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Snoopy- that sounds like a great times. So glad you enjoyed. Isn't it always such a bonus when someone will exert themselves to do something kind.
So glad you and Dad had a good time and that laughter was involved. What a blessed time.

God is good everyday, and everyday God is good.

Many blessing to be thankful for each day. Some I don't even know about or call to mind, but I know they are there as I am still breathing.
I am grateful for the worship this day and two very good sermons.
Edification from church family and we are all home safe and sound.
I have 2 more days off and then work 3 days this week and then Lord willing next week I have most of it off to take Mom on a short trip for her birthday.
Thank you Lord for all the things I know about and those I don't.

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Ephesians 3:17-21

Hallelujah, I made it through 48 hours of work this week and I am quite worn, but quite joyous that the Lord brought me through it.
What I am most excited and thankful for is that tomorrow is Mom's 79th birthday. We will be taking her on a short birthday trip. I am working Monday so we will leave early Tuesday morning Lord willing of course. She is so excited and that makes me happy.
Thank you Lord for your mercy and kindness and love towards us.

“Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever.”
Psalms 118:4

I'm thankful for a great sermon from the pastor's wife today. (He's in Texas for a conference). She preached on the book of Samuel-how sad Hannah was not to be able to have children. How she went to the temple and cried hysterically in her sadness to the Lord. (They thought she was drunk!)
The Lord gave her peace (without giving her an answer) and she was able to resume eating and carry on with her life. Of course she became the mother of Samuel. I got huge comfort from that story because I'm in the same position of sadness. I have a son who is a heroin addict. My heart has been breaking for 10 years. I need to give up trying to fight this and give it to God. Then I, too, will receive peace. Easier said than done but I don't want to be in psychological pain anymore. The Lord provides if we do our part by giving it to Him.

On another note, I finally had all the things I needed come together and I gave a 3 week notice to my job. The hard part will be telling the patient's family on Tuesday. I've worked with them for almost 3 years. But I need to give my back a rest and move on to something more mind stimulating. Thanks to God for giving me the blessings to make it possible for me to leave. I have tried to be a blessing to them.

I am going over tomorrows itinerary, Mom is snoozing away,worn out from today's activities and sites. Our trip is going well and hopefully tomorrow will be just as fun for her. It has been a lovely day.
Thank you Lord for everything.

The hard part is now over. After a prayer in the car, I went in to my patient's home yesterday and told his parents that I'm retiring. The poor husband, (who looks after his 62 year old wife with Stage 3 Alzheimer's AND their 25 year old autistic, epileptic son who functions at a 3 year old level), looked panicked, his wife started crying. Very hard but a necessary step for me.
It's so hard to do something for yourself when others get hurt in the process. Thank God I got through it.

Next hurdle-last day of work Sept. 20th. 😳 Thankfully we have the Lord to help us through.


Happy Birthday to your dear mom! And so glad you’re all enjoying this trip. That is truly a great blessing!


Congratulations in taking the first steps towards your freedom from work! I know leaving part of your previous life behind (yes, I’m already calling it ‘previous’! :) is not easy, specially for someone that cares about others like you do. But it will be so good for you Sue! And it is YOU time.

About your son, I’m not even going to start trying to imagine what you’ve gone through all these years, but all I know is that as human beings all we can do when we face something that seems to be an impossible, is to pray and find a way to pray with absolute TRUST in God, with the conviction that He will provide. Although it seems very hard to believe that God is handling the situation when we honestly see no signs of His intervention. But He is, and He is also always listening to your prayers. There is no more powerful prayer than the prayer of a mother for her child, God’s ears always welcome those prayers that come from the deepest and most sincere love. The love of a mother.

Keep praying, consistently, vehemently, with FAITH, the faith that ensures us that God is able and always willing to help us. Be patient, and find peace in your heart in knowing that God is present, is listening and will act.

