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I will help Send in any way that I can....My babies have taught me a thing or two in the past 15 months,for sure,all but the feeding.I'm still having trouble with that.
And yes Dorianne,my Bootsie eats potato chips,Cheeze it's,and Oreo's and ofcourse all the cats Love their butter.

Do any of your pets have "weird" tastebuds?

Now that summer is here, I've discovered my "kitten," Bruce, has a passion for watermelon!

("Kitten" in quotations because he is a GIANT now, and still shy of 11 months old!)

Lu will give you a crash course

See my cat, it appears to be in jail, but I am going to bust her out on Friday, after her surgery (spaying) :(
She has not done anything at all bad yet, because she has not come home from the shelter yet.
She is about a year old, is lively, a great personality, loves to be petted. And, calls out to me, meow!
Making the house pet safe now, and already shopped for everything on the list except a cat tree with a scratching post.
Wondering how long she will take to recover from being spayed.

Funny, all this time I am looking up how to care for cats for friends online, and now, I have so many unanswered questions. Fun!

glad! Your'e right....I'm a Cat Grandma!...and no glad,I'm not too young,but my boy kitten was~

Lucky, are you too young to be a grandma? 😬

I'm in shock.
I just learned that one of the kittens I had to give away to go live on a farm with his sister too,is now a ......FATHER!.....Apparently ,he misbehaved very badly and got an all white cat that lived there pregnant because all the kittens are black and white Tuxedo's just like him. I just can't believe it.The lady and I discussed getting them spayed and neutered as soon as possible and she said she was going to and she didn't.I have the other 3 kittens..They are only a year and 4 months old and if they had any now,it'd be like a baby having babies.My SIL told me the lady was going to send pictures....I just can't believe one of my kittens had kittens,Already.

Our neighbor used the thundershirt on his dog, it worked great. Good luck

Ali,glad & Send...Thank you SO much for giving me some ideas on what to do to help my Precious.She gets SO scared and shakes SO bad with her tongue hanging out like she's really hot with all these fireworks going off here in the city illegally & they make me nervous too,so both of us will just be glad when the fourth is over.

There are hemp treats that used to work quite well for Macy. And she was terrified of storms! Zen treats by Colorado Dog Company.

I've used a Thundershirt for my brother's dog during a thunderstorm. He's a big ol' baby about 150 pounds. Also, they give melatonin treats for calming.

To calm the dog's during fireworks or thunderstorms, has anyone used
T h u n d e r s h I r t s??

I wish my phone would vibrate just as Ming snuggles down on it!😈

Took our cat Charlie [17] to the Vets to have his bi-monthly eyelashes pulled out [eyelashes are turning into the eye]... I know, ouch, but Charlie doesn't mind as his Vet and the techs are all young girls :))

The Vet asked how is the new cat Rosie [13] adjusting. Sig other and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes, and Vet said ok what's going on. I said "let's just say that everyday is a full Moon with her !!"

Odd little critters..?!?!!?

We are Inscrutable. Is what we think you must mean, Pam.

We may choose to be magnanimous and indulgent towards the amusing dog infant, or we may wither our enemies with a glance. It is not for The Staff to question.

Cats are odd little critters, and I love them too! We got our pup Chloe hoping for company for Mom when our DDs Chihuahua Bella was not here. Hoped they would be friends.. nope,, not happening. Bella hates Chloe, who wants to play with her. But our older cat Merlin LOVES her! She is so kind to the puppy, and we find them sleeping together! I would have never guessed that would happen!

Ali Bo Bali — cats get puky for many reasons. Nerves are one reason. Sensitive stomach. Eating too fast. Hairballs (coughing goes with that). Eating human food. Old age. Etc.

They’re odd little animals and that’s why I love them.

OF COURSE the older one got pukey a bit ago after I posted that he wasn't doing that anymore. Hm. I'm home today so had a chance to observe what's happening. I think he has a sensitive stomach. I put out a new kind of Friskies, not the pate but "meaty bits," because it was what was at the store, and he ate it so I thought that meant it's ok for him... but might not be. He may have hairballs, too, I'm just not sure. He seems ok, just gets sick once in awhile and I'm not sure why.

I found at Chewy a wonderful looking scratching bench as my Rosie has been using the furniture as trees. It was funny, the FedEx guy rang the doorbell, sig other opened the door and in a flash there was Rosie reaching up for the door handle trying to open the storm door. Sig other said the box was for her and to just leave it outside and he will get it later.  If Rosie could talk she probably would be saying "give me, give me, it's mine, give me, give me".

I pulled out the scratching bench from the box, put it in the living room, added a tad of catnip and sure enough Rosie just walked by it :P Our old cat Charlie decided he wanted this thing and claimed it.

So where does Rosie like to scratch now? In the box this thing came in.... [sigh]. Why am I not surprised.

I was babysitting great nephew over the weekend and was amazed at the tolerance of the cat. GN has only recently started to crawl and found the corner by the cat bed fascinating, I spent a good deal of time crouched there between them warding off the worst of his attempts to grab and admonishing "gentle, gentle!" (as if he cared lol). Kitty just lay there and took it, never a hiss or a swat.

Yes Ali, it sounds as if your training is coming along nicely!

