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I am loving these stories. Keep 'em coming. There is joy here!

Well CM I have two cats and one of them knows his name and comes when you call him. He is smart as a whip. A classic orange tabby. He likes to drink water out of a running tap. One time I ran the water for him in the bathroom and then got on the throne to do my business. He likes his water a specific temperature so he was sitting there waiting for it and then I noticed he kept looking at me, then looking at the tap, then back at me. Suddenly he whipped his paw through the water stream at just the right angle so that it would hit me in the face, which it did. I know it was deliberate.............but so hysterical that I sat there laughing. I couldn't get mad. It was priceless. Good for you, I thought.

My other cat is brother of aforementioned cat and he is a big, chunky, food driven cuddle monster. He is so attached to me it's pathetic. My hubs always says "what have you done to him?" cause of course he wants his cats to man up. But not this one. He is a fat baby and proud of it.

Cats, can't live with them, can't live without them..............sigh!

Sigh. Cats. I have two lively, well-behaved cats that pretty much ignore me although I would love it if they would cuddle with me... one of them, well, more on her later. We also have a very obnoxious, thoughtless cat I don't much like, who actally belings to my child who is away at school. This cat drools because she has a crooked tooth, and guess what? She is all over me, all the time. She can't just sit quietly on my, lap, either. She has to lie on my chest, gazing lovingly into my eyes, while I glare at her. "Go away," I say, to no effect. She reaches one paw up to gently caress my face. I wouldn't mind so much if she just didn't want to stroke me affectionately with her needle-sharp claws out. Sometimes one claw will catch me on the lip. Can't trim them, she is a tornado to trim. I push her paw away, of course. But she persists. "I really don't like you," I tell her. She knows, but she can't help it that she is addicted to me. She loves me with her eyes. "I know you do love me," she purrs seductively, butting my chin with her head, then sliding her face along mine and leaving a trail of slime on my face. She is the only mouser of the three, so she stays.... Sigh. Cats!

The second one, the one I truly love, is an obese Siamese-Tabby cross, a "lynx-point" gone wrong. She's cross-eyed, built like a tank and has a tiny meow. She ignores me completely except when there is a door between her and me. But only a particular door. You know which door. The door which, once it is closed, I can't open. She puts a paw under the door. "Are you in there?" She asks. (Of course I'm in here, you just saw me come in.) "Come out," she says. (I can't come out, I'm busy!) She starts tearing the door down. "What are you doing in there?" She demands. (You don't want to know!) "Well then let me in, I will die if I don't see you RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!

The third cat is a stunted, skinny, mottled, nondescript grey and brown affair that stalks around like a miniature Siberian tiger. She is majestic in her own mind. She's a mighty hunter, but only of dragonflies and the occasional butterfly. Once she caught a hummingbird! I don't think she'll do that again. There's not much meat on a humm'bird. The other cats fear her, but only a little bit.

Sigh. Cats! And yes, they know their names.... and how dare we speak them, lol!

Ah mice, we have them in my house so I need to call a family meeting with the cats as they have been slacking in their jobs :P

My mice come in from under the house foundation, and they can come in from the garage getting into through a space no bigger than a dime. Mice have no skeleton, so they can flatten out to get under doors. If your house has siding, the corners is a good entrance point, too.

One day I opened my sink cabinet and notice large bites out of toilet paper I was storing there. Yep, mice were able to get through from around the plumbing drain that goes into the wall.

I have also heard mice gnawing away between the walls.

And, oh of course, let the cat out in the garage and they will return with a mouse and let it loose in the house.

I hate to kill any creature [ants and wasps are the exception], so I try my best to catch them. I usually have to race to my boss's office before he uses his method of eliminating a bug, and scoop it up and put the bug outside.

One time Home Depot sold small plastic mice catchers, no-kill. Put in peanut butter and the plastic door will shut. Empty many of those waaaay in the back yard.

One time I found mice using an old extra litter box in the basement that still had some litter. My gosh, I had the mice "litter trained" :)

I'm a "neat-nik," as my father used to say. If there was any infestation, or droppings, I would have seen them. I've never seen any. This one had to have crawled up from another unit, or outside. I've never seen holes chewed in trash bags, or anything that looks like mice or rats were around my immediate area.

I use gloves when handling the mouse because they can have gross germs on them. It's crazy that I'm doing all this, yes, but I didn't go looking for a mouse outside, one came to me, then was stuck while still very much alive and struggling in a glue trap.

This thing is a baby, a very small mouse. Why did Mother Nature make infants so much cuter and seemingly vulnerable...? Probably so other creatures would pity them and try to nurture them. That's where I'm at with this. Mousey is in a plastic bin until he gets all the olive oil off his fur, then he's going elsewhere. Actually, my friend let me know I can bring him anytime, so he's going this weekend.

