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Well, no cats or dogs here at my house, but against the rules I have fed a squirrel, who is behaving badly! Digging up a huge pile of dirt at the base of my shed where I fed it. What a mess, lots of sandy dirt.
If I feed it near the good dirt, maybe it will prepare the soil? I could train it?

Anyway, it's name is Nutjob, bringing coffee to caregivers who need it today.
Here, have some!

I know that I will regret not following the rules (No feeding wild animals), but it stopped to talk to me during the eclipse! That is no excuse, I am sure. My bad.

Well cwillie.....I guess Iv'e turned into a Cat Lady now and yeah,I sorta remember saying I was only gonna keep one,but after I fed 'em and played with 'em,I got SO attached.
We have a funny game we play now.I have a big bowl of water and I put some plastic boats in it and every now and then,I go stir it with a stick and walk off.Then the kittens will go over and try to stir it with their paws.They're smart and very impressionable and they Love the Beanie Baby Boogie and are learning their names better.They've brought me a lot of joy.
Next week,they will be spayed and they have to keep 'em overnight.Bootsie and I will miss the babies.


Remember when I showed you a pic of the crazy cat lady starter kit as my avatar and you assured me you were only keeping one kitten Luckylu? (Just a friendly poke in the ribs, lol)

SharynMarie...That was nice of you to google the chiweenie.Precious has a Chihuahua head and a dachshund body too.We lucked into her,because she was dumped at a campground and a man asked if we wanted her and ofcourse we did.We had just adopted a Jack Russell from a shelter and after just one night,we knew he was more than we could handle and had to return it,so we were looking for a baby and Precious found us.Then Bootsie,the cat came a month later and then her babies came a few months later,so now we have a house full.5 cats and 1 dog all together.

Luckylu, I googled and they are so cute. The pics I saw, the pups look like chihuahua with a doxie body. Glad they all get along. Midget has not been socialized with other pets.

It's called a Chiweenie,SharyynMarie.It's half Chihuahua and half weenie and she's little at 9 and a half pounds.She's all brown with brown eyes,about 1 and a half years old and her name is "Precious" because she's so precious.At first,she was jealous of the kittens,but now that they play with her,she loves them.....Thank God,because she sure doesn't get along with my old cat,"Odom" and I have to keep those 2 separate.Thanks for asking~

Luckylu, what breed of puppy do you have. That explains why the cats are going higher up.

Ah, yes, cats and high places. My sig other had a house that had a 2 story family room, thus there was this area called a "cat walk" where it was a shelf like thing that one would need a very high ladder to place anything on that wall walk. Well, my Black Bombay found a way of jumping from the stair railing onto that cat walk....

Sig other didn't know "Charlie" did this, so one day sig other was sitting on the sofa on the telephone when out of the sky down came "Charlie" landing on the sofa with a thud. Scared the daylights out of sig other. Charlie found this to be a good game.

In the kitchen the kitchen cabinets didn't go all the way up to the ceiling, there was space above them all. So Charlie would go on the kitchen counter, up onto the refrigerator, and then to the top of the kitchen cabinets. I remember we were looking all over for that bad boy not realizing he was doing that :P

On trash day, Charlie took to the roofs of everyone's house on the cul-de-sac to chase off the crows. There he was sitting on the peak of a 2-story roof. He had no fear of heights.

Cats and squirt guns. You need to squirt the cat thinking about doing something you don't want them to do, or just in the process of doing something wrong. It depends if the cat hates to get wet. Charlie loved water. He would want to go out in the rain, come back in and shake like a dog, and be toweled dried... then back out the door for a 2nd and 3rd time :P

Luckylu, that is common with cats to get up on doors, Lol!! I have even seen them on ceiling fan blades.

My aunt had a cat that ruled the house and he liked to perch on top of the refrigerator and swipe at the unsuspecting who walked below. One day my aunt couldn't find him but heard him meowing for help, the little prince had gotten himself locked into the cupboard above the fridge.

