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Ok, you are probably wondering why I posted what I did a few hours ago. On Friday night there was a spam for quick cash that flooded the forums, and sure enough it was also on the "cats behaving badly" forum :P

I'll ask my cat if he needs any quick cash.

Send, once you have tried to plan a route avoiding chickens back to the house from the vegetable patch in order to keep your newly-cut spring cabbage safe from their evil clutches and been ambushed and cut off at the gooseberry bushes... you no longer imagine that birds are feather-brained.

Tweety is using an upside down umbrella hung from the ceiling fan to perform gymnastics. Landing on the fabric edge, he can swing, then he flips himself upside down to see below, and can hang from one foot.

In one of the funny bird videos, a cockatiel is clipping out paper strips and inserting the strips as wing replacements under it's tail feathers! Now that is not really funny, is it? Almost scary smart.

I got Chloe a new dog food.. natural and with "wild boar" and peas.. We are pretty careful about what she eats. The last few days she has been ( excuse me) pooping like it's her job! I swear today it was enough for a cow patty, and she weighs 12Lbs! Meanwhile Daughters 5 lb chi is barely pooping at all! So off we went to get Chloe her old food, and we are giving Daughter our old food! Lets hope this switch solves both our problems! I don't need a dog chit fest at the holidays,on top of everything else! Daughter got Bella's food from an online site.. maybe time we both went back to the tried and true

Just got the window coverings, shade horizontal and vertical. Ming getting lost in the verticals. Hope the newness wears off soon!😼

The other day I had a workman at the house to tear down the ceiling in the kitchen because of all the water marks from water pipes that need repair [I thought copper pipes last forever, apparently not]. The workman enclosed the area with plastic to keep the dust down while he worked.

So, of course, Rosie my 13 year old cat decided to investigate what was going on. She is not shy around tradesmen [my other cat was under the bed hiding]. She likes to help.

You're probably saying why not pick her up and shut her in a bedroom. Not going to happen. Her nickname is "Flash" due to her full bore speed, and she is one cat that hates to be picked up, lot of growling and major hissing. Eventually she got bored and left the kitchen.

Barb, before you give Sylvester a rollocking - it couldn't have been an inter-bird territorial dispute, could it?

I went to close a window today; the temperatures have dropped quite a bit in NYC and even with the over abundance of coop heat, we are very warm.

Noted that screen is torn. There is a feather stuck to the screen on the outside.

I am inferring that one of my cats, sitting at the windowsill, saw a bird, sitting on the sill outside. Indoor cat swiped at screen. Damaged bird.

Playing budgie bird videos on the chromebook laptop.
Daily. He has taken over my computer!
Tweety is excited, flies around, sings, pecks the screen, walks on the keyboard.
Dh suggested I cover the keys.

Nah. I just ignored dH. It won't be the first time a male has taken away my computer.

Ming getting very comfortable in this house. ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM, into one window, then another, oh let's play with this temporary blind, oh the kitchen counter looks like fun. Oh, but the tub and shower. Oh look, there's a mosquito! Please, Ming, catch it, I haven't been able to so far. We have had lows in the 20's and still the straggler mosquitos in the house. UGH! Did manage to take care of all the files though.😈

This was quite some years ago, the Dog Boot Conflict. She was staying with my then SO and he had polished wood floors which did not agree with her elderly paws and arthritic joints. It's only just occurred to me that SO may well have thought her claws didn't agree with his lovely polished wood floors, either... But I must admit that never entered my head before now.

I did get them on her. They fit nicely over her paws, and then you did them up with Velcro straps further up the leg. Black, with reflector strips. Very chic.

I spent the next couple of hours chasing round the house finding the one she'd just managed to remove while she worked on the others... Eventually we had "a frank exchange of views" and she lay down and declined to get up again until the boots had been stowed away with her non-pull lead, her hi-viz jacket and the no-shed conditioning shampoo.

It's true CM, I was just kidding. Then I look it up and there it was. Hence, the edit. They do make them, bird diapers.
And hiking boots for dogs. What do they not make these days. That is neat that you found some for your dog, Guessing she wouldn't wear them?

LOL Smeshque! And there you were thinking you were joking about the birdie diapers - ?!

I had a similar experience when I idly looked up non-slip boots for my elderly dog. Yup. Hiking boots, thermal boots, orthopaedic boots, everything except platform disco boots... (mind you, I didn't actually check for those).

Got her state-of-the-art suede-soled ones. She absolutely hated them.

Maybe they make bird diapers?

(EDIT)They actually do, called flight suits. Maybe that is your answer Send.

Left the bird out of it's cage when leaving to drive hubs.
Coming back, there was some evidence that birdie was expanding his personal space while I was gone.

Scrubbing all the counters, again.....sheesh, it was only one tiny.......but still!

Thanks Ali, I just ordered two.. Christmas gifts for the puppers! And to cover the furniture where they like to lay.

CM, I just read your comment about "mummy nurturer." lol The old cat insists on being in my space nearly all the time. If I'm in the apartment, he wants to be right there with me. I think it is a source of comfort to him, in some weird cat way, that he's around me. He won't leave me alone. I've tried shutting the bedroom/bathroom door and keeping him out but he doesn't like that. Could be worse. He's stretched out right here as I'm typing this, looking content. I'm ok with being their human servant - slash - warm body to sleep next to. I've started being harsher with how I get them out of my space when they're too close, and I've even said to myself that if I keep doing that (being harsh and moving them out of the way when they're too much underfoot) then perhaps they will learn to act differently. Thanks for the reminder that they are the ones training me, not the other way around.

