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Ali, I am so sorry to read that Lilah has passed. Lilah was so lucky to have you for her last five years.

(((((((((ali)))))))) Big hugs. You did right by your baby girl. She was fortunate to spend her final years with you and you were fortunate to have her, They are part of our family and I know her passing will leave a big hole in your life. I hope one day you can give a loving home to another fur baby but I also know that never fills the hole left by a lost one. Be good to you.


I am so sorry that Lilah is gone. Cherish your memories. She will live in your heart forever.

I know that you will grieve. It’s so hard to lose our fur babies.

Ali, great big warm hug. I am so sorry for your loss.

One thing we know, pets just don't live long enough. We enjoy them while we are blessed with them, mourn them when they are gone and rescue another to love and be loved by when the time is right.

She and you were blessed to be brought together.

She’s gone. I’m devastated but so thankful to have her these past five years. Thanks for the support for me and my baby girl.

Ali, (((hugs)))) to Lilah and to you, too.

Ahhh, Ali. I am so sorry, this is so hard. Try to rest, take care of you, too.

(((((((ali)))))) accompanying any pet on their final journey here on earth is never easy. We don't want them to hurt but we don't want them to leave either - until it becomes so clear that they need to go. Get some rest if you can, eat a little, have a cup of tea or two, relax as much as you can. Look after yourself while you are looking after her.

I can't sleep. She hasn't gotten up in the past 8 hours, but she did eat a little. First thing tomorrow, I'm putting her in the car and going to the vet. I'll go somewhere else if my usual place can't see her. Maybe I should've taken her to ER... I just wasn't sure if it was necessary. Now I can see for sure that she's declining so fast.

Soooooo I'm awake at 3 am, just feeling so bad for her, but not in any shape to take her anywhere. I wish I had pushed harder for answers in previous vet appts. It may not have changed her course, but I could have been more prepared and had meds on hand. Tonight I noticed she has more than one bulge/mass area around her midsection. They're easily noticeable when I rub my hand along her sides... how did I miss them??! They must be growing quickly.

I sat by her and stroked her softly throughout the day and evening. I keep checking on her, but there's nothing to do except sit with her and try to comfort her. She seems to appreciate it. It's going to be a long night for me, and even longer for her, I think. She isn't sleeping. She's hurting, and I'm just so so so so so very dang sad about it.

My girl is going across the rainbow bridge very soon. Please wish her godspeed and an easy transition. I've been chatting to her about it, telling her it will be soon and telling her stories about what to expect. She might run into Divo, and they can be buddies again, or she'll make new sweet friends and leave that rascal with all the other bold, feisty kitties in pet heaven.

Ali, so sorry that Lilah isn't doing well. I remember when one of my cats was becoming under the weather and she would also lay down next to her water bowl. We got her to the Vet, ordered x-rays and sure enough she had a mass in her stomach. Due to her senior age of 17, surgery was not recommended. We decided to say good-bye to her that day as her quality of life just wasn't there.

One Vet told me that an ill cat has a choice to either breathe or eat, they can't do both at once. Thus the cat will choose breathing. Even drinking water was difficult :(

Let us know what the Vet says.


Awwww…what a sweet vet.

I think that I must have sounded a bit neurotic to my vet when I said to him, I will pay any price for you to fix my cat.

He said that he would love to have been able to treat her but there wasn’t anything else that he could do. It was time for me to let go. Even though we know it’s time, it’s still so hard to lose them.

Ali, this sounds so much like one of my recent experiences (not Kidney failure cat, the other one).

It is SO much sadder when you don't know WHY your fur baby is dying. Our vet was comforting when he said that we didn't want to cause Sherlock unnecessary discomfort by poking to find out whatcwas irretrievably wrong.

Big (((hugs))), Ali.


My older vet was not a friend of ours and he was great. He was knowledgeable and cared about the animals that he treated.

My latest vet is a friend of ours too. His girls went to school with our girls and we were always at each other’s houses. He’s also a fantastic vet. He sees my daughter’s dog. He has treated many of our fur babies.

I hope that you find a good vet soon. I know that you will keep looking. We want the best for our animals.

Need, we had an amazing vet for 25 years, then he retired and we have been looking for a good one ever since.

Part of our problem is he was a personal friend and he spoiled us. He loved all animals and treated his patients as royalty but, being a friend he was extra attentive.

We aren't looking for that level, we just want one that actually does their job and knows how to do it.

I think that kind of professional is, unfortunately, a thing of history. It is tough in every industry to find competent help.


I love the name, Lilah. So sweet for a sweet kitty.

(((((ali)))) tough, tough time when they get that sick. I agree she needs a trip to the vet asap. Cats do hide they illnesses well so you know when they show it they are really sick. I was so thankful I got Toonie there before he was in much discomfort. I was watching Matt, my springer spaniel, and knew the tine was near. One morning I took him out for a pee and he collapsed on the driveway in his pee. I knew it was time, cleaned him up and took him to the vet. I have found the vets are very good when they know it is the end. They fit you in, Both of these times I held my furry friends while they passed. Hoping you can get some help for her soon.

