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When my wild child Charlie was a younger cat he use to lose a collar a week... these were the "break away" collars, thus apparently he was getting into a lot of things outside or wrestling with other cats. Eventually as he got older the missing collars were being less.

I always kept about 3 break-away collars in stock at all time. And for the name tag, I used a label maker where I could place the strip through the collar and attach the ends together, then trimmed the ends. One strip had his Name and telephone number, the other strip had the street # and street name, plus zip code. The labels would last about least 6 months, if he kept that collar long enough, before I needed to replace the labels.

Our newest cat is micro-chipped via the animal shelter where we got her, and it looks like she had never worn a collar, as one couldn't see a collar line of no fur around the neck if she did. I haven't had the guts to try a collar on her yet :P

Yes Veronica, I agree, it’s so good for residents to interact with critters and kids also. The place I visit is part of a large chain, about what you would expect, big fancy entrance but understaffed and a bit threadbare.

But I’m always amazed at how good the staff people are in these places. It’s such tough work at the lowest wage. They do the best they can.

As for these big kitties, at least they got a collar and name tag on Peaches. I didn’t see Bengal today. I’m hoping he’s tagged as well. Micro chipping would be better but ya take what ya can get sometimes.

PS I think animals in NH are a very good idea.

The NH where I was sent for rehab had several cats and a couple of very elderly dogs. that was about the only good thing about the place. Well the outside looked OK but all the doors were locked and had keypads for the staff except the front door which was guided by a receptionist.
Try getting me to agree to NH care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nursing home....not My...

Hope the MY got those big kitty boys microchipped.
I really enjoy reading about our animal friends adventures.

Well, Bruce managed to get the collar off about 5 times during the duration. After the 3rd time, I attached it to his harness and put that on him, and it mostly stayed on that way. (He got it off twice in one day even with the harness, but I had made it very loose, so I just tightened it back to normal.  He didn't get it off again.)

He was able to do most everything with the cone, except wash himself, which drove him around the bend! (Imagine not being able to shower or bathe, or even wash yourself with a cloth for 10 days! Now imagine you are a fastidious cat!) A couple of days after hernia surgery he had a poop explosion.  I didn't realize at first, but he kept coming up to me with his head hung low.  I finally smelled it after about an hour - he was so embarrassed!  I let him out of the cone and put him up on a towel by the sink so I could wash his bum. He gave himself a bath at the same time, and seemed happy enough even when the cone went back on. So after that, I started letting him out of the cone for about an hour a day for supervised "bath time," which seemed to satisfy him.

Anyway, I "let him out of prison" a day early, on Saturday, and he is back to his old spunky kitten self. He'll get the stitches out later this week, but he seems to be leaving them alone now. All looks good!

What I didn't know about neutering is that it's done by injection now, instead of testes removal. So it doesn't get rid of as much testosterone as the old way. He is back to his fighty-bitey stuff! I watched some Jackson Galaxy videos, and he insists fighty-bitey happens when you don't play with your cat enough. I'm a bit annoyed at this because I DO play with him - he just gets bored with the toys and only wants to fight! Like a normal kitten, I suppose.

I found a big thick oven mitt in the back of a drawer yesterday. Trying to use that on my hand to "wrestle" with him. He's not sure how he feels about it yet.

So I’m visiting my last Hospice lady today (I’m not officially a volunteer any more, had to quit to deal with my folks, but I still stop by and visit this one long time patient) and there are 2 cats in this nursing home, brothers, Peaches and Bengal. They are big pretty boys.

Well, peaches somehow escaped for about 2 weeks. The nursing home put out a small ad in the local paper. This is a very small,town, or village in Michigan, about 300 people in winter.

Peaches is a big orange kitty. People brought every orange stray in town to the nursing home. Finally someone caught the real peaches and brought him in. He was skinny and beat up, they took him to the local vet and then back to the nursing home.

He’s now sporting a nice collar with a name tag. He had just come out of my patients room when I got there and was doing the crazy kitty gig, running and jumping all over the nurse station desk and being a general nuisance.

