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Other day caught our 12-year old Rosie up the patio drapes and was trying real hard to reach over to a wooden knick knack thingee I had on the wall. Apparently she didn't like my decorating taste ;P

Rosie has been with us only 4 months now, and she is trying real hard to get us to yell at her, apparently her previous owner must have. Well, she has the wrong audience here as we just laugh :))

Trip went well - kitties delivered safely, and my pup enjoyed the trip. His first trip to a big lake and he was fascinated by all the new smells. He met 2 new doggie friends on the beach and at a rest stop. I do miss my big dog, but I have to say it's SO nice to have a dog that does the "meet and greet" thing well! He's exhausted now. LOL

Well luckylu i don't speak cat but my guess is it's time to tidy your room. As for the fabric scraps that's a hint she wants you to sew her a quilt

Dorianne... I wonder if it's a "Thing" with black cats....My all black cat has been bringing down plastic bags all day from upstairs and she's brought a lot of fabric scraps down from upstairs before this but my 2 little Tuxedoes have never done this and you're right,no telln' whats next~

Nothing that's appeared in the litterbox yet, but Bruce HAS taken to stealing things out of my mom's room and bringing them into mine when we're sleeping! It used to be just destroyed toilet paper rolls from her bathroom. But yesterday he stole her water bottle! (One of those Rubbermaid reusable juice boxes.) Today I found the medical tape we use to tape up her dialysis catheter when she showers. I wonder what's next?

Ugh, hopefully not the litter box! Played some yodeling this morning. That car is a riot. No I was not yodeling. 😀

Yuck.... I'm warning my Charlie he'd better not try that.....

Gladimhere, that reminded me of my sig other and his glasses. We searched and searched for those darn glasses. Then the next day when I will cleaning out Charlie's litterbox, lo and behold, there were the glasses :P

That DARN cat! She has to chew and play with everything. Now I am missing a new pair of reading specs in a cloth case. At least I have another, bought on a twofer sale a few months ago. Eventually the new specs will turn up.😎

Susan...How kind of you to care so much about those cats and helping them receive a second chance.I hope your trip goes well~

Veronica, glad you got your kitty back!

Barney 2.0 and I are off on another kitty transport tomorrow. It's a win-win: I get to visit my favorite part of the state (and weather should be gorgeous), and the cats get taken to a shelter that will give them a 2nd chance to find a good home. (Our shelter is too full and can't keep them, and they don't want to euthanize them just because there's no space.)

My kitty came home today from her vacation with DD while we moved.
She was very skittish at first and seemed not to know us but maybe it was becaause it was a house she had never been in before. But she was soon off exploring and ended up on DH's bed.

HolidayEnd, did you gift wrap up some mice for Jacques?

It could be that he is skittish is because you probably are on different medicine since you have been sick, and he isn't sure if you are really you as you smell different to him.

It's strange how animals are like that, you'd think they would recognize you by sight, and not to have to also relies on smell and sound. It's like when you have a cold and your voice is raspy, the cats will look at you wondering what did you do with their owner, you sure look like the owner but don't sound or smell like the owner.

Happy Birthday Jacques! I hope you get Lots of treats and extra lovin' and HolidayEnd,I sure hope you're feeling better~

My elder kitty (he’s 17 because April is his birthday) has been skittish around me since I HAVE BEEN SICK. He’ll lay on my feet when I’m in bed, keeping them warm but he’s used to me upright perhaps and not helpless. He’s my Hurricane Katrina cat, he appeared right after the storm (he’d gone through it outside I guess). He’s always been a worker and tried keeping vermin under control. He patrolled our area and has a true and loving heart. He apparently is robust I see him running sometimes still. He’s my retired ‘doll baby’, enjoying his dotage. Happy Birthday Jacques!!! Seventeen long years!

My kittens love music and we listen to and do the Beanie Baby Boogie all the time,but they're scared of music boxes and don't like them,but when I sing too the kittens every night before their bedtime,their motors come on and they love it,probably since Iv'e been doing this with them since they were babies,certainly not because of my singing voice.

Playing music on my kindle causes Ming to go absolutely berserk! And if I start singing, well never mind.😳

Flashing lights can cause seizures in humans, it would not surprise me if it affected animals as well. Hope there is tons of lake fun and no sick kitties.

Noise can trigger a seizure in a pet. My cat had his first one a few months ago. Sig other was watch basketball, and I wouldn't be surprised if the noise of the players sneakers on the wax floor, which gives out a loud squeaking noise, didn't trigger it.

I know I can't be in the same room when basketball is on due to that sneaker noise, and the flashing light which comes from the advertisements flashing up high around the arena that flashes down onto the floor.

Veronica think how happy she will be to see you, and explore her new home! I know nothing is better than walking in the door after a long shift and see one or two happy wiggle butt dogs waiting for me, wanting to be picked up and loved! My cat is more,,, meh,,,,

Aw, Ali - it's a shame you're not here. There are 2 elderly cat siblings at the shelter that desperately need homes to live out their "golden years". They are part of a family of 4 that lost their owner when he passed away and had to come to the shelter. 2 of them have been adopted, but 2 remain at the shelter. It's sad.