May that peace allow you to embrace your new stage of life and make the best out of it. Retirement is a great moment to re-assess what we really want to accomplish in life, what we want to experience and how we want to impact others’ lives. I’m sure you’ll make great choices as to what to make out of your “freedom” years! :)

Thank you Rosses. Hope all is well as possible with you and your Mom. Always praying for you.
Sue- Rosses said it all. So glad God gave you the strength and courage to do what you need to do. And best wishes and prayers for you in this next part of your journey.

Ya'll I cannot express the gratitude I feel for the Lord's mercy this day. We just arrived home from Mom's birthday trip. She is fast asleep. I am about ready to sleep. It was a wonderful trip. We saw some amazing and beautiful Lord's creations. And we saw some really wonderful places and did some fun things. All over too fast of course.
But, we all needed that and it did us good. Mom had the best time and she just was so amazed with all we saw and did.
What a huge blessing for us this was. Now back to reality. I am planning another small trip in November and Lord allowing we will go. I personally am a homebody, but she loves to travel. So I do it for Her and my Dad who did not like to travel, but wanted Her to.

Much love an prayers for you all and I am blessed also that my aging care family is here. Thank you Lord.

Another day to try and do better. Another day to try and love the Lord God with all my mind, heart and soul.
Thank you Lord.

What timing (God's faithfulness) that brought a bit of extra money into the bank account JUST when we needed to buy 4 new tires, 2 new shock absorbers, a new battery, pay the mechanic and have gas money to drive this old car (223,000 miles) around for another year!

Praise God for He always provides when it's necessary.
Thank you 🙏🏼

Yay!! What a blessing Sue. God is Great and Faithful, isn't He?

I'm blessed to have the opportunity and time to spend with both my parents...who still live on their own...who still recognize me as their daughter...who appreciate every gift the Lord has given. Time is so fleeting. This site has blessed me with awareness that I am not alone and to treasure these moments...the enjoyable as well as the challenging. Blessed Be!

Took Mom to get her hair done today. She really likes it and it made her feel good. Then she had a Dr. appointment of which her lab work is all good. Took her to lunch and had just a girls day out. Thank you Lord.

That is wonderful, Smeshque! It's so nice to get out and have a little fun, isn't it? Glad you had that time.

Today was a day full of blessings. A dentist appointment went better than I had expected. I had two nice walks, one downtown during the morning during which I popped into a thrift shop and browsed, and one evening walk to a local park and back. My dad and I had a nice time reading together and then watching TV.

Thanks, Lord!

It has been a nice day, and I have finally kicked my soda and chocolate habit. YAY!!!
Thank you Lord for all your blessings, grace and mercy

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Thanks, Lord, for being greater than all our habits and foibles!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Had a nice day today, took Mom on a day trip. She had a good time. I had a scheduled day off from work. But, the person who was to take my place this day called off. I ignored the calls and texts that was asking me to come in. I did not want to disappoint Mom and thought that the people at work will survive without me. I don't even feel guilty, I hope that is ok. But, I really didn't want to disappoint Mom or I would have went in. But, i am glad I did not as she had such a good time. More important than a job.
The man who lost his wife is getting out more. We still visit as oft as we can, but he is out and about so much now it is hard to catch him at home. That is a good thing. Today on our way out of town(he calls to tell us if he will be home or not that day, so we dont waste a trip as he says)Well we knew where he would be and went and found him just to give him a hug and tell him we love him. He always thinks it is really something when we do.
Thank you Lord for all your blessings this day and every.


I think we caregivers, through our experiences learn what true priorities are in life. Our loved ones are always a priority.

Easy to forget on a “normal” day to day routine when we haven’t gone through what we go through as caregivers. I find that to be another great blessing that comes to each of us in our journey. Glad you chose right and spent a good day with your mom!

John 3:15-17, quite a blessing

2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.....

