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hi! :)

it would be funny if we could meet face to face.
on the other hand, i also like our pseudonyms :).

today is chinese new year. 12/02/2021. (or written US-way, 02/12/2021).
it's another chance the start the year, fresh! :)
(for those of us who missed the 1st time around).

many of us are suffering, for various reasons.
i wish us well!

my post here is not specifically about care-giving.
it's just to give us encouragement and hope! :) :)

regarding chinese new year, there are many legends...
for example, that it was a race. 12 animals. the order of arrival, is the order of the animals in the calendar. one legend says, it was a race to greet and meet buddha.

there was a river. the finish line was on the other side.
...the rat managed to catch a ride on the ox's back (2021 is the year of the ox). the ox was strong and swam well. just before the finish line, the clever rat jumped off the back, and got past the finish line. first! (the way i interpret this, is sometimes you have to go alone. we've all been given help in our lives, teachers/family/etc. some things one must do alone, succeed at alone. jump and succeed!)
...the pig/wild boar, came last. he was so fast, he went past the finish line! he had to trot back. he came in last. (the way i interpret this, is that sometimes we've already reached the goal, and we don't realize it!...for example, perhaps some of us have done more than enough for our family).
...the dragon came in 5th! this was surprising, because with the dragon's wings, the race should have been a piece of cake for him! but, the dragon explained, he was delayed, when he saw a helpless rabbit, swimming and clinging onto a log. the dragon blew with his breath, the rabbit on the log, to shore. the rabbit came in 4th.

i wish us all a nice, fresh start with 2021 :).
kind to others, kind to ourselves :) !!

bundleofoy :)

Piper, your one year plan is reasonable and it will help you emotionally and mentally.

I have gave myself a one year plan a month or two ago. My plan is save up money and find a house. Then I will cleaned out my family home. Then I'll give my NM a choice. 1) she can still live here by herself and my NB (Golden Son) can & will move in and he can handle her finances and do what he wants with the house, which he will not pay the bills and he will move in two of his homeless friends and they'll party and do their drugs and I will not be her POA. Or 2) she moves to a AL or MC and I will remain her POA and make sure she is taken care of. The choice will be hers and she'll have to live with the consequences. However, she does not and will not know this until the time comes! You have no idea how freeing this feels! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Having a time line is good for us in many ways! We may have to adjust it, but it holds us countable for achieving our goal. Gives us hope in knowing that there is an end to this nightmare that we wake up to everyday. It gives us our power and sense of self and control back!!

Lea, my mother was a lair (still is) my whole life as well. She would lie to Jesus and think He would believe her! It would be funny if it wasn't so sad!

I have also caused my NM some distress and felt some malicious glee...not my proudest moments. But I do think it is human nature to hit (verbally) back every now and than. I think we just get to a point of being tired of being a emotional punching bag!

I kick a bag around so I don't kick my NM around! I am scared that she will push me over the edge. I have a horrible temper! Being half Irish and half Native American. Yikes!!

They really rewrite their history so that they have no discomfort and don't have to face any consequences (so they think) and they can tell themselves what they need to believe. Barb is on point!!

Chris, great advice! I have been in therapy for two yrs. He is not the best therapist for what I am going through with a NM. But he has helped me see myself for who I am and not what my NM tells me who I am. Not sure if that makes sense?!

Bundleofjoy, I didn't talk to my NM for 5 yrs and didn't talk to my NB for 9 yrs. However, my dad was Dx with cancer, so that open the door to her then my dad passed and I did what I was trained to do...step up and take care of everything and my NM. Because my NM could never handle big life stresses and now I know it is a narc thing! Narc for whatever reason can't handle big life changing moments. If life throws them a curve ball they will run and hid and hope someone else will catch the ball (so to speak)!

Kimber, great advice from your priest! I'm impressed. I've had a few moments of malicious glee to cause some distress for my NM, who's caused ME so much distress for SO long, I'll admit that.

EP: what sounds most reasonable to me is that you 'get a job' so you're not available to your mom at ALL from 9-5 (or whatever) each day so that she is FORCED to either be alone and TRULY independent, or, to hire someone to help her out/be a companion, or, to decide she doesn't like living alone anymore & Assisted Living is a great idea. If you don't force this issue, she will never budge from where she's at or be willing to budge b/c she's quite comfy in the director's chair, pretending to be 'independent' at YOUR expense. She's not independent even SLIGHTLY b/c you are doing everything for her AND being her entertainment committee. HOW else will she change until she's forced into it?

