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Snoopy, had to laugh when at your post; "But God" is one of my favorite sayings! When we're talking about something we can't do, or seems, impossible, or bad, I say "But God....", and it's much better. NONE of it's impossible for Him, and He's done so many things for us and ours, such a track record.... and almost always in ways we would never have thought of!

I have a blessing that is important to share, it is the blessing of a lot -and I mean a lot- of people praying for the same cause. This is not caregiving related per se, but if anyone follows international news specifically related to Nicaragua where I’m currently living to take care of my mom, you may have heard that the violence and abuse generated from deep political problems and a government that is trying to quiet down everybody that dares to say anything against them through bullets. Over 500 people dead in five months and so many others in prison or not found. So many families suffering! It is heartbreaking.
Today it was a very rough day as many other people were taken by the government just for trying to do a civil and pacific demonstration. So, myself, my mom (who is suffering a lot with all this, on top of having to deal with her illnesses) and people all over Nicaragua, feeling frustrated and desperate from seeing all this injustice, got united in prayer.

I share this knowing this is out of the caregiving context, but so real, and a true blessing to be able to keep in mind that even though the world may appear to be falling apart around us, there is always the hope that comes from knowing that God is present, even in the midst of despair, He is always present.

And it would be much appreciated if you found a little time to pray for this country that needs to get closer to God and away from individual interests.

Thank you so much!!

Definitely praying for the safety of you and your family and peace in your country, and hearts to turn to God.
I know your faith carries you through these times.
Much love and prayers for you.

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psalms 84:11

Definitely, Rosses. Lord, please bless all the good people of your beloved country of Nicaragua, protect the safety and freedom of the people, and please bring your justice and peace to everyone. Amen!

Thank you for this post. I too agree that starting each day being thankful for what we have is the best way to start our day. My days are rough and lonely since my husband is in the nursing home. I’m trying to get back on a routine. Praying and being thankful first seems to help. God bless you!!

Kimberly, please know you are not alone. The Lord is always there just waiting on us to give Him time. And we are all here for you as well. I know it must be difficult. Draw your strength from Him. You are in my prayers.

Psalms 5:3
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Thank you so much for putting things in perspective. I definitely try to look at the better side of things, and remind myself, that although I may be tired and wish I had some me time, I truly know that others may have a heavier load to carry, and I should just be grateful to the Lord for the good days. ..

Some great blessings today. We took dad for a concert at church tonight, an a cappella men's choir. Very fun. Dad was tuckered out when we got home, but happy. Thanks, Lord!

Snoopy that sounds like a great time, so glad you had it.
I always enjoy reading your blessings.

Mom- Keep up the good work. I know it is a struggle.

Had two good sermons today. Both basically about putting life into perspective and what we are really made to do. Its so easy if we think about it, but actually putting it into practice and always doing it is the struggle of this flesh.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40

Just adding to this thread because I think it is a good one for keeping (trying) yourself from going down the hole. Grateful and feeling blessed today that city services took away all my recyclables, garbage bags, and leaves. It sounds simple, but it is not to be taken for granted. It takes a burden off my mind when it is gone. I feel lucky that I live in a country where such services are reliable. (Hopefully this won't go the way of the milk man.)

Thank you Ginger- it is good to be appreciative of things people take for granted.

This morning we woke up to the sound of a kitten crying. We do not have any cats, we have dogs and birds.
Not that we do not like cats, it is just we have not had any because of our dogs and birds. We live in the country and sometimes people drop off animals near our house and they find their way here. Some of the best dogs we have had have came in this fashion. But, this is a first. Not sure if there was a Momma and something happened to her or if it was dropped off. Well, we found it hiding under our trash can. It was hungry and skinnin bones, so got it some water and food and it ate. Then we were at a loss as to what to do with this adorable kitten. We knew we couldn't keep it, our dogs were not happy about it at all. But, we were keeping it safe and continued on our day, just let it run around outside while we did work. Then we came inside to have lunch. I looked out the window to check on the kitten and thought I was seeing double, there was a second kitten. Oh no, now what do we do with these two kittens. So, I put an add on craigslist, and a wonderful lady who rescues animals responded and I met her and she took them both. She loves animals and they will have a good home. So praise the Lord for this kind hearted woman who took these kittens. I enjoyed them while they were here, but I know they are better now.
God id Good!

Smashque, all of our pets we had growing up found us, not the other way round.

One dog in particular we named George. He just appeared at our house one day. We found out that the people who owned him just moved and left him there. How cruel can you be. So we adopted him. Our cat found us too. A little old lady knocked on our door one night, She said our house was the only one with a light on. Her husband had been beating her. My Mom took her in and helped her throughout her life. I mentioned at my Mom's funeral service that I think God led all the strays to Mom cause he knew she would look after them and she surely did.

I'm sure God led those kittens to you too Smashque.

