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It is a lot for you, too, Luckylu.

Your cat experiences will help you express all the love that is in your need that.

Sorry Bootsie is not up to speed yet. Is there a free post-surgical check-up with the spaying? Temperature taken?
Hot skin? Any signs of infection?

The kittens are happy and full of it,but MaMa Bootsie isn't feeling so well since she had to be spayed last Wednesday.The 3 kittens left are 13 weeks old today and each of them have their own "thing".Toots loves her balls and carries them and hides them everywhere and Trouble lives up to her name,always getting into trouble and my all black one,Lovee Loves to pull down Mother's hanging dresses.I never know what I'll find when I open the catroom door.I feel sorry for Bootsie going through all she has though,having 5 babies,being spayed and loosing 2 of her children.That's a lot!

I went on holiday to Hawaii for a week. My Mom and brother were looking in on the cats every day. I kept the balcony ajar just a bit for them cause the litter box was out there. When I got back from my vacation I discovered a wasp making a hive in my cat's scratching post. I looked back and remembered that before I had left for my holiday that I would be watching t.v. and see a wasp fly into my place and then just disappear. I guess it was disappearing into the scratching post. You know those scratching posts that have a little area where cats can disappear. Well, the wasp thought that was a great place to build a hive. Yikes!! I stuck a broom handle into the hive and destroyed it. Boy, was that wasp mad. I had to keep my balcony shut cause I could see that wasp trying to get back in every day. LOL

I got pics from husband about 3 years ago of his Toyota Tacoma truck parked in front of work. 2 doves had decided that the hood of his car was a perfect place to start a nest! A pile of sticks on top of his vent that he removed twice. They kept coming back with more sticks. I suggested he set off car alarm from the inside of the building when they approached - he was afraid of the bird poop if he scared them...I suggested the sticks and poop in vent would be worse. He reported later that the alarm worked.

AliBoBali, as for telling the male from the female squirrels, it's not easy... it depends on how they are standing what you can see :) What is fun is watching the baby squirrels who are old enough to leave the nest... they are like kittens the way they play. A small twig can become THE best toy ever !!

The other day I saw a baby sparrow trying out his wings for the first time... poor guy wasn't sure what to do... he was in hummingbird mode trying to keep from falling. Then he would land on the lawn, and try to fly again... once again doing the hummingbird. Then within a couple of minutes he was flying off trying to catch up with one of his parents. Amazing how quickly animals can learn to do things.

My typos are bad today, one in every post, lol!!

The day before the earthquake, my two goldfish jumped out of their bowl.

Other times, a goldfish likes to float on top of the water, never stopping to say goodbye. When raising a child, you are stuck with three heartwrenching choices:
1)  Do you ceremoniously bury it in the back yard?
2) Do you secretly replace it with a new one the same size?
3)  Do you flush it down the toilet and get a dog?

CWillie, you gotta watch out for those misbehaving fish...........they slam their little bodies against the aquarium, stare at you with those googly eyes........bad little fishies. :)

SharynMarie, I loved the typo in your post. You picked up the leech. LOL..........Why were you carrying around a leech? Ha, ha ha............

AliBoBali, My Spike is very smart. LOL He has me pretty well trained too. :)

I took Midget to the kennel for boarding. As soon as we got out of the car, she wriggled right out of her harness and took off running. I started yelling at her to stop, sit. She came back but when I reached for her, off she went again. I am trying to hold on to her blanket, the leach, my keys and cell phone. Finally she comes back, squats to pee, I reach to pick her up when she is done. As I struggle with a squirming dog, the blanket, and my cell.... I realize I don't have my keys!!! Panic, I told Midget, you better hope I did not lock the keys in the car again!!! I turn around to open the car door.... I see my keys laying in the dirt near where I picked her up, oh yay!!! I get her squared away and came home to shower in case I had dog pee on me, lol!!! It could have been worse🙄🙄🙄

FF, you would think the squirrel would figure out that your Jeep isn't a good stashing place... Also, how do you know it's a male squirrel? I never knew there was a way to tell the difference. 🤔

How about squirrels behaving badly. I usually put out seed and an apple for the squirrels. The apple I set on the squirrel size picnic table. There is this one male squirrel who will gnaw down the apple enough so he can lift it off the table and carry it in his mouth.

