too Pam. I think it's a sweet gesture.

The last time I had to put my last cat down they had a back exit you could leave at so that you didn't have to walk through a waiting room full of people.

Sorry for bringing this topic up. Didn't mean to bring this thread down a sad path.

I have always held my pets when they had to be put down, and at 60 that's a lot of pets. Sitting there with tears running down my face, because I felt I should be the last thing they see, and I know they loved me and that I loved them. (Tearing up here now). Could my hubs do it.. probably if he had to, but bless his heart he is always the one who finds the ones who have passed on their own. Has to take the little bodies to vet alone to be cremated and call me with the news. That about kills him . Our wonderful vet has a candle in the waiting room, with a sign that says if the candle is lit someone is passing, so please be respectful. I truly appreciate this. Not everyone can handle the end, and that's ok too

Ali, if your mom did not stay it doesn’t mean she didn’t care or love them. We are all different and all have our threshold of pain. It may be too painful for some to endure. I stayed with my cat, my choice but I wouldn’t ever expect that of everyone. Not everyone can and that is fine. I believe just like people who do not want to die in front of someone who couldn’t bear the pain. Animals will go off and hide. Animals are extremely intuitive.

Gershun, that's interesting about being present for your pet during euthanasia. Seems only fair to them, from my perspective, to stay with them. You're making the choice for them to end their life so then stay with them for comfort. I never knew that was an option, though. I've yet to take my pets personally. My mom has taken some of the family dogs when they were at the point where they can't walk without pain. I wonder if she stayed with them. I'll have to ask her because I'm curious. She loves her animals, so I think she would stay with them if given the choice.

It was not just a fluke. Playing fetch with Ming has become a ritual. Before we go to sleep and as we wake up. She is a complete nut. Eventually she will learn not to sit on top of that waded up napkin if she wants me to toss it again. 🐈

First thunderstorm of the year. Ming absolutely frightened. Though snow is not done yet, I am sure. After all, I just received new sweaters I ordered. We really need more snow.

I would never judge either
It's a hard thing to do for sure.


I stayed with my cat. She was 16 years old. I held her in my arms. I understand it’s painful and some people can’t do it but I am glad that I did.

Not judging anyone who can’t do it. We are all different and capable of different things.

I watched something online yesterday that was sad but true. A vet was saying that when your furry friend is dying, though it's hard, you should be there with it when it is getting put down. He said he's seen so many times where the owners have left and the pet is looking around the room searching for that familiar face. :(

Sorry, didn't mean to bring the mood down but I know for me there was one time I did not stay and another when I did and the time I did, it brought real closure for me.

Our pets can hear us, and understand.
There is a pet-mom on a few bird videos, who can hand feed her birds.
She instructs to put their spinach, lettuce, on top of their cage for foraging purposes.

Yesterday, I said to my hubs, I wish Tweety would eat from my hand like that.
I don't think he ever will.

Today, he was on his cage, and I offered him a huge piece of romaine lettuce.
He ate from it! Nice!

Luckylu- with you as their Mama, everyday is pet day for your babies. :)

Ali- at least you did all you could.

Today is National Pet Day,so cats and dogs everywhere deserve special treats.
My cat babies are getting freeze dried tuna as their treat and my little dog is getting a chicken strip after they all eat their dinner first.Then at bedtime,there will be extra pats for all of them.

Ali I think the way that mouse was acting and the fact that you were able to catch it so easily probably meant that there was something wrong with it, I'm surprised you were able to keep it alive as long as you did.

The little mouse died. I took it an hour away to the suburbs on Tuesday and gave to friends who have 8-10 other mice in little cages and the other mice are friendly and like playing in your hands and such. They weren't field mice but my friends said they wanted this one, even though he was a field mouse. Then I got a call about 40 mins later that the little guy had died. I think *all of it* was just too much for him, and he wasn't eating the right foods, and he had to lick off all the oil on his fur, and he had to endure a scary hour car ride, and he had to meet all these MUCH bigger mice who were sniffing all over him... and he just couldn't take it. Who knows.

If I ever catch another mouse by accident, I'm putting it back outside close to here. I think that's as good a chance at survival as what I tried to give this one.

I've always had pets. Cats, dogs. One year my kitty scaled the decorated Christmas tree. Right through the trunk of the tree! Years ago, but still so funny. A few weeks ago I lost my last little man, my dog. It's been terrible as he's also the last pet I'll have. He was 14 and had cancer for over 3 years. The vets called him the miracle dog because he lived so long. He hated all people, except me and my daughter. When this happened with my mom and she came to stay with me, I sat him down, literally, on my bed, and had a 'conversation' with him. Do you want to stay in the bedroom all the time, or do you want to learn to love her like I do? Who knew, he accepted and loved her too!!! And she's not an animal person, but she loved him too!!!

I wish my cats were more aloof. They smother me to death with their neediness. I always wanted cuddly cats but my guys take the cake.

I hide in my bedroom with the door closed a lot, lets put it that way.

And yet I love them................a lot.

I love their aloof, carefree, independent nature! Refreshing!

Yes, I remember putting those icicles on the tree. That’s funny. Cats are so curious and playful.

Funniest place I ever found my cat was my sock drawer! Poor kitty jumped in. I didn’t see her in there. I shut the drawer and left the bedroom. She was crying to get out. I couldn’t find her. I traced the sound to the drawer and when I opened it she jumped out like a ‘Jack in the box!’ Was funny!

My cats I grew up with used to get into the Christmas ornaments as well. The icicles...........I don't know if people still use them. Those long, stringy things that are supposed to resemble the icicles that you see on tree branches and eaves. Anyway, we would see them hanging out of our kitties behinds............I used to pull them out when I was a kid. Yes, gross, I know. But have since learned that is harmful to an animal and you should not do that.

I love cats and dogs. But I've only ever had cats as pets. Life just would not be normal without a little fur creature around.

I grew up with cats and dogs. Have severe allergies to cats and no longer own any 😔.

One cat I had was very sweet. Very spoiled. She loved standing at my feet while I cooked in case I dropped something.

I cooked one of hubby’s favorite dinners, spaghetti and meatballs. I’m a wannabe Italian, haha. I married an Italian though 😊.

I placed the bowl of meatballs on the table and walked to fridge to get ice for our drinks. By the time I got back to the table my cat jumped up onto the table and was eating our meatballs. Oh, hubby was not happy that evening!

Another time she climbed up our Christmas tree and shook off all of the ornaments. Those were the days of satin balls. Remember those? She had the satin shredded all over the living room. Was a mess but she had so much fun destroying our Christmas decorations!

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