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Our kitties become part of our family. They are so sweet.

Thank you, Glad. It just hit me tonight when I saw her eyes. I've known she was "off" but... tonight it hit me that it's preactive decline. Too many changes, she's slowing down noticeably every day.

I've been emotional about it because I'm not ready. She seems ok - not in pain, not distressed. She's changing so much, though.

Welp. Now she gets her favorite food all the time. She'll be happy about that. 😼

So sorry, Ali

I cried so much when my cat died. She was my baby.

Your kitty has enjoyed a wonderful life with you.

Hugs, Ali. So sorry.

Lilah is dying. She's had a weird year with two vet visits that turned up nothing wrong with her. She's noticeably changed and declined in the past couple of weeks. Tonight I noticed how hazy her eyes are.

I'm so very, very sad about it. I'm far sadder to be losing her than I was about Divo's decline. I get it now, how absolutely attached you can be with a pet. I love this little girl so much and everything weird and wacky about her.

I don't know how fast or how slow she'll go on her path out of this life, but she's definitely on it. Every day I notice something new, none of it good. She's sprawling out by her food dish and not moving at all tonight. I picked her up and put her in bed with me for a while, then she got up, went back by the dish, laid down, and hasn't moved.

My baby is dying. I want to keep her forever. She is and has been the perfect kitty for me. 😿

I think cats have the most beautiful eyes. They are almost hypnotizing.

The purring sound is soothing to me. My mom would say it was their motor running. I always thought that was a cute description of purring.


Your cat watches videos? Too funny!

I've tried to make friends with neighbourhood cats but I have only ever known one cat that would come to be petted, all other cats I've encountered outdoors are wary and will run off as soon as they see me.

Cats, Cats, Cats.....
There is a new U.S.P.S. postage stamp coming out on Jan. 23, 2023 with a cute kitty and a heart. Preorder for this 60 cents stamp is $12.00, a sheet of 20
on the U.S.P.S. website. Amazon is more.

need - they have to hunt. It is their nature. Rocky has lots of food too, but she hunts and catches little creatures. Now that it's cold and she isn't going out much I put cat videos on my laptop at night. She watches them intently and tries to catch birds or whatever and looks forward to doing this every evening. It's really a substitute for hunting.

I may put a bowl of food out, FF and Golden.

Will let you know what happens.

He looked like he was eating something in the grass the other day, maybe a lizard or something.

My cats would chase after lizards and birds. They were well fed by me but I think it’s their natural instinct to hunt. My mom told me that her cat as a child would catch wild bunnies! They are amazing hunters!

I am fascinated by big cats. Tigers are my favorite! They are all beautiful though, lions, leopards, cheetahs and so on.

I love watching nature shows on National Geographic or PBS.

I am not terribly fond of zoos. Ours is a nice zoo but I hate seeing animals not living in their natural habitats. We had an incident at our zoo a few years back. The jaguar escaped from his area and ended up killing some of the other animals in the zoo.

I understand rehabilitation after an injury or conservation efforts. I hate that the circus abused animals.

Of course, when our parents took us to the circus as small children, they didn’t know about any of the ‘behind the scenes’ abuses.

Barnum and Bailey had to close their circus because people became aware and no longer wanted to support them.

That's not surprising, need. Most lost or feral cats will run away I think. They don't know that you are safe. If you provide food and water and even a shelter (box of some sort) and give kitty the space (s)he needs, (S)he may well warm up to you in time. Let the kitty come to you if you want a relationship with them. Maybe sit near the food and throw some treats, dangle a string or other toy to see if they are interested. Cats are very curious and they like routine so visit outside with the kitty the same time every day. They may well become friendly.

Rocky was essentially feral and very wary. We gave her space in one room in the house and visited her regularly. Dd was very good. She simply sat on the floor and played on her ipad, Slowly Rocky got curious and came closer to her It took weeks, even months but eventually Rocky became a very nice pet. She and I are still building our relationship.

ff - I want to say thanks to you for mentioning your cat blankets. I have put old hand towels down in a couple of places for Rocky and she likes to sleep on them so I ordered her a few velour hand towels. Towels keep the fur off the bed. She has very thick medium long hair and sheds! ☹


He’s really cute. He runs away if I approach him though.

NeedHelpWithMom, if I saw that cat, I would probably put out a bowl with a little bit of dry food, and a bowl of water.

As for trying pet a stray cat, I usually get down to their level and put out my hand for them to sniff. I would do that numerous times before attempting to pet one.

One of my cat I have now, a Shelter cat, he will scratch me if I try to pet him with my hand coming down toward his head. But he is a love bug if he comes to me on his terms. He will cuddle with me at night until he hears something outside then he is running full speed out the bedroom door to get to the patio door :)

I have noticed that a cute little kitty walking through my yard daily.

He’s adorable, solid black with white paws. If he were mine I would name him, ‘Socks’ because he looks like he is wearing socks.

He looks a little thin but I don’t know if he is a stray cat or belongs to one of my neighbors and is just wandering around the neighborhood.

I am tempted to feed him but not sure if I should.

He will not let me get close to him. He runs away when I try to get close enough to pet him.

Have any of you ever been able to tame a stray where they learned to trust you? Or have you been scratched by them if you tried to pet them?