These women are impossible and we allow it, until WE are knocking at death's door ourselves and forced to make a change. EP, what if YOU go to the hospital or are forced into a rehab setting for a month or two to regain your strength, thanks to mother sapping it all ? Then what happens? Think about it. Such a scenario is not outrageous *God forbid* Everything is fine until it isn't fine anymore. We too can snap when we're pushed too far or too hard, you know?

I hate to say this, but my mother is getting easier to deal with now that she's gone further down the dementia path. She's convinced her sister who died in 2013 is still alive (along with her other sister who died 13 yrs ago) and they're wanting her to 'call them back' and come take care of the children. So the venom & anger is gone from her words and so is the complaining (for the time being) and has been replaced with confusion & wild stories about the entertainment she's enjoying at the MC! So odd, so different, such a break in the usual format of things. It's saddened me rather than frustrated/annoyed/angered me, so that's a new emotion for me to feel. Always SOME emotion is elicited, but not one that leads me to feel self-destructive, if that makes sense.

God help us all deal with these women. said something that I've been mulling over for a couple of days now:
"Narcissists will remember ANYTHING that suits them. To the rest of us, it would be "lying" but because of the peculiar nature of their personality makeup (they can't survivie their own reality, basically) their memories adapt to suit the circumstances." Some of this makes sense. My mother has always been a compulsive liar about EVERY word that comes out of her mouth. 90% of it, anyway. No matter how you cut it, they ARE genuine lies, but the reasoning BEHIND the lies makes sense. Such a sad thing narcissism truly is, isn't it? Whether it's a parent or a spouse or a child, it's all sad to witness and even sadder to be a victim of.

bundleofjoy: I had quite a few years of very very low contact with my NM: she and my dad were living in FLA and I was here in COLO and we spoke on the phone once a week. That was IT. They'd come to visit or vice versa once a year for a week, which was very difficult, to say the least, but then it was over. It was BLISS. While I go low contact now, I still wind up having some contact once a day, most days. There have been some days in a week recently with no contact (bliss) but as I explained above, my mother is declining with the dementia lately and easier to deal with in the deeply confused state. No longer as hostile and angry/mean as she's been all these years, which is nice. Odd isn't it, to be grateful (to some extent) for a HORRIBLE condition like dementia to take the ugliness OUT of a person??? But to replace it with delusions and confusion? Sigh.

Chris, you are The Voice of Reason, I love your posts. Thank you.

Have you ever felt a malicious glee when hurting someone's feelings? I'm ashamed to say i have.

Well - i started connecting that to my mom's manipulation and cruelty - i couldn't understand why, if she loved me as she claimed, she could be so selfish and mean to get her way - usually to make me do her will or often, whims. Often it seemed she was testing how far she could go.

This is a narc - you need to understand that you should protect yourself - they are not good for your mental health and self esteem. Of course, i didn't start to figure this out until i was in my 40's and decided i needed some counseling. I had gone to confession and was telling my priest about my negative feelings about my mom, and my struggles and of course, I was blaming myself. He listened - said my mom was hurting me - suggested i read a book called "Toxic Parents" and get some counseling to understand what she was doing to me and how i could create boundaries. Advice that saved my sanity and helped me achieve a happy self confidence and boundaries with my mom.

You deserve to be treated well

dear shell and lea,

hugs from me!!
i read your message shell, you wrote:

You shouldn't talk to your mother every day. Lea, she is bad for you just as mine is bad for me! I know you are all she has, but you told me, "The only way to survive is to go low and less contact." 


narcs really are bad for our health:
we'll see it in our bodies (usually over-eating, stress eating), on our faces (unhappy, not smiling), in our emotions, it'll spill over to other areas of our lives without us realizing it (we don't realize it, because we don't get to spend much time in our life, without abuse. maybe we've never had that EVER: for example 1 year with absolutely ZERO abuse). so most of us don't know what it feels like to live without abuse.

low contact is good.
it reduces opportunities for abuse.
----unfortunately, it doesn't stop the abuse. it'll never stop.

they feel good when they abuse us.
it has nothing to do with stress, lashing out, etc.
it's simply: they enjoy and feel good when they abuse their target.

every time you speak to a narc, you have a 50/50 chance they'll be mean/nice.

and it has nothing to do with you.
they choose. they control. they decide whether today they want to ruin your day, again.

that's what they do:
ruin our day.

my solution right now, is to take a break for a while.

hugs to all of us, caregivers!!!
wishing us to be kind to others AND ourselves.
wishing us to succeed in life, and be happy :).

bundle :)

Piper, what sounds reasonable is that you now have a plan, covering a few scenarios. I think what you also need are some other people to back you up and help you drive forward with whichever plan seems most appropriate, even if this is just moral support from friends and family (although health professional support would be very useful too). This would make you stronger and more able to withstand your mother's inevitable resistance.