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

Psalms 18:2,6

Seems no one has been counting their blessings. So sad we sometimes do not even realize how blessed of a people we are. I am guilty of that. But, I am truly grateful that the Lord is of tender mercy and forgives us when we are weak and overlook his blessings.
I am counting my blessings this day. My family is well. I got to spend the day mowing, cleaning car parts for my DH, and shopping with Mom.
I have been trying to enjoy anything I am doing whether it be something I like or dislike.
I have had a huge load removed from me and I feel like I am floating now. If that makes any sense.
I am grateful to the Lord for the very breath HE gives me, for the patience when my Mom talks non stop. For endurance when I feel so weak.
Thank you Lord God.

“...With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” 
Mark 10:27

I count my blessings everyday. I just don't see the need to do it on this site. Smesque, I know you mean well but it does say in the Bible to not do your good deeds publicly. Does it not? Please don't:t assume that just cause people on this site aren't posting their blessings on this thread that it means they aren't counting them.

So, I signed up for my classes today, a little nervous but also excited. I begin on Monday.
My Mom likes walking outdoors only. I tried a treadmill she does not like to walk on treadmills. But with the weather and my not being able to walk with her as much, I was concerned about her getting exercise. Although, she pittles and moves about all day doing things, but I wanted her to actually get exercise. I have an exercise bike that I use daily. Mostly as a stress reliever and as something I can do to maintain when she talks a lot. I have tried to get her to use it, but she declined. We went to a yard sale a few weeks ago and I saw this old school exercise bike with a nice big soft seat, and I got it. I thought maybe she would try this one. Well we got it home and I put it next to mine and told her to ride with me. She got on the bike and she said it wasn't so bad. Now on her own initiative, she has been making it a point to ride that bike twice a day. She likes to see how far she can ride and has gotten excited about it. I am so happy that we found something for her that she enjoys, especially when we can't get out and walk as much. But its so cute that she is so excited about it and enjoys it. I am so thankful for that blessing.

Gershun- I did not mean it the way you took it. I was mostly speaking to the ones who post here. Not to those who don't. I do not believe praising the Lord for blessings is boasting. But we share on this site, so I thought and I am sorry if you were bothered by what I said but it was not directed at you. I was just talking about myself mostly.I do not assume because no one counts there blessings here they are not. You have taken my comment all wrong and for that I am sorry. Please don't take the comments on here as anything other than people praising God in the midst of our struggles, recognizing His blessings when we feel so down. Why would you have anything negative to say about that? I do not go in other threads and criticize anyone for not counting their blessings. If you read the topic and the intro you will understand what this thread is about.Again my comment was about me if you will read it carefully, I said something I am guilty of.

Smeshque, so awesome about the classes, very exciting!

Glad your mom likes the exercise bike too. It's always good when you find something they enjoy. Plus it helps keep her healthy too.

I've been encouraged reading here how God has blessed others and is working even in the midst of hard situations. I don't post mine here often, mainly because lately I'm thankful for a lot of the same things in the midst of the hardships - my husband, who has been very supportive through everything, our kids, and just having food, a roof over my head, things I often take for granted. And now the central heating since it's finally started to get cold here lol

Sorry Smeshque, I've been having a tough week. Didn't mean to take it out on you.

Oh Gershun, I am so very sorry you had a bad week. We all do at times, I know how that is. Please forgive me if I was hurtful in any way, I would never want nor intend to be. I hope you have a better week. I will keep you in my prayers and you are one of my blessings this day. Hang in there.

“My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.” 
Psalms 73:26

I had some wonderful blessings today. Gorgeous weather, yummy food, some great moments in the backyard in between my caregiving and housekeeping tasks. Took my dad (and an elderly family friend, who is blind and a bit on the autism spectrum but a good guy and good-natured, whom my dad has been taking to church since the 80's) to church this evening. Wonderful sermon. The pastor is a gifted speaker but this time he really outdid himself. His theme was "But God. . ." As in, we might say, I want to do this or that for God, but I can't because of this that and the other, but I have this problem, but I . . , etc. And yet:

"But God chose the foolish things of the earth to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." 1 Corinthians 1:27

Wonderful Snoopy. Sounds like a wonderful day.Sounds like a great sermon. We all need to hear.

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