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And I'll take a squirrel's hand anyday over a Bunny Butt~

I kinda thought that maybe a Rapture was watching and he came in and stole it,because it was gone so fast,but who brought it,I don't know.Maybe it was the Father of my kittens or like Send thinks,a possum.

Our ferals used to leave "bunny butts" in the garage. I chose to think they were thank you gifts for taking care of them!

So that is nature behaving badly.
I feel really bad for the squirrel that belonged to those hands.
Guess I will be stopping feeding the squirrel now, because if that
happened to Ratatouille, I would be devastated.
CWillie was right, that I am overly sensitive. Letting nature happen,
but not on my watch.

She has a better chance out there in nature, not eating on my porch, imo.
I would never be able to choose between a cat, a squirrel, or a bird.

Thanks for the warning about how nature works with squirrels.
However, I choose to believe it was more likely a possum.


I don't know if it was a cat behaving badly or if it was being nice,bringing me a "Present",but when I went down the ramp this morning in the garage,there at the bottom of it was a squirrel's hand.....just the hand,so I went to get my dH to show him and when we got out there,it was gone!

Gershun, I could just picture your cats "nice try" look. I had yellow lab brothers, the one was 😲😲😲throw the ball😲😲😲throw the ball😲😲😲 and his brother would give you the look that said "you threw it, you go get it". My mom thought we just didn't engage with him, so she was going to show us how to treat him. She was honored by plug to hold his chew rope while he chewed something else, that was his way of showing acceptance, so she throws the rope - go get it boy. He huffs and ever sooo slowly walks out, looking at her the entire time. Over the shoulder stare as he "retrieves" his toy. Then ever sooo slowly walks back, still staring at her. He intentionally walks around her and goes put his toy in his bed. Looking at her the entire time. He goes and gets the chew he had to leave because she threw his rope out in the yard, he picks it up, kinda huffs again and turns his back on her. We still laugh, he was sooo annoyed and it was communicated sooo well, no one wondered what he was thinking. He also never let her touch his toys again. How dare her, what she thinks I'm a dog or something!

Now that we are receiving so much home support (2-3x per day, every day), and getting so many new workers in, young Bruce has decided his role is that of official greeter and helper cat!

He meets each one at the door after I buzz them into the building.  If they pay attention to him, or if he knows them already, he follows them everywhere and winds himself all around the room while they're helping mom. Then he waits by the door so they will say good-bye before they leave.

If they don't pay attention to him or just aren't animal people, he will just sit and watch while they help mom.  And doesn't even wait for a good-bye!

On respite days, mom is asleep most of the time, so if they are animal people, he will hang out with them and nap within a foot or two of wherever they end up sitting.  Even the total strangers.

He even has his favourites! Of course, those are the workers who "ooh and ahh" over his great beauty, AND play with him, AND give him a proper cuddle....

Zelda - are we neighbours? Lol! I have a neighbour who takes her cat out in a stroller from time to time! 

Did your new cats 🐱 pick you yet?

I used to take a cat or two for a walk around the neighborhood. I have a cat stroller for them.
Seemed to enjoy it. Don't have a lot of time
right now, but now that spring is here maybe
we 'll get out again. Going to turn our three season porch into a dedicated space for the cats.
Shopping for a large cat tree. My son is coming to help move the couch and chairs out. Also need to explore litter box options. They are so
spoiled!! 😺 😼 😸 😽

Send - I spoke too soon. It's all chilly and clouded over this morning!

They are such good company! 

Happy that you have some spring weather!  As I am writing, it is pouring down rain in So. California.  Yay Bruce!

Young Bruce got his first "real" taste of the outdoors today. While mom was at dialysis, I put him in his harness and took him over to meet one of my dear friends. It was (finally!) a nice enough day that we could sit in the backyard for a bit. Friend found a skinny rope in her truck and tied it to his harness, so he could explore some of the yard.

He didn't go to far from me. But he did manage to wind himself quite intricately around the legs of several folding camp chairs! And got to eat some grass for the first time....

Funny how grass-eating is instinctual in cats!

Send, my cats are trained to do several things - mostly stuff that makes things easier for me. When I say "eat" they hop to their feed dishes, "Go see Squeaky" means down to the basement rec room to spend time with the one who can't come up; alternately he gets the dog for company. If someone harasses another; either I say "Stop that!" and they do, or, if the dog's upstairs, she goes and breaks it up, then they quit. One gets in the cabinet now and then; I say "Stop it Charlie!" and he walks away; lots of stuff they know and DO.... much as any dog, I believe.

It is only a matter of time until another cat, or the same one that visited shows up at my door, so I am waiting.....already bought some food and treats. But cats are free-roaming, the animal control officer said. So, maybe I could not keep it inside, maybe it belongs to someone. We'll see.

Gershun, the dog whisperer would recommend taking your cat on the treadmill at the gym. Or, have a smaller treadmill at home? I guess you would have to train it. I don't know if one can train cats, I thought they trained their owners.

Ordering online would be a great idea for Luckylu! Setting up an automatic, regular delivery might work, because she has several pets. I hope she reads the post about CHEWY, ff.

My two cats are brothers. They are pretty bonded. We had a bit of a health scare with one of them and I hated to think of how the other would have reacted if something bad had happened.