I have owned many cats during my lifetime. They were all very sweet. I’ve never had one of my cats scratch me. I have been scratched by a stray cat when I tried to pet them.

Many years ago, before I was married. I had a neighborhood cat visit my apartment and he was super friendly. He was so funny. He came by all the time after I got off work.

When I opened up my door he would run inside and hang out with me. Then around a certain time he would go to my back door for me to let him out. I guess that he was going back home. I could see that he was well cared for and someone’s pet. I think he enjoyed being a community cat in the neighborhood.

I hate that the shelters are full of cats and dogs. When they can’t find homes for them they put them down unless it’s a ‘no kill’ shelter.

A fatty tissue lump is called a lipoma. My Mom's elderly dog is getting them. My own dog is the sibling to my Mom's (same litter) and has not developed any. People get them, too. Have you ever watched Dr. Pimple Popper on cable or YouTube? You can watch her remove them. My college roommates' Dad was covered with them and he lived to a ripe old age. No one else in his family ever got them.

Hey cat parents, have any of your kitties had a fatty tissue bump on their bellies? Online says they're common enough. Lilah has one, and it's growing, so I took her in for testing. Tests ruled out cancer, but the lump wasn't present six months ago at her other vet visit, and it's very noticeable now.

We only had one kitty who lived to be 18. Sweet little Patches died of kidney problems in my Mum’s arms. I had her since I was the seventh grade. All our other babies died at various ages. We now have a boy and girl cat both 5 yo and another girl cat 10. My hubby gave me Sockie ten years ago. Our other cats are Chickapooh and Daisy.

i totally empathize with the pain you feel losing a beloved cat. Every cat we’ve had( last count 8) has held a special place in my heart. We have 3 at the moment. But if I ever had any favourites, they would have to be my Seamus and Tricky. Both boys, both died tragically. Seamus (7yo)was shot by a mongrel neighbor with an air gun and the pellet lodged in his kidneys.
Tricky was our little 5 month old Kitten who was hit by a car and killed instantly when some moron left our front door open and he got out. After that, it was a while before I got another kitten. Now we have our beautiful babies in huge safe back yard enclosures during the day but bring them in at night.

Bandy7, I understand how you feel. Those great memories you will have forever. And just think, imagine if you had never meet that cat. And how wonderful that you did =^..^=

Thank you Sendme! Henrick and Daniel in Heaven say thank you too.

Cat geneology!
That was a perfect explanation Golden!

Thank you send. We called Rocky and Pumpkin half sisters. Actually I guess Pumpkin was Rocky's aunt. They were born around the same time. Connie who was Pumpkin's mother also had Lucky a few years before. Lucky was was Rocky's mother.

Happy Birthday to Henrick, age 15, and Daniel.

It did not occur to me that yes, I knew they were brothers. That means littermates. My mind did not work to put 2 and 2 together that they have the same birthday.

Making the birthday bittersweet when one has passed.

Sorry Gershun.

This may apply to Rocky and Pumpkin when they have a birthday.
Sorry Golden.

And to others who will be missing their cat on a littermates birthday.

Grief can be confusing.

Most of my cats I've had over the years lived to be 18 or so. They were all female cats. My last two cats have been male. Daniel only lived to be 3 mths. shy of 14 years. His brother we still have is soon to be 15. I have heard male cats don't have as long a life expectancy. But I think that varies depending on the cat.

Sendhelp, the oldest cat I had lived to be 21 years old. The others into their late teens.

Sig-other had an indoor-outdoor cat when he was growing up that lived to be 22 years old. Never ate cat food, learned to live on Italian food and left over fish on Fridays :)

Pets, people, and cats all live out their lives to a different age.
Can anyone share how old their cat has lived?
I have seen aged cats up to 18, and 20 years old.

They are precious, even at that age.

yes, both dogs were/are female. I take it in good humor and tease hubby about it. The last female bonding with hubby is a good thing for him. With all that he has lost due to stroke I can imagine the female affection towards him makes him feel that he still has something. When the female was still a puppy she would get so agitated/worked up out shopping I would fashion a sling/pouch out of a large scarf around hubby and put her in it and two seconds later she out cold sleeping. ❤️

The male has bonded to me. I belong to him. 💕

Tagtae, were both dogs females? If so, for some reason the females will make a bee line toward the man. My cats did the same thing.

I remember one female cat disliked me she wouldn't even let me pet her. But she was all over sig-other purring up a storm. I should have known when at the Shelter she hissed at me. My male cats were "mama's boys".

Cat topic: Mom the cat lady and I’m a dog woman. My mom's cats are the reason she gets up in the morning.

caregiver topic: I bought a dog to be my companion and stress reliever while I care for my husband. This the second time I have gotten a dog for me and the dog ends up stealing my husband! My husband a dog’s best friend. Lol

Our cat was devoted to our elder. She declined as he did. Constant yowling and confusion, but kitten- like. She's now fostered out and is being treated for feline hyperthyroidism. They had one last beautiful lap nap. She is as old as he was in cat years.
So loving and exasperating to read of our kitties being part of the care of our frail, dying loved ones.
I truly believe our cat was trying to help, in a cat-like way.

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