I have been fortunate to have good vets, ITRR. I would be just like you and look for someone else if I felt that my animals weren’t receiving good care.

Ali, dang it!

I have to say that my faith in vets is totally diminished. We have tried to find one that has a mediocre level of ability and we are not having any luck. It's like they couldn't care less and charge top dollar for nothing.

Our girl put a deep laceration on her back knee, you can see tendon and the vet put 3 staples in and sent her home. Within 24 hours she had torn the skin from the staples. We decided to research how to wrap this up and she is now resting quietly, thank The Lord.

Best of luck with your girl. It is so hard to not know how to help.

Great big warm hug for you. You got this!

Edit: I use arnica Montana sublingual to treat our dogs pain. Works great and relaxes them as an added bonus. No idea about cats but, worth checking out.

Pain medication doesn't work in cats like it does in people. AlI my cats on pain meds never slept until the drugs were out of their system. I can't believe the vet wasnt concerned about a mass on her stomach. I will leave it at that. I hope you get answers Tuesday.

Sp, she's had a growing mass on her tummy, which was checked a month ago, and the vet didn't seem too concerned. They checked it for cancer, and that was it.

She needs to go back to the vet asap. She may be terminal, but I don't want her to be uncomfortable, so at the very least, I'd like some pain medication for her.

I'm sorry, Need. And I get it. If Lilah's best option is humane euthanasia, I want to hold her.

Ali sorry to hear about your cat. It's possible she could have cancer. Has she had any xrays recently? I know the cancer doesnt show up until it gets to be a certain size. My cat was fine until he wasnt.

Laying by food or water bowls definately means she is experiencing discomfort if not some pain. Inability to stand could be a blood clot in her back legs.

I would get her to your vet Tuesday. Maybe the emergency vet sooner if she gets worse.

Cats sure do hide things they seem fine until they aren't. I have gad to make the euthanasia chouce with one cat and had another pass unexpectedly. Neither was easy. Whether you make the choice for them or they die suddenly both just suck and are equally as heartbreaking.

When my cat was sick with cancer he started losing muscle mass and you could feel all his bones in his spine and neck. I knew something was wrong but vet said it was just old age. A few months later an x-ray found the cancer after he had a seizure. I had 7 months with him before he started to decline. Not eating. Unable to walk properly like you described into litter box so we had puppy pads for him to go and he used those but would lay down after peeing or just lay down and pee. We gave him sponge baths and he purred and he loved those. He was also laying by his water bowl. We had to let him go last September. And our orange boy died unexpectedly this October from a heart attack.


Is there an emergency vet nearby in case she looks like she’s in any discomfort.

My cat was getting old. She wasn’t doing well and I brought her to the vet. They told me that the vet would see her as soon as possible and that they would be in touch by phone.

He called me and said that there was nothing that he could do for her and to come back to his office.

I went to the vet’s office and he informed me that I should put her down. I was so sad and told him that she was such a good cat.

The vet said to me, “She was good to you and now it’s your turn to be good to her and not allow her to suffer.”

So, I agreed to put her down. I asked if I could hold her until the end. He said. “Of course, you can.” She died in my arms.

I cried the whole way home. My vet was so sweet and gave me a box of tissue to take with me.

It was raining horribly that day. Between the rain and my tears, I could barely see. I pulled over so I could compose myself so I wouldn’t wreck my car.

She couldn't use the litter box when I took her to it. Laid down in it to urinate. Then I pulled her out and let her poop on the floor because she was too weak to stand. She's bobbing her head into the water dish I put under her face, but she doesn't drink. I have one very sick kitty. I'm so glad I'm home today and can cuddle and monitor her.

Thank you, all. Lilah is very lethargic today.

I noticed she couldn't clean herself well for the past six months, and I wonder if it's stressing her out. She has a bald patch on her head - I think from overgrooming. I can feel every bone in her neck and backbone, which is odd because she was always a plump cat. She has mild cloudy eye discharge today. Online says it could be a virus. I don't want to miss anything that could be treatable for her, but she was just at the vet a month ago. She's never outside or around other cats.

Food/treats aren't motivating her lately.

While typing this, I heard her jump off the chair and hit the floor hard. Then she laid down on the spot, and she wasn't moving. She lay herself down, and I'm letting her be for a minute and brought her treats and water. She isn't well.

I'm just sharing. Of course, it's hard, and I wish I knew what to do for her.

Ali, I am sorry your precious kitty is rounding out her time with you. It is so hard to lose those that love us unconditionally and whom we love the same.

May you two get lots of cuddles in!

((((((Hugs)))))) ali, It's so hard seeing them decline. I pray for peace for both of you. So sorry.

Oh, Ali. I'm so sorry Lilah is not doing well. Snuggle well.

Sorry to hear about Lilah.
Hugs to you at this difficult time.


I love a cat’s independent spirit. I definitely think animals have souls and go to heaven.

Thank you, Need. Yes, Lilah's a sweet cuddle baby, and I'm just not ready with her. But she'll have all her favorite things until the end, and I'll give her the best kitty heaven on earth I can for as long as possible.

Gah. I'm just not ready for it to be her time. NOT READY. 😾

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