I don't care what anyone else thinks about me doing this. It's a tiny mouse and it was squeaking so pathetically in the trap and I wasn't going to kill it just because I could. If my friend wasn't taking him, I'd release outside in a couple of days.

CM, when I saw the mouse, I was yelling for Delilah to come and get him. She never showed. They don't care. lol

Front page headline today:

Cats do know their names... but don't care.

Japan - study involving 78 cats [presumably not all in the same lab] - controlled trial to see if they would respond differently when their names were read out among a list of random nouns. Would their ears prick up, would they move their heads or display signs of excitement such as tail movement?

They did. Two out of three, anyway: they reliably moved their ears or heads but rarely demonstrated excitement. Scientists concluded that cats learn very well that hearing their name probably meant a human was about to disturb them, for good or ill.

How any of this is news to any cat owner I really can't say.

Ahhh, Ali, don't post things like that to FB. Someone, somewhere is bound to disapprove, some very very inappropriately. People are just nuts sometimes and take every advantage of every opportunity to let someone know they do not approve of their actions.

Went to sleep playing fetch, wake up and playing fetch!🐈 It is so funny😂

Ali, I don't want to be the Voice of Doom, but mice do not come in ones. That perhaps is why they are mice and not mouses.

Your cats don't go out of doors, do they? If they did, I'd say the likeliest method of entry for Mousey was that the cats brought him home for a play date. But as they don't...

You'd best get a torch and look for "signs" of infestation. I.e. droppings. Sorry.

Ali, I have a big heart and love animals too but I don't think I would have done all that. Mind you, I did once spray raid bug spray on a fly and instead of dying instantly like I thought it would, it did this kind of death spiral. I watched this in horror and had a good bawl afterward.

Yeah, being kind and gentle can be a lot of work sometimes.

Ali- that made me giggle but also made me see how precious your heart is.
I hope too you are feeling better these days.
And I hope the mouse gets a good home.

I have a mouse, a very small and young one.

I was standing at kitchen counter yesterday and saw something out of corner of my eye. I look down at floor and there's nothing there, I figure I'm just wonky. There it is again, I look down and there's a small mouse, small ball of fluff, just sitting in the middle of the floor, very curiously checking out my apartment. Where did he come from???? I have no idea. Why would he be on 2nd floor and not on first floor of the building, anyway? He's so small, barely older than a baby, maybe still is a baby. I figured the cats would get him eventually, or he'll find his way back outside. I wasn't prepared for him to get stuck in the glue trap boards that I put down for roaches and water bugs.

But... there he was, stuck sideways in the glue trap and couldn't free himself. I wasn't happy about that, it didn't seem humane to take him to trash still alive and just dump him, but that's what I did. But then I was sad about it so I posted on Facebook, and an animal-lover friend of mine (seriously, the guy is vegan and believes that every life is worthwhile, that eating meat is cruel, etc) sends me a link about how to remove mice from glue boards. It involves pouring vegetable oil on them. Ok, I figure I can at least set the mouse free.

I go get him out of trash outside. I pour olive oil on him, trying to get as little as possible on the mouse itself because online it says that they will have problems regulating their body temp if they are coated in oil. But this mouse keeps resticking himself trying to escape the glue board, keeps getting restuck to the glue board, he's panicking, I'm panicking, and I pour olive oil all over everything. Mouse is now free but covered in oil.

It's amazing how much smaller he looks with his fur plastered down to his body. It's SO TINY. I put gloves on and take a warm wet washcloth and try to wash him. I've done this about 4-5 times now, he still has some oil on him. I got him a warming lamp today... because I didn't think he was going to make it if I didn't warm him up. He didn't look so good this morning.

He's getting bread pieces in milk, and peanut butter, and water. I don't know if he's eating or drinking anything besides licking off all that olive oil.

My fingers are crossed that he can recover. An acquaintance has a few wild mice as pets and I told him he could have this one, too.

But yeah. I have a wild baby mouse in a big plastic bin, with warming light and food. :-)

My cats are really slacking off, that's all I can say about that.

Glad, that's so cute! My cats both will "talk" to me and with me sometimes, and Old Man isn't shy to put himself right on my lap when he wants pets, or use his paw to grab at my hand. But no fetch. lol Sometimes I wonder if they get enough play time but they're both older, and have each other, so... I figure they're fine. The new roommate is really good with them. I think she's their favorite cuddle buddy now and that's MORE THAN FINE with me, lol.

This game of tossing the crumpled napkin has become fetch. Ming fetches! She will bring that napkin back 10-15 times before she wears me out! Then I now always wake up with a crumpled napkin on my bed.🐱

If you are seeing an increase in urine in your litter box you may want to take your cat to the Vet as there may be a physical problem.