Counting blessings today, the blessing of my mom getting a little bit out of a deep depression period that was really getting to me too, and keeping alive her interest in her personal appearance despite not feeling well. Every time she washes her hair I blow dry it afterwards, but my mom finishes it up because I don’t get it to look like she likes it. That doesn’t bother me, I actually appreciate the fact that she still cares and that she’s physically able to finish it up. Also counting the blessing of a better night of sleep last night..sleep is a priceless treasure!

Rosses- I am so happy you had a good nights sleep, and hoping and praying your Mom has happier days. You are a wonderful daughter.

Gershun- I think pets that find us, are the best ones.

So, today, my DH comes to the window and says "there's another one," I say "another what?", He says, "cat."
Noooooooooooo, I thought.
Another kitten showed up. Poor kitty, skinnin bones and so hungry. We fed it and gave it water, and then it was of course our best friend. Adorable kitten, but we cannot keep it, I knew.
I contacted the lady who took the last two and asked if she was interested or knew anyone. She said no.
I thought Oh no, what are we going to do with this kitten. Oh it was so cute and just purred away.
So I sent out a text to all I know asking if anyone wanted a kitten or knew of someone who did.
Praise the Lord, a neighbor round the way, wanted it. "I'll be there in a few," she said.
Hallelujah!!!! I was so happy. I love almost all things baby, and if I could keep it I probably would, but can't so again I am thankful to the Lord, that a home was found for that cute kitten.
All I can think is, Is there more going to be showing up?
I sooooooo hope not, don't know how many people will want kittens. But hopefully that is the last of them.

God is Good everyday, and everyday God is Good.

smeshque...How wonderful that you found a home for the baby kitten that found you today.I'm SO glad.
I hope I'm wrong,but another kitten or cat could show up.There are so many that need a home.Last weekend I was visiting my SIL at her motel in Branson and there was a big trash bin in the back of the motel and around it were kittens and cats of all sizes and colors.They were all strays and my BIL said it looked like one of the cats was pregnant,so more will probably come.It was SO sad to me and ever since I keep telling my cats how very blessed they are.  I only had some potato chips and brownies leftover from our boat ride but I left them for the cats at the motel anyway and the next morning they were all gone.Anyway smeshque,God Bless You &Good Job~

that is so sad about all those cats and kittens. But how sweet of you to leave them some vittles. :)
I am afraid there will probably be more show up if they survive. Not too long ago, I saw a yellow cat wondering in the field across the road. And not too long ago before the first two showed up, I seen a kitten run from our yard across the road into the hay bales. Then they started showing up. So, I don't know if someone dropped them off, or if that yellow cat that I saw had kittens and then something happened to her. We live in the country so, never know.
Yesterday, we saw the biggest bobcat cross way in the back by our woods. It was bigger than our biggest dog, and he is big.
But, anyway, I hope there is no more because then that means there are some hungry kittens. But, if they come, I will feed them and keep them safe until I can find them homes.

I know YOU will keep any strays that come along safe and fed smeshque,because you have a huge heart and you care about God's precious creatures.

I have 3 outside strays here I feed everyday too and they sleep in our garage.One of these strays is the Father to my kittens.I'm worried about him because he's not putting any weight on his front left paw.My husband thinks it's broken and I think that there's a piece of glass in it,but I can't touch this cat since he's Ferel and I sure can't afford to get blood poisoning ...again. I hope no more kittens or cats come here but it's like we have a big lit up sign on our house that invites them.My husband says it's my fault though,because I set food out for my 3 strays.He's probably right,but what can I do with all these sweet little eyes staring at me...16 eyes to be exact and 16 meals a day....atleast.

Those strays are blessed to have you care about them. They and your babies are fortunate to have a loving and caring Momma like you.

I am blessed that no more stray animals have found their way to the house. It is so heart wrenching.
I am thankful for the sunshine we had today.
I am thankful Mom has been consistent with her new found activity of bike riding. She is up to 10 miles a day. % in the morning and 5 in the evening. It amazes me that she likes it so much and is able to do it.
I am thankful that my family is all safe and sound and together this night. And we have a place to rest our heads.
I am thankful for so many things, mostly for Jesus who died for me.

The Geese that have been flying over heading south for the winter. All the dove that have been hanging around. The chickens that give my Mom eggs, for her breakfast. The pigeons that give us an air show daily. The beautiful red tail hawks that try and get our pigeons. The owls I hear at night. The turkeys that roost in our trees in the woods. All the little birds that sing so beautifully in the trees everyday.
I guess I am just in a fowl mood. :)

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Lots of blessings today: laughter with family members, a nice long walk, checks to deposit, a delicious meal. A safe place to sleep at night. Thanks, Lord!

What a great day Snoopy! So glad you had such a nice day. So thankful you shared.

We had the most beautiful evening sky. After a small amount of rain, the sky above our place cleared, and the stars shone so bright. Clouds were circled around us, but above our place clear bright starry sky. It was beautiful.
Thank you Lord

I am thankful for the beautiful day we had. A little windy but Sunshine. We had some pie orders to fill, so I always enjoy making pies. I am so very thankful that I had another day to try and do better.