I just want to thank everyone, again, for the insights after that stressful visit with my mom. To be honest I'm still reeling over her re-writing history about how she came to be here, but what Barb said made sense. I seriously need to GIVE UP on ANY kind of resolution coming from her on any issue. She can't reason anymore, still has the narc traits and it is just impossible.

She cancelled her doctor's apt with the Primary Care so I don't need to drive her this morning. DH saw her briefly yesterday when he took a case of water over, but I didn't talk to her at all.

Last night I was laying in bed thinking that I need to find the fastest path to get my mom into ALF MC. Unfortunately these last couple years I've proven to myself I can't handle my mom, let alone my mom AND dementia. I do not want the responsibility of trying to help her manage her life when she is impossible to deal with at every turn.

I am willing to deal with paying her bills and making sure she is doing okay in MC but I have no idea how long it will take to get to from where we are now, to that point.

I'm starting to think that this "charade of independence" stage might be the worse stage. Half baked brains still "in control" of their own lives with personality disorders magnified 100 times, driving, parrots, DUI's, etc. How can you work with people like this?

So... my thinking is I just have to take it a day at a time for now, and do the best I can to minimize more burn out. In my mind I'm giving myself another year. I don't know if that's the right way to look at this or not, but I can not continue with this "no end in sight" mind frame, it's horrible. I'm thinking one of three things will happen.

1- She doesn't progress all that much but becomes fearful of placement or me asking her to move so she accepts hired help and that extends things a bit longer.
2- Same progress as #1 but she doesn't accept help, nothing changes, and I DO tell her she must move because I can no longer manage her.
3- She progresses to where I can legally activate the DPoA and I move her to MC myself.

Does this seem reasonable?

I get it!! I have been cleaning up my NM messes, and mothering her since I was nine yrs old. We all have been mothering our NM in someway or shape. I wish I had some magic words for you to break the emotional chains and you could just be from feeling your NM every rotten to just feel the way you should in the most positive to to be just you.

We all have our devices. How could anybody grow up with a Tornado of a mother and stay somewhat insane without them? Mine are cigarettes and I take meds to sleep (insomniac). Had it since I was 3. I take meds to sleep and on really bad days I take a little more than I should because I get so tired of my NM control, her complaining, how she wishes she would die; I get tired of always solving problems, I get tired of just thinking about all the crap she has done to me, and feeling every emotion that God has put in us!!! No one is prefect & you are coping the best way you know how. One day at a time is all we can do and sometimes that is all we should do!

You use food to comfort yourself because you didn't have a mother to comfort you on top of her over feeding you. I had my cat to comfort me as a child and as soon as I moved out I got a cat and had one ever since. As a child we do not have the ability to figure out what is REALLY going on in our little worlds and we cannot even begin to problem solve in a healthy way. So we do what works as a child then we carry it into our adult lives no matter how much it is damaging us! Children are not meant to be caring for a parent(s). Our NM did not see nor did they care that that we were kids and they were the adults and how much damage they are causing us at such a young age!

My NM came at me with her wicked words one day and I looked right at her and said, "You say that I am mean and that I am a cold hearted Bit@h as if, I came out of your womb this way! No mother this is what happens when you neglect, beat, mistreat, use and abuse your child then you let your son do the same dam thing to me! You don't like me that's ok because you never liked me. But remember this, this cold hearted bit@h saved your health insurance after you bounce two checks in a row, plus saved this house by using my money to pay the back taxes and paid the house insurance because you and your son was spending more money then what you had coming in, and found you a bankruptcy lawyer, did all the paperwork and the running around after you and your son tried to rip me to shreds because dad wasn't here to stop you. Not to mention that I am the one who makes sure you have food, meds, and etc. So, you can think of me anyway you want, but if it wasn't for this cold hearted bit@h where in the h3ll do you think you would be right now if it wasn't for me!!" Then I walked out of the house and drove for a few hours!! She has never talked to me that way again!! Sometimes we just have to let the beast of and let them see the damage!