Ali, one of them is a real roly poly. Gigantic actually. We've been told that it's not if he gets diabetes but when if we don't get him to lose some weight. So although chubby is cute it's not healthy. He is sooo lazy too. All he wants to do is eat and cuddle. Male neutered inside cats generally get chubby. I think they need to start opening gyms for cats with personal trainers, the whole bit, cause when I drag a string around for him he just gives me this pitying look like he's thinking "nice try"

Thanks ladies! My husband and I have been hauling 40# boxes of cat litter and large bags of food for our 6 indoor cats for years.... So I just ordered an ongoing delivery at Chewy - so grateful you all mentioned it! The prices were really good, and they had the dry food without dyes 2 of my "kids" must have (allergic). I sound like a commercial, don't I? So far, so good though.... Also, getting siblings or 2 that have been together is a great idea; we have 2 we got at about a year old, not related, but you should see them together! There's this large, hairy ball with legs and tails sticking out that goes scooting around the floor until someone yips.... Don't worry, they sleep, too.

Keep us updated! Ask at the shelter of they
have a bonded pair, or two good old boys
who seem to be buds. Good luck!!

With 12 inches of snow.. I figured we were out of luck with getting Chloe to "go " outside..LOL Mom and I were playing with her in the TV room,, and suddenly we "smelled a terrible smell"..LOL Our Bella does not "pass gas".. so we looked at each other and started laughing and blaming each other ( I know TMI..) So I scooped her up and harnessed her and rushed her out into the winter wonderland. After bouncing around for a minute or two.. HOORAY! I know, I know.. but this is breakthrough.. she is kind of iffy on the outside potty business. Very good with the pads.. But we need to get her housetrained!

Ali, my cats lived to be 17 to 21. So plan ahead :)

How I would have loved to have gotten a 1 or 2 year old Bombay, but then I had to do the math. When the cat is 17, I would then be in my late 80's. Oops, not a good idea. I have no children, nor any siblings. My close cousins also have no children. The poor dear would live out his remaining years in a shelter if I passed prior.

Recently adopted a beautiful 12 year old Norwegian Forest Cat from the animal shelter. She would be perfect if I decided later on to move to Independent Living.

Yes, 2 cats are usually more entertaining then 1 cat. If you can find two siblings, or two cats who had lived together, that would be your best bet.

Good advice, Gershun, thanks. You're right. I don't need the oldest and laziest, just wouldn't mind some "chillaxed" ones. Cats over 5-7 are considered "older" by the shelter, but cats can live ten years more than that, easily, right? So... "middle aged cat," not old. :-)

And the idea of a fat little guy just appeals to me, but I doubt any in the shelter will be all that fat. lol 

Ali, you just cracked me up. You may want to rethink the fat, old lazy cat thing. I understand the sentiment cause my heart goes out to them too but just remember that when they get old, they get sick and vets are expensive plus after age seven they don't qualify for pet insurance. But if you want to save a fat old cat I appreciate you. You are a dear soul. :)

I'm getting some cats, hopefully some fat and lazy cats, very soon. I filled out the online application for adopting from a local place and on Thursday, my day off, I will go in and see if the application is approved and look at some cats and let them look at me. haha. A friend recommended I take a toy and hang it up in front of them and see how they respond to get a sense for their personalities. I think that's a good idea. But also, I don't really care if they are just lazy old cats, that would be fine with me. I think two is better than one, so they will have a buddy to acclimate with and keep each other company while I'm gone most of the time. :-) I can't wait to meet some old fat cats and bring some home. I'm already thinking of new names for them, based on my favorite music duos. I'll wait until I meet them to decide any names for certain but names like John & Daryl (Hall & Oates), Vince & Andy (Erasure), Chris and Neil (Pet Shop Boys)... are what I'm mulling over.

Thanks FreqFlyer for the info. As soon as I get
his tucked in for the night I'll get down to some
serious shopping on Chewy. 🐱

Zelda, I have been using Chewy and I am amazed at how quickly the box of pet food arrives, sometimes the next day.

I have to find low protein food for one elderly cat, and it was so much easier "shopping" on Chewy and seeing the protein percentage.... compared to checking cans at a grocery store or pet shop... some have the protein information so small one would need a microscope :P

Our most recent adopted 12 year old cat has a lot of fur, and she only eats Iams Hairball dry food, nothing else, I even tried other hairball brands.

I found for older cats they liked the Purina One Maturity dry food, but it is tough to find in the grocery stores. Chewy has it :)

My four kitties eat fancy feast, any kind, and purina hairball formula. I'm considering using Chewy delivery. Sometimes it just isn't convenient to shop when the kitty supplies are
running low.

FF - oh, I know how you feel. It took me I don't even know how long, but with my two, I've narrowed it down to Fancy Feast....pâté only, preferably chicken, but they'll accept beef, turkey, or fish....but not too MUCH fish in a week. Lol.

I think the kitten would eat anything, but my little old lady cat, not so much....

Freqflyer....same problem here, only with 5 cats. One day they like what I give them and the next,they turn up their noses.It drives me crazy and it's so expensive and I'm tired of having to go to the store all the time and picking out different flavors.
If you find the magic one that works,Please let me know.

FF,  if you find the food looks and smells pretty good....

Doriane, my husband received one of those little suction cup ones and it's on the window by his
recliner. Works well, still sticking after three years. The cats get so excited when the birds
stop...chatter chatter. I also put out seed on the patio. Best in mind the birds will be messy but
it's entertaining for cats and hus. 🐦

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