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You were not supposed to lick it!
(The Zen calming Licks, I mean.)

Find out what's in em, I think you have found the sleep-aid needed by so many caregivers on here. We could get our own ingredients, perhaps in an essential oil.

Report back, because Gershun could really use a good nights sleep, as she has said in the past. Or, we could just go to the pet store or vet!

It won't be the first time an animal med is good for people.

The plan was a good one. What actually happened is that Divo wouldn't eat the Licks calming stuff (I mixed in a little bit of food, put it on a treat, tried to give him a spoonful of it.... no, no, no thanks, nope). Then *I* fell right asleep after lunch and missed his appointment. I called in and they'll let me reschedule. Sigh. We'll try again next week on my day off.

Close enough to a memory CM!
In James Herriot's book: "All Things Bright and Beautiful", he mentions
Mrs. Bond's cats, Ch. 22.

I had read them all! Of course, I cannot remember all the details, but you can look these things up online for a Chapter synopsis, and the name of Mrs. Bond's cat.
His books are still very popular.

Isn't there a scene in James Herriot's book about a cat called Bond, I seem to remember..?

Cats rule ok!

I watched one of the animal rescue shows where they were rounding up a hoarders cats. Not very pretty but effective. Catch the cat in a net. Have second helper hold crate on it's end. Grab cat with towel holding front legs back agaist it's body and dump cat head first into crate. The handler is wearing heavy leather gloves like fire place gloves (not oven Mitts Ali) and as complete controle of the front end of the cat. The helper slams door shut before kitty can turn around and escape.

For my own non aggressive kitty I confine her to a powder room and into the crate

Well MsMadge then maybe that cat is not the baddy,, they normally will not poop where they sleep!

The cat I suspect of using the patio as a litter box was asleep on it this morning
not tame at all
ran as soon as I opened the kitchen window

I left a pie tin of water in the shade for it
so hot here still

I bought some relaxing sauce stuff called Zen™ Licks Calming Aid and a soft sided cat carrier so I don't have to deal with the big crate. I put treats in the carrier and both cats went right in after them. 👍 The carrier is sitting with the end open under Divo's favorite chair for him to explore. I think I'm as prepped for tomorrow's vet visit as I can be. 😁

Thanks for all the tips! There are some good ideas in there, thank you!

I thought cat revenge was puking on your pillow...
(cousin's cat did that every time she was p'd off - lol)

FF I know what you mean about the peeing in the crate.. we had a Himalayan that had to go to the groomers in her old age because she could no longer keep up the tons of hair,, so we had to get her shaved like a poodle. I swear every trip home I would suddenly smell "the smell".. and have to rewash her butt, etc when we got home.. It was her revenge!

Ali, good luck in getting that bad boy into his crate.. I remember one time a Vet did recommend that I place the crate bottom down so I could take the cat under his arms and place him into the crate. Make sure the claws are facing forward and not toward you.

My current old boy was a terror when he was young to get into a crate. He yells all the way to the Vets, but within the past few years he is a happy camper because he just loves all the attention from all the cute lab techs and the Vet herself. I use a dog size crate, it's a royal pain to carry because the crate is as heavy as the cat.

I had cats that were easy to scoop up and put into the crate. Had one that would yelp like a dog and pee in the crate. Glad his Vet had a good sense of humor. Always had to schedule as first patient of the day so not to clear out the waiting room with that very loud yelping.

Another cat I had to close all the bedroom and bathroom doors. And start a half hour early because I had to exhaust the cat before I was able to grab her. We put on many miles inside the house :P Oh, that cat would hear the handle on the crate and zoom she'd be in hiding.

Never found putting toys and treats in the crate would work, as my cats would associate the crate with the doctor office.

And put him in butt first. It is supposed to help if the cat cannot see that they are going into the crate. Get the carrier out now. Place a treat or two in there with the towel. Ming will go into her crate sometimes just to nap.

A decent sized bath towel, Ali. Playfully lay it over him, like laying a cloth on a table, then get ruthless, bundle him up and decant into the carrier.

You won't be popular but you will have him in the crate and you won't hurt him (or you).

My charge (Divo, the 18 yo cat) goes to doctor (at The Cat Hospital) for wellness check next Tuesday. The worst part will be putting on oven mitts to get him into his travel crate. I've been thinking I will put lots of toys and treats in the crate, the put it on its back end, so he cannot even think to run out once I get him in there. He's done that before, fought me successfully for freedom from the crate. I don't blame him, I'm just thinking ahead for how to get this wellness check accomplished.

It's only going to be him at this time. The other gal shows no signs of any issue, I'm going to leave well enough alone.

We shall see what vet says about the spasms and if it's just part of being an 18 yo cat, or something else should be checked out.

Vet should have the old records by Monday, so if there's any kind of unusual indicator in test results, vet should be able to see it. Hopefully my description of The Issue will be an obvious symptom towards one or two possible problems, or just due to ... old age. I have no idea at this point what to expect! "Ali, your cat has parasites" sounds just as plausible at this point as "He's 18, did you think there weren't going to be normal symptoms of aging...?"

Sharing what I just heard on the radio about your pets.  It was a question about their pet cat. The vet doctor said that when they do tests, it would be helpful to compare the result with previous ones.  What may seem high to him, might be normal for that pet - based on the previous tests.  He would like to have his clients have a baseline in order to accurately diagnose their pets.  He recommended that when you take your pets annually to the vet, to request a blood test done.  Baseline (especially since pets can't talk.)

