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Just woke up to turn on news. Whoops no news, but the wedding, singing, and OMG Ming! What is it about music that winds her up so? 😍

The gospel music has her going! 😂

pam...Hopefully your baby wont need a cone at all.Only one of my 3 kittens had to wear one to protect her staples,but what I didn't know would happen after they were spayed was that they'd get so fat,so fast,so now we have to work on getting the weight off.It's always something with the babies,but they're worth it.Good luck with yours.

I have never seen diapers at the $ store.. I'll have to look. PetSmart has them for less than $10 online.. hopefully the store does too. Of course I wasn't looking for them.. she's a BABY! I did read you may need the "cone of shame" with them.. that is not going to work. As a Chug and not a Pug her head is the same size as her neck. we can't even use a collar, only a full body harness.Believe me , we don't want puppies! Luckily we are in the country and only ever take the dogs out on control because we have eagles and hawks. And I don't want her to have to spend all the time in her playpen. Thank you for the advice!

That's a good idea to get her spayed as soon as you can Pam,otherwise you'll end up with a housefull like we have now.We never knew about that Heat business,so when Bootsie started howling,my dH and I let her out,2 days in a row at Christmastime and in February,in the middle of the night,Bootsie delivered 5 babies and while it's been a lot of fun,it has also been ALOT of work and expense,so we got all the kittens and Bootsie spayed as soon as we were able but my little dog,Precious still needs to be spayed but she has to loose weight first,so when she goes into heat,I get her diaper's from the dollar store and try hard to keep 'em on her,which isn't easy.
Good luck with your baby's a project alright~

I am a bad puppy mommy,,, to me Chloe is still a baby,, but her tiny body has decided she is a "WOMAN" and she went into heat.. So tomorrow I am off to buy puppy diapers ( this should be interesting..) Keeping her confined to the main level with tile and hardwood, and trying to keep her off the furniture. I sure will be making that spay apt in the next few weeks!

Bootsie said to thank you all for all the Birthday wishes.She and her 3 kittens are just pooped today and they've been sleeping a lot.Knowing them though,they'll get their second wind right around bedtime,but tonight they're going to bed early,ready or not.

Luckylu such a cute post. Happy cathday to bootsie!

Am I too late for some birthday cake?

Sounds like Bootsie had a great party!! Happy Birthday Bootsie!!!

Today is MaMa Bootsie's Birthday! She is 3 years old now.Her little kittens that are almost as big as her now,have been on a real roll today,so they must know.They've been playing some of their cat games they haven't played in a long time.Toots has been hiding her curler and Trouble has been chasing her ping pong ball and Lovee' has brought down another 10 plastic bags from upstairs and Odom,my old boy cat took all the toilet paper off the toilet paper holder,so were having quite a party here.Later before bed,we'll sing to Bootsie again and have some salmon with a lick of butter on the side.

Yikes, mix one elderly almost blind cat with a 6 foot fence, add a pending thunder storm and possible tornado. Panic city, as my wild child Charlie decided he wasn't going to leave the top of that fence. Usually he panics if he sees me outside, heaven knows why, but I wrestled him off the top of the fence, his landing gear was down and he was hanging onto that fence for dear life. Finally got him on the ground.

Would he follow me back to the house? Of course not, cats will do what they feel like doing. But my heart was in my throat each time I looked up into the sky. He's too old for this. I am too old for this.

I decided he wouldn't come in the house until I go in. Then the winds and lightening came. Whew. There he was at the back door acting like it was another day in the neighborhood.

She is nuts! Wrestling match with her tail on the bed every morning. I get in shower, the match moves to the floor. I can hear her over the noise of the shower, thumping around on the floor.🐱

Dorianne, that reminded me of years ago when my sig other and I were away for a week visiting relatives. We had a cat sitter to watch over the 3 cats we had.

One day the cat sitter called us in a big panic. She came in the house only to find one of the cat outside looking in the window. Say what??? She did a head count and found only one cat in the house.

Sure enough, my wild child Charlie and another cat decided to do the great escape. Sig other had the second story bedroom window up just enough for the another cat to make a hole in the window screen, we knew it was her who did that. So she and Charlie went out that window and leaped to a lower roof, then leaped to a tall fence to climb down. Told the cat sitter don't worry. Feed those two outside.

Since then, those two cats would climb up to the second floor and go to that window if they wanted in :P

Thank goodness the house we are now in, no escapes, except Charlie did get on the roof. Well, you can see the whole neighborhood from up there !!

I really hate the whole concept of places with rules about what you can do with your own space, I get that some things might be a safety issue but most of the rules go well beyond that and seem to arbitrarily dictate a very rigid idea about what someone with a stick up their azz feels is in "good taste".

Now, at MY home, I can do pretty much whatever I want with my balcony. And I have.  And I will again! Someday.

Plus at home, it's only the 2nd story, and it's all grass and juniper bushes below.  So if he did happen to fall, he'd survive it. 

Sadly, cwillie, the "strata rules" don't allow those kind of things. And the strata rules are really strict. No chicken wire, no trellises, nothing higher than the top of the railing, no blocking the railings off with solid materials, and no hanging anything. The most I'd be allowed to do is have planters with plants growing through the railings - he could easily have MORE accidents climbing onto the planters and falling through the greenery! Plus the balcony is attached to the neighbour's, and there's really no way of keeping him off her side, short of building a solid wall (also not allowed).

I actually decided I wouldn't do a garden out there after all, because of Bruce. Once he saw me out there, there'd be no way he'd stay content to remain inside. I'm getting mom a bunch of big indoor plants for Mother's Day instead.

I really don't like this whole strata business.

There are some interesting sites and videos about cat proofing a balcony Dorianne, since you were planning to plant a garden out there the planters and trellis could do double duty and be made with cat enclosures in mind.