You shouldn't talk to your mother everyday. Lea, she is bad for you just as mine is bad for me! I know you are all she has, but you told me "The only way to survive is to go low and less contact." You need to learn that you are important in this world. You matter too and it is ok to put your needs before your NM needs. 💝💗

"One day at a time. If one day is to much, then one hour at a time. If one hour is to much, then one minute at a time." --Unknown

Took my mother for her annual check up at the medical centre this morning. I’ve previously posted about problem 1 being resolved but being swiftly followed by demands to deal with problems 2,3,4 and so on. Had a taste of this again today. The weather was terrible, with snow and icy roads, and I found the drive very stressful. We got there, I parked up and must have waited for about 30 minutes outside while she went in. Due to COVID restrictions, I wasn’t allowed to wait inside. It was really cold and uncomfortable. After she came out and got back in the car, there was no thanks (as far as she was concerned, that was problem 1 resolved); instead she wanted to give me a blow by blow account of her appointment (problem 2) and also check I had brought some things she had asked for (problem 3), whilst somehow simultaneously managing to ask me to buy some more items for her (problem 4), but I needed to drive off as the car park was full and there were people queuing for spaces. Couldn’t we just finish dealing with problem 1 first? I kept asking her to put on her seatbelt as the alarm kept going off in the car, and I couldn’t hear what she was saying anyway as she was masked up and I had a hat rammed down over my ears to keep out the cold!! After asking her 3 or 4 times she finally buckled up and we set off. She kept on and on all the way home. She just wanted to offload everything on me. I gave up telling her I couldn’t hear and let it wash all over me while I focused on not crashing the car. I guess that was me setting a boundary? I had ignored problem 2 as it was a non-problem. We got back to her place, I unloaded the things she’d previously asked for (that was problem 3 resolved without further fuss) and I told her to hold on her request for more stuff (problem 4) as it wasn’t urgent and I have already said she needs to keep a list of what she needs rather than fire off demands randomly. More boundaries? I think so! I came home having used up my entire morning, so then focused on preparing a nice meal for DH, and for son who goes back to Uni tomorrow, so it’s our last family meal for a while. Cooking was been far more rewarding for me than racing around to satisfy unnecessary demands. Piper, hope there are some clues in here for how to deal with your mum tomorrow!

Piper....why have you not gotten that 9-5 daily job yet that PREVENTS you from seeing or speaking to NM????? It's your answer. At least "my job" keeps me from dealing with mine during the day.

Piper, Barb is right. You need to put some distance between you and your mother in order to protect your health. Maybe you also need a few stock phrases you can trot out when she gets out of control and is upsetting you. E.g.“ We’ll talk again later when you’re calmer”, “We can’t discuss things if you’re shouting”, “I understand you’re upset but we need to do this calmly”. Then walk away. My mother refused to look at the supported living literature for weeks, and kept passing it back to me, but I just kept giving it back to her. Then one day I saw her reading it, and left her to it, rather than try and sell it to her. If your mum does this with the companion aid info, rejects it, but keeps on complaining, another one of your stock responses could be “ well, the solution to these problems is the companion aid”. You’ll probably have to say it a thousand times, but so what? It gives you a short response each time and doesn’t require any thinking to just trot it out. Your stance needs to be “ what bought-in care do you need to make life easier?” rather than your mother’s stance of “you need to care for me 24/7”. Regarding seeing your mother tomorrow, read what I am about to post next....

EP, just so you know, narcissists will remember ANYTHING that suits them. To the rest of us, it would be "lying" but because of the peculiar nature of their personality makeup (they can't survivie their own reality, basically) their memories adapt to suit the circumstances.

My dear, you are going to have a stroke (I'm not exagerating) if you keep this up. You need to protect yourself from your mother.

Thanks Chris. That FOG is something else. I'm glad I left when I did, and I'm going to pull back more and more whether she likes it or not.

I have to see her tomorrow morning because I told her I would take her to an early appointment with her primary care doctor. She hasn't seen him in close to a year and I didn't want her to miss it. But I'm not calling today, and going forward I'm going to keep minimizing contact as much as possible.

I like your idea about leaving some literature about companion services. I don't have any on hand but I'm going to have some sent to me. Yes she will take it personal and get angry, how dare I expect her to hire someone to visit when I could do it myself like any decent daughter would. Reality is I MUST limit my contact with her or this entire gig will blow up in both of our faces. I sometimes wonder if I should tell her that very thing?!

Piper, “there were no screaming matches and I was out the door in 2 minutes”. I’d call that a result, but I guess you’re so upset you can’t see that as you’d endured so much before setting that boundary. It sounds like you’ve just had another lesson in FOG. Fear of seeing your mum and what she might say/do next, the Obligation you felt in listening to the monologue for an hour and the subsequent Guilt she instilled in you before you left. Try and see the FOG for what it is - then ditch it! If you’ve got some info on getting a companion aid, put it through her door with an explanatory note from you. Of course she will reject it and make a fuss, but this will enable you to plant the idea at least. If it was me I would seriously consider not calling round there until she is ready to discuss the idea. I think you need to develop a plan of action that you can stick to even when she tries to steer you off it, as she will surely do.