Guest, that's really odd - must be some sort of trigger for the poor dog! Mine hasn't had any more episodes - at first I wondered if it might be related to his flea treatment medicine, but he had one episode a week before I gave it to him, and one after - so I can't say that's the cause, either. He has a vet appointment next week just to follow up and see if any further testing is needed, but I suspect they're going to tell me there's not much that can be done unless I want to medicate him - and if he's having them so infrequently, and they're not harming him, I can't really justify that. (Not financially, but out of concern for the cure being worse than the disease type of thing - you know?) He's with me almost all of the time, so the chances of him having a seizure while I'm not here are relatively slim.

He's going on the transport trip with me this weekend - his first trip to a big lake. We'll see how he does with that. I suspect there will be much digging in the sand.

Susan my sister has a terrier that has seizures with certain dog foods. Yam/sweet potato specific. Weird

I'll take two, Susan. I've been to the local shelters to find a couple of older cats to bring home forever but haven't decided on any yet. Still looking... not exactly sure what I'm looking for but hoping I'll know it when I see it.

Making another shelter-to-shelter transport trip this weekend. 13 kitties going to a new shelter in another part of the state to find homes, rather than being euthanized because our local shelter doesn't have enough space for them. (Kitten season is upon us, too - so that doesn't help!)

Hope this one goes a little better than the last one and no one gets car sick or has nervous diarrhea!

My little kitty will finally be able to come to her new home at the weekend. She seems quite happy at DDs house and l won't let her come home till i am there. DD has a strange room in her basement where the cat is confined. it has big sunny windows and the kitty sits on the cushion from her carrier and suns herself. I think she would have been fine with DH because she is as attached to him as me

Whoa.... thanks Dorianne! My little ex barn cat, Becky, bites at me (hasn't connected yet), so I'll try what you did. She's better than she was, but I don't like it, and was confused because she also rubs on my legs and sits on my lap a lot.... guess it's time to play mama cat.

Dori - the seizures are a form of epilepsy that Doxies are prone to, unfortunately. For the most part, the seizures are harmless. He could be put on medication for it, but I'm not crazy about medicating him unless it becomes a real problem - I'm sure the vet will want to chart how often he's having these episodes and then make a judgement call on medicating him or not - since I have no idea if he's had these before. That's the only problem with getting a dog from a shelter - you have no idea what their medical history is. The person who surrendered him didn't say anything about seizures.

Dorianne, be sure to bump heads with Bruce, to let him know that YOU are the head cat of the household :) Too bad that doesn't work with people :P

Aww, Susan, that must be kind of scary to deal with! Do you know what causes the seizures, besides that being "typical" for that kind of dog? I've never heard of seizures being normal or typical, but I've never had a dog and I don't know very much. Hey, maybe he wouldn't leave your lap just because you make him feel safe!

Send - that's so lovely about the dog helping you get through all that! Also it gives me hope that little Bruce pestering his elder sister Carmella to play all the time will keep her thriving! She is 13 and hated this little intrusion at first! But I do see her perked up a bit, finally....

FF - I love it when cats do the running sideways thing! It's hilarious. Did her tail fluff all up too?

Barb - realized I missed part of your last post....I haven't asked the vet about Bruce possibly being MC or part MC. Last time Bruce saw the vet, it was when he had peritonitis in January (5 months old), and all I wanted to know was that he would be ok and could come home! And before that he was just too little to know anything about him. Heck, when I got him, I couldn't even tell how long his hair was going to be!

Well, I think I may have broken Bruce of the biting thing, finally!! Please don't be grossed out....out of desperation, I started biting him on the scruff of the neck! Like his mama would do. Not hard or anything - I would just hold him in my arms and hold the scruff of his neck between my teeth until he stopped. I usually had to do it 2 or 3 times in one session, but he figured out what I was saying really quickly!  (Fortunately for ME, he doesn't shed very much hair.  Blech!)

Now I just have to do it with my hand, and he gets the message and stops. No, I don't pick him up by the scruff - I think that's dangerous and people shouldn't do it. I hold him in my other arm at the same time. He knows exactly what I mean by it, and he's almost completely stopped the biting behaviour now.  (Occasionally, I still have to use my teeth before he remembers.) And the funny thing is.....I tried doing it before with just my hand but it didn't work.  It's like he needed me to do it like a mama cat would before he understood.  Plus I never did it with my teeth before because I didn't want to make him afraid of me, or to become distant from me. But he is even MORE sweet and loving than ever! It's like I finally learned how to speak his language and he's all in. Lol!

I couldn't be happier....I've got my sweet little boy kitten back!  Let's hope this lasts and keeps working, because I was totally out of ideas otherwise.....

Thanks mally and send! He has an appt. with the vet in a couple of weeks and we'll address this again just to make sure they still aren't concerned about it. The dog was acting a little odd yesterday, but I can't be sure it was a seizure. He got up on my lap and wouldn't let me put him down, which is not normal for him. He's not a real "hold me" kind of dog - he will get on my lap but only stay briefly before wanting down. This time, though, if I tried to turn him around to put him down, he would keep twisting back to put his paws on my chest and stand straight up. Not sure what all that was about! After a few minutes, he finally let me put him down.

He seems fine today - we had a nice walk, met a couple of neighborhood dogs and even took a ride, so he's snoozing now in his favorite sun spot.

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