SharynMarie,,.I can't really close off the area because it's the top of the doors and lights in the rooms they think they must climb to.I had to take everything off the mantle,so they have that and they still want to go higher.They're something else!But I get the biggest kick out of them.I showed 'em a bag of russet potatoes and the next thing I knew,they had 'em all out of the bag,scattered down the hall.Everything is new and exciting to them.I just don't know where they get all their energy.

Today was National Dog Day.

My experience with using a squirt bottle, it only stops the behavior at the time but doesn't cure them of repeating. Cats do love to get up high, it gives them security. Can you remove whatever this highest perch to a room you can close the cat off from entering? Their interest in the highest perch may go away once they are more into adulthood. Tiger likes to get in boxes to hide and sleep. There are those tubes that connect to cubes for cats to play, hide and sleep. Crazy kitties, Tiger liked to crawl into a cupboard at our California home. We didn't use hit to store anything because it was angled a long way back where things would end up lost because we couldn't reach back to pull it out. We left it open a crack for him to go into to get away from Midget.

That's so nice Veronica....I didn't know cats could have bald bellies and I'm so glad that yours didn't get frostbite!
Our whole house has turned into a cathouse this past month,now that the kittens have graduated to the den,kitchen,nook,,hallway and bathroom and it's like Heaven for cats here.I was so happy to find a cat tree at a garage sale for $10.00 and it has several perching places on it,but my kittens still have to climb to the highest place in the room instead.Iv'e heard that for bad behaviorryour'e supposed to shoot 'em with a squirt gun.Is this true?

Luckylu all my cats over the years have eaten what they were given or go hungry. My current cat has lost the fur on her belly for years. just nice soft pink skin. i did not want to pay for the prescription stuff so the belly stayed bare but she is an indoor cat so did not get frost bite. Now there are several grain free dry foods on the market so she now has a nice furry belly

When I came home from the grocery store,the hamburger I'd laid out to thaw for our dinner was on the floor with tiny little bites taken out of it but thankfully,there was still enough to make the spaghetti and I haven't found any urp....yet.

Boy,Veronica....I sure hope none of my babies get diabetes.Iv'e probably already mentioned that I had a weenie dog that had diabetes and he lost his eyes because of it.That was awful.
Right now,I'm working on getting weight off my chiweenie ,so she can be spayed.She's lost 9 ounces in 1 month so far.She has to loose 2 pounds total.It's SO hard getting weight off these babies.

Luckylu in the unlikely event that your kitty is diabetic it is not longer necessary to try and catch urine like you did for the dog (been there done that) Now you can prick a paw pad and collect a drop of blood to test. That's not to say kitty will co operates with that either!

I wish my cats would eat the "Concoctions" freqflyer,but Iv'e tried all 4 flavors and they all turn their noses up at it.
But thanks for saying something about it.I still haven't gt this feeding thing figured out with my 5 cats and it's SO expensive!

I remember how many years of helping my Mom with groceries, which took twice as long as I had to look at the sodium levels for what she was buying.... Mom was very fussy about wanting low sodium everything. Well, it must have been working, she lived to be 98 years old.

Well, I am reading labels again, now for the cats. Here I was today in PetSmart reading "crude protein %" trying to find the lowest ones available that I would think the cats would eat. The two cats I have left are starting to develop kidney issues which is common in elderly cats. Vet recommended special diet foods to which one cat tried to cover up.... ok, we have HIS opinion.

Now I am to the point that I had regarding our elders, if they want ice cream for breakfast let them have it. So I decided since the cats are going on 17, let them eat what they enjoy.

Purina makes this new stuff call "Concoctions".... wet can food... weird combinations, like in one can it is salmon & chicken livers, another lamb & clam sauce.... looks like stuff one would dig out of a trash can... THE CATS LOVE IT... forget about Fancy Feast, this new glob looks good :)

The thing I appreciate about cat behaviors is that in their own world, they are behaving.