Where does he put this apple?..... he jumps onto the Jeep parked in the driveway and puts the half apple either on the windshield, the cargo rack, or jams it into the door handle. One day he shoved it into the front grill. Now, how cool is it to drive down the street with an apple in your grill :)

It works, doesn't it, Doodlinmama? Smart dog... lol

Well, my Maltipoo (very large 20 lbs) likes to smack me on the head in the morning if he needs to go outside for his business. Yep, laying there asleep and all of a sudden "bamp" there is a paw on my head. LOL

cats-dogs-bunnies-guinea pigs-budgies-hamsters-horses-snakes-reptiles.... whew, did I leave anything out?
Fishes, but I cant picture them misbehaving LOL

In the natural progression of things...

C A R E G I V E R S   D O G S   B E H A V I N G  B A D L Y

I had a water pillow manny years ago. I love it!! Bought it at the chiropractor office. It lasted a long time (10-12 years). It would have lasted longer if hubs hadn't folded it in half regularly ( he folded it to sleep on when he worked graveyard back in the day).

My cat is not misbehaving but the dog is!! As soon as I sit down on the couch whether after work or when I first wake up, she starts barking at me thinking oh boy!!!, it's play time, oh boy oh boy, bark, bark bring me her favorite toy to play fetch!! This dog momma has been too tired the last few days to want to play, lol!!

I'm turning in now too. Going to sleep on my non-water pillow tonight.
Grrrr.............kitties in the dog house. Good Night Brats!

Everyone put those scissors away now, don't try this at home. And for heaven's sake, don't go anywhere near the bed with scissors. Muwahahaha!

It's almost midnight, so I am turning in my brat card and going to bed soon.

Hubs came with a homemade cooling pillow that looked as if it was 30 years old. It was not just yellowing, the edges looked as if someone peed on it years ago, or at least sweated in the heat for years.
It was my pleasure to cut it up, recommend discarding it-"look honey, it is leaking now....." Lol.

I have a water pillow and I think one of my furry friends may have punctured it with their claw cause I woke up wet in the middle of the night. My faithful old water pillow may have to go down for the dirt nap. Sigh...........

My little kittens acted bad in the night last night and pressed the button on our surge protector and when I tried to use the phone and the computer,neither one was working this morning and it took me awhile but I figured out what the little burgers had done.

Happy Mothers Day to cat moms everywhere!

Thank you for the Celebration Birthday cake on your avatar Send. Today they are 12 weeks old.
We miss LuLu and Moe though and Bootsie doesn't want the 3 left out of her sight.She has been the best MaMa.
I'm so thankful that all the kittens have been healthy and they sure are active trying to get into things and places they shouldn't.Swinging on Mother's hanging dresses is still their favorite game.I feel so blessed to have them.Anyway....Thanks!

I don't have birds, one cat and one dog. Hubs would not tolerate more, lol!! The dog does not care for hubs, just something about him. She loved the real estate agent that came out to our house today. He told her , no mouth licking, we aren't THAT close yet, lol!!!

SharynMarie,I'm so sorry you lost your wonderful black cat too.I just hate it that our animals don't live longer.I hope animals go to Heaven and I get to see and be with all mine again.I have 2 big cats now and 3 kittens and 1 dog.That's all I can afford to feed and handle besides the birds.Do you feed the birds?

Awe Luckylu. they sound adorable!!! I so love cats amd never see myself without having at least one. I had the most loving affectionate black cat with long hair. He was a big male weighing in at 17-18 lbs in his hay day. He just loved everyone in our family. Our dd would dress him in baby clothes, he was so gentle. I loved that cat with all my being, he was just so special. I think he was part Maine Coons based on personality traits. We had to put him down due to kidney failure when he was 18 years. Broke my heart.

One of the Tuxedo kittens is perfectly marked with a softer coat than all the others,one is mostly white with 2 big black dots on her head,one is speckled all over including it's face and legs,one is different from all the others with it's eyes and coat and it's twice as fat and big as all the others and then there's the All black one that I know was especially Heaven sent to me because it looks like my little Savvy Sue I lost last summer that was my favorite cat ever.They're all beautiful with their different markings and personalities and they've brought me so much joy.

I love tuxedo cats!!!

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