Good Tweety! It's amazing the some birds have so much personality. My MIL has a beautiful talking parrot. He greets her in the morning with "Morning" or "Hello." If he doesn't see her at the usual times of day, and she's late, he'll get mad by giving her the 'silent treatment.' That's so funny.

No, really! It was a real question. There was so much in the cat litter box, it seems impossible that just a cat could add that much in a day.....
This might have really happened, maybe? Did anyone ever see elder parent Pee
in the cat litter box?
Maybe it could be an invention, put cat litter in the bedside commode to decrease odors. Re-invent it to look different, and more absorbent, a prettier color other than clay? But not green, yellow, brown or red.
Talking about poo is okay on this thread. Lol.

Tonight, Tweety was perching high up. He throws himself at the ceiling like the other night.
C r a z y. B I r d...?
No, smart bird! This time I saw him following a gnat with his eyes, and then jumped to get it!
He is my hero. That gnat has been dancing on my kindle screen for 3 days!
The gnat-mate was swimming in my grapefruit juice. Hope that is all of

Go to the zoo and go see the monkeys and make faces at them and they'll fling it~

Yeah, I think I heard that Luckylu. But I have never seen it happen.

Monkeys fling poo too~

Lol, yes, bird diapers do exist! One is a little flight suit diaper, so cute!

Not happening because I was never able to handle Tweety, he will not get on my finger yet. He does come nearby to visit and talk, as close as 5 inches from my face. He looked me in the eye......he is friendly and wants to socialize, but wants to be free also.

Also, not happening, who is going to change a bird's diaper?
Guess he will continue to fling poo!

My aunt used to let her birds out a lot, we always thought they should invent a bird diaper. At least tweety is a little bird, aunt (and cousin) had a macaw 😲

Auto correct wrote peeping, I wrote peeing.

Tweety-bird has a swing installed up high now, and he loves to do his calisthenics up there on a perch, a swing, and his favorite is a zip tie with the leftover hanging out-he uses this as another flexible perch. A sort of play station high up.

Problem is, we need a poop catcher. Maybe we are no longer allowed to talk about elderly poop matters for fear of offending caregivers who are dealing with it and are tired of hearing about poop. But Tweety is not elderly. But he does poop. Every 15 minutes, common for a parakeet.

We have thought about getting an embroidery hoop, add fabric, and hang it just below the new swing/perch apparatus. Changing it often, like one does with a diaper. It is close to the wall, not hanging down from the ceiling. Or maybe, just hang a Depends from the swing?

So, has anyone heard of the elder peeping or pooping in the cat litter box?

The Dog’s Diary
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
The Cat’s Diary
Day 983 of My Captivity
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies.” I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

The difference between cats and dogs

A dog thinks: ‘Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me … THEY MUST BE GODS!’

A cat thinks: ‘Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me … I MUST BE A GOD!’

I know what you mean glad,the cats are so funny and just fun to watch sometimes.
The other night,everyone was asleep except for Lovee',my all black cat and she was having the best time,playing with a foam curler,tossing it in the air,hiding it and attacking it till she wore herself out and I just laid on the couch and kept watching her because she was so funny.

My 3 younger cats play "rug" downstairs in their room (Yes, I said "their" room). I lay out several woven rugs to keep their feet warm on the lino floor, and they fling them to the winds - or something like that... Anyway, it's great fun for them, and they need something to do, since they never go outside. They also love a box or two to hide in, paper bags, too, and play with wood chips from the logs for the woodstove. I never have to buy cat toys, and they are endlessly entertained. BTW, I DO bring them up for several hours a day; it would be more if only the 2 boys wouldn't jump on my 14 yr old little female cat and scare her witless!

😠 What wrong with people, Lucky! Hopefully they will catch the a$$!

Ming is wacky, nutty, probably nutty. I sometimes get up during the night for a little snack of 1/2 a peanut butter Sammy, cookie and milk. Ming knows and has started coming and sitting right next to my bed, patiently waiting for me to finish. What is she waiting for? Finally figured it out. She waits for me to crumple up the napkin very tightly and toss it to her. She then will play with that crumpled up napkin until she wears herself out completely. But, the playing is so rambunctious that it keeps me awake until she wears herself out. It is so funny and better that chewing on my kindle or my hands or my arms or my legs under the covers.😄

I wanted to take the beautiful old cat home with me today from the petstore ,but with all the cats I already have ,I just couldn't.I know the younger cats that were there will easily find homes,but this one is old and nobody will probably want her because of it.
There's so many animals that need homes out there and it makes me so sad.
Then when I got home,I read on the neighborhood website we have here that someone is shooting animals in the middle of the day,even one's that are fenced in their backyard.,,,and that just makes me sick~who could ever shoot an innocent animal and for no reason.......
I'll be holding my babies alittle tighter tonight.

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