Pamz, I think the cats like the mats well enough. They have been lying on them, but I put them in spaces where they usually lie down, so not sure if they're lying where they usually lie, or lying on the mats. Maybe both. If the mats keeps them any bit warmer this winter, I think it's worth the $10 I paid for them.

There are some very interesting articles and videos showing how smart ravens and crows are.


"Cockatoos cleverer than a child of four."

[thinks: big deal. But tell me more]

"Scientists have discovered [thinks: oh-oh] that cockatoos rival apes and human four-year-olds in their ability to invent and fashion complex tools. Austrian scientists spent years testing the ability of Goffin's cockatoos at a laboratory in Vienna. Now they have demonstrated the birds are capable of sizing up the length of a poking device needed to reach seeds through a hole in a perspex box, and then make it from a piece of cardboard."

Well! If cockatoos can make an accurate estimate and produce an artefact to specification they are doing considerably better than many adult humans of my acquaintance.

Ali I was looking at those mats for the puppers.. let me know how they work please

All that is left at old house is vacuum, mop, broom, etc and fridge and freezer food. Got last of other little stuff this morning, including Ming and all things cat. She was freaked out with all the activity yesterday and found an empty lamp box to hide in once her favorite hiding places were moved out.

Got her in her travel crate, no problem, she liked the closeness and security of it. Got to new house and placed her litter box, food, and a couple toys in Master bath, and the lamp box too. Opened crate door, shut the bathroom door she is now in there. After awhile I will open the door to see if she feels like exploring at all.

It is almost 1 here. Laying down, I am beat. DD1 coming to help me get some boxes dealt with anyway. A birthday present, I imagine. Tomorrow,yes.

I love cats. I really love them. I feel only half alive with no cat in the house and am having to be very strict with myself about not running out to get one.

But let's be clear about how cats feel about us. Affection and indulgence may grow over time. We may even become a landmark in their territory that, in their way, they are sincerely attached to.

Do not imagine that they are snuggling up to you because you are their mummy and their protector and their nurturer. What you are in this context is a few dozen pounds of agreeable squashiness at a steady 37º Celsius, is what you are. Admittedly with an irritating tendency to move around without authorisation or warning, but they expect to train that out of you in due course.

Know your place, is all I'm saying.

Old Man was pooping in random places before the move. It's not every time but just maybe 1-2x a week.

I keep whacking them in the heads or squashing them when I shift during the night. I don't know why they're not wanting more calm sleeping space for themselves. We'll see if they take to the warming mats or not.

Today was the worst mental health day I've had in some time. The cats are very, very good for me to have around on a day like today. I'm glad they're here.

Ali....Maybe your cats are feeling insecure since the move and they feel their safest when they're close to you.
The move might've caused the Old Man cat you have to poop in his favorite chair too
Maybe they're upset because everything has changed.I know they must love you so much.I don't know how you'll ever get 'em off your bed..

You would think I was made of catnip lately. Both the cats have been generally friendly towards me after the first month of get-to-know-you time passed. Ever since this move, though, it's a different level of things.

When I come in the door from work, they're usually both in the bedroom, sometimes both on the bed. They were never like this before. They want to lay right next to me, or very close by. They definitely want to sleep with me in the bed now, and they didn't do that before the move.

I don't know if they're being affectionate because we've bonded now, or if their behavior has much more to do with it being Fall here, and cooling temps, and they're just trying to find the warm spots.

I've ordered them little fluffy cat bed mats with metal foil inside so they can have warm spots somewhere else besides right next to me. :-)

I've accidentally whacked them several times lately as I'm turning over at night, and there they are. I think the best situation is that I get them off and sleeping in their own cat beds. But... it's kind of cute for the short term.

The Old Man Cat is mildly concerning these days, nothing new, really, but...

He pooped on his chair today. It's his favorite chair that he loves to sleep on, and he pooped all over it. Not sick tummy poop, just regular. He is definitely incontinent at times then, but not always as he's still using litter box mostly, and likely it's just do to age. Otherwise he seems fine enough. I don't see his symptoms progressing and he is still enjoying his life.

Just wish I knew what to do but I don't want to get caught up in taking an old cat to the vet and treating him for symptoms that are due to him being old. So I guess for now I'll keep muttering at him when he poops in odd places.


And I'll be doing well enough to drag myself to some doctor's appointments, and I have one tomorrow, because I'm hitting a flare up of major fatigue issues. I'm not going to do anything else about Old Man Cat's issues right now unless they progress.

Already in trouble.......always.
Being good can even get one in trouble.

But Tweety bird is so very happy these days. Very entertaining.

Got to hurry now, picking up dH off work now, dinner will be late, after 10mp.m.

Oh Send, be careful modelling yourself after may get yourself in trouble. :P

Y'all are brats even when I am no where near the internet. But I am back on tonight.
I don't think of myself as a rebel, as I am trying to be more like Gershun.....I call it defiant. It is a good thing needed when one has to stand up for oneself.

However, I will drive to wherever to visit a friend, but not fly.
Squirrels can fly, birds can fly, I cannot. duh.

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