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@luckylu - well, the kitten is having a good time! My girl is only just learning to tolerate him, lol. But he really wants her to be his friend! She does have an escape from his exuberance....she goes into mom's room when she wants to be left alone, and he won't go in there unless I do. I don't know how they worked out that mom's room is a "sick room," but they respect it.

I brought the big carpeted climbing gym over from my place for them. Currently she is dozing on the bottom and he is zonked out on the top platform. I really hope they become BFFs! :-D

Hi Dorianne.....How kind of you to get your Tabby a playmate and it's an all black kitten...I bet the 2 of them are having a lot of good times together~

Oh hi everyone! I have been reading this thread and wanting to join in. Me and my 13-year old girl tabby started staying with mom this past spring. At the beginning of October I adopted a little boy kitten, all black and a tiny bit fluffier than the short haired cats I've always had. Partly to keep her company - it's pretty boring here for her. (Mom lives on the 6th floor overlooking a mall and a couple of busy roads....nothing natural and no wildlife for kitty to look at.) And partly because I was getting so depressed and feeling isolated doing this caregiving. The girl is ALMOST over being mad at me for doing this!  But at least it's keeping her tiny little brain occupied....

Our Anniversary is on Valentine's Day.We got married on that day because Mom and Dad got married that day and I wanted to start a tradition and hoped that if I had a girl,she would get married that day but we didn't have any kids.Somehow,wev'e survived together over 30 years.Which is a miracle.

Send, good news about Charley. I hope he has found his forever home.

Speaking of anniversaries..........Hubs and I were so busy moving that we both forgot ours this year. I still have his card and haven't signed it yet. :)

Send....I'm SO happy that Charley was adopted!That's wonderful and whoever got him,is really lucky...And I hope you and dH have a really nice Anniversary.You were wise to remind him....

Peanuts, they didn't take any from the porch, by the time we got home, just now, and the sun will be gone in an hour.  There are probably more squirrels on their way....named Bonkers, Nutter, and just plain Insanity.
Dh and I went to check on Charley, who has already been adopted-they say Border Collies are very popular.  How can I be sad that he has a home?  I wanted a photo of him after he was all cleaned up and bright-eyed.
We were talking about our upcoming anniversary and maybe going out to dinner, sitting on a patio-type restaurant. It all sounded too hard to find the time. I told hubs that I was not at all sure we would still be married by then. He laughed, saying it is only 6 days away.

I'll bet that was "Crackers","Nutjob's" cousin.I know she was coming to visit him soon.They were going shopping for some new Fall nuts.I bet she'd Love a snack if she's still waiting on "Nutjob"" to come home.Got anything for her Send?

Can you just wait an hour?
A squirrel came to the front porch at 1:00 p.m.
It peered into the screen door.
Aggressive much?
This was not even Nutjob, the squirrel I have named.

Thanks Cwillie for your cat avatar.

Love cats too! I find myself wishing for a week of Cat avatars from all cat lovers.
There are many photos, and even cat art online.

So, can we have pictures of your cats in your Avatar, or a favorite online photo, and more cat stories? I love the cat antics, and stories. Sometimes wondering if cats know more than we do.

Cat Avatar week starts now......

I have two cats to keep me sane(ish) - ginger sisters I got at six weeks old, the last of five rescue kittens from a litter of ferals who lost their mother at four weeks. They were never properly socialised, and still hide from strangers, but have learned to relax with us - unless the doorbell rings. We used to watch Frasier years ago, and every time Frasier's doorbell rang they'd be off at top speed down the long corridor to hide under the saggiest bit of my ancient saggy mattress (now long defunct), and God help anyone who got in the way. They'd sleep inside the gas heater (switched off of course), in the tiny space between the gas cylinder and the wall of the heater - took me ages to find where they'd gone - and wave their claws and hiss if anyone so much as looked at them. Funny and sad at the same time. I still have the scars from catching them to take to the vet to be inoculated and spayed - its amazing how strong a small desperate kitten can be, and how hard it can bite. However, all that is now behind us. The fat one will sit with (or rather on) my Mum on the sofa (poor Mum, a small thin lady pinned to the sofa by a large furry feline!) and lick whatever skin is handiest. The smaller one proudly presented me with a dying sparrow the other day. They both fill up with biscuits and water, go out into the yard and eat spider-grass, and then come in to vomit lavishly and in several places on the carpets (I learned long ago that cream carpets were an impossible dream - we have old Persian rugs that don't show the stains). Not to mention on the bed, and in my shoes, and once very nearly on the computer keyboard... Yeesh! But I would never part with them - they make my day, every day.