Psalms 26:7
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

Heart of a Caregiver
by Paula J. Fox

In the world of pain and suffering,
true heroes can be found...
providing special comfort and relief.
They choose to make a difference,
regardless of the cost...
always willing to help others in their grief.
It's hard to persevere at times
A Caregiver's job is tough!
It takes extra strength and courage to get through.
But God designed a HEART for them
to handle every challenge...
so they can DO what others cannot do.
He made this HEART much STRONGER
just to handle all the weight...
of the many heavy burdens it must bear.
And HE covered it with SOFTNESS
to help cushion all the hurt...
with Empathy and tender loving Care.
He also made it FLEXIBLE
to bend but not to break...
when things don't always go the way they're planned.
And it had to be SELF-HEALING
when hurtful things are said...
by those who just don't seem to understand.
He gave it more RESILIENCE
to bounce back and not get crushed...
when disappointment battles against hope.
And He knew a SENSE OF HUMOR
would be needed every day...
to give laughter and prove the strength to cope.
He made it with a battery
that never does run down...
for a Caregiver's day will never end.
It just keeps going...and keeps going,
always one more thing to do...
with another crisis just around the bend.
And of course, this HEART's an upgrade
in so many other ways...
He made it Kinder... more Unselfish than the rest.
With more Patience...and Compassion
and a Love that never ends.
Compared to all the's the BEST!

What a wonderful poem smeshque~Thank you so much for sharing it.

We helped a friend move today. Brr it was cold. He moved about 2 hours away. Where he moved was about half an hour away from where my Dad was born. My Mom had been talking about visiting there. So even though we got done helping with the move a little later than planned. We decided to take her there. She was very happy about that. And she was super tired when we got back. She went to sleep earlier than normal.
As we drove through the place he was born and lived as a child. I imagined that the road I was on, he possibly traveled as well, only in a wagon not a car. I remembered stories he told about the places there.
It was such a weird experience. I also felt bad because before the Lord took him, he had wanted to visit there. Only it hurt him too much to travel so we never went because he thought it was too far.
Sorry, It is the time of year I get to missing him the most.
Oh and we saw this beautiful elk. Huge guy he was. But so magnificent.

And thank you Lu.

2 Corinthians 1:3
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

I was tired and board at my last job and my back was not coping with the physical aspects of it, so I took my 92 year old friend up on her offer to be her caregiver and companion 3 days a week.
( I had been her husband's nurse for a year before he died.) She and I have been good friends for 5 years. I'd take her out to lunch every couple of months.

Oh my goodness, it sure is different being an employee. Unfortunately it was the job from hell. Every morning I would have to endure negative gossip about everyone and everything for 2 hours. If I tried to present the positive aspect, she'd get mad. She wanted sympathy and pity but it really wasn't warranted.

Last Thursday she made a negative racial comment about me (American) being married to a Mexican and that's why I'm poor! (She has no idea what is in my bank account!) I forgave her for that comment.
Thursday was the final straw. She was getting madder and madder as the day went on. I (unfortunately) mentioned that her granddaughter forgot to take the plates and candy when she visited the evening before. She went into a full blown "tantrum", throwing her plastic glass of water in the sink, stomping out of the kitchen while screaming it was "all her fault, she can't do anything right, she messes up everything!"
She then tried to "spin" what I originally said to make it look like I was degrading her. I wouldn't go along with it. I was so shaken that I told her I felt ill and had to leave. I called her the next day to give my resignation.

She has since phoned me twice, hoping to "talk" (talk me out of my decision).
Since nothing will change with her bitter, manipulative, passive/aggressive, prejudiced behavior, I won't be going back.
I'm so greatful and blessed that I don't have to.

I'm praying for her heart and attitude to change, to give the people who are dealing with her a break.

Praise the Good Lord I am no longer under the grip of her mental illness. 🙏🏼

Sue- I am so glad you are out of that situation, I hope you are relieved. Did not seem like a very pleasant situation to be in.

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Luke 6:38

Hi everyone, today I have something to be grateful for. I always have something to be grateful for but this is one I wanted to share & I know only caregivers would truly understand. Last night I had a caregiver stay with mom for the 1st time. It's been only me 6 nights a week & my sister 1 night week for 18 months. Before she needed 24/7 care it was me in the hospital with her or at home as she recovered. A caregiver overnight & she didn't get anxiety attack or overly stubborn. She didn't insist on lady leaving or even leaving her room. I am looking forward to 2 nights at home every other week since this worked. My mother being less stubborn in her dementia than she was in "real" life is something so strange but so helpful. I am grateful & blessed.

Momshelp- that is quite a blessing. I am so happy for you, maybe a little respite. Quite nice. Thank the Lord.
So glad you shared we all celebrate with you.

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