Turns out my rescue cat likes Ozzy Osborn music. Just by chance my sig other was watching the Ozzy and Jack TV travel series and was wondering about Ozzy's music. Sig found some of his music on his cellphone.

Lo and behold "Rosie" [13 years old] quickly came out of where ever she was sleeping and acted like she was fond of the music. She does this each time the music is played. Apparently in one of the two previous homes she had lived, someone was an Ozzy fan :)

pam, watch her eating toys; some animals have "pica", where they eat just about anything; our beloved little girl cat ate my hair when she could, string, just anything, and had to be put to sleep at 2 because she had blocked up her intestines, even tho she was getting hairball meds. Just keep an eye out....

Well Chloe has been sort of good/bad since we got back from the river 2 weeks ago.. she has transferred her chewing from us to her toys,, good!! But she is back sliding on the potty training. Bad!! The potty thing may be/probably is our fault, it's been rainy as heck here. Finally figured out if she looks at us and tilts her head a lot.. it's time to go outside,, so that may be improving shortly,, as long as we catch it! I feel like she is trying.. Her toys are another issue.. so today we went and got her 3 new ones to replace the ones she has destroyed.. going to try rotating them. I think she may be bored.. If she eats these I am up the creek,, who know they could destroy them that quick!!

AliBoBali, good you found out which cat is thinking outside of the box. Best to have doc look at him as I learned if a cat does that then he's telling you he has a medical issue.

One time I had an older cat who would squirt on the wall which is unusual for a female cat to do... turned out she had a feline type of a UTI.

If it turns out to be the cat just can't get to the litter box in time, then more litter boxes need to be placed around. I was able to get one older male cat to use those blue-sheets [doggy pads] instead of cat litter. He wouldn't cover his litter anyway, the old female cat would make that her chore to do. Jeeze, some guys are no different in feline life as they are in human life :))

As for litter boxes, I found I had better luck buying those Sterilite clear plastic storage bins that one can find at Target, the 6" tall ones work fine. And they are less expensive then a cat made litter box. Right now I am using the plastic storage boxes that one would use to hold rolled wrapping paper. It just gives the cats more room.

Don't worry Ali.
People can be caregivers to cats and dogs as well.
Well, I know you are not too worried, but felt the need to comment
about this community's value way past the caregiving years.

The friendships, the knowing others, being known and accepted, the wealth of experience passed on by former caregivers, and the support for past caregivers, and recovering from the difficult times.

All very helpful in my opinion.

You guys are pretty good coming up with names here!

I was thinking just now that I've gone from discussing elder care issues on AC, to now talking about the bowel movement problems of a geriatric cat!! Hoo boy, I can see some posters thinking they have better things to do than to discuss Elder Cat Care.

A vet visit is in order to rule out parasites, or rule out some other things I haven't thought of. But the cat is just fine... with some gross habits that he can't seem to help. Probiotics for kitties seems a solid first step to helping him out some but I'll wait to talk with a pro. He's a character, and good company, and doesn't seem in any pain or discomfort in the least, except when he's spasming with tummy or other-end sicks. He's not ready for Rainbow Bridge just yet.

Or Jack and Wellington... Are they boys or girls?

BootShop ~ You have two new kitties with boots! Name them Boot and Scoot... or anything you want lol... but what are you thinking for names? I didn't name my two or I think I would have given them names of my fave musical duos.

I finally saw it just now, the reason why the poop is outside the litter box. My old man tabby was walking with purpose, looked like he was heading to litter box (but who knows, really) and then stopped short and I noticed his hind quarters were spasming for about 30 seconds. He had a little bit of poo come out, then wandered off like "no big deal." So... the mystery of the random poop is solved! And as to the WHY? I'm not sure. He urinates in the box just fine. It could be that he is getting urges where he can't make it to the box. Could be he's just used to doing this at this point, too. But seems odd to me, unusual, that he urinates in the box consistently but is pooping in random spots all over apartment.

Is this bowel incontinence? I plan to have him checked out. The feces looks normal so I'm not thinking it's emergency for him at this time, just a problem with him controlling his urges, I guess.

I have 2 new baby kitties on my porch. 1 is black with white tipped ears and 4 white boots. The other is a grey, white, black calico looking mix with 4 white boots. I guess Mama weaned them and left them to me. I picked up baby kitty food tonight and put out fresh water. They are chowing down! Fresh Farm Kitties Yeah!

All the cats I have had over the last 40 years, would only eat canned food that has a pate. No sliced or shredded with gravy because they lick all the gravy and leave the rest, lol!

I read that after thecat has played with a certain toy for a while,then you take away that toy and reintroduce it again in a few weeks or they get bored of that toy.
As far as food and feeding mine,it's a smorgasboard at our house with every kind at the same time,from Friskies and 9 Lives to Meow Mix and Surf nTurf,wet and dry.They go down the line of dishes and turn their noses up though because they only want the expensive broths and stews at over a dollar a piece.

Send... I think catnip is pot for cats by the way mine act and Love it. I put it all over their scratchy-scratches and they eat it and roll in it and then they playfight or give each other baths or chase each other and then they crash out,go to sleep.

Yes send, my vet is against it too. The prescription cat food for sentsitive stomach is over $50. I reviewed comments from customers who have been using it. I no longer buy it but it helped when I needed something for my cat. Honestly, I don’t think we should have to get a prescription from the vet for these foods. My kitty’s issue s hairballs and the treats for that problem didn’t work for my cat.

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