Ff, An amazing cat story!

Been back and forth to the new Vet for my aging two felines. Really like this new Vet :) Now I am back in caregiver mode. My male cat decided after watching over his sister for a couple of weeks that that was enough.

The cat with the thyroid problem is still losing weight, not a good sign. Vet did a sonogram, either its a bad infection in her stomach or it is cancer. MORE PILLS !! This time I needed to wrap her in a towel so that sig other would shove the pills down her throat.

Found some senior "soup" type cat food that is easier to eat... they come in packets. Of course, now they won't eat anything else.... [sigh].

Our wild child sees the Vet tomorrow for his follow-up glaucoma eye issue. And while there I will have the Vet check his head as it looked like he had a disagreement with a bird and lost the argument. Probably was a crow, as the cat's collar was taken, which was shiny. The boy never has realized that not everyone wants to be his friend.... [sigh].

littlemisskitty...Your cat's are so lucky to have you and you them.They sound like they have alot of fun.
I havve an old male cat and a MaMa cat with 3 of her kittens..They have alot of fun too.
I don't know what I'd do without mine either.Cat's are awesome!

I have a 18 year old cat, a 3 year old cat and a 2 year old cat, all rescued. (I collected cats since my mom dies as it gives me someone in life who loves me and never complains about me no matter what I do and prefers my company and doesn't yell, "GET OUT OF HERE" when I am tending them.)

My 18 year old cat knows just where to sit at dinner time. She's so smart. If she smells a sea food meal or a chicken meal, she runs over to sit under grandma's table. She knows that grandma is a terrible eater always dropping food on the floor so like a dog, she sits and waits for the food to fall, it always does, and she gobbles it up. It always makes me laugh to see how excited she is for falling food.

My three and two year old cats like to run and play chase. It makes me laugh to see them running around the house knocking things over playing hide and seek. The cats will hide behind things even though we can see them so we know the other can see them but they dont care. They hide behind trash cans, people's chairs, under tables, behind chairs, on top of shelves, etc and wait for the other cat to come find them. My 3 year old is too anxious and always jumps out before the 2 year old who is willing to sit all day under a bed, waiting for it to be quiet to come out. She always wins every time but that doesn't stop them from jumping about. My favorite thing ot watch is when Annabelle jumps up on a shelf hiding from Willow who heard her and knows she's there. Just when Annabelle's butt wiggles to ponce, Willow always scares her either jumping up or yelling or something to make Annabelle jump and run away. It's so funny to watch.

I love my cats and need them to keep me sane in my insane life.

No Send...The kittens haven't been outside since they were spayed,but they really Love every single leaf,etc.I bring in and they lay on top of it and chew on it in the mornings. I was trying to explain why they couldn't go out because of the rain today and all 4 were looking out the back door,when a dog that lives down the street came in our garage and wiped out the paper plate full of food for the stray cat(their Father) and they were so shocked to see their first dog other than their dog sister,Precious.Lovee went and hid.

Have you taken the kittens out for recess since they have been spayed?

Maybe they are trying to tell you something, and they don't know you cannot go out in the rain. Can you explain it to them so they will behave?

So cute!

And Sharyn, So cute too!

Yes, I felt like I was performing in an old Laurel and Hardy movie lol!!