Lea, you need an extended breather from your mom. I unfortunately know this is much easier said than done but it gets to a point where it is necessary. I think when she flipped the child lock on the bed remote and all the hassle and then DH having to go find the manual and fix it all etc, only to have her call and give the staff praise not even remembering DH was the one to fix it while you were on the phone with all those morons-- was just a last straw type thing. And it's possible to have "last straws" over and over again as the time drags on when dealing with this elder care narc hell. When BOTH things present - their full on narcissism AND the dementia... well I can't think of anything more challenging to deal with, period.

My visit with my mom yesterday did not go well. I never did get around to suggesting a companion aid once a week because things broke down before it got to that point and I left.

Initially I spent an hour listening to the usual one sided conversation and various complaints, and kept calm. Then she turned the conversation to Sunday when she left during football, and said "I don't know why you seemed mad at me"-- I said I wasn't mad I was watching the game, but this was a lead in and I said "although I do get frustrated because I can't give you all the socialization you need".

This led to her telling me two things that put my stomach in knots. One was that she would be more sociable when she gets her driver's license back. I did not say a word. I wanted her to finish that thought as fast as possible and there was NO way I was getting into THAT discussion.

Then - she proceeds to tell me that I was the one to talk her into moving here!!! She started "recalling" FLAT OUT untruths, false info, delusions, I don't know what to call it, finally I blurted out- Hold on, I was there TOO for these conversations and I remember them crystal clear! You called me telling me you NEEDED to move! I did not initiate any of this!

Ugh, my heart was beating so fast at this point. I actually felt dizzy. I don't even remember how I deescalated the conversation at that point, because there was obvious tension in the air but there were no screaming matches and I was out the door in less than two minutes.

I don't know if it's possible my mom was really believing what she said about me asking her to move here, or if this is some kind of sick manipulation? A part of me felt like she recognizes the burden she is to me, and her own unwillingness to compromise or God forbid suggest an ALF. She is okay with burdening me, and IT'S MY OWN FAULT, because don't you know, I was the one to ask her to move by me.

Shell.........I am always open to advice 😁. As much as I try not to internalize my mother's issues, she keeps me on edge a lot, especially lately as her dementia is worsening. She keeps me off kilter......I explain it like I'm holding up a shield to ward off the blows and arrows that she's shooting at me, dodging them and ducking down, away from them to protect myself.

I wake up with a lot of anxiety too.

Food makes me feel protected......I was force fed as a baby and a child, so it's my go to substance....weird, I know. When I was frightened as a kid, I'd sneak food into my room and eat it when I was was my only friend and companion, as an only child. Everything was counted though and kept track of by mother, so it was hard. I ate salt ffs. Because you can't keep track of salt and get in trouble when it's found missing.

Now it numbs, not salt. Shuts me down like any other addictive substance would. I'm just sick and effing tired of all of the crap I've gone through every day for the past 10 years now. I don't want to feel anymore. Or think. Or worry. Or look at the MC number come up on the phone and panic. Or hear the I want to die stories or ANYTHING anymore, I just need this to end. The new meds, she says, aren't helping the pain, as usual, so it's just more effort in vain. It's all just gone on too long now, for both of us. There are no more solutions to consider, you know? I want so badly to disconnect in every way imaginable......I am just the only person left in her life now. DH called her tonight instead of me and listened to the nonsense, which was nice.

One day at a time, right?

Last night I watch the movie 'Riding in Cars with Boys' with Drew Barrymore. I have seen this movie a 100 times give or take. Well, last night I was watching it and it hit me like a mac truck. It is the prefect movie about a teen girl gets pregnant and has a son and makes everything about her! I never realized that the under tone of this movie has a narcissistic element to it! I saw myself in it. At the end or close to the end, the son tells his mother how he is not in one piece. That he can't leave her (his mother) because if he does and something bad happens to her it will be his Fault! That is how I have always felt. If I do this, how is that going to make my mother feel or if I say this, how is that going to make her feel?! The son ends up making his mother (Drew) cry and he apologizes to her even though he did nothing wrong! That is me!! Sigh! I'll never see that movie the same ever again!!☹