Well, young Bruce did the thing I fear most on Sunday morning - he got the screen door open and got out on mom's balcony to go after the pigeons! It's ONLY 6 stories up, with nothing but concrete below. EEK!  I was in the next room when I heard the pigeons' panic-flapping. 

Luckily, I got him back inside fairly quickly. The screen door is now taped shut on both sides with duct tape! I hope that keeps it secure....but I do close the glass door whenever I'm not in the room. I REALLY hope he doesn't start picking at the screen itself!

I would have to be put in the psych ward if my dear, sweet, wayyyyyyy overly-confident kitten ever fell 6 floors off the balcony!

Took both pups to the vet today for nail trims before mom and Aunt come home.. that was fun.. Chloe slipped her harness outside somehow.. in a heavy traffic area but hubs got her fast! And Bella is a total drama queen about nails,, you would think they were killing her! then when we got home Chloe got her first bath! She didn't hate it, and she smells a lot better.. and my bathroom is really clean now.. LOL

I watered flowers last night. As I was spraying a little bush I heard little baby kitten squeals. Here came a barn cat with a baby kitty in her mouth. I was a bad human mama. I sprayed them all wet!

Shadows of birds flying across the curtains! 😂😂😂

Bought a new pair of reading glasses today. Before I new it Ming was playing by the couch with the case they came in. Got the case back, moved the couch, there is my other pair of reading glasses! Now I will be sure to put them in the drawer on the coffee table so the goofy cat cannot retrieve them and place them beneath the couch or some other hiding place.

Under the couch there are about 8 empty tp rolls, one of her favorite toys.😁

I assume you will now be making a second sandwich, Carla? Only this time hold the salad. And the bread. A little mayo might be a welcome garnish...

Well, in this case I don't know which one of us (the cat or me) behaved worse. A little while ago I brought a nice sandwich to the table for my lunch. My very bold (and athletic) cat jumped up on the table to investigate it. I put him down on the floor. He jumped back up. I put him back down again. This happened five times, meanwhile my sandwich sits uneaten.

On the sixth try, I picked up my cat, opened the front door, and tossed him out. I ate my sandwich in peace, then got up and opened the door to let the cat back in. He scoots back in the door and immediately hops back on the table, looking for the sandwich. He walks up one end of the table and down again, a bewildered look on his face. "Where's that sandwich? It was just here a minute ago."

Mean Mommy, disappeared the whole sandwich while he was outside waiting for his share. :-(

PamZ. "It's going to be a river only thing..."

Uh, huh.

Pam, that's an adorable story! I guess that pupper is going to like river life a LOT!

Went to a friend's to get my hair cut yesterday, and took Bruce with me. I'd gotten him a nice long tie-out rope, but he sticks pretty close to me. Took him inside during the hair cutting, and tied him up inside too, just because I didn't want him going down into the basement (there's no door). Well, he kept getting tangled up in the furniture, but never complained - he just stops and sits down whenever the rope stops him from further exploration. Oh, except once, when he got all tangled up in the cables behind the TV. Then this one little cry came from the living room, just like, "Help!" He's a funny little dude.

On my respite today, BFF and I went to the park after swimming. We went to A&W on the way, but when I pulled the bag of fries out and offered some to her, the whole mess of them spilled on the ground! Boo!! We tried throwing them to the ducks, but they really didn't like them. Then a couple of ravens came by and started plucking up the ones the ducks didn't take. So I threw a few more to them. They were quite suspicious then!  Or is that just the way ravens look all the time?  Lol.  And then a marmot came along for the rest of the fries. OMG so cute. Marmots are like gerbils with squirrel tails, lol. I wished I'd had something healthier to feed it....maybe next time I'll think to throw some veggies in the truck.

Made me smile Pam, I could picture it all. :)

last night we went to the river house for an overnight to clean the boat up, do more housecleaning,, etc. Took both dogs for the first time to see how it would go.. and it went well. First time both dogs in bed with us ( going to be a river only thing..they were fine but only left it happen because they can both get onto the bed there.. not at home). We took the puppy on a golf cart ride, and I said to hubs that I wanted to let Chloe go down the boat ramp and see the water. ( Bella hates it..) So off she and I go, down the ramp. She stops almost at the water.. nope, not going there.. Hubs says.. "Chloe get a drink".. and all heck happened.. we are still laughing hours later! I walked her to the edge,, I stopped.. she kept right on going! She throws her feet out when she walks.. like a horse.. and she just marched into that water, and suddenly she was swimming,,and then she got turned around back to me and started leaping around like a hooked Bass! I was rolling and so was hubs! It was 90 degrees out but that water had to be cold. She bounced around so hard she got her harness under her leg.. then pranced out and did that doggy shake, and bounced into the cart and onto hubs. We were all soaked and happy. Seems like this dog may actually like the water! We never let her off her harness,, so no worries about drowning..

Susan - "he stole my heart" might mean he's already chosen you. ;-)

This morning Bruce had brought me a knee high nylon stocking.

I think he is almost over the biting, though! Maybe this was an exchange of behaviours.....which, honestly, I'll take the stealing over the biting.

Ugh...I must be starting the "crazy cat lady" tendencies early. I saw one at the shelter the other day that just stole my heart. He's got a rough history, and I think he'd really appreciate a good home. He was brought in as a stray, long hair all matted on his back and around his tail - and when they shaved him down, they found that the mat of hair had actually formed around some twine that somehow got tangled around his leg and tail, cutting off the circulation. He had to be shaved right down to the skin, and his tail and one back leg had to be amputated. He's a sorry looking sight right now, but I bet he'll be beautiful when his fur grows back - and he's getting around pretty well.

I'm trying to resist....not sure how well my male cat would do with another male in the house.

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