Just as a thought - you know those (I'm not being funny, this is a serious suggestion) onion-peeling glasses you can get from kitchen shops? Not suggesting you go around the house in them full-time or anything ridiculous, but as a way of finding out if it is cat dander that's setting off the itches wearing those for an evening or two could be a useful experiment.

You may find that the cats are keener on the new beds a) once their "funny" (i.e. not me or my human, thinks cat) smell wears off and b) when it's colder.

An update on les chats:

No more over drinking the water, no more feces or urine outside the box, no more puking. In other words - they seem just fine as long as I don't try to make them eat things they don't like, or use a new cat box they don't like.

Round 1 definitely went to the cats, but I'm happy to lose this one because now I know that -- they are particular, but it's not that bad. I do change up the variety of wet food from Friskies, and they'll eat different varieties. That's very good because sometimes the local store only has one kind, and so therefore that is the kind they are getting. I did order case of their food but it has been delayed so in meantime I'm learning they will eat other varieties.

They're fine. I'm fine. They're ok with some boundaries, i.e. no more kitties in bed because I don't sleep, so I shut door to bedroom sometimes. They don't seem to care. The older one is finding new perches all the time where he likes to sit. Right now he's on the chair in the bedroom but he also likes the desk.

I bought some pet beds but they were a waste of money because... cats will lay right next to them on the floor. 😆

I thought I was getting eye allergies, and was concerned it was due to the cats! After some testing, I think it's due to sweating and sweat making my eyes itchy, but I read online to wash my hands after petting cats or at least don't rub my eyes directly after!

We're getting sorted out over here. Everything seems fine. 😁

What is it with this cat today? She follows me everywhere, not just today, even into the bathroom. Well stood up, she spotted a miller on the wall, as soon as I was up she went to jump up onto the seat, nearly fell in head first! I keep the seat down, that was something new to her. LOL!

Blue Jays harassing Ming! LOL! Scared her half to death!

CM of course I meant the battery operated kind,, that Hexbug thing sounds perfect for a small dog.. And yes I know you were kidding.. LOL. I used to cringe when I had to feel DD lizard live crickets.. Oh maybe that was because I had to "touch" them...
SKG I am so sorry about Moses, It is never easy.
Chloe has discovered how to "howl" today.. laying in her bed, she just looked at the ceiling and left loose! It was hysterical!

Francisca, if you cat is limping and if he is an older cat, check to see if he has a claw that is growing back into the pad.

One of my cats, the newest member who is 12 years old is so very friendly to the tradesmen, she even allows them to pet her. And when the doorbell rings, she is reaching up trying to turn the doorknob to let them in. But if I try to pet her, oh no, not in her life time. Only thing I can think is that her previous owner was also female but wasn't user-friendly to the cat.

I wonder what's going on. Sometimes my cat has acted like he wants to go home with others who have brought me my groceries, and not stay with me. It kind of concerns me. He has rubbed his face on their shoes and has went by the door after they left and acted kind of like he wanted to go with them. I don't know if it's because he smelled other animals on their shoes or if it's because he wants their affection and wants to go with them. He hasn't been acting like he likes me too much. He got in a fight with another cat outside. The cat's name is Jerome Ephrain. My cat is Pope Leo III. He and Jerome Ephrain do not get along. I have Autism and I don't know what to do. My cat has been limping but I am hoping he is healing. They are not acting right about me concerning my disability. I need to find Leo and me a new place to live like a pole barn with amenities on a secluded piece of land. I also need to have my needs met. I could grow crops there. I want to have an old fashioned stove. I want to bake things.

SKG, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your husband for the passing of Moses. It is always so hard for us to say good-bye to our pets. It will take awhile, but then those memories will start coming back with the silly little things or really big show-off stunts that Moses would do, will bring a smile to your face.

SKG, I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose our fur babies.

CM and Pam, if you want to watch your cat go bonkers, get them a Hexbug Nano Robotic Cat Toy (search for exactly that on Amazon). It's a wee little bug-like toy with a furry tail that skitters around the floor like a live bug. My cat was HISSING at it when he first saw it. LOL

Big 15-lb cat, backed into a corner by a 2" robotic bug. LOL

Well, we said goodbye to our sweet Momo (Moses) on Saturday. I was afraid I'd back out at the last minute but the vet said that Momo was actually in much worse shape than he'd been a couple of weeks before. I suspect he was overplaying it a little, to make me feel better. Usually a kind of curmudgeon, he was so kind to me and my daughter--assuring us that we had done far, far more than anyone could be expected to do for our little guy, and that we were some of the best pet owners he's known (he's 82).

But strangely, I wasn't doubting myself. I knew I'd made the right choice. Now to get through the extremely unsettling sensation of relief that I no longer have to contend with constant cleaning, injections, and expense, but whenever I feel that relief, I also feel sad. It's like my feelings are laminated; pain, pleasure, sorrow, relief, guilt, nostalgia, and missing him big time. Repeat.

Anyway, that sweet boy was my first pet. His brother joined us a few months later. Then his brother had to be euthanized with a huge tumor, and Momo had to leave us because of bowel disease and lymphoma.

With my husband needing so much care and my children long grown and off living their own lives, I will now be pet free for the rest of my life. All told, those 13 years of living with animals were pretty wonderful, and I learned a lot. And I'm okay with going on without them now. (Except for a little weep now and then.)

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