I am done feeling guilty for just breathing and have been for a few years. I guess, my NM has put shame on me more in the last few years then she ever did. However, I am trying to not feel ashame because like you told me "it's not me that is unlovable or messed up in the head-it's her." I too used to chew on my nails and the tops of pens! I had a teacher tell me in JR High that I was a nervous girl! Gee I wonder why...because my NM would put me through h3ll!!
Lea I don't usually give you advice, but have you thought about emotionally & mentally disconnect. I am not talking about 'gray rocking,' but just take her problems as a matter-of-fact! No emotions!! I know this is WAY EASIER SAID THEN DONE! But try to make her problems not be your problem. Yes, unfortunately you do have to solve her self made problems, but you don't have to solve all of them! Or some how turn the problem around back on to her. For example, she calls crying and says this broke or they won't let me have a snack or whatever it is and you say, "Gee mom, that sounds very upsetting to you. What can YOU do about it? Yes, I have done both of these to my own NM and it works; however, I get stucked in more than I care to admitted. But I just keep trying it! It is just something for you to think about! We all care about you and we (I think I can talk for everyone on this thread) don't want anything bad to happen to you!! You deserve so much more...we all do!!!

Chris, you have made some very good points on how a NM will have problem 1 and before you can put that fire out she is on problem 2, 3, 4, and on-and-on it goes...'A NEVER ENDING TRAIN OF PROBLEMS! It is exhausting and very stressful and the NM just moves right through it as if there was no problem in the first place leaving us with the burned. It seems for me that I am always waiting for the next thing to happen...the next mess my NM will make...the next cunning thing she will do to me...the next nasty comment she will make to me. Just in waiting for something to happen is exhausting in itself! And no matter how much I might be drowning my NM never seems to notice and if she does I am sure she doesn't care. Living with my NM has aged me 5 to 6 yrs. My anxiety and PTSD is getting out of control. It is like living with a tornado 🌪. You never know when it will hit. You just know it will at some point!

My NM use to do the samething. I would think we were talking about the same subject just to figure out she would be talking about something different. I have found that if I tell her to focus she tends to say on the same subject and also having her repeat back to me what I said. Do this random throughout the conversation! I don't know if this will help.🤞

Piper, I feel for you. Having anxiety myself and it sucks, especially, when it is amp up in the morning. Then it is like it is with you all day-at least that is how is for me!

OKay, so when I have confronted my mother she says, "oh if I was dead you wouldn't have to take care of me." Or "I wish God would just take me because I seem to be to big of a problem for you." I tell her that her guilt trips don't work anymore!

Here is to all of us! 👏👏👏👏
Report hit the nail on the head. Moving from one invented crisis to another and another, that's the NM, even with dementia. Even WORSE with dementia! Instead of me staring at my dinner then throwing it out, I'm the one eating seconds and never feeling full! 😣 That's MY stress response. Eat everything that isn't nailed down as in more self punishment, I think. I've found addictive ways to shut out all the pain and inner turmoil my whole life. Eating drinking smoking. Never drugs thank God. Got rid of the smoking and drinking, still working on the eating. I also bit my nails horribly for 23 years. Oral fixations much?

EP.....once a week is a start I suppose. I hear you about the dread. I feel it ALL the time.


I love your analogy of problems 1, 2, and so on!!!

There are times when talking to Mom that I think we're on one subject and somehow she's twisted things to be a completely different issue! It's like I'm in some kind of time warp and missed an intire part of the conversation!

All I can do is scratch my head in amazement. How does she do it!!🤯

Piper, maybe this will help: I read an interesting article last night about dealing with anger in others. It suggested we need to accept someone is angry, which is an emotion after all and should be validated. However, we do not need to accept the aggression that results from this anger, whether this is verbal as in shouting, insults or whatever, or physical which might include shunning you as a punishment. Unlike anger, aggression is a behaviour and it is possible for someone to adapt their behaviour (whether they choose to is another matter entirely). Put simply: validate the anger, put boundaries on the agression. In your mother's case, you could tell her that you recognise her anger and upset but that you cannot accept her aggression towards you. You could then walk away so she sees that her agressive behaviour leads to consequences. When/if she is calm enough to talk sensibly, you can open up a dialogue again. In this way you are rewarding her good behaviour and not enabling the aggression. None of this will be easy and you may need to repeat this approach many many times, but it gives you a framework of what you will and won't accept. You have a suggestion which could help her. She can take it or leave it but aggression towards you is not acceptable.

"I’ve found that writing about one’s experiences and coping strategies, plus reading how other people have coped, as well as the general forum support, have been so helpful in dealing with my own situation."

Same here Chris! I only wish I would have found this forum sooner, pre-move!

My anxiety is high this morning because I have plans to go see my mom in a few hours. I need to let her know that depending on me for 100% of her social life is not sustainable, and she has to figure something out. I'm going to suggest she hire a companion once a week. I know this conversation will not go well and I am dreading it.

