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Thank you Sharyn, for your input about Blue. The sales clerks were dead set against this brand, that I had requested!

Hubs "forgot" to tell me the kitty threw up "about 3 cans worth of food" the morning we went to get her stitches out. Too late for that information days later.
Since she poops regularly, and is not overfed (3 oz. can max per day + kibble), I don't know what to do with this likely " m i s i n f o r m a t i o n ". Vet said she is healthy.

Making a decision soon about what canned to feed her.  Too many choices, and not one to feed a cat something different each day.  Is that best?  Does she NEED a variety?

Hey Lu, you were exactly right, this is harder than I expected!!!  The finances must also be considered.

Ali, the cat toys have made all the difference!  I took a neighbor who had cats with me to two stores.  She recommended so many good ones.  Yours are older, so maybe a very few with catnip would work, but mine (at 11 months) just went crazy!!  She did not need that much stimulation.
What is catnip, a drug?  Maybe it is pot for cats? 

Kitty has her own toy box basket now.

My cat is 15 years old now. He has trouble from time to time with vomiting. It was worse a year ago. I fed him blue buffalo basics canned food. It has limited ingredients and does help with sensitive tummy issues.

Ali, I have 2 older cats who've become allergic to their food (dry), so switched to another brand without dyes - especially red #40 - in them and that worked for awhile. One of them is switched to canned cat food now, and a little dry now and then - no more throwing up. The dog now throws up bile about 6 hrs after eating, so I give her something at about 4-5 hours, and no more throw up. Just more management, not vet bills...

Send, I like how you described your kitty's coloring! Sounds cute! Delilah is a tortoise-looking cat, but not extreme markings, just a general tortoise looking kitty. She has big aqua green eyes, too, very pretty. :-)

My cats.

My old man tabby gets the pukes pretty regularly. It's tough to see him feeling so bad at times, but he rebounds very quickly and it doesn't seem to affect him long term. The best I can tell, these are not hairball related, but allergies to food, maybe. I plan to switch to a different brand of wet food and see if he tolerates it a little better. But overall, we are all doing fine.

I had a visitor at the apartment yesterday. The cats LOVED her, they were full of energy and curiosity and enjoyed interacting with her, she was giving them lots of rubs. Hm. Maybe they just need some more TLC from me...?? I'll get one of those teaser toys at the dollar store and see if they want to play. I was doing some sewing and Delilah was batting at the thread.

I'm still figuring out how to be a good cat mom.

For the love of Cats....And some heartbreak. The identical cat to mine (sister obviously), is now at the shelter, as well as a ten year old that I was keeping track of.

When Kitty had her stitches out today, the vet said she is Calico, and "diluted". That is why she is not black, Brown, and beige in spots, but instead looks smeared. Colors run together. Cute.

Now her sister is at the shelter. Wonder how many more? Sheesh. Hurts just a little, confused, just a little. Sure she will be adopted to a good home, and sure I can never have what I want. Must stop looking. Sad, maybe not so little.

Kitty is all fixed up, stitches are out.

She loves loves loves the Merrick Purrfect Bistro Surf Turf Pate. (Grain free). She eats it all, right away. It smells like some cat food from many years ago, probably the cheapest kind of "Friskies". Since it is gone right away, there are no odors left behind.

Lu, If I had lots of cats, I would be saving money buying something in a large can, not these 3 oz. Cans. Imo.

Another brand she is trying, "Fussie Cat", also grain free. The chicken comes in strings of meat. She picked it up with her paw, but left a lot.

No,,Odom isn't eating the kitten food freqflyer,but that was a good thought & Thank you.
Odom lives in a different area by himself,because the babies have always hissed at him when I've tried to introduce them sad to say.They all eat the same foods though because my little kittens turned into full grown cats on me.Theyr'e a year and 5 months old now already,but freqflyer you're right about the food being too rich I think and Odom should be on a special diet for his older age.Really,all of them NEED to go on a diet now and get some weight off.After they were all spayed,they got SO fat,but it's a huge relief to me that they are spayed.I can't afford any more babies physically or financially.

