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Muah ha ha ha.
Luckylu just renamed this the 'Catgiver's Thread' for short.

We'll see......

Better than a live cat on a dead body, though - just say'n

Luckylu and MsMadge,
Then, the next morning, the roomie awakes with a cat sitting on her chest, thinking it is real but forgetting it is hers................

O look, there is a dead cat in my bed.

MsMadge,You have a heart of gold~
How kind of you to bring that dear lady a kitty,all her own,to love and hold.
It's so thoughtful of you to do things for the other residents living there....Bless you!

Mom's roomie is a cat lover so I got her a Gund stuffed kitty - I felt badly when she thought it was real but awfully quiet - she fell asleep with it on her chest

Even if you sit on the bundle, FF?

The thing is, if you squirt liquid onto her food and mix it in I wouldn't put it past her to go on hunger-strike altogether, don't you think?

Shots, next?

I can feel your cat hating me from several thousand miles away..!

Ugh, trying to give an elderly cat her thyroid pill... was doing ok with hiding it in rolled up cheese, but she now is spitting the pill out. Went to PetSmart and bought packets of soft treats to try. First packet, again the bright pink pill was back onto the carpet, time and time again. The coating on the pill is too hard for her to bite through.

This cat isn't the type that you can wrap in a towel unless you want your obit in the next day's newspaper.

At her next doctor's appointment, I will ask for liquid and order it from a pharmacy that does animal medicine compounding.

Hey Lu,
I think church mouse was thinking her doggy needed a cat companion

The kittens are turning into beautiful little cats at 17 weeks old today,but they are very destructive,very fast.Yesterday,they broke 2 of Mother's glass heart shaped boxes in the bathroom and then ran at the wall,jumping up and knocked 2 pictures off the wall and the last thing they did just before bed was knock the lamp over and then they started chewing on the electrical cord to it and I had to remove it from the room.But they are wonderful anyway and a beautiful sight when they're sleeping.

Prayers for USA

Dog and I made it through our trip relatively unscathed, though I think he's getting a little too old for these trips. They're kind of hard on him. He gets anxious when he's in a new place and won't eat his regular food unless I put something in it (like a little canned food). At home, he never gets canned food. If we travel, he won't eat for 2-3 days if I don't put some canned in the dry food. At his age, I don't want to take too many risks with his health - not eating and drinking very little for 2-3 days could be just enough to cause problems. But he traveled well in his crate in the vehicle - except when we approached a toll booth on the turnpike. He really hates those, because all he sees is someone reaching towards the vehicle (and me), which he considers "his". We've made these trips often enough now that he remembers the toll booths and starts barking as soon as he sees them.

Cat was very happy to see me home and has been stuck to me like glue, sleeping near me all day and night since I got back. Dog gets to go with me on the next trip, but not the one after that - it's too long of a trip and I have to stay in a hotel, which doesn't work for him - so he'll have to stay home that time.

Thank you Gershun....I don't know where I'd be without my babies.They have truly kept me going on my darkest,hardest days.

Animals are amazing. The way they learn to adapt. Although a lot of them couldn't do it without their loving owners. Lucky and Frequentflyer, I think today you two are the joint winners of "Best Pet Moms and Dads" Take a bow, or a curtsey, whichever you prefer.

It's amazing how animals learn to cope with disabilities and illnesses. My other elder cat, she's 18, had a stroke last year and couldn't stand up... so I had to carry her to her food dish and hold her up to eat/drink... same with the litter box. This cat was heavy, so it wasn't easy :P

Eventually she was standing up on her own, and learned how to walk compensating the weaker side. Here it is 6 months later, and she can waddle about getting from point A to point B. She will even come down stairs on her own, but going up I need to carry her. She prefers to live upstairs. The only thing she is not doing is challenging the male cat to a fight. Funny, he use to be scared silly of her but now they seem to be bonding... as he has is age related issues, too.

My best Dachshund dog ever lost both his eyes just 5 weeks apart from diabetes while I was caring for Mother but he lived for quite a while with no eyes.I had to catch his urine and see how much insulin to give him by matching up the color of his urine on a color chart,then give him a shot which I'm sure hurt me more than him.He had a zest for life and a spirit that wouldn't quit and taught our family the meaning of "blind faith".We were all blessed by him.

Cats get dementia too.............Ye Gads!

My two boys are only 9 so hopefully, they are good for a while yet.

My old sweetie Hobbes had kidney disease and I had to give her subcutaneous fluids
under her skin every day for about two years until even that didn't do the trick anymore. Poor old thing must have felt like a pin cushion after a while.

There have been three elderly cats these past year, not mine. But after getting to know one, it would howl/cry each night. It is about 18 years old. So I picked it up, carried it to it's favorite place away from the maddening crowd, gave it water, and it went right to sleep each time-no more crying.
Hope yours gets comfortable.

Yikes, I though my parents were at the ER numerous times as they became older, and now my elderly cats are doing the same thing. When my folks were alive, I never had the free time to get myself to all my doctor's appointments much less my 3 elderly cats.

We have been using a 24-hour animal ER, as usual the cats will need medical attention on the weekends.... [sigh]. This morning took one cat in as she wasn't feeling well and noticeably had lost weight. Bravo, easy fix, she has hyperthyroid problem. Easy fix with pills. She wasn't real cooperative with the Staff, to which I mentioned that's probably from her dementia. As in the past, she use to be very cooperative.  Vet said she was pretty feisty for a cat of 16.