Lea, what you’ve just highlighted here is that despite just getting over one crisis, the NM swiftly moves on to the next “problem “ for you to fix, taking no account of how mentally and physically exhausted you might be from dealing with problem 1. They are already onto problems 2, 3, 4 and so on. If you try to keep up with this pace it will make you ill, as I can testify to. It’s amazing how quickly the “difficulties “ they have dramatised about the first problem just disappear as they move on to the next. In doing so they are dumping the burden and the fall out from each of these problems onto you, causing you acute levels of stress. For me, this would mean that after a day of this behaviour, I would be so wound up and exhausted that I couldn’t eat. I would cook a lovely meal then just stare at it before throwing it away. My mother, in contrast, would be tucking into her food as if nothing had happened. You’re right when you say it’s too much to deal with - of course it is. And of course the NM tunes this out, as it’s of no relevance or help to them to hear your cries for help. I would tell my mother the same thing when the demands got too much and I felt I would buckle under the burden. If I got a response to this it would be to say she wished she was dead (see what I mean about our NMs all saying and doing the same things?) or that she was sorry she was such a burden to me (in a sarcastic voice meant as a slur, not an empathetic apology). The only way I have found to deal with all of this is to reduce contact and to say no to many of the demands, especially when they are obvious “non-problems “. Otherwise, you are drawn into an ever increasing race to fix these never ending dramas, at great personal cost to your health. Let the calls go to voicemail and don’t respond immediately. Think about how you’ve been conditioned to leap into action to satisfy every demand, and instead try to over-ride this initial response. Do things on your terms, not theirs. In my experience if my NM doesn’t get what she wants out of me, she finds another fool to do her bidding. Now that’s unfortunate for the other fool, but it’s not my problem nor my burden.

Thanks Barb & I agree. I DO need 2 weeks off from EVERYTHING and everyone. Translation: MY MOTHER!

When I spoke to her tonight, she said 'they fixed my broke bed'. I said CHUCK fixed your broken bed, mom.' He did????????? Yes he did. Then she glossed right over it and went on to say what a horrrrrrrrrrrrrrible thing happened at dinner with the 'old lady' she ate with and how she was supposed to come to MY house tonight but is now too upset to leave her apartment. Sigh. She was worked up into a frenzy (as usual) and then saying she wants to die and I wound up raising my voice quite high to snap her OUT of the pity party she was having! I told her to be grateful she's alive, has a WORKING BED that my DH spent all day trying to get figured out, and that she doesn't have cancer. Sometimes it's all too much to deal with and I told her so. Then suddenly she can't 'hear' what I'm saying, so I hope she heard me say GOODNIGHT MOM.

Shell: Guilt means you feel you've done something wrong (like you said); Shame means you feel you ARE something wrong. My mother has tried so hard to instill shame AND guilt in me for my whole life. Not buyin' it ma. I have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed FOR. Neither do ANY of us here, Ladies. We've all gone above & beyond for our NMs and just b/c THEY can't see it or appreciate it doesn't mean we haven't DONE it!

We deserve a round of applause!!!!!!!!!! How do you get that applause emoji?

It is truly mind blowing that we all are not drunks in some ally somewhere. We are way more normal then we have any right to be.

I am honored to be standing with all of YOU as well! 😊💜💙💚❤💖💗

I just want to say how grateful I am for ALL of you!!

We share these absolutely frustrating and mind bending experiences and yet we're still standing!!!

We are all trying to carry on life as normal, when the truth is that our lives have become anything but normal!! And yet we're still standing!!

I'm honored to be standing with you ALL!!!

Lea, ((((((hugs)))))). You deserve 2 weeks off.


I am sorry that you had a horrible day!( I swear in today's world you CAN NOT get people to do their job or even know the products that they sell!

And your right, you can't win with a NM if your life depended on it.

My NM says, "she is a loner because she doesn't want or need friends." I say, "your a loner because you can't get along with anybody." Of course, I just say it in my head!! Narcs have tunnel vision and it is a very narrow tunnel! Wouldn't you agree? Hugs!!

Chris, you are so right! Reading about NPD and reading the posts, plus, talking to others about their experiences growing up with a NM does make a world of difference. Before this thread, I thought my mother was crazy (and she is), but I thought I was going crazy too. I felt very alone and that no one could even begin to understand the pain and horror of my mother and what she has done! That I was alone! Now, I see that I am not alone...that it was never was & is her! That I am not defected and unlovable...she is!!! Thanks to Lea and all of you that share your stories. Hugs!!