Ali, Ming has the problem with poo sticking to her. Occasionally I find pieces around the house. She is longer hair yes it does stick. Solution? Maybe less litter in the pan? Haven't tried myself yet. Shave her tush? Wouldn't want to try that.😬

FF, a coworker suggested that, when I told her about the situation, that the poo is sticking to cat behind. I don't think so. But the place where the poo shows up is always changing: tonight it was a small bit just outside the litter box. That's a new place.  If it were always there outside the box, I'd think it was sticking.  But it shows up in random spots everywhere around the apartment.  

Unless... the offender is the longer haired, younger gal. She does have longer hair. Still not a long haired cat but not short like the old man tabby cat. I just need to see this happen in action just once, I can move towards solving the mystery! lol

luckylu, I wonder if Odom is eating the kitten food, which may be too rich for him. When my cats became around 10 years old, I switched over to Purina One Healthy Maturity and that seems to work pretty good, knock on wood.

The cat soups, there is one made for a cat 15+ years. My cat prefers just to lick up the liquid and leave behind the chicken or fish, whatever was in that pouch. Yep, expensive liquid but we needed him to put on weight.

These cat soups are made to be mixed with regular cat food to get the cat interested in eating.

I had a friend who's cat liked can food and dry food all mixed together in one dish.

AliBoBali, by chance is the cat that decided to leave a bit of poop on your white rug a medium or long hair cat? I found with those breeds, the poop will stick to their little behinds and they don't realize it until they sit down. Oops.

My medium hair cat has thankfully claimed the litter box in the basement, so I will find poop outside of the box where it just got stuck onto her. She also will run to the basement to let loose of a hairball. Whomever taught her that [she has had 2 previous owners] I do thank them. The hairball cat food does help to cut down on the hairballs.

Thanks Send....But Odom is back in his litter box again today.He did sleep next to me at the foot of the couch where I sleep though,but left me a pile of urp there too when I woke up.I'm just gonna have to take him in to be seen,IF dH will cooperate.
Your food,The Merrick kibble is one we haven't tried.I'll give it a go next and hope my babies like it like yours does.
Hope all you cat and dog caregivers out there have a good day~

Chicken, ok. Turkey, a no. Cowboy Country, by Merrick, doesn't want anything else now, creating a scene, meow meow meow!
@ 3 1/2 oz. for $1.39, or was it $1.69.....That is expensive I am sure. Persuasive Petco helper!! Kitty loves her Merrick kibble.
This must be the beef, wondering if cats eat vegan? Sheesh.

We now have two litter boxes, placed strategically.

Thanks everyone!

Lu, hope Odom is better.

Thank you, Glad. Beetle pine killer litter.
Great ideas everyone. Dh and I are so allergic, trying for no litter odor at all. Additionally, I am now sure it is just to punish us, she fails to bury it. She makes all the moving the litter around movements, scratching to the bottom if the pan (we use plenty-maybe too much), creating a mountain of litter, but she missed!
Choices, choices, at this point, the idea of a soft pine scent appeals.

CM, if it's not expensive and the finicky cats eat it, this is the point!! lol

I woke up to another round of poo on the white fur carpet by my bed. 😠 I can't think what to do right now, can't take them in for examination because I work all this week. And... I really don't know which one is the culprit. I suspect older one but who knows..? Could be goofball younger one.

Zuppa di gatto...

Wasn't sure what to make of 'cat soup.' Politically incorrect thoughts about Chinese restaurants came to mind; like the old joke about the graffito:

The sign on the door says "No Dogs." Someone has scribbled underneath "not many cats left, either."

We have recently had a TV ad. campaign for soup-for-cats.

Have you all gone completely bonkers? They are selling you cat food with extra water, at God knows how much per pound. Get a grip, people!

Oh CountryMouse...Thanks a lot for the suggestion,idea to wash Odom's face and head.Iv'e done it a few times now.He does seem hot on his forehead,like he might have a fever.I know he was checked for Diabetes last year but was thankfully alright.If it's anything,I think it's kidney or Cat dementia,old age getting him.
Anyway,Thanks to all~

Maybe Odom has a UTI freqflyer...I'm glad you said that and also what you said about the water and being hydrated.Odom is VERY thirsty and he does come out of his litter box for drinks of water often.He's also itching ALOT and I remember that last summer,we had to take him in for an itching shot.I'm just scared to take him to the vet at all because I'm afraid the Vet will say "It's time" and I don't want to loose my boy.I know he's old and the Vet was concerned at his last visit about the bad Gingivitis in Odom's mouth and I bet he'll be surprised he's still with us now,when I take him in.
It's too bad that the babies can't talk and tell us how they're feeling.I wish they could.