The animal cracker Cat looks much like a cat. But you are right, some of those garanimals don't look like a bear, tiger, dog, horse, lion, giraffe, hippopotamus,
and a whole slew of 106 various animals at various times over the years.

More like "On no, she's getting out the cat carrier" syndrome... LOL

Gershun, I gave up trying to slim down the cat that looked like a bowling ball with legs. She enjoyed her food, so in her senior years she ate what she wanted and lived to be 17/18. She never developed diabetes and her kidneys were still doing fine, she did drink a lot of water. The Vet said she had high blood pressure, but I was sure mine also was way over the limit just bringing her into the Vet... wonder if cats have "white coat syndrome", where one's blood pressure spikes when you see someone in a lab coat?

Thanks Gershun...It is SO hard trying to figure it all out between all 6 babies.I appreciate your input and one of these kittens is just like your baby and she intimidates the one next to her and takes the food too.It's my all black kitty.She's always been the biggest eater and my little "fatty".Iv'e had a diabetic dog,but never a diabetic cat before.That was awful,so I'll have to try even harder and now I'm wondering to myself,how would I catch the cat's urine like I did with the dog to know how much insulin to give it.......
Anyway,Thanks Gershun~

Feeding that one is right up there with trying to split the atom, world peace, how they get the caramel in the caramilk bars.

I've been feeding my cats veterinarian- prescribed food since they were kittens. My one cat stays fairly slim. My other cat is food-driven, that is veterinarian speak for he is a big pig. He eats his, then stands beside his brother and intimidates him till he walks away from his bowl so fatty can have the rest unless I stand there and watch them eat, which is not always possible. But we give them fancy feast as a treat on the weekends.

Our vet gave us sh*t the last time we went cause she says our one cat is morbidly obese and is guaranteed to have diabetes one day if we can't control his eating. We try but it is hard. :(

Ah yes, trying to find the perfect wet food that the cats will like more than 2 days in a row !! Good luck with that. Then there is the decision of getting the Purina classic wet food.... or the gravy stuff.... or the shredded stuff... or the pate. I've gone to Pet Smart and got one of each can to experiment... but they keep changing their mind.

There so many brands of cat food, it can send your head whirling. That's why I just stay with Purina which first started in the late 1800's. Because my felines are "seniors", I use the Purina One Maturity. I did order the Purina Pro Plan Focus for elderly cats, so I will see how that works... it is much more expensive.

Thank you SO much Freqflyer....I like how you feed them.I really appreciate everything you said.I have been giving the kittens Purina Kitten chow and the adult cats,Purina Cat Chow,leaving a bowl of it out all day/night.Now if I can just figure out which wet catfood they like the best because one day,they like the flavor and the next day,they don't touch it.They all seem to be "fish" eaters but one,who likes chicken better.It gets frustrating for sure.Anyway F.F.,THANK YOU!

Luckylu with my felines I leave out dishes of dry food so they can nibble when they want, and once in the morning and once in the evening will open up a small can of wet food.

Two of the cats had stayed at a normal weight for their bone size, and the third one turned into a blimp. So you never know who is going to gain the weight or not... she wouldn't eat wet food, just dry. She was a stray cat so she had to forge for food, thus when there was food here she would over eat. She still lived to be 17 with that weight.

Lot of water bowls around, ok that means more get knocked over during play time :P I use Cornell for their bowls instead of plastic or metal dishes. To me I just feel Cornell is safer to use. I had read decades ago about plastic etching into the food.

I have only bought Purina brand food as rarely does Purina have its pet food recalled. The U.S. government has a website for recalled pet food that they update.  I like Purina One.  Use to use Purina Cat Chow for many years and the cats did well on that, living into their late teens and early 20's.  I know there are special diet cat foods for when the critter needs to change their diet.

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