You need to find away to stop feeling guilty. "Guilt implies that you did or going to do something to cause another person pain or hurt them in some way." You have not and don't do any of this. You are a caring and wonderful person. I have learned that guilt is a wasted adds nothing to one's life...but it sure can take away parts of you if you let it! Now when my mother tries to guilt me I ignor her or like EP I get angry. Your mother...All of our mothers should be the one's feeling guilty, Not us! They had us or raised us...they use & abuse us...they hurt us! It was their job to take care of us not the other way around. Do something nice for yourself. Hugs!!

I don't care much for Dr. Phil, but he wrote a book call "Life Code, new rules for the world we live in. (I think that is the title) I read it years ago and I swear as God as my witness that book is a guide book for spotting out Narcs. When I think back on that book and as I am reading articles on narcs there is to many characteristics that are the same. He tells you how you can point them out. It is an amazing book and in my opinion, his only best book he ever written. I think everyone should read it!

EP says, "Then these types wonder why people don't enjoy being around them."
So true! ONLY an NM would ever question WHY people don't LOOoooove being around them and wonder why? Ridiculous.

Today was gruesome. I get a call from the MC at 10 am. The brand new adjustable bed that was $1200 isn't working and it's stuck with the head down & the feet up. The remote is 'frozen' and won't do anything. Oh, and they can't find the OWNERS MANUAL and wonder if mother threw it out? Did I mention that everything in her world MUST look picture perfect, like a magazine? NO papers can be on tabletops or out in plain view, ever. In fact, she's 'lost' her phone book SO many freaking times that I had to send an email over there to ask the staff to write our phone numbers in magic marker on her dry erase board on the wall so they wouldn't get lost again.

I called the store and spoke to knuckle & head, the 2 salesman who between them do not have one full brain. One gave me the wrong code to unlock the child lock he felt my mother activated by pressing too many buttons. He gave me the LOCK code. It didn't work. When I called back, head gave me another code, which also did not work! 3 hours later, I get a call from my mother who's gleefully shouting "DID YOU HEAR THE GOOD NEWS? MY BED IS BROKE." Honest to God, that is what she said. Here I am, flustered beyond belief, trying to deal with knuckle & head and then THIS! They then told me to call SEALY customer service, there was nothing they could or would do for me! Including a refund, nor would they honor the warranty unless the manufacturer said there was a problem! OMG! I called Sealy, got some guy named Muga I could not understand who swore to me he'd call DH at 2:30.........I got the MC to agree to let DH inside to be walked through the troubleshooting by Muga. Muga never called! The owners manual knuckle sent me was the WRONG one! By the grace of God, DH found the real one in her room and FIXED the remote! The child lock WAS on! I told the MC to REMOVE the effing remote from my mother's possession (who said I NEVER TOUCHED IT I"M DEATHLY AFRAID OF IT) and to put both the remote AND the manual up in her closet where she cannot reach it.

You can't make this stuff up. Now I'm sorry I purchased an adjustable bed for her. I should have bought just a regular old mattress & box spring for her to complain about instead of an adjustable bed that would be easier for the staff to get her OUT of in the mornings. She's already fallen out of it twice, which has her up to 57 falls (last I counted), but no injuries. Go figure. Now she's scared of the bed and blah blah. Whoever thinks that we have nothing to do once our LOs are placed in ALs have NO IDEA what they're even talking about. The headaches NEVER end. Literally.

Jodi, your NM is going to continue to twist, lie, manipulate & coerce you into thinking you're doing 'something wrong' ie: causing you GUILT until & unless you bow down & agree to her terms about moving. And, even if you DO, she will STILL continue to twist, lie, manipulate and guilt you into thinking you're doing 'something wrong' b/c NMs are never, ever satisfied with things as is. The grass is always greener on the other side, until they GET there, then it's brown & dead, making them want to move on to the next greener pasture, and so on. Stand your ground. She won't like it, but think about it, what DOES she like? Nothing. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't, so you may as well have things on YOUR terms and be damned! :)


Thank you for the kind words!!

You're so right!! Hearing from all of you, and knowing that I'm not crazy for feeling the way I do, brings great comfort!!

I understand how incredibly hard it must be for someone who's had a wonderful relationship with their Mom to comprehend why those of us who grew up with NMs feel the way we do. And harder still, to comprehend the immense guilt that we have to overcome!

As predicted, my Mom just called. I just let it go to voice mail. I did check her message, but she simply gave her name and said "you know my number ". So no emergency!

Also as predicted, came the ensuing guilt!

It must be 5 o'clock somewhere! Lol

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