Ali, once upon a time I had a cat that kept going beneath the dining room table. Took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with a UTI! Antibiotics seemed to have taken care of the problem.

She does love her thick rope toys,, and luckily they are inexpensive! She loves blankets and only goes for slippers if they are on your feet..LOL. I just worried about all her stuffed toys because she rips them up! I am sure she has very clean intestines at this point...

Pamz, my rescue mix breed a few years ago was a big chewer, Kong’s are not indestructible, I agree! There was one black, very hard rubber one (Kong brand) that you could put peanut butter etc inside of, and this worked as a toy the entire 6-7 months I had her. Also what worked for her was thick tug-of-war rope toys. That little girl could chew through a fence or a chain, lol, some dogs are really something that way! As long as Chloe doesn’t start on furniture or clothes...

Chloe is a chewer,, big time.. so I got her Kong brand chew toy,, everyone says they are indestructible... everyone is wrong. She loves that toy, carried it everywhere for the 2 days we have had it. Today I had to wrestle a piece of the rubber out of her mouth. So now she is peeved at me, and I am at a loss as to what to try next. Steel,, a brick? LOL

Cat soup?? Sounds like something my old fella would like.

I woke up to a wee bit of poop on my white faux fur carpet next to my bed. It’s not a great sight to wake up to... I was not pleased but figured I would do a quick swipe-it-up clean up and that would be that. But not this time!! This time it was embedded in the fur fibers. NOT. OK. I was mad. Then I got over it and got my revenge by running the scary vacuum cleaner for a little bit to tidy up.

So how do I get this to stop..? It’s not the end of the world, I cut out a little section of the fur carpet, you can’t even notice it, but... there’s just a LOT of incidents of puke and poop, seems to me. ☹️ Eventually, no matter how much I clean up after them, I’m concerned that my apartment may smell funky. I bought some rug cleaner/freshener for pets today. And it’s really not THAT bad, just... I don’t know why it’s happening. It doesn’t happen every day, but every other-other day. I’m thinking to add another litter box but I keep the one clean and it’s a very small apartment, maybe 700 sq ft.

I heard the older one wheezing and coughing under my bed the other day. Sounded like a typical hairball moment but I’m keeping an eye on him. He seems fine, except for the occasional pukeys.

This happened to me last time I posted how much I like them on here, it’s as if they sense that they’ve been a little too pleasant and now it’s time to muck around, find some ways to gross me out. Haha. Well, the poo on the white carpet successfully got to me this morning. But I didn’t even think about hanging a “Free to Good Home” sign on their necks, and instead I thought about what’s going on in their lil Pea brains that causes them to do this wacky stuff.

Sendme, ah the $16,000 question... what will this cat eat. And continue to eat the next day !!

Go to PetSmart and buy one small can of different varieties, same with the dry food. It's a lot of trial and error. I've always had good luck with Purina brand, and the cats all lived into their late teens and early 20's. I kept several bowls of different dry food out 24 hours a day as cats like to graze. If the cat wasn't a stray, she should stay slim if she isn't waiting for food to be put out each day.

There is also cat soup on the market now a days. Each packet is one serving. It looks really good and smells good, too. Check to see where it is made.

Keep several bowls of water out. That's another trial and error. Will she drink tap water, well water, or bottled water.

Good luck :)

luckylu, a friend of mine has 3 very young cats... one will sleep in the litter box so the others can't use that box.

Have the Vet check to see if he is dehydrated due to this constant hot weather plus due to his age. My old boy [18] I have to now hydrate him, and it has made quite a difference, a very positive one :)

Yes, when I first read it back then, I thought it was so funny.

Back then.

My kitty is trying to kill me? Lol.

I've been rereading Countrymouse's post from page one (Mar 2017), it may give you some insight into your kitty's thoughts Send 🤣

Kitty loves the tiny rubber ducky toy.
Well, last night, all night, she did.

Daniel & Henrick,
Go to sleep.

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