Wow Sharyn,The whole chicken!That would've been a sight to see!
One day I had laid out some hamburger to thaw and when I came home from the store,the hamburger was on the kitchen floor with tiny bites taken out of it,but they never hid it,thankfully.And I bet you were exhausted that night trying to get your Mother bathed and Midget pulling his stunts too,but it is,right?

Luckylu, I've never had a cat that stole personal belongings, I did have a Siamese cat when I was a teen that would take a whole chicken off the kitchen counter (mom put it out to thaw), the cat would hide it behind the couch. The frozen chicken probably weighed more than the cat!! She was the only cat that has done such a thing.

Midget the poodle is quite a character when it comes to stealing. When we first placed our mom in care, she was allowed to have her little Midget with her. I went over one day to assist my mom with getting a shower. I took fresh clean clothes out of my moms dresser laying all items on the bed. I turned on the shower to warm it up, when I returned, my mom had put away the clean clothes and Midget had taken the clean socks. I went after Midget to get the socks away from her (she was stuffing the socks in between the couch cushions. I get the socks, walk back into the bedroom and remove the clean clothes again. everything laid out on the bed. I start helping my mom undress for the shower, Midget comes in the bedroom and takes the socks again. I chase Midget down, get the socks from her. In mom's bedroom, mom is putting her clean clothes away Again. It was like watching an old B&W comedy sketch on TV. I finally shut the bedroom door to keep Midget out and the shower was done. Phew, it was funny but also exhausting.

SharynMMarie...Your dog is a thief just like Toots.I never knew they hid things.I think they sit and think of what trouble they can cause next.The other day when I returned from the grocery store,they had scattered all the outside greenery Iv'e brought inside Everywhere.They were just waiting for me to leave I think.
And Freqflyer,that is just gross where you finally found your glasses.I sure hope these 3 don't pull that one!
And Gershun...THANK YOU for telling me about the mushroom.That didn't even cross my mind.It was a big white one,just one that I picked up in the produce department to put in an omelet.I have a book on what to do for cat accidents and injuries I was hoping I wouldn't ever need but I think I better keep it close by.You never know about these little monsters.

luckylu, that is so funny.

One time my sig other couldn't find his eyeglasses. Searched house high and lo. While scooping out the litter box, guess what I found? :P

Lucky, be careful. I think I read somewhere that certain mushrooms are toxic to cats.

Luckylu, that is so cute! My dog is a thief too. She steals socks, baseball caps, hair brushes, and once I left my purse on the floor, she took the check out of the outside pocket. Everything is hidden in her kennel under her blanket.

One of my kitten's "Toots" is a thief.First,I found a roll of toilet paper in her little house,then I had a mushroom in a produce bag I was going to cook and she'd taken it and put it in her house and now,today,she has stolen the sponges by the kitchen sink.She's a little monster,but I sure do Love her.

Sorry FF.
A black Bombay is a cat, not a dog? Ok!
Saw a picture online, a beautiful cat!

Freqflyer...That is beautiful and that is True Love.That's something else.17 years is a long time to have 2 littermates.
Charlie is a wonderful brother~

Yes, that is interesting, and so sweet.
Have you had the male checked for health and thyroid too?

We could all use a dog as our caregiving companion early on, imo.

Use every means possible, it is not a one time thing.
Place a piece of a fleas collar inside the vacumn cleaner bag.
Spray an online product called "Cedarcide" on bedding, carpet, on your shoes, socks, even lightly on your skin.
Using an essential oil mixture:
In a spray bottle (2 ounce), blend the following essential oils:
8 drops Cedarwood or Sandalwood.
10 drops Basil.
10 drops Frankincense.
8 drops Geranium.
12 drops Lavender.

One will have to see if this actually kills fleas, prevents their eggs from hatching, or just prevents fleas from jumping on a person and biting. But it is natural, except for the flea collar.
Vacumn every day.
Brush the dog before allowing it indoors.

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