What a great sight. Turns out my patient keeps catnip in her room and he’d just had a snoot full. Big kitty cat buzz going on.

the squirrel and I were having a great visit, she was lying perched atop the porch railing for quite some time after having had enough peanuts for today. A feral grey cat was staring us down, watching, sitting very still, stalking the squirrel. I chased the squirrel away saying run! She went to the back yard wall and waited. I went to convince the cat to move on, and it too went to the back wall through a neighbor's yard.
I went to check, and she greeted me from the wall, thinking this is all fun! I still in my pajamas, went back up the ramp, and she followed. O dear, no. The cat, there is a cat stalking you! I closed the door, no more peanuts today, so you can be alert to danger.

There can be real heartache befriending nature. First, one may be forced to take sides between two precious creatures. Second, predators may hurt the one you have befriended. Third, neighbors may turn you in for breaking the rules, and there she sits, on the railing. It is no longer safe to put the peanuts on the back wall, as that is the cat walk too.
What to do, recalling when first moving in a cat attacked a turtle dove by my front steps, and the cat's owner ridiculed me for being upset about the bird, picked it up in a plastic bag, discarded it alive in the trash bin.
I got it out, took it to animal control, it survived, and they said it was illegal to dispose of a live or dead animal/bird in the trash. But, I was in the wrong for being upset!

So, this may worry me as Ritatouille and I take evasive maneuvers from the cat.
OH, I hope the cat does NOT need a home!

Dorianne, oh my gosh the "cone". I remember when my wild child Charlie was wearing a cone last year for an eye issue, the poor boy just couldn't navigate wearing it. We would hear him scrapping along the walls, then we would hear a "clunk" when he ran into a piece of furniture.

Then I noticed he couldn't eat or drink water wearing it. So I had to cut out a section so he could finally eat. After 6 hours we all gave up and took off the cone.... [sigh]

It was so sad coming upon this tiny brown thing in the street. My heart sank.
While exiting the parking lot, there is was, all soaked by the rain, separated from it's body, ground into the gravel from the street.
I slowed before turning right, rolled down my window to find out what this 12 inch thin thing was. There was some red, but not blood. I looked closer. Strange. It was just lying there.
One side of a reindeer antler was lying on the ground, wet, cut off from the car where it had been perched all Christmas, no doubt. A red piece of ribbon was still attached.

So very sad, Christmas is over, the reindeer antler forgotten.
Crying now.....

Hubs took Chloe to the vet for her first visit yesterday, and she is very healthy and over 6 lbs already! Had several shots, but today she is her feisty self again. They even cut her nails, and already are comparing her to Bella ( our drama queen Chihuahua). When he got back she was sitting on the front desk eating mini bones and entertaining everyone.

Dorianne! How could you!

If we don't hear from you again within 24 hours I will assume that you have been turned to stone by The Eye Basilisk.

New pic of Bruce as my profile pif. He is wearing the "cone of shame this pic, and hates every second of it!

Had to go out of town overnight last night. First time I've left Bruce that long. It sure was nice having him to look forward to coming home to! I mean, I love my mom and my other cat, don't get me wrong. But I haven't felt that "pull" towards home since the cat love-of-my-life, George, passed away in January.  

He was so sweet when I got back! He was right at the door like "OMG where have you BEEN?" And snuggles and "kisses." (I've gotten his "love bites" down to him gently mashing his gums together on my chin. Instead of his teeth!) 

The kittens ate the antler's off my dog's treat she got for Christmas,so she went and tore up their mermaid cat toy that Santa left for them.Now they're all happy.

New pic of Bruce in my profile....he is murdering some Christmas decor in this one!

I think he really enjoyed Christmas, probably more than any of us humans. The paper! The ribbon! The decorations! The roast beast! Oh my!

Tried to wrap presents today. With a kitten in the room. BWAHAHAHAHA!

The squirt gun is so ridiculous. Now Bruce just gets up on his hind legs and tries to bat the spray, like it's a fun toy. And all I can do is laugh, because that darned spray bottle worked with every other cat I've ever had or known. When he first came home with me, I remarked to everyone that, "He ain't afraid of NUTHIN'." And it seems to be true.

