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I woke up to the sad sound of Old Man cat getting sick right next to me. I tried to encourage him to move off the white fur rug next to my bed, onto the wood floor which would be much easier clean up, but no such luck. There's also a bit of poo on the rug, too. All of which I've sadly stared at a few times while I contemplate that -- I'm moving in the next couple weeks and while I love this rug, it was bought pre-cats and isn't a cat-friendly rug. Their hair and all kinds of other goo gets stuck in it, might as well just throw it away and not have to clean it or take it along to the new apartment.

If I had a small wet vac, maybe I could better clean rugs when the cats get sick on them. As for the white fur one, it's a done deal, because it's long and shaggy, you can't clean it fully although I've been trying for months to clean it after each incident. I need short pile rugs only that clean up easier.

Can you let the cat out for a bit? Some people allow their cats to be both indoor and outdoor pets.
When a neighborhood cat visited, he would want to go out at 4 a.m. so we stopped allowing him inside.

Having a cat neutered can help with some behavior issues.

Sorry he ruined your couch, but I totally understand the differences from caregiving stress vs. the cute antics of a pet being therapeutic and a welcome relief.

Go kitty!

Has anyone seen the video with cat toy? onefastcat
A treadmill in a huge circle.

For three nights in a row, Tweety gets back in his cage by himself. Then he got out by himself at 7:45 a.m., even though the cage was covered, including the door.
Phrases he is being taught are:
"Where is hubby?"
"I can't talk"
"I am a bird, and I can't talk"

So far, he has not talked.

I rescued a young tom cat, and although he's pretty tame he still has some
bad outdoor habits. Such a booting his poo out of the litter box and across
floor or peeing in laundry basket (on clean laundry--grrr)

He's a bit of a hellion, has ruined the only expensive couch I've ever owned,
causes chaos when possible. But his furry hair brained antics are adorable
in comparison to the other chaos I deal with in caregiving and related drama
(much unnecessary) . To think that before I started caregiving I would have
thought that dealing with rambunctious kitty was a hassle. Bwa ha ha ha
Such a lightweight

I am sure tweety will be very happy in his new home.

MsMadge was correct, I am the new owner of Tweety.
Hey Gershun! Can you post yet? Everybody having trouble posting, make sure you are logged in each morning, imo.

Tweety just said: "I tawt I taw puddy-tat!".

Your welcome Send. I hope Tweety will bring you lots of joy and entertainment.

Thank you, Smeshque!

Jesús te está mirando

How do you say: "Jesus is watching you!" in spanish?

Tweety is such a happy birdie, has the entire backporch as his own climate controlled room. Tweets up a storm, hubs recorded it, plays it back to him, and
Tweety is twirting again!

His owner probably went right out and bought another so the kids would not find the bird missing. Like they do with goldfish, you know, tell the kids, bury it in the backyard dilemma; or buy a new one before they find out, flush it down the toilet dilemma. Now, that sounds cynical, sorry. However, I am expecting the owner to make an effort, circulate flyers, make contacts online.

Yesterday, I tried playing music in different languages-bird related to spanish.
To teach it to talk, maybe play a phrase over and over on a loop because I get sooo very tired of repeating myself, Lol. "Where is hubby"; "Where is hubby?"

Thanks for asking about MY birdie! Ha ha ha.

Need to think upsomething good for Tweety to say.....

How is Tweety doing, has his owner turned up yet?

Here I thought it was the raccoons knocking the bird bath basin off its pedestal. Turns out it is a beautiful feral, speaking of ferals, Madge. No I am not bringing it in. White with some orange tabby. Hope it doesn't break that basin, it is cracked. Stupid design, the basin rests on a bolt that sticks out of the pedestal.

Seems the feral cat got sick in the driveway overnight and I had to clean it up this morning on my way to work or I’d run my tires through it

of course I didn’t want to take the time to find a shovel in the garage so I grabbed a plastic grocery bag and looked for a makeshift scooper in the house - there on the kitchen bar was the hoca newsletter -

So Chloes nails grew overnight... I am scratched, mom and hubs are scratched, FIL and cousin are scratched.. so off to the vet we went for a mani. She did very well.. no drama at all!

Wondering how your pets are today, Luckylu???

One of my chickens, Dolly, was bowled over by a very handsome pheasant who visited our garden one day. She followed him round for hours looking hopeful but sad to say he did not return the admiration. Unrequited love, sigh...💔

See also Jake Thackray's song about the bantam cock.


Ha ha ha MsMadge! I'm just not allowing myself to feel it. I'm not feelin' it, ya hear? Nope, Not me!

There is a pressing obligation to have Tweety's owner take him home.

Bought a white tall cage today. He's in there tonight, placed up high. Going to let him out every day....until the irresponsible person finds his bird! Lol.

tweety’s owner has been found - it’s you ! 🐦

With two separate living spaces, (out the back door is the screened in porch), the kitty and bird will never meet. This worked well before when my dog never met the feral cat who had kittens on the porch, and after a time, the cats were adopted out to the best of homes.

I expect he musical doors to end when the bird's owner is found. The cat has a new toy, an expensive gift, see "one fast cat" dot com. that calms it by exercising, a treadmill in a circle!

Barely, but I remember that whistle. Trying...

I keep thinking about Sylvester and Tweety - how does kitty like your new birdie?


Can you whistle? I think it’s called the “Cat Call Whistle”? The one the guys do as the girls are walking by? In the old movies. I’ve known parakeets that could mimic the whistle.

Is that Tweety in your avatar? If so he his beautiful!

Ok CM. An attempt at bonding with a pet I cannot keep, ok I will do it, and also read that tiny carrots and some other veges and fruits are needed. I wouldn't mind if the bird sat on my head, or prefer shoulder.

This morning, Tweety sat on the rungs of the clothes dryer rack, looking outside.
It heard a crow, and tweeted. Should I be concerned?

I love, love, love cats and even more than that, DOGS!

Further research informs me that parakeets are fond of apples. Try sitting in a chair with a bitten one in your hand, minding your own business and paying no obvious attention to him, and see if he takes the bait. Remember not to squeal if he lands on your head.

Thanks MsMadge for the advice to have admins on the pet site take down the post. They then reposted it as themselves as the contact. I was asked to give my phone number.
In an effort to find it's owner, dH helped make a flyer. But to hand it out is a problem for me.

The tiny band is on it's leg, I cannot read it, and catching Tweety would scare him.
It was suggested to take him to the shelter.

All my organizing efforts have been put on hold, and if I die early, no one will know where to find the 29 cents left in my checking account, lol.

Sorry, but I'm still laughing trying to picture a parakeet having its way with a crow

Bands are placed by the breeder on the baby bird's leg so probably wouldn't have any owner information just year of birth and breeder info, which I think is for license purposes

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