A decade ago I had a cat that her primary vet said there were signs of dementia. And sure enough, this current cat is doing the same identical thing. Yet, the other cats I have had up into their late teens didn't show any signs of memory issues. Not even their litter mates.

Sweet stories, all of them. Love it!

Tiger Cats daily routine

I use one claw to gently poke my dear friend. She knows when I need my head scratched, want food or want out. Ususally I go outside for a couple hours before I come in to eat breakfast. This annoying dog barks every time I come in the house or into a room she is at with my dear friend. I really hate this dog but I tolerate her because my friend makes sure she does not get too close to me. In the evening I come in to stay for the night, eat my dinner and wait for my friend to come to bed. When she comes to bed, she snuggles me, scratches my head and pets my all over. I purr and lick her hand and arms. If she stops to soon, I use my front paw to tap her hand to scratch me more.

Midgets daily routine

I am a small poodle and this is my domain. I guard my human friend who loves me and I am loyal to her like that.... c a t, but I am better because I am a dog. I bark at the c a t because I don't want him near my friend. He gets attention that I should be getting. I follow my friend everywhere in the house. When I need to go outside, I bark by the door. I have my friend trained to let me out, to play fetch with me and to feed me, yet.... she stills gives attention to that c a t. While I tolerant this c a t, there is this human man who lives here too. I bark and bark at him but he won't go away. I don't much like him even though he gives me treats and pets me. He wants attention from my friend and it makes me angry. I will steal his hats sometimes and hide them. I don't like to share and dont understand why my friend continues to have this c a t and human man. I don't see their purpose. I am hearing stuff about us moving away from here. I hope it is just me and my friend.

Thanks SharynMMarie.....I know the mantle will be one of the first places they climb so I'll just take everything down and shut off the other rooms but I do worry I won't be able to find them too with all the junk in this old home everywhere.They'll be 4 months old next Tuesday already.I can't believe it.

Luckylu, so cute!! I would slowly introduce them to other rooms. When we first brought Tiger home, he was about 1 year old. He would actually climb up our fireplace above the mantel to get at the second hand on our clock!! The second hand just intrigued him so much. It was funny, but we had to remove things from the mantel until he adjusted.

Thanks Gershun...It's been a lot of fun,but it's also been ALOT of work and I don't know how many hundreds of trips Iv'e made up and down the hallway, and they get into trouble the other night when one of 'em knocked a glass to the floor and it shattered,glass everywhere and another day,one took a window blind down and they've taken a picture off the wall.They are still in their catroom,but I can't keep 'em in there forever and I'm scared for when the day comes they are free in the house.

Lucky, you sound like a great cat Momma too. Your kitties are so lucky to have you.:)

Everyday I take the kittens outside for recess and when I bring the carrier in the room,they run inside and sit down on their own and look at me like "Ok,let's go" and I take 'em out to the frontyard.The 3 kittens are in 1 carrier and the MaMa Bootsie,is in another one.I put dandelions,little flowers,wild strawberries, and grass in their carrier and they watch the birds and cars go by and they love the wind and sun and shade and sticks.Then I bring 'em in and let 'em run in the bathroom and we have "Tuna Time" and sing and tell stories and then I take 'em back to their "Home" and they crash out.They've brought me a lot of joy and I am grateful for their Love...I am blessed.

FF you sound like a real good cat Mama! We trim our two cats claws but we do it as a team. I hold a cat in my lap, cat facing front and Hubs trims their claws. They hardly struggle since we have been doing this since they were babies.

But good for you for taking good care of your kitty. Hope your hand gets better.

Oh yeah, speaking of weight, your cat is shaped like a bowling ball and weighs as much. One of my cats is shaped like a medicine ball and feels like he weighs as much LOL

Even elderly cats have bad days. Last night I was trying to trim the nails on my 18 year old cat who had a stroke earlier this year. I was determined to get at those nails but she wasn't cooperating. So what did she do... she bit my hand. I know it was my fault for trying to put her through this nail cutting, instead of just doing one nail and leave another ones for another time.

Went to Urgent Care as 90% of cat bites can cause an infection. But I wasn't worried about myself, I was worried that the bite would be reported and the cat would need to leave to be placed in quarantine.

I've been the cats only caregiver during this stroke recovery where she re-learned to walk again, the walk isn't graceful but it gets her from point A and B. I was the one who would carry her to her food dish and hold her while she ate so she wouldn't fall over... same with the litter box.... carry her up and down the stairs. Not easy, as she is shaped like a bowling ball and weights just as much.

Bravo, the doctor found the form I filled out and shredded it, no need to worry. Whew. Now I am taking antibiotics the size of horse pills for the next ten days, and my hand aches big time.

Ah, was busy using the wastepaper basket sized shredding machine, noisy son of a gun. One cat will come into the room and plop herself down on the rug for a bath, totally ignoring the shredder. The other one looks in the door with a terrified look like I am running the lawn mower in the house :)

No free appointment Send,but I'll be taking her in for a follow up vaccine she has to get and we'll check her then unless something comes up.She did loose a stitch,I think from licking though but it looks ok so far.Even though it's been ALOT of work,it sure has been rewarding and it's like Christmas everyday,having an all black kitten.She's so dear.

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