Lying down typing with one finger (pain day) so I won't write much. But I do love reading everyone's animal stories!

Chloe is getting so big,, I swear she is 4 inches taller in 4 weeks! Bella is here today through the holidays, and the puppy is now as big as her. They are getting along pretty well, although right now Chloe is asleep in Bella's "pup tent" and not her own.. but Bellas doing OK with that! And Bella is in a much better mood than last time, so there is hope..LOL

I don't need to feed outside large four legged critters as my wild child Charlie is very social. In nice weather when one of us wakes up early, we leave the back door open wide enough for Charlie to go in and out as he pleases, or else he drives us crazy.

Well one morning we walked into the kitchen and there at the cat feeding station was the largest raccoon I ever saw and Charlie sitting nearby. Guess he invited the racoon in for breakfast :P The raccoon turned to look at us then went right back to eating, then eventually waddled out.  Raccoons are all fur and can collapse their bones in order to squeeze into a tight opening.

I had to throw out all of the dry food, water, and wash the dishes. In the mean time Charlie was out looking for his next guest. Couple months ago he tried to bring in a fox, but the fox couldn't get through the opening in the door. The fox panic when he saw me.

That's my boy :))

Never had much luck feeding wild animals that come to my door-they all end up moving in at great expense. Moving the feeding station to the back will help, if I have visitors with a dog.

Many thanks for the little christmas ideas! Nothing could brighten my day more while I am sick in bed here. Well, if I did have a pet to guard me, snuggle at the foot of my bed, that would be nice too. Guess squirrels cannot be that.

Book, You are a trooper when it comes to fighting off those illnesses! Keep up the good work. Thanks for the wishes!

Ali, Traveling mercies for the holidays, and get well soon!

I hope you get well soon, Send. At least you’re still able to read and post. On my last flu, I was really angry that I couldn’t read at all. It caused headaches. What a waste of 1 week off from work.

I definitely have plague and am dying. Despite my active dying, I'll try to get butt in gear and drive down to bro's house today. Just as easy to die down there as here in my apartment. 😷🤒🤕🤧

Hope you feel better very soon, Send. My mom had some sick recently, it ran two weeks. She said the doctor knew what it was -- a virus strain going around this year. I fear that's what I have, but hopeful that it's some lesser thing that will resolve sooner than 2 weeks.

Oh, have you seen your neighbor's cat? lol.

I think I might have the bubonic plague.....

Well, it is freezing know, OUTSIDE, where the rest of the world is enjoying life, riding their bikes at 5 a.m.,  not helping.....the kitchen is closed until further notice.  I am sicker than I thought.  No worries.

Send, if I were you I would move the feeding station farther away from your house, you don't want an overly entitled tree rat ... er, ah, cute furry squirrel....getting inside and going squirrelly. And the little buggers ... cute, fluffy tailed friends?... can chew their way in if they are determined.

My visiting squirrel came by today. After giving her about a cup of peanuts (fed by hand)
and closed the door, it was "Bam, Bam, Bam!".
She has climbed the screen door, demanding more. Face to face with Ritatouille as I opened the slider, she got down and tried to come inside.
She has got to learn some manners if we're to get along.
She doesn't know we are running out of peanuts, as I have not been to the store.

She has been such good company.

I understand why firemen don't come to rescue cats from trees. Their observation is "Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree"

My cats are all indoor only, one in particular, Charlie, makes
the odd attempt to escape. I do bring snow into them
in a plastic box. They usually muck around in it a bit
and then maybe a bit more as it melts. Maybe I should
hide some raw chicken in it to enrich their environmental
experiences, lol!

OMG FF - the mental picture I got of a disembodied doormat wandering around your yard was hilarious!!

Some of those firefighters are HOT. I might consider getting "stuck" in a tree to get rescued, lol.

I bought Bruce one of those chirping toy birds at the pet store today. Supposed to be for Christmas but once he heard it, it was game over. Lol, well, he doesn't know what Christmas is anyway. Maybe it will distract him from the tree ornaments....

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